表紙:金融クラウド市場規模- タイプ、アプリケーション、展開モデル、企業規模別&世界予測、2023年~2032年

金融クラウド市場規模- タイプ、アプリケーション、展開モデル、企業規模別&世界予測、2023年~2032年

Finance Cloud Market Size - By Type (Solution, Services), Application (Wealth Management, Revenue Management, Account Management, Customer Relationship Management, Asset Management), Deployment Model, Enterprise size & Global Forecast, 2023 - 2032

出版日: | 発行: Global Market Insights Inc. | ページ情報: 英文 220 Pages | 納期: 2~3営業日

● お客様のご希望に応じて、既存データの加工や未掲載情報(例:国別セグメント)の追加などの対応が可能です。  詳細はお問い合わせください。

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
金融クラウド市場規模- タイプ、アプリケーション、展開モデル、企業規模別&世界予測、2023年~2032年
出版日: 2023年09月12日
発行: Global Market Insights Inc.
ページ情報: 英文 220 Pages
納期: 2~3営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次



例えば、2023年10月、大手テクノロジー・インフラ・サービス・プロバイダーである Kyndrylは、Google Cloudの金融サービス向けリファレンス・アーキテクチャに基づいて構築された一連のサービスを発表しました。これらのサービスは、顧客の自動化、セキュリティ、コンプライアンスの簡素化を優先しています。Kyndrylは現在、金融サービス機関にGoogle Cloudを使用して機密データを安全に保管し、保護する機会を提供しています。クラウドベースのソリューションに対する需要の高まりは、急速に変化する情勢の中で競争力と適応力を維持しようとする業界の姿勢を反映しており、金融クラウド市場の成長を牽引しています。




欧州における金融クラウド・ソリューションの需要は、デジタル時代における適応性、安全性、拡張性の高い金融サービスへのニーズの高まりを反映しています。例えば、2023年10月、著名な世界金融市場インフラおよびデータプロバイダーであるLSEG(London Stock Exchange Group)は、財務業務の近代化のためにOracle Cloudを買収しました。統合プラットフォーム上でOracle Fusion CloudとOracle Financial Services Applicationsを活用することで、LSEGは効率性の向上、経費削減、財務計画、予測、管理機能の強化を目指します。


第1章 調査手法と調査範囲

第2章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第3章 金融クラウド市場の業界洞察

  • COVID-19への影響
  • ロシア・ウクライナ戦争の影響
  • エコシステム分析
  • ベンダーマトリックス
  • 利益率分析
  • 技術革新の状況
  • 特許分析
  • 主要ニュースと取り組み
  • 規制状況
  • 影響要因
    • 促進要因
      • モバイルベースのアプリケーション利用の増加
      • 起業家の間で高まるDevOpsの認知度
      • 新興経済諸国におけるデジタル化の進展
      • マイクロサービスアーキテクチャ、顧客志向ビジネス、デジタルトランスフォーメーションの浸透
      • クラウドコンピューティングの採用拡大
    • 業界の潜在的リスク&課題
      • セキュリティとコンプライアンスの問題
      • 複雑性と管理の懸念
  • 成長可能性分析
  • ポーター分析
  • PESTEL分析

第4章 競合情勢

  • イントロダクション
  • 各社の市場シェア
  • 主要市場プレーヤーの競合分析
    • Amazon Web Services, Inc.
    • Microsoft
    • IBM Corporation
    • Salesforce, Inc.
    • Oracle Corporation
    • Google LLC(Alphabet Inc.)
    • Acumatica Inc.
  • 競合のポジショニング・マトリックス
  • 戦略展望マトリックス

第5章 金融クラウド市場推計・予測:タイプ別

  • 主要動向:コンポーネント別
  • ソリューション
    • 財務予測
    • 財務報告と分析
    • セキュリティ
    • ガバナンス、リスク、コンプライアンス
    • その他
  • サービス
    • プロフェッショナル・サービス
    • マネージド・サービス

第6章 金融クラウド市場推計・予測:企業規模別

  • 主要動向:企業規模別
  • 中小企業
  • 大企業

第7章 金融クラウド市場推計・予測:導入モデル別

  • 主要動向:導入モデル別
  • パブリック
  • プライベート
  • ハイブリッド

第8章 金融クラウド市場推計・予測:アプリケーション別

  • 主要動向:アプリケーション別
  • 資産管理
  • アカウント管理
  • 顧客関係管理
  • 収益管理
  • 資産管理
  • その他

第9章 金融クラウド市場推計・予測:地域別

  • 主要動向:地域別
  • 北米
    • 米国
    • カナダ
  • 欧州
    • 英国
    • ドイツ
    • フランス
    • イタリア
    • スペイン
    • ロシア
    • 北欧
  • アジア太平洋
    • 中国
    • インド
    • 日本
    • 韓国
    • オーストラリア
    • シンガポール
  • ラテンアメリカ
    • ブラジル
    • メキシコ
    • アルゼンチン
  • 中東・アフリカ
    • 南アフリカ
    • アラブ首長国連邦
    • サウジアラビア

第10章 企業プロファイル

  • Acumatica Inc.
  • Amazon Web Services, Inc.
  • Aryaka Networks Inc.
  • Capgemini
  • Cisco Systems
  • Google LLC(Alphabet Inc.)
  • IBM Corporation
  • Infosys Limited
  • Microsoft Corporation
  • Oracle Corporation
  • Rapidscale Inc.(Cox Communications Inc.)
  • Salesforce Inc.
  • Sage group plc
  • Unit4
  • Wipro

Data Tables

  • TABLE 1 Global finance cloud market share analysis
  • TABLE 2 Sources, by region
  • TABLE 3 Finance cloud market, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 4 Finance cloud market, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 5 Finance cloud TAM, 2023 - 2032
  • TABLE 6 Finance cloud market, by component, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 7 Finance cloud market, by component, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 8 Finance cloud market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 9 Finance cloud market, by enterprise size, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 10 Finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 11 Finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 12 finance cloud market, by application, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 13 finance cloud market, by application, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 14 COVID-19 impact on North America finance cloud market
  • TABLE 15 COVID-19 impact on Europe finance cloud market
  • TABLE 16 COVID-19 impact on Asia Pacific finance cloud market
  • TABLE 17 COVID-19 impact on Latin America finance cloud market
  • TABLE 18 COVID-19 impact on MEA finance cloud market
  • TABLE 19 Vendor matrix
  • TABLE 20 Patent analysis
  • TABLE 21 Industry impact forces
  • TABLE 22 Company market share, 2022
  • TABLE 23 Competitive analysis of major market players, 2022
  • TABLE 24 Solution market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 25 Solution market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 26 Financial forecasting market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 27 Financial forecasting market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 28 Financial reporting and analysis market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 29 Financial reporting and analysis market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 30 Security market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 31 Security market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 32 Governance, risk, and compliance market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 33 Governance, risk, and compliance market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 34 Others market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 35 Others market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 36 Services market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 37 Services market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 38 Professional services market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 39 Professional services market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 40 Managed services market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 41 Managed services market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 42 SMEs market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 43 SMEs market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 44 Large enterprises market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 45 Large enterprises market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 46 Private market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 47 Private market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 48 Public market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 49 Public market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 50 Hybrid market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 51 Hybrid market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 52 Wealth management market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 53 Wealth management market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 54 Account management market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 55 Account management market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 56 Customer relationship management market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 57 Customer relationship management market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 58 Revenue management market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 59 Revenue management market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 60 Asset management market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 61 Asset management market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 62 Others market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 63 Others market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 64 North America finance cloud market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 65 North America finance cloud market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 66 North America finance cloud market, by component, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 67 North America finance cloud market, by component, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 68 North America finance cloud market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 69 North America finance cloud market, by enterprise size, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 70 North America finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 71 North America finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 72 North America finance cloud market, by application, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 73 North America finance cloud market, by application, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 74 U.S. finance cloud market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 75 U.S. finance cloud market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 76 U.S. finance cloud market, by component, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 77 U.S. finance cloud market, by component, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 78 U.S. finance cloud market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 79 U.S. finance cloud market, by enterprise size, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 80 U.S. finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 81 U.S. finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 82 U.S. finance cloud market, by application, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 83 U.S. finance cloud market, by application, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 84 Canada finance cloud market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 85 Canada finance cloud market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 86 Canada finance cloud market, by component, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 87 Canada finance cloud market, by component, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 88 Canada finance cloud market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 89 Canada finance cloud market, by enterprise size, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 90 Canada finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 91 Canada finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 92 Canada finance cloud market, by application, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 93 Canada finance cloud market, by application, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 94 Europe finance cloud market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 95 Europe finance cloud market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 96 Europe finance cloud market, by component, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 97 Europe finance cloud market, by component, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 98 Europe finance cloud market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 99 Europe finance cloud market, by enterprise size, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 100 Europe finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 101 Europe finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 102 Europe finance cloud market, by application, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 103 Europe finance cloud market, by application, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 104 UK finance cloud market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 105 UK finance cloud market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 106 UK finance cloud market, by component, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 107 UK finance cloud market, by component, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 108 UK finance cloud market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 109 UK finance cloud market, by enterprise size, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 110 UK finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 111 UK finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 112 UK finance cloud market, by application, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 113 UK finance cloud market, by application, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 114 Germany finance cloud market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 115 Germany finance cloud market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 116 Germany finance cloud market, by component, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 117 Germany finance cloud market, by component, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 118 Germany finance cloud market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 119 Germany finance cloud market, by enterprise size, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 120 Germany finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 121 Germany finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 122 Germany finance cloud market, by application, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 123 Germany finance cloud market, by application, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 124 France finance cloud market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 125 France finance cloud market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 126 France finance cloud market, by component, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 127 France finance cloud market, by component, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 128 France finance cloud market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 129 France finance cloud market, by enterprise size 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 130 France finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 131 France finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 132 France finance cloud market, by application, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 133 France finance cloud market, by application, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 134 Italy finance cloud market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 135 Italy finance cloud market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 136 Italy finance cloud market, by component, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 137 Italy finance cloud market, by component, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 138 Italy finance cloud market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 139 Italy finance cloud market, by enterprise size 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 140 Italy finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 141 Italy finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 142 Italy finance cloud market, by application, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 143 Italy finance cloud market, by application, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 144 Spain finance cloud market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 145 Spain finance cloud market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 146 Spain finance cloud market, by component, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 147 Spain finance cloud market, by component, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 148 Spain finance cloud market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 149 Spain finance cloud market, by enterprise size 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 150 Spain finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 151 Spain finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 152 Spain finance cloud market, by application, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 153 Spain finance cloud market, by application, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 154 Russia finance cloud market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 155 Russia finance cloud market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 156 Russia finance cloud market, by component, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 157 Russia finance cloud market, by component, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 158 Russia finance cloud market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 159 Russia finance cloud market, by enterprise size 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 160 Russia finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 161 Russia finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 162 Russia finance cloud market, by application, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 163 Russia finance cloud market, by application, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 164 Nordics finance cloud market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 165 Nordics finance cloud market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 166 Nordics finance cloud market, by component, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 167 Nordics finance cloud market, by component, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 168 Nordics finance cloud market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 169 Nordics finance cloud market, by enterprise size 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 170 Nordics finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 171 Nordics finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 172 Nordics finance cloud market, by application, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 173 Nordics finance cloud market, by application, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 174 Asia Pacific finance cloud market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 175 Asia Pacific finance cloud market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 176 Asia Pacific finance cloud market, by component, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 177 Asia Pacific finance cloud market, by component, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 178 Asia Pacific finance cloud market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 179 Asia Pacific finance cloud market, by enterprise size 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 180 Asia Pacific finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 181 Asia Pacific finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 182 Asia Pacific finance cloud market, by application, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 183 Asia Pacific finance cloud market, by application, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 184 China finance cloud market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 185 China finance cloud market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 186 China finance cloud market, by component, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 187 China finance cloud market, by component, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 188 China finance cloud market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 189 China finance cloud market, by enterprise size 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 190 China finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 191 China finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 192 China finance cloud market, by application, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 193 China finance cloud market, by application, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 194 Japan finance cloud market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 195 Japan finance cloud market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 196 Japan finance cloud market, by component, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 197 Japan finance cloud market, by component, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 198 Japan finance cloud market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 199 Japan finance cloud market, by enterprise size 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 200 Japan finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 201 Japan finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 202 Japan finance cloud market, by application, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 203 Japan finance cloud market, by application, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 204 India finance cloud market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 205 India finance cloud market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 206 India finance cloud market, by component, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 207 India finance cloud market, by component, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 208 India finance cloud market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 209 India finance cloud market, by enterprise size 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 210 India finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 211 India finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 212 India finance cloud market, by application, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 213 India finance cloud market, by application, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 214 South Korea finance cloud market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 215 South Korea finance cloud market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 216 South Korea finance cloud market, by component, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 217 South Korea finance cloud market, by component, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 218 South Korea finance cloud market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 219 South Korea finance cloud market, by enterprise size 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 220 South Korea finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 221 South Korea finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 222 South Korea finance cloud market, by application, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 223 South Korea finance cloud market, by application, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 224 Australia finance cloud market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 225 Australia finance cloud market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 226 Australia finance cloud market, by component, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 227 Australia finance cloud market, by component, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 228 Australia finance cloud market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 229 Australia finance cloud market, by enterprise size 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 230 Australia finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 231 Australia finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 232 Australia finance cloud market, by component, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 233 Australia finance cloud market, by application, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 234 Singapore finance cloud market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 235 Singapore finance cloud market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 236 Singapore finance cloud market, by component, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 237 Singapore finance cloud market, by component, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 238 Singapore finance cloud market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 239 Singapore finance cloud market, by enterprise size 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 240 Singapore finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 241 Singapore finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 242 Singapore finance cloud market, by application, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 243 Singapore finance cloud market, by application, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 244 Latin America finance cloud market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 245 Latin America finance cloud market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 246 Latin America finance cloud market, by component, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 247 Latin America finance cloud market, by component, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 248 Latin America finance cloud market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 249 Latin America finance cloud market, by enterprise size 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 250 Latin America finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 251 Latin America finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 252 Latin America finance cloud market, by application, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 253 Latin America finance cloud market, by application, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 254 Brazil finance cloud market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 255 Brazil finance cloud market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 256 Brazil finance cloud market, by component, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 257 Brazil finance cloud market, by component, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 258 Brazil finance cloud market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 259 Brazil finance cloud market, by enterprise size 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 260 Brazil finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 261 Brazil finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 262 Brazil finance cloud market, by application, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 263 Brazil finance cloud market, by application, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 264 Mexico finance cloud market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 265 Mexico finance cloud market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 266 Mexico finance cloud market, by component, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 267 Mexico finance cloud market, by component, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 268 Mexico finance cloud market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 269 Mexico finance cloud market, by enterprise size 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 270 Mexico finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 271 Mexico finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 272 Mexico finance cloud market, by application, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 273 Mexico finance cloud market, by application, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 274 Argentina finance cloud market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 275 Argentina finance cloud market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 276 Argentina finance cloud market, by component, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 277 Argentina finance cloud market, by component, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 278 Argentina finance cloud market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 279 Argentina finance cloud market, by enterprise size 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 280 Argentina finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 281 Argentina finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 282 Argentina finance cloud market, by application, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 283 Argentina finance cloud market, by application, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 284 MEA finance cloud market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 285 MEA finance cloud market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 286 MEA finance cloud market, by component, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 287 MEA finance cloud market, by component, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 288 MEA finance cloud market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 289 MEA finance cloud market, by enterprise size 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 290 MEA finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 291 MEA finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 292 MEA finance cloud market, by application, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 293 MEA finance cloud market, by application, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 294 UAE finance cloud market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 295 UAE finance cloud market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 296 UAE finance cloud market, by component, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 297 UAE finance cloud market, by component, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 298 UAE finance cloud market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 299 UAE finance cloud market, by enterprise size 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 300 UAE finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 301 UAE finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 302 UAE finance cloud market, by application, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 303 UAE finance cloud market, by application, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 304 Saudi Arabia finance cloud market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 305 Saudi Arabia finance cloud market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 306 Saudi Arabia finance cloud market, by component, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 307 Saudi Arabia finance cloud market, by component, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 308 Saudi Arabia finance cloud market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 309 Saudi Arabia finance cloud market, by enterprise size 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 310 Saudi Arabia finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 311 Saudi Arabia finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 312 Saudi Arabia finance cloud market, by application, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 313 Saudi Arabia finance cloud market, by application, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 314 South Africa finance cloud market, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 315 South Africa finance cloud market, 2023 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 316 South Africa finance cloud market, by component, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 317 South Africa finance cloud market, by component, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 318 South Africa finance cloud market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 319 South Africa finance cloud market, by enterprise size 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 320 South Africa finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 321 South Africa finance cloud market, by deployment model, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 322 South Africa finance cloud market, by application, 2018 - 2022, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 323 South Africa finance cloud market, by application, 2023 - 2032, (USD Million)

Charts & Figures

  • FIG 1 GMI's report coverage in the global finance cloud market size
  • FIG 2 Industry segmentation
  • FIG 3 Forecast calculation.
  • FIG 4 Profile break-up of primary respondents
  • FIG 5 Finance cloud market 360 degree synopsis, 2018 - 2032
  • FIG 6 Finance cloud industry ecosystem analysis
  • FIG 7 Profit margin analysis
  • FIG 8 Growth potential analysis
  • FIG 9 Porter's analysis
  • FIG 10 PESTEL analysis
  • FIG 11 Competitive analysis of major market players, 2022
  • FIG 12 Competitive positioning matrix
  • FIG 13 Strategic outlook matrix
  • FIG 14 Finance cloud market, by component 2022 & 2032
  • FIG 15 Finance cloud market, by enterprise size2022 & 2032
  • FIG 16 Finance cloud market, by deployment model 2022 & 2032
  • FIG 17 Finance cloud market, by application 2022 & 2032
  • FIG 18 SWOT Analysis Acumatica Inc.
  • FIG 19 SWOT Analysis Amazon Web Services, Inc.
  • FIG 20 SWOT Analysis Aryaka Networks Inc.
  • FIG 21 SWOT Analysis Capgemini
  • FIG 22 SWOT Analysis Cisco Systems
  • FIG 23 SWOT Analysis Google LLC (Alphabet Inc.)
  • FIG 24 SWOT Analysis IBM Corporation
  • FIG 25 SWOT Analysis Infosys Limited
  • FIG 26 SWOT Analysis Rapidscale Inc. (Cox Communications Inc.)
  • FIG 27 SWOT Analysis Microsoft Corporation
  • FIG 28 SWOT Analysis Oracle Corporation
  • FIG 29 SWOT Analysis Salesforce, Inc.
  • FIG 30 SWOT Analysis Sage group plc
  • FIG 31 SWOT Analysis Unit4
  • FIG 32 SWOT Analysis Wipro
Product Code: 6690

Global Finance Cloud Market will witness over 20.5% CAGR between 2023 and 2032, driven by the proliferation of initiatives and the increased utilization of cloud systems in the financial services sector. As financial organizations seek to optimize their operations, enhance security, and provide innovative services to their clients, cloud technology has become a cornerstone in achieving these goals.

For instance, in October 2023, Kyndryl, a leading technology infrastructure services provider, introduced a set of services built on Google Cloud's reference architecture for financial services. These services prioritize automation, security, and simplifying compliance for customers. Kyndryl now offers financial services organizations the opportunity to securely store and safeguard their confidential and sensitive data using Google Cloud. The growing demand for cloud-based solutions reflects the industry's commitment to staying competitive and adaptable in a rapidly changing landscape, thus driving the finance cloud market growth.

The overall Finance Cloud Market is classified based on type, application, and region.

Solution segment will undergo significant development from 2023 to 2032. Financial institutions are increasingly turning to these solutions to streamline operations, enhance data security, and adapt to changing market conditions. Cloud technology provides scalability, flexibility, and accessibility, enabling finance professionals to access critical data and applications from anywhere. As financial organizations seek more efficient and innovative solutions, the finance cloud market demand continues to rise.

Account management segment will register a noteworthy CAGR from 2023 to 2032. Financial institutions and businesses are leveraging cloud solutions to enhance their account management processes. Cloud technology offers real-time access to financial data, improves security measures, and supports seamless collaboration, making it an indispensable tool for efficient account management. As the finance cloud market outlook embraces digital transformation, cloud-based account management solutions are in high demand to meet evolving customer needs.

Europe finance cloud market will showcase an appreciable CAGR from 2023 to 2032. As the financial industry in Europe continues its digital transformation journey, cloud-based solutions have become essential. Financial institutions across the continent are adopting cloud technology to enhance efficiency, reduce operational costs, and improve customer services.

The demand for Finance Cloud solutions in Europe reflects a growing need for adaptable, secure, and scalable financial services in the digital age. For instance, in October 2023, the London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG), a prominent global financial markets infrastructure and data provider, acquired Oracle Cloud for the modernization of its finance operations. Utilizing Oracle Fusion Cloud and Oracle Financial Services Applications on a unified platform, LSEG aims to enhance efficiency, cut down expenses, and enhance financial planning, forecasting, and control capabilities.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Methodology & Scope

  • 1.1 Market scope & definition
  • 1.2 Base estimates & calculations
  • 1.3 Forecast calculation
  • 1.4 Data Sources
    • 1.4.1 Primary
    • 1.4.2 Secondary
      • Paid sources
      • Public sources

Chapter 2 Executive Summary

  • 2.1 Finance cloud market 360 degree synopsis, 2018 - 2032
  • 2.2 Business trends
    • 2.2.1 Total Addressable Market (TAM), 2023-2032
  • 2.3 Regional trends
  • 2.4 Type trends
  • 2.5 Enterprise size trends
  • 2.6 Deployment model trends
  • 2.7 Application trends

Chapter 3 Finance Cloud Market Industry Insights

  • 3.1 Impact on COVID-19
  • 3.2 Russia- Ukraine war impact
  • 3.3 Industry ecosystem analysis
  • 3.4 Vendor matrix
  • 3.5 Profit margin analysis
  • 3.6 Technology innovation landscape
  • 3.7 Patent analysis
  • 3.8 Key news and initiatives
  • 3.9 Regulatory landscape
  • 3.10 Impact forces
    • 3.10.1 Growth drivers
      • The increasing use of mobile-based applications
      • The growing recognition of DevOps among entrepreneurs
      • The growth of digitalization in developing economies
      • The penetration of microservices architecture, customer-oriented business, and digital transformation
      • The growing adoption of cloud computing
    • 3.10.2 Industry pitfalls & challenges
      • Security and compliance issues
      • Complexity and management concerns
  • 3.11 Growth potential analysis
  • 3.12 Porter's analysis
  • 3.13 PESTEL analysis

Chapter 4 Competitive Landscape, 2022

  • 4.1 Introduction
  • 4.2 Company market share, 2022
  • 4.3 Competitive analysis of major market players, 2022
    • 4.3.1 Amazon Web Services, Inc.
    • 4.3.2 Microsoft
    • 4.3.3 IBM Corporation
    • 4.3.4 Salesforce, Inc.
    • 4.3.5 Oracle Corporation
    • 4.3.6 Google LLC (Alphabet Inc.)
    • 4.3.7 Acumatica Inc.
  • 4.4 Competitive positioning matrix, 2022
  • 4.5 Strategic outlook matrix, 2022

Chapter 5 Finance Cloud Market Estimates & Forecast, by Type (Revenue)

  • 5.1 Key trends, by component
  • 5.2 Solution
    • 5.2.1 Financial Forecasting
    • 5.2.2 Financial Reporting and Analysis
    • 5.2.3 Security
    • 5.2.4 Governance, Risk, and Compliance
    • 5.2.5 Others
  • 5.3 Services
    • 5.3.1 Professional Services
    • 5.3.2 Managed Services

Chapter 6 Finance Cloud Market Estimates & Forecast, by Enterprise size (Revenue)

  • 6.1 Key trends, by enterprise size
  • 6.2 SMEs
  • 6.3 Large enterprises

Chapter 7 Finance Cloud Market Estimates & Forecast, By Deployment Model (Revenue)

  • 7.1 Key trends, by deployment model
  • 7.2 Public
  • 7.3 Private
  • 7.4 Hybrid

Chapter 8 Finance Cloud Market Estimates & Forecast, By Application (Revenue)

  • 8.1 Key trends, by application
  • 8.2 Wealth Management
  • 8.3 Account Management
  • 8.4 Customer Relationship Management
  • 8.5 Revenue Management
  • 8.6 Asset Management
  • 8.7 Others

Chapter 9 Finance Cloud Market Estimates & Forecast, By Region

  • 9.1 Key trends, by region
  • 9.2 North America
    • 9.2.1 U.S.
    • 9.2.2 Canada
  • 9.3 Europe
    • 9.3.1 UK
    • 9.3.2 Germany
    • 9.3.3 France
    • 9.3.4 Italy
    • 9.3.5 Spain
    • 9.3.6 Russia
    • 9.3.7 Nordics
  • 9.4 Asia Pacific
    • 9.4.1 China
    • 9.4.2 India
    • 9.4.3 Japan
    • 9.4.4 South Korea
    • 9.4.5 Australia
    • 9.4.6 Singapore
  • 9.5 Latin America
    • 9.5.1 Brazil
    • 9.5.2 Mexico
    • 9.5.3 Argentina
  • 9.6 MEA
    • 9.6.1 South Africa
    • 9.6.2 UAE
    • 9.6.3 Saudi Arabia

Chapter 10 Company Profiles

  • 10.1 Acumatica Inc.
  • 10.2 Amazon Web Services, Inc.
  • 10.3 Aryaka Networks Inc.
  • 10.4 Capgemini
  • 10.5 Cisco Systems
  • 10.6 Google LLC (Alphabet Inc.)
  • 10.7 IBM Corporation
  • 10.8 Infosys Limited
  • 10.9 Microsoft Corporation
  • 10.10 Oracle Corporation
  • 10.11 Rapidscale Inc. (Cox Communications Inc.)
  • 10.12 Salesforce Inc.
  • 10.13 Sage group plc
  • 10.14 Unit4
  • 10.15 Wipro