IDCの世界のデジタルトランスフォーメーション使用事例分類、2024年:スマートで持続可能な都市とコミュニティIDC's Worldwide Digital Transformation Use Case Taxonomy, 2024: Smart, Sustainable Cities and Communities |
IDCの世界のデジタルトランスフォーメーション使用事例分類、2024年:スマートで持続可能な都市とコミュニティ |
出版日: 2024年08月22日
発行: IDC
ページ情報: 英文 77 Pages
納期: 即納可能
This IDC study provides a framework for digital transformation (DX) in Smart, Sustainable Cities and Communities, illustrating how cities are prioritizing use cases for investment and the strategic priorities that are driving technology spending."Smart, Sustainable Cities and Communities transform the urban ecosystem to deliver environmental, financial, and social outcomes. By understanding the strategic value of digital transformation, Smart, Sustainable Cities and Communities can deliver truly innovative services to residents, businesses, and visitors. Digital transformation of the urban ecosystem must start with a common vision or mission, identify the core elements to delivering on that vision, and implement the critical use cases that will catalyze Smart City maturity," said Alison Brooks, research vice president, Government Insights.