

Navigating Consumer Minds: A Deep Dive into Brand Awareness and Perception within the Working Age Cohort

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=152.30円
出版日: 2023年09月01日
発行: Ken Research Private Limited
ページ情報: 英文
納期: 即日から翌営業日
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Amara RajaはTirupatiに本社を置くインドの多国籍コングロマリット企業で、自動車用電池事業、加工食品・飲料、エレクトロニクス製品製造、インフラ、電力システム製造、板金製品・ファスナー製造など、多様な産業に従事しています。同グループは、インドでトップクラスの売上を誇る自動車用電池ブランドで知られています。

Amara Raja:市場分析






活気あるインドの電池情勢において、同社はさまざまな競合に直面しています。Luminous、TVS &Hindujaなどがさまざまな製品タイプを提供しています。そんな中でも、同社は高い評判、高い位置付け、国内外のブランドの多様な品揃えで際立っています。競合が進化し続ける中、同社は競争力を維持し、大切な顧客に比類のない製品群を提供しようと努力しています。

当レポートは、顧客や小売業者など、多角的な視点からAmara Rajaについて行われた貴重な洞察や調査を提供しています。企業の構造、事業、SWOT分析、製品・サービス、コーポレートアクション、対面調査など、詳細なデータや情報が豊富に掲載されています。本レポートでは全方位的な見解を提供し、同社とその市場プレゼンスに関する全体的な理解を提供します。


第1章 回答者の背景

第2章 ブランドについての認知度

第3章 企業についての認知度

第4章 企業についての認識

第5章 アナリストによる推奨事項

第6章 調査手法

第7章 免責事項

第8章 当社への問い合わせ

Product Code: KR1386


The Indian multinational conglomerate company, headquartered in Tirupati, is engaged in diverse industries including the automotive battery business, packaged foods and beverages, electronics products manufacturing, infrastructure sector, power system production, and fabrication of sheet metal products and fasteners. The group is recognized for its automotive battery brand, which ranks among the top-selling automotive battery brands in India.

This comprehensive report offers valuable insights and surveys conducted on a company from multiple perspectives, including customers and retailers. It serves as a rich source of in-depth data and information about the company's structure, operations, SWOT analysis, product and service offerings, corporate actions, and face-to-face surveys. The report provides a 360-degree view, offering a holistic understanding of the company and its market presence.

Amara Raja Market Analysis:

In an effort to instill customer confidence and adapt to the new normal, prominent players has seamlessly started integrating eco-friendly options into their battery production process.

Major players have formed strategic partnerships with popular brands, local businesses, and influencers to enhance cross-promotion, expanding its reach to a wider audience.

The respondent feedback showcased high familiarity with Industrial batteries business, while only 14% of the respondents were aware of the media and entertainment business.

Competitive Landscape:

The competition landscape comprises a diverse mix of conglomerates. It faces competition from various companies that offer a wide range of options in battery market. However, prominent players stand out with its strong reputation, upscale positioning, and a broad selection of international and domestic brands, making it a preferred choice for shoppers in India.

In the bustling battery landscape of India, prominent players face competition from a diverse array of companies. Luminous, TVS & Hinduja and others offer a variety of product ranges, competitive environment. However, prominent players stand out with its strong reputation, upscale positioning, and a diverse selection of both international and domestic brands. As competition continues to evolve, prominent players strive to maintain its competitive edge and offer an unparalleled product range to its valued customers.

Table Of Contents

1. Respondent Background

2. Awareness about competitor Brands

3. Awareness about prominent players

4. Perception about prominent players

5. Analyst Recommendations

6. Research Methodology

7. Disclaimer

8. Contact Us