
日本のサードパーティロジスティクス(3PL): 市場シェア分析、業界動向と統計、成長予測(2024~2029年)

Japan Third-Party Logistics (3PL) - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

英文 150 Pages
価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=159.18円
日本のサードパーティロジスティクス(3PL): 市場シェア分析、業界動向と統計、成長予測(2024~2029年)
出版日: 2024年02月15日
発行: Mordor Intelligence
ページ情報: 英文 150 Pages
納期: 2~3営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次


日本のサードパーティロジスティクス(3PL)- 市場


  • COVID-19の流行は、商品の移動、保管、移動を行う物流企業に直接的な影響を及ぼしました。物流企業は、企業がビジネスを行い、製品を顧客に届けるのを支援します。それらは国境の内外のバリューチェーンの重要な部分になりました。したがって、パンデミックによってもたらされたサプライチェーンの中断は、このセクターの競争力、経済拡大、雇用創出に影響を与える可能性があります。
  • 日本はサプライチェーン分野で長い時間をかけて大きな進歩を遂げてきました。たとえば、デジタル技術を取り入れて伝統的な産業を変革しました。ここ数年で、物流に影響を与える社会的、経済的要因は大きく変化しました。これらの要因には、人口の減少または高齢化、一部の地域での新しいアイデア、より頻繁な小型商品の配送、およびさまざまな顧客ニーズが含まれます。日本では、大企業が自社の物流ネットワークの仕組みを検討し、コスト削減と効率向上のためにより多くのタスクを3PLプロバイダーにアウトソーシングしているため、3PLの需要が高まっています。
  • 3PL企業はサプライチェーンを運営し、あらゆる業界や消費者に資材や商品を届けます。東アジア最大の経済大国の一つである日本は、製造業のため3PLに大きく依存しています。その結果、ヤマトホールディングスのような組織は世界トップクラスの物流プロバイダーの一つとなっています。列島の1億2,000万人が47億1,000万トンの国内貨物を扱い、外国貿易によってさらに9億トンが増加しました。
  • 2000年以降、日本では大規模で近代的な物流リース施設のニーズが大幅に高まっています。物流業務のアウトソーシング、企業不動産の不均衡、複数の古い倉庫の移転などがすべて上昇に寄与しました。日本の貨物・物流産業は経済の大きな部分を占めており、GDPの5%以上を占めています。
  • 物流事業はコスト競争が激しいことで知られています。ライバルに勝つには、洗練された調整と規模の経済が必要です。「3PL」とも呼ばれる「サードパーティロジスティクス」の利用を通じて、物流会社は業務の効率化を始めています。自動化と人工知能(AI)は、コスト管理のためのさらなるツールです。

物流システム業界は、これらの技術ソリューションをさらに取り入れるように成長する可能性があります。現在、自動倉庫が使用されていますが、完全自動運転トラックの道路走行が許可されるまでにはしばらく時間がかかるでしょう。日本では自動化の進歩はすぐには実現しません。同社の物流部門は人手不足に直面しており、その上、 促進要因の高齢化が急速に進んでおり、適正な価格でのサービスの利用が危険にさらされています。この取り組みの2つの目標は、トラック運送部門の生産性を向上させることと、高齢者や女性 促進要因を惹きつけて維持できる労働環境を促進することです。自動化がさらに進むまで、この戦術が市場を十分に効果的に安定させるかどうかを見極める必要があります。






日野自動車が考える未来のモビリティ社会は、"SPACE "という言葉で表現されています。"Shared(移動・空間・時間の共有)" "Platform(様々なサービスに自由に対応)"と "Autonomous(運転からの解放)"と "Connected(モビリティと人・モノ・街をつなぐ)"と "Electricity(効率性と柔軟性を高める)"。









国内の高い需要と労働者不足に対処するために、複数の企業から商品を共通の配達ポイントに送る共同配送や共同配送、配送会社がトラックスペースに空きのある 促進要因や荷主を見つけるのに役立つプラットフォームアプリなどの措置を講じることができます。、都市部の小型倉庫を中間流通センターとして利用し、集荷物流を行う。



  • エクセル形式の市場予測(ME)シート
  • 3か月のアナリストサポート


第1章 イントロダクション

  • 調査の成果
  • 調査の前提条件
  • 調査範囲

第2章 調査手法

  • 分析調査手法
  • 調査段階

第3章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第4章 市場力学と洞察

  • 現在の市場シナリオ
  • 市場力学
    • 促進要因
    • 抑制要因
    • 機会
  • バリューチェーン/サプライチェーン分析
  • 業界の政策と規制
  • 倉庫市場の一般的な動向
  • CEP、ラストマイル配送、コールドチェーン物流などの他のセグメントからの需要
  • eコマースビジネスに関する洞察
  • 技術動向と自動化
  • 業界の魅力- ポーターのファイブフォース分析
    • 新規参入業者の脅威
    • 買い手の交渉力
    • 供給企業の交渉力
    • 代替製品の脅威
    • 競争企業間の敵対関係の激しさ
  • 新型コロナウイルス感染症による市場への影響

第5章 市場セグメンテーション

  • サービス別
    • 国内輸送管理
    • 国際輸送管理
    • 付加価値のある倉庫保管と配送
  • エンドユーザー別
    • 製造と自動車
    • 石油・ガスおよび化学薬品
    • 流通貿易(eコマースを含む卸売・小売業)
    • 製薬とヘルスケア
    • 工事
    • その他のエンドユーザー

第6章 競合情勢

  • 企業プロファイル
    • Nippon Express
    • Yamato Holdings
    • Kintetsu World Express
    • Sagawa Express
    • Hitachi Transport System
    • Nichirei Logistics
    • Sankyu
    • Kokusai Express
    • Fukuyama
    • Mitsui-Soko
    • Alps Logistics
    • Yusen Logistics
    • DHL*

第7章 市場の将来

第8章 付録

  • マクロ経済指標(GDP分布、活動別、運輸・保管部門の経済への貢献)
  • 対外貿易統計-製品別輸出入額
  • 主要な輸出先と輸入元国に関する洞察
Product Code: 70573

The Japan Third-Party Logistics Market size is estimated at USD 50.11 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 59.53 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 2.16% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Japan Third-Party Logistics (3PL) - Market

Key Highlights

  • The COVID-19 epidemic had a direct effect on logistics companies, which move, store, and move goods.Logistics companies help businesses do business and get their products to customers. They became an important part of value chains both inside and outside of national borders. Hence, supply chain interruptions brought on by the pandemic could affect the sector's competitiveness, economic expansion, and job creation.
  • Japan has made a lot of progress in the supply chain space over time. For example, it has embraced digital technologies to change a traditional industry. In the last few years, the social and economic factors that affect logistics have changed a lot. These factors include a shrinking or aging population, new ideas in some areas, more frequent deliveries of smaller goods, and different customer needs. In Japan, there is more demand for 3PL as large companies look at how their logistics networks work and outsource more tasks to 3PL providers to cut costs and improve efficiency.
  • 3PL logistics firms are the ones who run supply chains and get materials and goods to all industries and consumers. Japan, one of the biggest economies in East Asia, relies on 3PL logistics a lot because of its manufacturing industry. As a result, organizations like Yamato Holdings are among the top logistics providers globally. 120 million people in the archipelago handled 4.71 billion tons of domestic freight, and foreign trade added 900 million tons more.
  • Since 2000, there has been a big rise in the need for large, modern logistics leasing facilities in Japan. Outsourcing logistics operations, imbalances in corporate real estate, and moving out of multiple old warehouses all contributed to the rise. The freight and logistics industry in Japan is a big part of the economy, making up more than 5% of the GDP.
  • The logistics business is known for its fierce cost competitiveness. To outbid rivals, sophisticated coordination and economies of scale are required. Through the use of "third-party logistics," sometimes known as "3PL," logistics firms have begun to streamline their operations. Automation and artificial intelligence (AI) are further tools for cost control.

It's likely that the logistics systems industry will grow to include more of these technical solutions. Although automated warehouses are now in use, it will be some time before fully autonomous trucks are allowed on the roads. Automation advancements cannot arrive soon enough for Japan. Its logistics sector is experiencing a manpower deficit, and on top of that, drivers are aging quickly, endangering the availability of services at fair prices. Two goals of this effort are to increase productivity in the trucking sector and to foster work environments that attract and retain older and female drivers. It has to be seen whether this tactic stabilizes the market effectively enough until automation advances further.

Japan Third-Party Logistics (3PL) Market Trends

Growth in automotive and manufacturing sector driving the market

Japan has always been and is one of the global leaders in the manufacturing machinery and automobile industries. The Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) says that high-tech manufacturing is one of Japan's most important growth sectors. The core areas in Japan's manufacturing sector are consumer electronics, automobile manufacturing, semiconductor manufacturing, optical fibers, optoelectronics, optical media, steel and iron, and copy machines.

Since a long time ago, Japan has been one of the top exporters of cars in the world. It is known for its high-quality manufacturing and efficient logistics services. Its highly developed infrastructure and port network support its status as an exporting giant, as do its dense concentration of shipping lines.

Some of the major players in the automotive industry in Japan also have in-house logistics arms. Vantec, a leading automotive logistics provider in Japan, operates under the HTS Group. The Vantec Group supports the sequential supply of auto parts in full alignment with the complex logistics requirements of automotive manufacturers.

As per Hino Motors, the future mobility society to be considered is represented by the word "SPACE". "Shared (sharing of movement, space, and time)" "Platform (corresponding to various services freely) and "Autonomous (free from driving)" "Connected (connecting mobility with people, things, and cities)" "Electricity" (increase efficiency and flexibility).

Development in cold chain logistics

Japan is the second-fastest-growing mature pharmaceutical market in the world, following the United States. The international interest in the Japanese pharmaceutical market will create opportunities for cold chain logistics service providers. The companies in the country are heavily improving and updating their services through deals, partnerships, and agreements with competitors and companies that provide platform services to the 3PL companies.

The cold chain market is also known for the amount of energy required in the process and the huge amount of emissions that occur. The companies are setting up logistics centers and transforming vehicles into ones that are environment-friendly, produce minimum emissions, and run on sustainable sources of energy.

The Government of Japan and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) gave three refrigerated vans to the Ministry of Health and SAMES on February 20, 2022. These vans will be used to move vaccines.At the SAMES compound in Dili, Masami Kinefuchi, the Japanese ambassador to Timor-Leste, and Ainhoa Jaureguibeitia, the deputy UNICEF representative, gave the vehicles to Sr. Bonifacio Maucoli dos Reis, the vice minister of health.

Moreover, walk-in cool rooms have been provided and are currently being installed at all regional warehouses in the municipalities of Ainaro, Baucau, Bobonaro, and the Special Administrative Area of Oecusse. It is important to have refrigerated vans, walk-in coolers, and freezer rooms with all of their parts so that vaccines can be kept safely and quickly sent to towns and medical facilities.

Japan Third-Party Logistics (3PL) Industry Overview

The market is pretty small, and its biggest players are Yusen Logistics, Expeditors, DHL, Hitachi Transport System, and Kuehne Nagel. Retail and manufacturing companies that handle their own logistics also play a big role in the market.

Japan's e-commerce market is growing at a rate that has never been seen before. This is reflected in the rapid growth of value-added services in Japan.As a result, packaging, labeling, and sorting activities have seen a large spike in the Japanese logistics industry.

To deal with the high demand and lack of workers in the country, steps can be taken like joint or shared delivery, which sends goods from multiple companies to common delivery points, platform apps, which help delivery companies find drivers with empty truck space and shippers, the use of small warehouses in cities as intermediate distribution centers, and collection logistics.

The goal of the changes in the logistics industry, like the use of self-driving machines and vehicles, is to get rid of the sector's carbon footprint on the economy as a whole.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Deliverables
  • 1.2 Study Assumptions
  • 1.3 Scope of the Study


  • 2.1 Analysis Methodology
  • 2.2 Research Phases



  • 4.1 Current Market Scenario
  • 4.2 Market Dynamics
    • 4.2.1 Drivers
    • 4.2.2 Restraints
    • 4.2.3 Opportunities
  • 4.3 Value Chain / Supply Chain Analysis
  • 4.4 Industry Policies and Regulations
  • 4.5 General Trends in Warehousing Market
  • 4.6 Demand From Other Segments, such as CEP, Last Mile Delivery, Cold Chain Logistics Etc.
  • 4.7 Insights on Ecommerce Business
  • 4.8 Technological Trends and Automation
  • 4.9 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.9.1 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.9.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers/Consumers
    • 4.9.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.9.4 Threat of Substitute Products
    • 4.9.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.10 Impact of COVID--19 on the Market


  • 5.1 By Service
    • 5.1.1 Domestic Transportation Management
    • 5.1.2 International Transportation Management
    • 5.1.3 Value-added Warehousing and Distribution
  • 5.2 By End-User
    • 5.2.1 Manufacturing & Automotive
    • 5.2.2 Oil & Gas and Chemicals
    • 5.2.3 Distributive Trade (Wholesale and Retail trade including e-commerce)
    • 5.2.4 Pharma & Healthcare
    • 5.2.5 Construction
    • 5.2.6 Other End-Users


  • 6.1 Overview (market concentration and major players)
  • 6.2 Company Profiles
    • 6.2.1 Nippon Express
    • 6.2.2 Yamato Holdings
    • 6.2.3 Kintetsu World Express
    • 6.2.4 Sagawa Express
    • 6.2.5 Hitachi Transport System
    • 6.2.6 Nichirei Logistics
    • 6.2.7 Sankyu
    • 6.2.8 Kokusai Express
    • 6.2.9 Fukuyama
    • 6.2.10 Mitsui-Soko
    • 6.2.11 Alps Logistics
    • 6.2.12 Yusen Logistics
    • 6.2.13 DHL*



  • 8.1 Macroeconomic Indicators (GDP Distribution, by Activity, Contribution of Transport and Storage Sector to economy)
  • 8.2 External Trade Statistics - Exports and Imports, by Product
  • 8.3 Insights into Key Export Destinations and Import Origin Countries