

Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute-Resistant Starch Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Source (Fruits & Nuts, Grains, Vegetables, Cereal Food, Beans & Legumes), By Product, By Application, By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2023 - 2030

出版日: | 発行: Grand View Research | ページ情報: 英文 126 Pages | 納期: 2~10営業日

● お客様のご希望に応じて、既存データの加工や未掲載情報(例:国別セグメント)の追加などの対応が可能です。  詳細はお問い合わせください。

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
出版日: 2023年10月19日
発行: Grand View Research
ページ情報: 英文 126 Pages
納期: 2~10営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次


Grand View Research, Inc.の最新調査によると、世界の小麦粉・米粉代替耐性デンプン市場規模は、2023年から2030年にかけてCAGR 8.9%で拡大し、2030年には1兆5,919億8,000万米ドルに達すると予測されています。





その結果、豆類からのデンプン需要にチャンスがもたらされています。デンプンメーカーは、エンドウ豆デンプンのようなクリーンラベル原料の技術革新に注力しています。Roquette社、Ingredion社、A&B Ingredients社などは、エンドウ豆から抽出した非遺伝子組み換えのクリーンラベルデンプンを提供する主要市場参入企業の一部です。




小麦粉・米粉代替耐性デンプン市場で事業を展開する主要企業には、Tate & Lyle、Ingredion、MSP Starch Products、ADM、Roquette Freres、PURIS、Cargill, Incorporatedなどがあります。新製品の発売と製造能力の拡大は、市場の主要参入企業が競争力を得るために採用した2つの主要戦略です。


  • 2022年、穀物分野が市場を席巻、これは調理済み製品におけるコーンデンプンの高い需要による。
  • スープ、ドレッシング、調味料が2022年の世界市場を金額ベースで支配しました。これは、適切な食感形成のためのテクスチャリング剤としての耐性デンプンの需要に起因します。
  • アジア太平洋は2022年の収益で世界市場を独占しており、予測期間中に急成長が見込まれます。市場参入企業はアジア諸国で生産能力を拡大しています。
  • 市場は、カーギル、イングレディオン、ピュリス、ADM、ロケットなどの主要な世界的リーダーの存在により競争的です。


第1章 調査手法と範囲

第2章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第3章 小麦粉・米粉代替耐性デンプン市場:地域推定・動向分析

  • 北米
    • 国別、2017~2030年(トン)
    • 国別、2017~2030年(100万米ドル)
    • 米国
    • カナダ
    • メキシコ
  • 欧州
    • 国別、2017~2030年(トン)
    • 国別、2017~2030年(100万米ドル)
    • ドイツ
    • 英国
    • フランス
    • スペイン
    • イタリア
  • アジア太平洋
    • 国別、2017~2030年(トン)
    • 国別、2017~2030年(100万米ドル)
    • 中国
    • 日本
    • インド
    • オーストラリアとニュージーランド
    • 韓国
  • 中南米
    • 中南米の小麦粉・米粉代替耐性デンプン市場推計・予測、2017~2030年(トン)
    • 中南米の小麦粉・米粉代替耐性デンプン市場推計・予測、2017~2030年
    • ブラジル
    • アルゼンチン
  • 中東およびアフリカ
    • 国別、2017~2030年(トン)
    • 国別、2017~2030年(100万米ドル)
    • 南アフリカ
    • アラブ首長国連邦

第4章 小麦粉・米粉代替耐性デンプン市場-業界の展望

  • 市場系統の展望
  • 普及と成長の展望マッピング
  • 業界のバリューチェーン分析
  • 規制の枠組み
  • 小麦粉・米粉代替耐性デンプン市場力学
  • ビジネス環境分析

第5章 小麦粉・米粉代替耐性デンプン市場:供給源推定・動向分析

  • 小麦粉・米粉代替耐性デンプン市場:供給源変動分析、2021年および2030年
  • フルーツ&ナッツ
  • 穀類
  • 野菜
  • シリアル食品
  • 豆とマメ科植物
  • その他

第6章 小麦粉・米粉代替耐性デンプン市場:製品推定・動向分析

  • 小麦粉・米粉代替耐性デンプン市場:製品変動分析、2021年および2030年
  • Rs1
  • Rs2
  • Rs3
  • Rs4

第7章 小麦粉・米粉代替耐性デンプン市場:用途推定・動向分析

  • 小麦粉・米粉代替耐性デンプン市場:用途変動分析、2021年および2030年
  • ベーカリー製品
  • 菓子類
  • 飲料
  • 朝食用シリアル
  • パスタ&ヌードル
  • 乳製品
  • 栄養バー
  • 肉と加工食品
  • 肉の代替品
  • スープ、ドレッシング、調味料
  • その他

第8章 競合情勢

  • 主要企業、最近の動向、および業界への影響
    • 主要な企業/競合の分類(主要なイノベーター、市場リーダー、新興企業)
  • ベンダー情勢
    • 主要な販売代理店とチャネルパートナーのリスト
    • 主要な潜在顧客のリスト
  • 公開会社
    • 企業の市況分析
    • 競合ダッシュボード分析
    • 企業市場ランキング、2021年
  • 非公開会社
    • 主要な新興企業/技術ディスラプター/イノベーターのリスト
    • 企業の市況分析

第9章 企業プロファイル

  • Cargill, Incorporated
  • Emsland Group
  • Tate &Lyle
  • Roquette Freres
  • Ingredion
  • Lodaat Pharmaceuticals
  • Manitoba Starch Products
  • Adm
  • Puris
  • The Scoular Company

List of Tables

  • Table 1 North America wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by country, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton)
  • Table 2 North America wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by country, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 3 U.S. wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (Metric ton)
  • Table 4 U.S. wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 5 Canada wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (Metric ton)
  • Table 6 Canada wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 7 Mexico wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (Metric ton)
  • Table 8 Mexico wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 9 Europe wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by country, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton)
  • Table 10 Europe wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by country, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 11 Germany wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton)
  • Table 12 Germany wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 13 U.K. wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton)
  • Table 14 U.K. wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 15 France wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton)
  • Table 16 France wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 17 Spain wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton)
  • Table 18 Spain wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 19 Italy wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton)
  • Table 20 Italy wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 21 Asia Pacific wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by country, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton)
  • Table 22 Asia Pacific wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by country, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 23 CHINA wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton)
  • Table 24 CHINA wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 25 JAPAN wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton)
  • Table 26 JAPAN wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 27 India wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton)
  • Table 28 India wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 29 Australia & New Zealand wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton)
  • Table 30 Australia & New Zealand wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 31 South Korea wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton)
  • Table 32 South Korea wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 33 Central & South America wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (Metric ton)
  • Table 34 Central & South America wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 35 Brazil wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (Metric ton)
  • Table 36 Brazil wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 37 Argentina wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (Metric ton)
  • Table 38 Argentina wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 39 Middle East & Africa wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by country, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton)
  • Table 40 Middle East & Africa wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by country, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 41 South Africa wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton)
  • Table 42 South Africa wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 43 UAE wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton)
  • Table 44 UAE wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 45 Key recent product launches in the wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market
  • Table 46 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by fruits & nuts, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • Table 47 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by banana, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • Table 48 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by cashew nut, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • Table 49 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by others, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • Table 50 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by grains, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • Table 51 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by corn, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • Table 52 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by others, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • Table 53 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by vegetables, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • Table 54 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by potato, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • Table 55 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by cassava, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • Table 56 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by others, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • Table 57 Wheat & rice flour resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by cereal food, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • Table 58 Wheat & rice flour substitute market estimates and forecast, by beans & legumes, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • Table 59 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by peas, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • Table 60 Wheat & rice flour resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by others, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • Table 61 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by others, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • Table 62 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by RS1, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • Table 63 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by RS2, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • Table 64 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by RS3, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • Table 65 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by RS4, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • Table 66 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by bakery products, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • Table 67 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by bread, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • Table 68 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by biscuits & cookies, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • Table 69 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by crackers, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • Table 70 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by others, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • Table 71 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by confectionery, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • Table 72 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by beverages, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • Table 73 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by breakfast cereals, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • Table 74 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by pasta & noodles, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • Table 75 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by dairy products, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • Table 76 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by nutrition bars, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • Table 77 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by meat and processed food, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • Table 78 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by meat substitute, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • Table 79 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by soups, dressings & condiments, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • Table 80 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market estimates and forecast, by others, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)

List of Figures

  • Fig. 1 Market segmentation & scope
  • Fig. 2 Information procurement
  • Fig. 3 Primary research pattern
  • Fig. 4 Primary research process
  • Fig. 5 Market research approaches - Bottom-Up Approach
  • Fig. 6 Market research approaches - Top-Down Approach
  • Fig. 7 Market research approaches - Combined Approach
  • Fig. 8 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market: Market insights
  • Fig. 9 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market: Segmental insights
  • Fig. 10 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market: Segmental insights
  • Fig. 11 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch market: Competitive insights
  • Fig. 12 Ecosystem of the starch industry
  • Fig. 13 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market: Penetration & growth prospect mapping
  • Fig. 14 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market: Value chain analysis
  • Fig. 15 U.S.: Corn grain yield (BU/Acre), 2017 - 2022
  • Fig. 16 Global potato production (in tons), (2017 - 2021)
  • Fig. 17 Potato production, by key countries (in tons), (2019 - 2021)
  • Fig. 18 Manufacturing overview of resistant corn starch
  • Fig. 19 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market: Porter's Analysis
  • Fig. 20 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market: PESTEL Analysis
  • Fig. 21 Wheat & rice flour substitute resistant starch market: Source analysis, 2021 & 2030
  • Fig. 22 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch market: Product analysis, 2021 & 2030
  • Fig. 23 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market: Application Analysis, 2021 & 2030
  • Fig. 24 Key Company/Competition Categorization
  • Fig. 25 Company market position analysis (public companies)
  • Fig. 26 Competitive dashboard analysis [Private companies]
Product Code: GVR-4-68040-141-1

Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute-Resistant Starch Market Growth & Trends:

The global wheat & rice flour substitute-resistant starch market size is expected to reach USD 1,591.98 billion by 2030, expanding at 8.9% CAGR from 2023 to 2030, according to a new study by Grand View Research, Inc.. The demand for the wheat & rice flour substitute-resistant starch industry is anticipated to be driven by increasing consumers shifting towards ready-to-eat meals and convenience food. The growth of the processed food industry will also contribute to the market growth significantly.

The consumption of packaged snacks such as potato chips, sausages, and bread is growing in the emerging markets of China, India, and the Middle East. Moreover, busy lifestyles have strengthened the demand for convenience food products as they are easy to use and have a long shelf life. This is likely to result in an increased demand for wheat & rice substitute-resistant starches. The compatibility of ingredients such as potato-resistant starch in bread making, soups & salads, and frozen foods owing to its high gelling and thickening properties is projected to contribute to the market growth.

With growing health consciousness, consumers are shifting toward clean-label ingredients, which has led to manufacturers launching resistant starches from sources like peas, potatoes, and corn. Key market participants are focused on product innovation to strengthen their wheat & rice flour substitute-resistant starch product lines and to cater to the demand for novel ingredients, especially in North America and Europe.

The grains source segment led the market in 2022 in terms of value, especially due to the high usage of corn starch in the food industry. Corn starch is used in a wide variety of applications due to its high amylose content. Furthermore, beans & legumes are emerging sources of resistant starches. Clean-label and non-GMO ingredients are gaining wide popularity among consumers owing to their health attributes.

This has resulted in an opportunity for starch demand from beans & legumes. Starch manufacturers are focusing on innovation in clean-label ingredients such as pea starch. Roquette, Ingredion, and A&B Ingredients are some of the key market players offering non-GMO and clean-label starch extracted from peas.

RS1-resistant starch is projected to witness the fastest growth rate during the forecast period. The growing demand for fat replacers, prebiotics, and blood sugar regulators in food & beverage manufacturing is projected to drive the demand for resistant starches from sources such as soybean, raw potato, beans, peas, and lentils.

Bakery products are projected to hold a significant market share in the global wheat & rice flour-resistant starch market in 2022 in terms of value. Wheat & rice flour Substitute-Resistant starches are one of the major ingredients in the processing of bread and bakery products. The growing demand for gluten-free products especially in the U.S. and Canada, and in certain European Union countries such as France is driving a shift towards wheat-free sources of ingredients and food products.

In terms of value, Asia Pacific is estimated to be the largest market for wheat & rice flour substitute-resistant starches in 2022 followed by North America. The growing demand for processed snacks in Asian countries such as China and Japan is contributing to the market growth. Furthermore, the market demand in North America is primarily driven by increased consumer preference for clean-label ingredients such as pea starch.

The key players operating in the wheat & rice flour Substitute-Resistant starch market include Tate & Lyle; Ingredion; MSP Starch Products; ADM; Roquette Freres; PURIS; and Cargill, Incorporated. New product launches and manufacturing capacity expansions are two key strategies adopted by the key players in the market to gain a competitive edge.

Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute-Resistant Starch Market Report Highlights:

  • Grains segment dominated the market in 2022 owing to the high demand for corn starch in ready-to-eat products
  • Soups, dressings & condiments dominated the global market in terms of value in 2022. This is attributed to the demand for resistant starch as texturizing agent for appropriate texture formation
  • Asia Pacific dominated the global market in terms of revenue in 2022 and is expected to grow rapidly over the forecast period. The market players have expanded their production capacities in Asian countries
  • The market is competitive with the presence of key global leaders such as Cargill; Ingredion; PURIS; ADM; and Roquette

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Methodology And Scope

  • 1.1 Market Segmentation & Scope
  • 1.2 Research Methodology
  • 1.3 Assumptions
  • 1.4 Information Procurement
    • 1.4.1 Purchased Database
    • 1.4.2 Gvr's Internal Database
    • 1.4.3 Secondary Sources
    • 1.4.4 Third-Party Perspective
    • 1.4.5 Primary Research
  • 1.5 Information Analysis
    • 1.5.1 Data Analysis Models
  • 1.6 Market Formulation And Data Visualization
  • 1.7 List Of Sources

Chapter 2 Executive Summary

  • 2.1 Market Insights
  • 2.2 Segmental Insights
  • 2.3 Competitive Insights

Chapter 3 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market: Regional Estimates & Trend Analysis

  • 3.1 North America
    • 3.1.1 North America Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Country, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton)
    • 3.1.2 North America Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Country, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 3.1.3 U.S.
      • U.S. Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton)
      • U.S. Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 3.1.4 Canada
      • Canada Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton)
      • Canada Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 3.1.5 Mexico
      • Mexico Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton)
      • Mexico Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • 3.2 Europe
    • 3.2.1 Europe Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Country, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
    • 3.2.2 Europe Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Country, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 3.2.3 Germany
      • Germany Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton)
      • Germany Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 3.2.4 U.K.
      • U.K. Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton)
      • U.K. Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 3.2.5 France
      • France Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton)
      • France Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 3.2.6 Spain
      • Spain Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton)
      • Spain Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 3.2.7 Italy
      • Italy Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton)
      • Italy Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • 3.3 Asia Pacific
    • 3.3.1 Asia Pacific Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Country, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
    • 3.3.2 Asia Pacific Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Country, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 3.3.3 China
      • China Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton)
      • China Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 3.3.4 Japan
      • Japan Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton)
      • Japan Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 3.3.5 India
      • India Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton)
      • India Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 3.3.6 Australia & New Zealand
      • Australia & New Zealand Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton)
      • Australia & New Zealand Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 3.3.7 South Korea
      • South Korea Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton)
      • South Korea Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • 3.4 Central & South America
    • 3.4.1 Central & South America Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton)
    • 3.4.2 Central & South America Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 3.4.3 Brazil
      • Brazil Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton)
      • Brazil Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 3.4.4 Argentina
      • Argentina Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton)
      • Argentina Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • 3.5 Middle East & Africa
    • 3.5.1 Middle East & Africa Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Country, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
    • 3.5.2 Middle East & Africa Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Country, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 3.5.3 South Africa
      • South Africa Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton)
      • South Africa Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 3.5.4 UAE
      • UAE Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton)
      • UAE Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)

Chapter 4 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market- Industry Outlook

  • 4.1 Market Lineage Outlook
    • 4.1.1 Parent Market Outlook
      • Starch Market
  • 4.2 Penetration & Growth Prospect Mapping
  • 4.3 Industry Value Chain Analysis
    • 4.3.1 Raw Material Trends
      • Major Raw Material Trends
      • Corn
      • Potato
    • 4.3.2 Manufacturing & Technology Trends
  • 4.4 Regulatory Framework
    • 4.4.1 U.S.
    • 4.4.2 Europe
    • 4.4.3 The Food And Agriculture Organization And World Health Organization
    • 4.4.4 U.K.
    • 4.4.5 Political Landscape
  • 4.5 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Dynamics
    • 4.5.1 Market Driver Analysis
      • Growing Demand For Convenience And Packaged Food Products
      • Increasing New Product Launches
    • 4.5.2 Market Restraint Analysis
      • Fluctuating Raw Material Prices
    • 4.5.3 Market Opportunity Analysis
      • Growing Demand For Non-Gmo And Clean Label Food Ingredients
  • 4.6 Business Environment Analysis:
    • 4.6.1 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market: Porter's Analysis
    • 4.6.2 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market: Pestel Analysis
    • 4.6.3 Major Deals & Strategic Alliances
    • 4.6.4 Impact Of Covid-19 On Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market
      • Impact On Production Capacity
      • Impact On Raw Materials

Chapter 5 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market: Source Estimates & Trend Analysis

  • 5.1 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market: Source Movement Analysis, 2021 & 2030
  • 5.2 Fruits & Nuts
    • 5.2.1 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Fruits & Nuts, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
    • 5.2.2 Banana
      • Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Banana, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
    • 5.2.3 Cashew Nut
      • Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Cashew Nut, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
    • 5.2.4 Others
      • Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Others, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • 5.3 Grains
    • 5.3.1 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Grains, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
    • 5.3.2 Corn
      • Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Corn, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
    • 5.3.3 Others
      • Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Others, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • 5.4 Vegetables
    • 5.4.1 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Vegetables, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
    • 5.4.2 Potato
      • Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Potato, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
    • 5.4.3 Cassava
      • Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Cassava, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
    • 5.4.4 Others
      • Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Others, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • 5.5 Cereal Food
    • 5.5.1 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Cereal Food, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • 5.6 Beans & Legumes
    • 5.6.1 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Beans & Legumes, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
    • 5.6.2 Peas
    • 5.6.3 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Peas, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
    • 5.6.4 Others
    • 5.6.5 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Others, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • 5.7 Others
    • 5.7.1 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Others, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)

Chapter 6 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market: Product Estimates & Trend Analysis

  • 6.1 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market: Product Movement Analysis, 2021 & 2030
  • 6.2 Rs1
    • 6.2.1 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Rs1, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • 6.3 Rs2
    • 6.3.1 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Rs2, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • 6.4 Rs3
    • 6.4.1 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Rs3, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • 6.5 Rs4
    • 6.5.1 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Rs4, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)

Chapter 7 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market: Application Estimates & Trend Analysis

  • 7.1 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market: Application Movement Analysis, 2021 & 2030
  • 7.2 Bakery Products
    • 7.2.1 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Bakery Products, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
    • 7.2.2 Bread
      • Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Bread, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
    • 7.2.3 Biscuits & Cookies
      • Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Biscuits & Cookies, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
    • 7.2.4 Crackers
      • Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Crackers, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
    • 7.2.5 Others
      • Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Others, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • 7.3 Confectionery
    • 7.3.1 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Confectionery, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • 7.4 Beverages
    • 7.4.1 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Beverages, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • 7.5 Breakfast Cereals
    • 7.5.1 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Breakfast Cereals, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • 7.6 Pasta & Noodles
    • 7.6.1 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Pasta & Noodles, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • 7.7 Dairy Products
    • 7.7.1 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Dairy Products, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • 7.8 Nutritional Bars
    • 7.8.1 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Nutrition Bars, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • 7.9 Meat And Processed Food
    • 7.9.1 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Meat And Processed Food, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • 7.10 Meat Substitute
    • 7.10.1 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Meat Substitute, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • 7.11 Soups, Dressings & Condiments
    • 7.11.1 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Soups, Dressings & Condiments, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)
  • 7.12 Others
    • 7.12.1 Wheat & Rice Flour Substitute Resistant Starch Market Estimates And Forecast, By Others, 2017 - 2030 (Metric Ton) (USD Million)

Chapter 8 Competitive Landscape

  • 8.1 Key Players, Recent Developments, And Their Impact On The Industry
    • 8.1.1 Key Company/Competition Categorization (Key Innovators, Market Leaders, And Emerging Players)
  • 8.2 Vendor Landscape
    • 8.2.1 List Of Key Distributors And Channel Partners
    • 8.2.2 List Of Key Potential Customers
  • 8.3 Public Companies
    • 8.3.1 Company Market Position Analysis
    • 8.3.2 Competitive Dashboard Analysis
    • 8.3.3 Company Market Ranking, 2021
  • 8.4 Private Companies
    • 8.4.1 List Of Key Emerging Companies/Technology Disruptors/Innovators
    • 8.4.2 Company Market Position Analysis

Chapter 9 Company Profiles

  • 9.1 Cargill, Incorporated
    • 9.1.1 Company Overview
    • 9.1.2 Financial Performance
    • 9.1.3 Product Benchmarking
    • 9.1.4 Strategic Initiatives
  • 9.2 Emsland Group
    • 9.2.1 Company Overview
    • 9.2.2 Product Benchmarking
    • 9.2.3 Strategic Initiatives
  • 9.3 Tate & Lyle
    • 9.3.1 Company Overview
    • 9.3.2 Financial Performance
    • 9.3.3 Product Benchmarking
    • 9.3.4 Strategic Initiatives
  • 9.4 Roquette Freres
    • 9.4.1 Company Overview
    • 9.4.2 Product Benchmarking
    • 9.4.3 Strategic Initiatives
  • 9.5 Ingredion
    • 9.5.1 Company Overview
    • 9.5.2 Financial Performance
    • 9.5.3 Product Benchmarking
    • 9.5.4 Strategic Initiatives
  • 9.6 Lodaat Pharmaceuticals
    • 9.6.1 Company Overview
    • 9.6.2 Product Benchmarking
    • 9.6.3 Strategic Initiatives
  • 9.7 Manitoba Starch Products
    • 9.7.1 Company Overview
    • 9.7.2 Product Benchmarking
    • 9.7.3 Strategic Initiatives
  • 9.8 Adm
    • 9.8.1 Company Overview
    • 9.8.2 Financial Performance
    • 9.8.3 Product Benchmarking
    • 9.8.4 Strategic Initiatives
  • 9.9 Puris
    • 9.9.1 Company Overview
    • 9.9.2 Financial Performance
    • 9.9.3 Product Benchmarking
    • 9.9.4 Strategic Initiatives
  • 9.10 The Scoular Company
    • 9.10.1 Company Overview
    • 9.10.2 Financial Performance
    • 9.10.3 Product Benchmarking