金融クラウドの世界市場の2028年までの予測-コンポーネント別、展開モデル別、企業規模別、サービス別、用途別、エンドユーザー別、地域別の分析Finance Cloud Market Forecasts to 2028 - Global Analysis By Component, By Deployment Model, By Enterprise Size, By Service, By Application, By End User and By Geography |
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金融クラウドの世界市場の2028年までの予測-コンポーネント別、展開モデル別、企業規模別、サービス別、用途別、エンドユーザー別、地域別の分析 |
出版日: 2023年03月03日
発行: Stratistics Market Research Consulting
ページ情報: 英文 175+ Pages
納期: 2~3営業日
Stratistics MRCによると、世界の金融クラウド市場は、2022年に309.8億米ドルを占め、2028年にはCAGR14.4%で成長して694.4億米ドルに達すると予想されています。
RBC Wealth Managementによると、北米には790万人のHNWIが住んでおり、昨年はそのような人々が最も多く集まっていました。前年は、アジア太平洋で720万人のHNWIが記録されました。富裕層(HNWI)とは、資産額が100万米ドルを超える人たちのことです。
COVID-19の流行は、金融クラウドサービス市場に好影響を与えています。世界中でCOVID-19の感染者が増加した結果、経済が減速したのです。しかし、パンデミックの期間中も、銀行、保険、金融サービス部門は業務を継続しました。金融機関はパンデミックの影響でリモートワークの導入を急ぐ必要があり、そのためクラウドベースのインフラを購入することになりました。COVID-19の期間中、ドイツ銀行とGoogle Cloudによる10年間の戦略的クラウドパートナーシップ契約が発表されました。この協業により、経費削減、費用対効果の向上、新しい専門知識の開発の加速が期待されます。
消費者管理に対する需要の高まり、顧客ニーズの拡大、同地域におけるデジタル化の進展などを管理するためのクラウドアプリケーションの導入が増加していることから、予測期間中、アジア太平洋地域で最も高いペースで市場が成長すると予測されます。例えば、インド政府は、Aadhaar、Jan Dhan Yojana、Unified Payments Interface(UPI)などのフィンテック・イニシアチブに注力し、決済プロセスの近代化と金融包摂を促進しています。
2022年4月、次世代デジタルサービスとコンサルティングの世界リーダーであるインフォシスは、金融サービス業界全体のクラウドにおけるビジネス価値とイノベーションを加速するための企業向け業界クラウド・プラットフォーム「Infosys Cobalt Financial Services Cloud」の提供を開始すると発表しました。
2022年4月、Credit Cloud by Reorgは、リストラクチャリングやレバレッジドファイナンス市場の専門家が、ワークフローに必要なデータを簡単に接続、管理、可視化できるセルフサービス型のデータおよび分析プラットフォームです。Reorgは、クレジットインテリジェンス、データ、アナリティクスを提供する世界のトップ企業です。
2022年1月、BPaaS(Business Process as a Service)およびSaaS(Software as a Service)を提供するAvaloqは、カナダロイヤル銀行傘下のRBC Wealth Managementとの長年のパートナーシップをアジア全域で拡大します。これにより、RBCウェルス・マネジメントがクラウドベースのSaaSモデルへ移行し、最先端のソリューションでウェルス・マネジメント・プラットフォームを近代化することを支援します。
Note: Tables for North America, Europe, APAC, South America, and Middle East & Africa Regions are also represented in the same manner as above.
According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Finance Cloud Market is accounted for $30.98 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach $69.44 billion by 2028 growing at a CAGR of 14.4% during the forecast period. A network where software is run and may be accessed by multiple servers or devices in one go is known as the cloud. It is a cutting-edge software package with lots of robust solutions for handling the business' finances. Additionally, it employs a variety of financial management tools to create budgets, issue invoices, track all expenditures, approve purchase requests, and manage payments. Moreover, the cloud-based financial software enables businesses to monitor sales, purchases, assets, and expenses in real-time.
According to RBC Wealth Management with 7.9 million HNWIs living there, North America had the most significant concentration of such people last year. In the previous year, 7.2 million HNWIs were recorded in the Asia-Pacific. High-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) are those whose wealth exceeds USD 1 million.
The worldwide finance cloud market is primarily driven by rising financial firm demand for cloud services as well as increased operational efficiency and transparency in business processes. Additionally, small and medium-sized businesses continue to experience an increase in demand for cloud solutions because of the many functional advantages they provide, including the elimination of the need for recurring updates, cost savings, and increased company flexibility. Moreover, the expansion of the global market is therefore significantly influenced by these factors.
A cloud system typically has a significant acquisition and implementation cost. Absurdly high prices are demanded for their products by international software vendors, including IBM Corp., SAP, Oracle, and Microsoft. These software vendors also impose significant fees for the maintenance and support services they offer. The overall annual cost of maintaining and updating the cloud system is made up of internal costs (user training, IT salaries, and project management), external costs (IT vendors and contractors), and yearly maintenance and support fees paid to cloud providers.
Conversely, expanding markets like India, Singapore, Australia, China, and South Korea present significant prospects for finance cloud companies to grow and develop their product offerings. Additionally, these nations are in the process of developing and lack financial resources; as a result, they require cost-effective solutions that would provide lucrative opportunities for market expansion. Moreover, banks, financial institutions, and other financing companies are rapidly transitioning to digitalized corporate operations; as a result, acceptance and implementation of the cloud have vastly expanded, which is projected to provide new avenues for the market in the coming years.
However, issues with data security, protection, and expensive investment and maintenance expenses limit the expansion of the finance cloud industry. Data loss frequently places cloud storage's security in jeopardy. Information can be substantially impacted by a computer virus, hacking, or a corrupt system, as opposed to being stolen and shared. Moreover, the other factors constraining the growth of the finance cloud market in the forecast period are the rise in concerns over regulatory compliance and the protection of intellectual property rights (IPR).
The COVID-19 pandemic has a positive impact on the market for financial cloud services. The economy slowed down as a result of an increase in COVID-19 cases across the globe. Nevertheless, throughout the pandemic, the banking, insurance, and financial services sectors remained operational. Financial institutions had to quickly adopt remote working due to the epidemic, which led to the purchase of cloud-based infrastructure. A 10-year strategic cloud partnership contract was announced by Deutsche Bank and Google Cloud during COVID-19. The collaboration is expected to reduce expenses, increase cost-effectiveness, and accelerate the development of new expertise.
Because a user can establish a single client database and initiate automating billing, revenue management, and other crucial financial procedures using a cloud financing system, the solution segment is anticipated to acquire the largest revenue share in the finance cloud market in 2021 and is projected to dominate the same during the forecast period. Therefore, it is considered the most robust method for conducting profitable, reliable operations and retaining clients.
As private clouds offer users tools and services for managing cloud applications, including data storage, monitoring, and security, with no outlay, the private cloud segment is anticipated to grow at the highest CAGR during the projected period. Additionally, organisations can benefit from a variety of cloud computing features without giving up control, security, or customization by utilising the private cloud. Moreover, the ability to enforce regulatory requirements and compliance, as well as more access and security control, are the benefits of private cloud computing.
Since the region's isolated infrastructure has been relocated to the cloud as a result of a booming economy and higher internet penetration rates, North America dominated the market in 2021 and is anticipated to dominate the market during the forecast period. However, the growth of the North American finance cloud market is largely attributed to increased security and agility, decreased capital expenditure (CapEx), and improved IT administration.
Due to increased cloud application deployment to manage the rising demand for consumer management, expanding client needs, and growing digitalization in the area, the market is predicted to grow at the highest pace in Asia Pacific over the forecast period. For instance, the Indian government is focusing on fintech initiatives like Aadhaar, Jan Dhan Yojana, and the Unified Payments Interface (UPI) to modernise payment processes and boost financial inclusion.
Some of the key players in Finance Cloud market include: Amazon Web Services, Inc, Cisco Systems, Inc, Acumatica, Inc, International Business Machines Corporation, Microsoft, Aryaka Networks, Inc., Oracle, SAP SE, Unit4, Sage Group Plc., IBM Corporation, Salesforce.com Inc., Workday, Inc. and Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.
In April 2022, Infosys, a global leader in next-generation digital services and consulting, announced the launch of Infosys Cobalt Financial Services Cloud, an industry cloud platform for enterprises to accelerate business value and innovation in the cloud across the financial services industry.
In April 2022, Credit Cloud by Reorg is a self-service data and analytics platform that professionals in the restructuring and leveraged finance markets can use to easily connect, manage, and visualize the data necessary for their workflows. Reorg is the top global provider of credit intelligence, data, and analytics.
In January 2022, Avaloq, a provider of business process as a service (BPaaS) and software as a service (SaaS), will expand its long-standing partnership with RBC Wealth Management, a division of the Royal Bank of Canada, throughout Asia. This will help RBC Wealth Management move to a cloud-based SaaS model and modernize the wealth management platform with cutting-edge solutions.
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