表紙:保険テレマティクスの欧州・北米市場 - 第7版

保険テレマティクスの欧州・北米市場 - 第7版

Insurance Telematics in Europe and North America - 7th Edition

出版日: | 発行: Berg Insight | ページ情報: 英文 250 Pages | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: EURを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1EUR=166.17円
保険テレマティクスの欧州・北米市場 - 第7版
出版日: 2023年10月06日
発行: Berg Insight
ページ情報: 英文 250 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次






第1章 自動車市場

  • 欧州の自動車市場
    • 使用中の車両と自動車密度
    • 新車登録と主要メーカー
  • 北米の自動車市場
    • 使用中の車両と自動車密度
    • 新車登録と主要メーカー
  • 自動車保険
    • 基本的な保険用語と分類
    • 自動車保険の基本
    • 従来の自動車保険のリスクの評価と価格設定基準
    • 自動車保険企業向け保険統計ツールボックスの開発
  • 欧州の自動車保険市場
  • 北米の自動車保険市場

第2章 保険テレマティクスソリューション

  • 保険テレマティクスのイントロダクション
    • テレマティクスベースの保険契約の価格設定の根拠
    • 保険テレマティクス製品の略歴
  • 利用ベース保険、関連するコンセプトと用途
  • 保険テレマティクスインフラ
    • 車両セグメント
    • 保険企業セグメント
    • エンドユーザーセグメント
    • ネットワークセグメント
    • GNSSセグメント
  • ビジネスモデル
    • 自社開発
    • テレマティクスパートナーの活用
    • 顧客との直接対話を必要としない引受

第3章 欧州の保険テレマティクス市場

  • 地域市場の特徴
    • イタリア
    • 英国
    • イベリア
    • オーストリア
    • フランス
    • ベネルクス
    • スイス
    • 北欧諸国
    • ドイツ
    • 中欧・東欧
  • 保険テレマティクスのケーススタディ

第4章 北米の保険テレマティクス市場

  • 地域市場の特徴
    • 米国
    • カナダ
  • 保険テレマティクスのケーススタディ

第5章 市場予測と動向

  • 市場の分析
    • 欧州と北米における保険テレマティクスの保険契約数と普及
    • 欧州と北米におけるフォームファクターの開発
  • バリューチェーン分析
    • 保険業界の企業
    • テレマティクス業界の企業
    • 自動車業界の企業
    • 通信業界の企業
    • IT業界の企業
    • 保険テレマティクススペースにおける合併と買収
  • 市場の促進要因と障壁
    • マクロ経済環境
    • 規制環境
    • 競合環境
    • 技術環境
  • 将来の産業動向
    • 保険テレマティクスのコンセプトは引き続き拡大することが予測される
    • 保険企業はUBIと保険金請求関連の保険テレマティクスをともに採用する見込み
    • モバイルデバイスを優先するためのフォームファクターの移行
    • コネクテッドカーは保険テレマティクスのマスマーケット化への道を開く
    • 車両追跡市場を破壊する車両保険テレマティクス
    • プライバシーへの懸念は顧客セグメント全体で和らぎつつある
    • ビッグデータ:テレマティクスデータの所有と可動性を精査する必要がある
    • 保険テレマティクスは不注意運転の削減を目指す
    • モビリティの動向がテレマティクスベースの保険に新たな機会をもたらす
    • コネクテッドカーからの車両診断データは保険企業に価値を生み出す可能性がある
    • 見通し:保険テレマティクスは他の地域でも急速に成長している
    • ペイパーマイル保険プログラムが復活しつつある
    • 保険企業は他のIoT業界を模索
    • より多くの車両タイプに適用可能な保険テレマティクスのコンセプト
    • 自動運転車は自動車保険の競争の場を変える
    • 自動車OEMは保険テレマティクスに賭ける
    • 保険企業はアプリベースのUBIソリューションでより幅広い機能を提供し始める

第6章 企業プロファイルと戦略

  • Agero
  • Arity
  • Azuga
  • Brightmile
  • CalAmp
  • Cambridge Mobile Telematics
  • CCC Information Services
  • ClearScore
  • Dolphin Technologies
  • Earnix
  • FairConnect Group
  • Greater Than
  • Howden Driving Data (Howden Group)
  • IMS
  • Insure Telematics Solutions
  • Inzura
  • LexisNexis Risk Solutions
  • Meta System
  • Motix Connected
  • Movingdots (Powerfleet)
  • Munic Car Data
  • OCTO Telematics
  • Oseven Telematics
  • Quartix
  • Radius Telematics
  • Redtail Telematics
  • Sentiance
  • Scope Technology
  • Sycada
  • Targa Telematics
  • Telematics Technologies
  • The Floow
  • Trakm8
  • Verisk Analytics
  • Viasat Group
  • Vodafone Automotive
  • Webfleet
  • Zendrive
  • 頭字語と略語のリスト

List of Figures

  • Figure 1.1: Vehicles in use (EU+EFTA+UK 2021)
  • Figure 1.2: Passenger car density per 1,000 inhabitants (EU+EFTA+UK 2021)
  • Figure 1.3: Passenger car registrations by manufacturer (EU27+UK+EFTA 2022)
  • Figure 1.4: Vehicles in use (North America 2021)
  • Figure 1.5: Passenger car registrations by manufacturer (North America 2022)
  • Figure 1.6: Motor insurance statistics (EU22+3 2021)
  • Figure 2.1: Distribution of fatal crashes by day of week and time of day (US 2020)
  • Figure 2.2: Subcategories of usage-based insurance and insurance telematics
  • Figure 2.3: Schematic classification of insurance telematics
  • Figure 2.4: Insurance telematics infrastructure overview
  • Figure 2.5: Examples of principal insurance telematics form factors
  • Figure 2.6: Examples of feedback from Progressive's smartphone app Snapshot
  • Figure 2.7: Example of a windscreen-mounted Bluetooth device from CMT
  • Figure 2.8: GDV-Stecker 12 V device provided by Bosch
  • Figure 2.9: Nextbase's Dash Cam 522 GW and Rear Window Cam module
  • Figure 2.10: Schematic insurance telematics risk rating process
  • Figure 2.11: Web- and smartphone-based interfaces and dashboards for end-users
  • Figure 2.12: Telematics strategies for insurance providers
  • Figure 3.1: Allianz's top telematics markets (Q3-2023)
  • Figure 3.2: Overview of the Your Portal interface for insurethebox policyholders
  • Figure 3.3: Marmalade Young Driver app and tag developed by CMT
  • Figure 3.4: Windscreen device and app from VHV
  • Figure 3.5: User interface of Sijox's AppDrive
  • Figure 3.6: The VOOROP dashboard on a desktop and smartphone
  • Figure 4.1: Progressive's Snapshot OBD-II telematics device supplied by Xirgo
  • Figure 4.2: State Farm's Bluetooth-beacon enhanced smartphone app
  • Figure 4.3: Growth of Allstate's UBI offer Drivewise (2011-2022)
  • Figure 4.4: Travelers IntelliDrive
  • Figure 4.5: Mobileye 8 Connect including camera, GPS unit and EyeWatch display
  • Figure 5.1: Insurance telematics policies and penetration (Europe 2022-2027)
  • Figure 5.2: Insurance telematics policies by country (North America 2022-2027)
  • Figure 5.3: Distribution of insurance telematics form factors (Europe 2022-2027)
  • Figure 5.4: Distribution of insurance telematics form factors (North America 2022-2027)
  • Figure 5.5: Key players in the insurance telematics value chain
  • Figure 5.6: Examples of telematics hardware providers serving the insurance space
  • Figure 5.7: M&As in the insurance telematics space (2014-2023)

What are the latest trends on the Insurance telematics market? Berg Insight estimates that the total number of insurance telematics policies in force on the European market reached 13.6 million at the end of 2022. Growing at a compound annual growth rate of 8.9 percent, the number of active insurance telematics policies in Europe is estimated to reach 20.7 million by 2027. In North America, the total number of insurance telematics policies in force is forecasted to increase from an estimated 16.8 million policies at the end of 2022 to reach 29.2 million policies by 2027. Get up to date with the latest industry trends in this new 250-page strategy report from Berg Insight.

Highlights from the report:

  • Insights from 30 new executive interviews with market leading companies.
  • Comprehensive overview of the insurance telematics value chain and key applications.
  • In-depth analysis of market trends and key developments.
  • Case studies of 63 insurance telematics initiatives.
  • Summary of the involvement of vehicle OEMs and mobile operators.
  • New data on vehicle populations in Europe and North America.
  • Market forecasts by country lasting until 2027.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

List of Figures

Executive Summary

1. The Automotive Market

  • 1.1. The automotive market in Europe
    • 1.1.1. Vehicles in use and car density
    • 1.1.2. New car registrations and leading manufacturers
  • 1.2. The automotive market in North America
    • 1.2.1. Vehicles in use and car parc density
    • 1.2.2. New car registrations and leading manufacturers
  • 1.3. Automotive insurance
    • 1.3.1. Basic insurance terminology and categorisations
    • 1.3.2. The fundamentals of automotive insurance
    • 1.3.3. Traditional automotive insurance risk rating and pricing criteria
    • 1.3.4. Developments of the actuarial toolbox for motor insurers
  • 1.4. The European automotive insurance market
  • 1.5. The North American automotive insurance market

2. Insurance Telematics Solutions

  • 2.1. Introduction to insurance telematics
    • 2.1.1. The rationale for telematics-based insurance policy pricing
    • 2.1.2. Brief history of insurance telematics offerings
  • 2.2. Usage-based insurance and related concepts and applications
    • 2.2.1. Manual reporting
    • 2.2.2. Usage-based insurance telematics - PAYD, PHYD, MHYD and TBYB
    • 2.2.3. Continuous and time-limited telematics data recording
    • 2.2.4. Usage-based pricing vs. claims-related insurance telematics
    • 2.2.5. Personal lines and commercial lines insurance telematics
    • 2.2.6. Value-added services related to insurance telematics
  • 2.3. Insurance telematics infrastructure
    • 2.3.1. Vehicle segment
    • 2.3.2. Insurer segment
    • 2.3.3. End-user segment
    • 2.3.4. Network segment
    • 2.3.5. GNSS segment
  • 2.4. Business models
    • 2.4.1. In-house development
    • 2.4.2. Leveraging telematics partners
    • 2.4.3. Underwriting without direct client interaction

3. The European Insurance Telematics Market

  • 3.1. Regional market characteristics
    • 3.1.1. Italy
    • 3.1.2. United Kingdom
    • 3.1.3. Iberia
    • 3.1.4. Austria
    • 3.1.5. France
    • 3.1.6. Benelux
    • 3.1.7. Switzerland
    • 3.1.8. The Nordics
    • 3.1.9. Germany
    • 3.1.10. Central and Eastern Europe
  • 3.2. Insurance telematics case studies
    • 3.2.1. More than 45 percent of the vehicles insured by UnipolSai feature a black box
    • 3.2.2. Generali offers a wide portfolio of insurance telematics products
    • 3.2.3. Smartphone-only solutions - a growth engine for Allianz's telematics offerings
    • 3.2.4. AXA offers its insurance telematics portfolio in multiple European countries
    • 3.2.5. Admiral Group has multiple insurance telematics programs in Europe
    • 3.2.6. Insure The Box has sold more than 1.0 million black box-based policies
    • 3.2.7. Direct Line Group acquires pay-per-mile insurer By Miles
    • 3.2.8. Aviva chooses device-based telematics in the UK
    • 3.2.9. Zego launches behavioural based pricing for UK fleets
    • 3.2.10. Ingenie targets drivers in the 17- to 44-year-old age bracket
    • 3.2.11. Granite acquires Carrot Insurance from IMS
    • 3.2.12. Ardonagh Group expands its UBI offering with Marmalade and Be Wiser
    • 3.2.13. RSA offers UBI via 123GO
    • 3.2.14. AbbeyAutoline (Prestige) renews ChilliDrive with Howden Driving Data
    • 3.2.15. Markerstudy Group offers UBI through SmartDriverClub Insurance and Co-op
    • 3.2.16. Stellantis has a long experience in UBI on the European market
    • 3.2.17. Mercedes-Benz offers UBI in Germany
    • 3.2.18. HUK-Coburg relaunched Telematik Plus in 2019
    • 3.2.19. VHV's Telematik Garant switched to a mobile based telematics solution
    • 3.2.20. German insurer Signal Iduna shuts down its UBI program
    • 3.2.21. EMIL powers pay-per-mile telematics products in Germany
    • 3.2.22. DEVK implements Dolphin Technologies in its app-based telematics offering
    • 3.2.23. UNIQA focuses on new IT infrastructure and leaves UBI
    • 3.2.24. Groupama offers insurance telematics in multiple countries
    • 3.2.25. Risk has launched several insurance telematics products in the Netherlands
    • 3.2.26. MAPFRE provides insurance telematics products in Spain and the US
    • 3.2.27. ÖSA and Sparkassen Versicherung offer eCall services in Germany
    • 3.2.28. GDV launches eCall service with participating German insurers
    • 3.2.29. Zavarovalnica Triglav brings UBI to Slovenia
    • 3.2.30. PZU Group and Link4 offer telematics programs in Poland
    • 3.2.31. CHERRISK rewards safe driving
    • 3.2.32. HDI Global offers telematics solutions in the UK and Italy
    • 3.2.33. Zurich invested in the UK telematics insurance provider MyPolicy in 2021
    • 3.2.34. If Insurance has long experience of telematics in the Nordics
    • 3.2.35. Paydrive leverages aftermarket and OEM telematics for UBI
    • 3.2.36. VIS pioneers telematics insurance in Iceland

4. The North American Insurance Telematics Market

  • 4.1. Regional market characteristics
    • 4.1.1. United States
    • 4.1.2. Canada
  • 4.2. Insurance telematics case studies
    • 4.2.1. Progressive is the UBI telematics pioneer in the US
    • 4.2.2. State Farm works with CMT to enhance the Drive Safe & Save program
    • 4.2.3. Allstate offers Drivewise and Milewise in the US
    • 4.2.4. Liberty Mutual has a broad portfolio of telematics products
    • 4.2.5. Desjardins offers a smartphone app for insurance telematics in Canada
    • 4.2.6. Nationwide offers UBI based on OBD, smartphone and OEM telematics data
    • 4.2.7. Farmers offers mobile-based insurance telematics from Driveway Software
    • 4.2.8. Travelers acquires insurtech Trov
    • 4.2.9. GEICO offers a smartphone-based telematics program in select US states
    • 4.2.10. Toyota Insurance Management Solutions offers UBI in the US
    • 4.2.11. CAA offers MyPace and Connect powered by OCTO Telematics
    • 4.2.12. Root Insurance is a smartphone-based insurance company
    • 4.2.13. USAA enhances insurance offering by acquiring UBI focused Noblr
    • 4.2.14. Mobileye and Munich Re collaborate in Munich Re's Smart Mobility program
    • 4.2.15. Progressive has launched a second commercial UBI product
    • 4.2.16. Nationwide offers commercial lines insurance telematics solutions
    • 4.2.17. Philadelphia Insurance Companies offers fleet insurance telematics
    • 4.2.18. True Mileage uses NFC and works with Ohio Mutual Insurance Group
    • 4.2.19. Liberty Mutual strengthens UBI client base with State Auto acquisition
    • 4.2.20. Ford, Hyundai, Honda and GM join Verisk Telematics Data Exchange
    • 4.2.21. CMT powers multiple safe driving contests in the US
    • 4.2.22. Intact discontinues its device-based program in favour of mobile solutions
    • 4.2.23. Lemonade acquires Metromile
    • 4.2.24. American Family Insurance offers three UBI programs
    • 4.2.25. HDVI pioneers telematics UBI for fleets of semi-trailer trucks
    • 4.2.26. Tesla to underwrite its own telematics insurance policies
    • 4.2.27. Pouch and Mojio partner to offer fleet insurance to small businesses

5. Market Forecasts and Trends

  • 5.1. Market analysis
    • 5.1.1. Insurance telematics policies and penetration in Europe and North America
    • 5.1.2. Form factor developments in Europe and North America
  • 5.2. Value chain analysis
    • 5.2.1. Insurance industry players
    • 5.2.2. Telematics industry players
    • 5.2.3. Automotive industry players
    • 5.2.4. Telecom industry players
    • 5.2.5. IT industry players
    • 5.2.6. Mergers and acquisitions in the insurance telematics space
  • 5.3. Market drivers and barriers
    • 5.3.1. Macroeconomic environment
    • 5.3.2. Regulatory environment
    • 5.3.3. Competitive environment
    • 5.3.4. Technology environment
  • 5.4. Future industry trends
    • 5.4.1. Continued broadening of the insurance telematics concept is expected
    • 5.4.2. Insurers will embrace both UBI and claims-related insurance telematics
    • 5.4.3. Formfactor shift to favour mobile devices
    • 5.4.4. Connected cars pave the way for mass-marketisation of insurance telematics
    • 5.4.5. Fleet insurance telematics to disrupt the fleet tracking market
    • 5.4.6. Privacy concerns are softening across customer segments
    • 5.4.7. Big Data: Ownership and portability of telematics data to be scrutinised
    • 5.4.8. Insurance telematics aims to reduce distracted driving
    • 5.4.9. Mobility trends provide new opportunities for telematics-based insurance
    • 5.4.10. Vehicle diagnostics data from connected cars can create value for insurers
    • 5.4.11. Outlook: Insurance telematics is growing rapidly in other regions
    • 5.4.12. Pay-per-mile insurance programs are resurging
    • 5.4.13. Insurers to explore other IoT verticals
    • 5.4.14. The insurance telematics concept to be applicable for more vehicle types
    • 5.4.15. Autonomous cars alter the playing field for motor insurance
    • 5.4.16. Automotive OEMs bet on insurance telematics
    • 5.4.17. Insurers begin to offer wider functionality in their app-based UBI solutions

6. Company Profiles and Strategies

  • 6.1. Agero
  • 6.2. Arity
  • 6.3. Azuga
  • 6.4. Brightmile
  • 6.5. CalAmp
  • 6.6. Cambridge Mobile Telematics
  • 6.7. CCC Information Services
  • 6.8. ClearScore
  • 6.9. Dolphin Technologies
  • 6.10. Earnix
  • 6.11. FairConnect Group
  • 6.12. Greater Than
  • 6.13. Howden Driving Data (Howden Group)
  • 6.14. IMS
  • 6.15. Insure Telematics Solutions
  • 6.16. Inzura
  • 6.17. LexisNexis Risk Solutions
  • 6.18. Meta System
  • 6.19. Motix Connected
  • 6.20. Movingdots (Powerfleet)
  • 6.21. Munic Car Data
  • 6.22. OCTO Telematics
  • 6.23. Oseven Telematics
  • 6.24. Quartix
  • 6.25. Radius Telematics
  • 6.26. Redtail Telematics
  • 6.27. Sentiance
  • 6.28. Scope Technology
  • 6.29. Sycada
  • 6.30. Targa Telematics
  • 6.31. Telematics Technologies
  • 6.32. The Floow
  • 6.33. Trakm8
  • 6.34. Verisk Analytics
  • 6.35. Viasat Group
  • 6.36. Vodafone Automotive
  • 6.37. Webfleet
  • 6.38. Zendrive
  • List of Acronyms and Abbreviations