表紙:軌道上サービス:衛星サービス・ADR・SSA (第6版)

軌道上サービス:衛星サービス・ADR・SSA (第6版)

In-Orbit Services: Satellite Servicing, ADR & SSA, 6th Edition

出版日: | 発行: Northern Sky Research, LLC | ページ情報: 英文 | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
軌道上サービス:衛星サービス・ADR・SSA (第6版)
出版日: 2023年01月31日
発行: Northern Sky Research, LLC
ページ情報: 英文
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次


NSRの「軌道上サービス:衛星サービス・ADR・SSA (第6版)」は、IOSアプリケーションの価値提案を分析・評価した業界有数のレポートです。IoSM6は、20年以上にわたる調査結果をもとに、軌道上サービス(IoS)の各アプリケーションやサービスについて、10年間の予測期間において包括的な「市場の現状」分析を行います。

NSRの「In-Orbit Services(軌道上サービス)」: Satellite Servicing, SSA & ADR, 6th Edition" は、延命、再配置、ロボティクスなどのGEO市場と、デオビッティング、アクティブデブリ除去、ラストマイル配信などの非GEO市場を分析しています。IoSM6は、衛星へのサービス提供の機会、軌道上、宇宙状況認識、アクティブデブリ除去サービスからの対応する収益生成を予測し、IoSアプリケーションの開発に関する包括的な評価を行っています。読者は、この急速に拡大する市場の重要なトレンド、課題、および機会をナビゲートすることができます。



  • 軌道上サービスはどうなるのか?軌道上サービス:衛星サービス、SSA、ADRの今後10年間の市場規模は?
  • ラストワンマイルデリバリーサービス市場の推進要因は何か?
  • アクティブデブリ除去市場のビジネスチャンスは?
  • 今後10年間のIoS市場規模を押し上げる要因は何か?
  • どのようなIoSサービス提供が市場の大部分を占めることになるのか?
  • この市場で克服すべき技術的課題は何か?
  • IoSアプリケーションの開発に影響を与える政策・規制上の課題は何か?


  • 軌道上サービシングプロバイダー
  • 宇宙機関
  • 保険ブローカー/プロバイダー
  • 投資家および金融機関
  • 政府機関
  • 衛星通信事業者
  • 衛星メーカー、インテグレーター
  • 打ち上げサービスプロバイダー
  • ロケット製造会社
  • 打ち上げブローカーおよびインテグレーター
  • サブシステム・部品メーカー
  • 地上システムメーカーおよびサービスプロバイダー
  • 規制機関・政策立案者
  • データ分析会社
  • IoS、ADR、SSA市場について、業界で最も包括的で実用的な分析をお求めの方


NSRの「軌道上サービス:衛星サービス・ADR・SSA (第6版)」、この業界におけるオリジナルかつ最も長い歴史を持つレポートです: 本レポートは、この新たな市場機会に関する業界資料です。衛星へのサービス提供の機会、軌道上サービス、宇宙状況認識サービス、アクティブデブリ除去サービスからの対応する収益生成を予測する「IoSM6」は、IoSアプリケーション開発の包括的評価を提供します。本レポートでは、急速に拡大するこの市場のトレンド、課題、機会創出について詳述しています。



  • 当レポートの新着情報
    • ラストマイルデリバリーの質量別市場予測
    • 軌道上宇宙製造の評価
    • 軌道離脱の市場規模予測(質量別
    • OTV市場(SUWO/DUWO)のケイパビリティアセスメント
    • 顧客セグメント別IoSデシジョンツリー(商用、政府/軍事用)
  • 7 つの応用先市場
    • 延命、ロボット、リロケーション、ADR、脱軌道、ラストマイル・デリバリー、宇宙状況認識
  • 顧客タイプ別予測 - GEO/Non-GEO 商業および政府/軍用
  • 地域別予測:NAM、LAM、EU、MEA、アジア




3d Bioprinting Solutions, 8090 Industries, AE Industrial Partners, AGI, Air Protein, Airbus, Aleph Farms, Altius Space Machines, Arianespace, Astrocast, Astroscale, Atomos Space, Aurora Propulsion Technologies, AXA XL, Bain Capital, Benchmark Space Systems, Blue Canyon Technologies, Bluestaq, Boeing, Centre Nationale d'Études Spatiales (CNES), CisLunar Industries, ClearSpace, ClearSpace SA, Cognitive Space, Corporation Numerica, DARPA, Digantara, DLR, D-Orbit SpA, European Commission, European Space Agency (ESA), EUSST, Exoanalytic Solutions, Exolaunch AG, Exotrail, Firefly Aerospace, FOMS, GMV Optical Space, High Earth Orbit Robotics, Honeybee Robotics, Impulse Space, Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Infinite Orbits, Inmarsat, Intelsat, Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee (IADC), International Telecommunications Union (ITU), Isar Aeropace, ISRO, Japanese Air Force, JAXA, Kall Morris (KMI), Kayhan Space, Kayser space, Korean Space Agency (KARI), Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, KSAT, L3 Applied Defense Solutions, Launch Space, Launcher, Leaf Space, LeoLabs, Lockheed Martin, Lunasa space, Magnestar, Maxar Technologies, MDA, Measat, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Momentus Space, Morpheus Space, Nanoracks, NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA), National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Neuraspace, Northrop Grumman, Northstar Earth & Space, ODIN Space, Okapi, OneWeb, Orbit Fab, Orbital Insight, Parsons, Phase Four, Polaris Alpha, Privateer Inc., QinetiQ Space NV, Raytheon, Redwire Inc., Relativity, Rhea Space Activity, Rocket Factory Ausburg, Rogue Space Systems, SAIC, SaxaVord Spaceport, SCOUT, SES, SKY Perfect JSAT, Skyroot Aerospace, Skyrora, Slingshot Aerospace, Space Data Association, Space Development Agency (SDA), Space Force, Space Forge, Space Logistics, Space Machines Company, Space Rendezvous Lab - Stanford, Spacecraft Mechanisms Corporation, Spaceflight Industries, Spacepharma, Spire Inc., Starfish Space, Surrey Satellite Technologies Limited(SSTL), Swedish Space Corporation, Telenor, Telespazio, Tethers Unlimited, Thales Alenia Space, The Exploration Company, ThurstMe, Turion Space, U.S. Air Force Research Lab, U.S. Space Command, U.S. Space Force, UK Space Agency, ULA, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, UT Austin, Varda Space Industries, Vision Engineering Solutions, VOX Space, Vyoma, Xplore Inc., Yuri Gravity, Zero G Kitchens.




第1章 背景・動向・市場概要

  • 世界市場:概要
    • 世界の動向:iOS・ADR・SSA
    • 市場情勢:ニュース・取引
    • 軌道上サービス:促進要因と抑制要因
    • 技術と市場の準備レベル
  • 競合情勢
    • IOSの能力の評価と主要企業
    • 宇宙状況認識能力の評価と主要企業
    • 宇宙製造能力の評価と主要企業
    • iOSポリシーと規制状況
    • 政府による技術&イネーブリングプログラム
    • 法人顧客:意思決定ツリー
    • 政府/軍の顧客:意思決定ツリー
  • 世界情勢と概要:総論

第2章 市場予測

  • 世界市場の予測
    • 世界の総需要・サービサブル需要
    • 世界の需要予測
    • 世界の収益予測
    • 旧版との比較
  • GEO市場の予測
    • 需要予測
    • 収益見通し
    • 寿命延長
    • ロボティクス
    • リロケーション
  • 非GEO市場の予測
    • 需要予測
    • 収益見通し
    • 軌道離脱
    • ラストマイルデリバリー
    • ADR
  • SSA市場の予測
    • 需要・収益の予測
    • GEOの需要・収益の予測
    • 非GEOの需要・収益の予測


Product Code: IoSM6

Report Summary:

NSR's “In-Orbit Services: Satellite Servicing, Active Debris Removal (ADR), and Space Situational Awareness (SSA), 6th Edition (IoSM6) ” is the industry's leading report analyzing and evaluating the value proposition of IOS applications. Leveraging over 20 years of research, IoSM6 provides a comprehensive "State-of-the-Market" analysis for each In-orbit Service (IoS) application and service over a 10-year forecast period.

NSR's “In-Orbit Services: Satellite Servicing, SSA & ADR, 6th Edition ” analyzes the GEO market for satellite services such as Life Extension, Relocation, and Robotics, and Non-GEO market such as De-Orbiting, Active Debris Removal, and Last Mile Delivery. Forecasting opportunity for serving satellites, and the corresponding revenue generation from in-orbit, space situational awareness, and active debris removal services, IoSM6 offers comprehensive assessment of IoS application developments. Enabling readers to navigate the important trends, challenges, and opportunities for this rapidly expanding market.

Key questions answered in IoSM6:

This complete analytics tool helps readers gain the most recent information and knowledge to answers key questions about this market:

  • What will be the In-Orbit Services: Satellite servicing, SSA, & ADR market size in the next 10 years?
  • What are the drivers in the Last Mile Delivery services Market?
  • What are the opportunities in Active Debris Removal Market?
  • What are the factors driving the IoS market size in the next 10 years?
  • Which IoS service offerings will represent the largest portion of the market?
  • What are the technology challenges to overcome in this market?
  • What are the policy and regulatory challenges affecting the development of IoS applications?

Who Should Purchase this Report:

  • In-Orbit Servicing Providers
  • Space Agencies
  • Insurance brokers/providers
  • Investors and financial institutions
  • Government agencies
  • Satellite operators
  • Satellite manufacturers and integrators
  • Launch service providers
  • Launch vehicle manufacturers
  • Launch brokers and integrators
  • Sub-system and component manufacturers
  • Ground systems manufacturers and service providers
  • Regulatory agencies and Policy Makers
  • Data analytics companies
  • Anyone Seeking the Industry's Most Comprehensive and Actionable Analysis of IoS, ADR & SSA Markets

The NSR Difference

The Original and Longest Standing report on the sector, NSR's “In-Orbit Services: Satellite Servicing, ADR and SSA, 6th Edition (IoSM6) ” report is the industry resource for this emerging market opportunity. Forecasting opportunity for serving satellites, and the corresponding revenue generation from in-orbit, space situational awareness, and active debris removal services, “IoSM6 ” offers comprehensive assessment of IoS application developments. The report details trends, challenges, and opportunity enablers for this rapidly expanding market.

Key Features:

Covered in this Report:

  • NEW in this Edition -
    • Last Mile Delivery Market Forecast by Mass
    • Assessment of In-Orbit Space Manufacturing
    • De-Orbiting Market Forecast by Mass
    • Capability Assessment of OTV Markets (SUWO/DUWO)
    • IoS Decision Tree by Customers' Segment (Commercial, Government/Military)
  • 7 Vertical Applications
    • Life Extension, Robotics, Relocation, ADR, De-orbiting, Last Mile Delivery, Space Situational Awareness
  • Forecast for Customer Type - GEO/Non-GEO Commercial & Government/Military
  • Forecasts for Regions - NAM, LAM, EU, MEA, Asia

Report Segmentation:

Companies mentioned in this Report:

3d Bioprinting Solutions, 8090 Industries, AE Industrial Partners, AGI, Air Protein, Airbus, Aleph Farms, Altius Space Machines, Arianespace, Astrocast, Astroscale, Atomos Space, Aurora Propulsion Technologies, AXA XL, Bain Capital, Benchmark Space Systems, Blue Canyon Technologies, Bluestaq, Boeing, Centre Nationale d'Études Spatiales (CNES), CisLunar Industries, ClearSpace, ClearSpace SA, Cognitive Space, Corporation Numerica, DARPA, Digantara, DLR, D-Orbit SpA, European Commission, European Space Agency (ESA), EUSST, Exoanalytic Solutions, Exolaunch AG, Exotrail, Firefly Aerospace, FOMS, GMV Optical Space, High Earth Orbit Robotics, Honeybee Robotics, Impulse Space, Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Infinite Orbits, Inmarsat, Intelsat, Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee (IADC), International Telecommunications Union (ITU), Isar Aeropace, ISRO, Japanese Air Force, JAXA, Kall Morris (KMI), Kayhan Space, Kayser space, Korean Space Agency (KARI), Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, KSAT, L3 Applied Defense Solutions, Launch Space, Launcher, Leaf Space, LeoLabs, Lockheed Martin, Lunasa space, Magnestar, Maxar Technologies, MDA, Measat, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Momentus Space, Morpheus Space, Nanoracks, NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA), National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Neuraspace, Northrop Grumman, Northstar Earth & Space, ODIN Space, Okapi, OneWeb, Orbit Fab, Orbital Insight, Parsons, Phase Four, Polaris Alpha, Privateer Inc., QinetiQ Space NV, Raytheon, Redwire Inc., Relativity, Rhea Space Activity, Rocket Factory Ausburg, Rogue Space Systems, SAIC, SaxaVord Spaceport, SCOUT, SES, SKY Perfect JSAT, Skyroot Aerospace, Skyrora, Slingshot Aerospace, Space Data Association, Space Development Agency (SDA), Space Force, Space Forge, Space Logistics, Space Machines Company, Space Rendezvous Lab - Stanford, Spacecraft Mechanisms Corporation, Spaceflight Industries, Spacepharma, Spire Inc., Starfish Space, Surrey Satellite Technologies Limited(SSTL), Swedish Space Corporation, Telenor, Telespazio, Tethers Unlimited, Thales Alenia Space, The Exploration Company, ThurstMe, Turion Space, U.S. Air Force Research Lab, U.S. Space Command, U.S. Space Force, UK Space Agency, ULA, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, UT Austin, Varda Space Industries, Vision Engineering Solutions, VOX Space, Vyoma, Xplore Inc., Yuri Gravity, Zero G Kitchens.

Table of Contents


Executive Summary

1. Context, Trends and Market Overview

  • 1. Global Market Overview
    • 1. Global Trends - IoS, ADR, and SSA
    • 2. Market Landscape - News & Deals
    • 3. In Orbit Services: Drivers & Restraints
    • 4. Technology & Market Readiness
  • 2. Competitive Landscape
    • 1. IOS Capability Assessment & Players
    • 2. Space Situational Awareness Capability Assessment & Players
    • 3. Space Manufacturing Capability Assessment & Players
    • 4. IoS Policy & Regulatory Landscape
    • 5. Government Technology & Enabling Programs
    • 6. Commercial Customer - Decision Tree
    • 7. Government/Military Customer - Decision Tree
  • 3. Global Landscape & Overview - Bottom Line

2. Market Forecast

  • 1. Global Market Forecast
    • 1. Global Total & Serviceable Demand
    • 2. Global Demand Forecast
    • 3. Global Revenue Forecast
    • 4. Global Previous Edition Comparison
  • 2. GEO Market Forecast
    • 1. Demand Forecast
    • 2. Revenue Forecast
    • 3. Life Extension
    • 4. Robotics
    • 5. Relocation
  • 3. Non-GEO Market Forecast
    • 1. Demand Forecast
    • 2. Revenue Forecast
    • 3. De-Orbiting
    • 4. Last Mile Delivery
    • 5. ADR
  • 4. SSA Market Forecast
    • 1. Demand & Revenue Forecast
    • 2. GEO Demand & Revenue Forecast
    • 3. Non-GEO Demand & Revenue Forecast

Appendix (Methodology)

List of Exhibits


  • Cumulative Global Revenues by Service
  • Market Revenues by Customer Type
  • Market Demand by Region
  • Market Revenues by Orbit
  • Global Total Addressable Market by Service & Orbit
  • Global Serviceable Addressable Market by Service
  • Global Market Demand by Service
  • Global Market Demand by Region
  • Global Market Demand Revenues


  • 1. Competitive Landscape
    • 1. Primary Focus of Space Manufacturing Companies


  • 1. Global Market Forecast
    • 1. Global Total Addressable Market by Service & Orbit
    • 2. Global Serviceable Addressable Market by Service & Orbit
    • 3. Global Market Demand by Operator
    • 4. Global Market Demand by Service
    • 5. Global Market Revenues Service & Orbit
    • 6. Global Market Demand Comparison (5th vs. 6th Edition)
    • 7. Global Market Revenues Comparison (5th vs. 6th Edition)
    • 1. GEO Serviceable Addressable Market by Service
    • 2. GEO Serviceable Addressable Market by Service
    • 3. GEO Market Demand by Service
    • 4. GEO Global Market Revenues by Service
    • 5. GEO Global Market Revenues by Operator
    • 6. GEO Serviceable Addressable Market & Market Demand - Life Extension
    • 7. GEO Market Demand by Operator - Life Extension
    • 8. GEO Market Demand by Region - Life Extension
    • 9. Cumulative GEO Market Revenues - Life Extension
    • 10. GEO Market Revenues - Life Extension
    • 11. GEO Serviceable Addressable Market & Market Demand - Robotics
    • 12. Cumulative GEO Market Demand by Region - Robotics
    • 13. GEO Market Demand by Operator - Robotics
    • 14. GEO Market Revenues by Region - Robotics
    • 15. GEO Market Revenues by Operator - Robotics
    • 16. GEO Market Demand by Region - Relocation
    • 17. GEO Serviceable Addressable Market & Market Demand - Relocation
    • 18. GEO Market Revenues by Operator - Relocation
    • 19. GEO Market Revenues by Region - Relocation
    • 1. Non-GEO Serviceable Addressable Market by Service
    • 2. Non-GEO Market Demand by Operator
    • 3. Non-GEO Market Demand by Service
    • 4. Non-GEO Global Market Revenues by Operator
    • 5. Non-GEO Global Market Revenues by Service
    • 6. Non-GEO Market Demand by Operator - De-Orbiting
    • 7. Non-GEO Serviceable Addressable Market & Market Demand - De-Orbiting
    • 8. Non-GEO Market Revenues by Region - De-Orbiting
    • 9. Non-GEO Serviceable Addressable Market & Market Demand - ADR
    • 10. Non-GEO Market Demand by Region - ADR
    • 11. Cumulative Non-GEO Market Demand by Operator - ADR
    • 12. Non-GEO Market Revenues by Region - ADR
    • 13. Non-GEO Market Revenues by Operator - ADR
    • 14. Non-GEO Serviceable Addressable Market & Market Demand - LMD
    • 15. Non-GEO Market Demand by Operator - LMD
    • 16. Non-GEO Market Demand by Region - LMD
    • 17. Non-GEO Market Revenues - LMD
    • 18. Non-GEO Market Revenues by Operator - ADR
    • 1. Global Market Demand by Region - SSA
    • 2. Global Market Revenues by Region - SSA
    • 3. GEO Market Demand by Operator - SSA
    • 4. GEO Market Revenues by Region - SSA
    • 5. GEO Market Revenues - SSA
    • 6. Non-GEO Serviceable Addressable Market & Market Demand - SSA
    • 7. Non-GEO Market Revenues - SSA
    • 8. Non-GEO Market Demand by Region
