ステビア(Stevia rebaudiana)市場の2030年までの予測:形態、流通チャネル、用途、エンドユーザー、地域別の世界分析Stevia Rebaudiana Market Forecasts to 2030 - Global Analysis By Form (Leaves, Extracts, Liquid, Powder, Stevioside and Other Forms), Distribution Channel, Application, End User and By Geography |
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ステビア(Stevia rebaudiana)市場の2030年までの予測:形態、流通チャネル、用途、エンドユーザー、地域別の世界分析 |
出版日: 2024年04月04日
発行: Stratistics Market Research Consulting
ページ情報: 英文 200+ Pages
納期: 2~3営業日
Stratistics MRCによると、世界のステビア(Stevia rebaudiana)市場は2023年に9億米ドルを占め、予測期間中にCAGR 11.5%で成長し、2030年には20億米ドルに達すると予測されています。
南米原産の植物であるステビア(Stevia rebaudiana)は、ステビオール配糖体と呼ばれる天然化合物を含む、強烈に甘い葉で有名です。ステビオシドやレバウディオシドを含むこれらの化合物は、カロリーや血糖値への影響を伴わずに、砂糖の200~300倍もの甘味を与えます。天然甘味料として広く使用されているステビアは、砂糖の摂取量を減らしたい人に低カロリーの代替品を提供し、体重管理と血糖コントロールに役立ちます。ステビアの人気は、自然で持続可能な砂糖の代用品として高まり続けています。
天然甘味料に対する消費者の嗜好の高まりは、ステビア(Stevia rebaudiana)の需要急増につながっています。このため、農業生産者は栽培地域を拡大し、市場の需要増に対応するために増産を促しています。さらに、人工甘味料や砂糖に代わる天然甘味料としての人気は、より健康的な選択肢を求める消費者が増え、政府が砂糖の消費量を減らすための規制を実施するにつれて、今後も続くと予想されます。
ステビア(Stevia rebaudiana)抽出物は、従来の砂糖や人工甘味料よりも高価な場合があります。天候の変化、作物の病気、需給の変化といった要因による価格の変動は、製造業者にとってコストの予測と管理を困難にします。価格が高くなると、甘味料としてステビア(Stevia rebaudiana)を採用することを躊躇する消費者やメーカーも出てくるかもしれないです。さらに、作物の不作やサプライチェーンの途絶といった供給上の問題は、ステビア(Stevia rebaudiana)抽出物の不足につながる可能性があります。その結果、消費者がステビアベースの製品にアクセスする機会が制限され、市場浸透率が低下し、市場の成長が阻害される可能性があります。
肥満や糖尿病に伴う健康リスクに対する認識が高まるにつれ、消費者は砂糖や人工甘味料に代わるより健康的なものを求めるようになっています。ステビア(Stevia rebaudiana)は、ゼロカロリーで天然の甘味料としての特性を持ち、体重や血糖値の管理を目指す人々の間で人気の選択肢として浮上しています。さらに、飲食品会社は、健康志向の消費者からの高まる需要に応えるため、ステビア(Stevia rebaudiana)で甘味をつけた新製品を革新しています。これには、従来の高カロリー・高糖質製品に代わる低糖質・無糖質製品の開拓も含まれ、市場の拡大と差別化に貢献しています。
ステビアは、特に高濃度で使用した場合や特定の飲食品用途で使用した場合に、苦味や甘草のような後味が残ると感じる人もいます。この味覚の問題は、ステビアを製品に組み込もうとする飲食品メーカーにとって課題となります。この悪影響に適切に対処できなければ、消費者の受容が制限され、ステビア(Stevia rebaudiana)ベースの製品の普及が妨げられる可能性があります。
より健康的な食品オプションへの需要が急増する一方で、世界のサプライチェーンと流通チャネルの混乱がステビアベースの製品の入手性に影響を与えました。消費者支出の変動と必需品の優先順位付けも市場力学に影響を与えました。さらに、景気後退により、一部の消費者はステビア(Stevia rebaudiana)のような高級品よりもコスト効率の良い選択肢を優先するようになった。しかし、健康意識の高まりと天然甘味料に対する規制当局の支援が市場の回復力に寄与し、短期的課題にもかかわらず技術革新と長期的成長の見通しを後押ししました。
栄養補助食品分野は、予測期間中に最も高いCAGRの成長が見込まれます。栄養補助食品にステビア(Stevia rebaudiana)が含まれることで、この天然甘味料の用途は従来の食品や飲食品以外にも広がり、これらのサプリメントはカプセル、錠剤、粉末、液体エキスなど様々な形態で提供されるため、消費に柔軟性があり、消費者にとって利用しやすくなっています。この多様化は、ステビアを食生活に取り入れる代替方法を探している消費者を惹きつけ、市場の成長に寄与しています。
健康とウェルネスに対する関心の高まりが、アジア太平洋地域の消費者に砂糖や人工甘味料に代わるより健康的なものを求めるよう促しているため、予測期間中、アジア太平洋地域が最大の市場シェアを占めると予測されます。天然由来でカロリーゼロのステビアは、様々な飲食品に好まれる甘味料として人気を集めています。アジア太平洋地域の多くの国々では、飲食品におけるステビア(Stevia rebaudiana)の使用が規制当局によって承認されており、これが市場の成長を促しています。
北米の飲食品企業は、飲料、乳製品、スナック、調味料などの製品にステビア(Stevia rebaudiana)をますます組み込んでいるため、予測期間中、北米が最も高いCAGRを有すると予測されます。多様なステビア甘味オプションの利用可能性とステビア(Stevia rebaudiana)ベースの製品は、北米全域の小売店でより容易に利用できるようになってきている消費者の選択肢を拡大し、市場の成長を推進しています。
Note: Tables for North America, Europe, APAC, South America, and Middle East & Africa Regions are also represented in the same manner as above.
According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Stevia Rebaudiana Market is accounted for $0.9 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach $2.0 billion by 2030 growing at a CAGR of 11.5% during the forecast period. Stevia Rebaudiana, a plant native to South America, is renowned for its intensely sweet leaves, which contain natural compounds called steviol glycosides. These compounds, including stevioside and rebaudioside, impart sweetness up to 200-300 times that of sugar, without the accompanying calories or effect on blood sugar levels. Widely used as a natural sweetener, stevia offers a low-calorie alternative for individuals seeking to reduce sugar intake, aiding in weight management and blood sugar control. Stevia's popularity continues to rise as a natural, sustainable sugar substitute.
According to estimates, 6.0% of adult men and 4.3% of adult women (aged 18 years and over) in Japan were obese. Japan has yet to progress toward achieving the diet-related non-communicable disease (NCD) targets, according to the Global Nutrition Report, 2022.
Rising demand for natural sweeteners
The growing consumer preference for natural sweeteners has led to a surge in demand for Stevia Rebaudiana. This has prompted agricultural producers to expand cultivation areas and increase production to meet the rising market demand. Moreover, due to its popularity as a natural alternative to artificial sweeteners and sugar is expected to continue as more consumers seek healthier options and governments implement regulations to reduce sugar consumption.
High production costs and difficulty in application
Stevia Rebaudiana extracts can be more expensive than traditional sugar or artificial sweeteners. Price fluctuations due to factors like variations in weather conditions, crop diseases, or changes in demand and supply can make it difficult for manufacturers to predict and manage costs. Higher prices may deter some consumers or manufacturers from adopting Stevia Rebaudiana as a sweetening agent. Furthermore, availability issues, such as crop failures or supply chain disruptions, can lead to shortages of Stevia Rebaudiana extracts. This can result in limited accessibility to Stevia-based products for consumers, reducing market penetration and hindering the growth of the market.
Prevalence of chronic diseases like obesity and diabetes
As awareness of the health risks associated with obesity and diabetes grows, consumers are seeking healthier alternatives to sugar and artificial sweeteners. Stevia Rebaudiana, with its zero-calorie, natural sweetening properties, has emerged as a popular choice among individuals looking to manage their weight and blood sugar levels. Additionally, food and beverage companies are innovating new products sweetened with Stevia Rebaudiana to cater to the growing demand from health-conscious consumers. This includes the development of low-sugar and sugar-free alternatives to traditional high-calorie and sugary products, contributing to market expansion and differentiation.
Stevia deter widespread acceptance
Some individuals find that Stevia leaves a bitter or licorice-like aftertaste, especially when used in higher concentrations or in certain food and beverage applications. This taste perception issue poses a challenge for food and beverage manufacturers seeking to incorporate Stevia into their products, as they must carefully balance sweetness and flavor to mitigate the aftertaste while still providing a satisfactory taste experience. Failure to address this negative effect adequately can limit consumer acceptance and hinder the widespread adoption of Stevia Rebaudiana-based products.
Covid-19 Impact
While demand for healthier food options surged, disruptions in the global supply chain and distribution channels affected the availability of Stevia-based products. Fluctuations in consumer spending and prioritization of essential goods also influenced market dynamics. Additionally, the economic downturn led some consumers to prioritize cost-effective choices over premium products like Stevia Rebaudiana. However, increased health consciousness and regulatory support for natural sweeteners contributed to the market's resilience, driving innovation and long-term growth prospects despite short-term challenges.
The extracts segment is expected to be the largest during the forecast period
The extracts segment is estimated to have a lucrative growth, as extracts enable the creation of a wide range of Stevia-sweetened products, including beverages, dairy items, baked goods, confectionery, and condiments. This diversity caters to different consumer preferences and expands the market's reach across various food and beverage categories and allows for tailored formulations to meet specific consumer preferences, such as adjusting sweetness intensity or minimizing any perceived aftertaste propelling the growth of the market.
The dietary supplements segment is expected to have the highest CAGR during the forecast period
The dietary supplements segment is anticipated to witness the highest CAGR growth during the forecast period, the inclusion of Stevia Rebaudiana in dietary supplements expands the range of applications for this natural sweetener beyond traditional food and beverage products and these supplements come in various forms such as capsules, tablets, powders, and liquid extracts, offering flexibility in consumption and enhancing accessibility for consumers. This diversification attracts consumers looking for alternative ways to incorporate Stevia into their diets, contributing to market growth.
Asia Pacific is projected to hold the largest market share during the forecast period owing to the growing concerns about health and wellness are prompting consumers in the Asia Pacific region to seek healthier alternatives to sugar and artificial sweeteners. Stevia Rebaudiana, with its natural origin and zero-calorie profile, is gaining popularity as a preferred sweetening agent in various food and beverage products. Many countries in the Asia Pacific region are witnessing regulatory approvals for the use of Stevia Rebaudiana in food and beverage products which encourages the growth of the market.
North America is projected to have the highest CAGR over the forecast period, owing to food and beverage companies in North America which are increasingly incorporating Stevia Rebaudiana into their product offerings, including beverages, dairy products, snacks, and condiments. The availability of a diverse range of Stevia-sweetened options and Stevia Rebaudiana-based products are becoming more readily available in retail outlets across North America is expanding consumer choices and driving market growth.
Key players in the market
Some of the key players in the Stevia Rebaudiana Market include Archer Daniels Midland Company, BioStevia Brasil Produtos Biotechnologicos Ltd, Cargill, Evolva Holding SA, GLG Life Tech Corporation, Ingredion Incorporated, Morita Kagakau Kogyo Co. Ltd, PureCircle Ltd, Pyure Brands LLC, S&W Seed Company, Stevia First Corp, Sunwin Stevia International, Inc, Sweet Green Fields Co., Ltd., Tate & Lyle PLC and Zhucheng Haotian Pharm Co. Ltd
In February 2024, Cargill and ENOUGH expand partnership to provide consumers with innovative, sustainable protein options. Cargill is investing in ENOUGH's most recent (Series C) growth funding campaign and has signed a commercial agreement to use and market its fermented protein.
In January 2024, ADM to Expand Traceable Soybean Pilot after First Deliveries to Europe, Successful pilot has resulted in 2.4 million bushels (64,000 metric tons) of verified, fully traceable U.S. soybeans shipped from U.S. to Europe
In December 2023, ADM Adds New Capabilities to Its Industry-Leading Flavor Business with Agreement to Acquire Revela Foods. driven by its innovative enzyme technology, which powers a broad range of clean-label dairy flavor formulations for multiple applications, from snacks and frozen meals to sauces, dressings, soups, seasonings and desserts.