

Online Gaming - Key Disruptive Forces to Transform User Experience

出版日: | 発行: GlobalData | ページ情報: 英文 | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

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価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
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出版日: 2022年11月28日
発行: GlobalData
ページ情報: 英文
納期: 即日から翌営業日
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当レポートでは、オンラインゲームの業界構造を一変させる破壊的要因について分析し、業界の基本構造や主な促進要因、イノベーションが加速/停滞している分野、新たなイノベーションが生じている領域 (ゲーミングトークン認証、ライブイベントゲーミフィケーション、P2Eゲーム、オンデマンドビデオゲームなど) と今後の成長可能性、全体的な技術革新強度 (TII:technology innovation intensity) の傾向 (2025年まで) と各技術項目 (全37種) の平均との比較、といった情報を取りまとめてお届けいたします。


第1章 オンラインゲームにおける主な破壊的要因:主な促進要因・動向、新興・加速・成熟したイノベーション分野を示すSカーブ、イノベーション分野の特許公開の動向 (3年間/1年間分)、イノベーション分野の定義、特許公開の動向、主な特許出願者

第2章 新興のイノベーション領域:主要なイノベーション分野の破壊的な可能性 - 根底にあるデータシグナル (特許、イノベーション促進要因、最近の開発、大手企業など)

第3章 将来展望:オンラインゲームの技術革新強度 (TII) の予測と、37種類の技術の平均値との比較

Product Code: GDDT-FT-S018

Online gaming sees a massive boom thanks to the rise in player count and technology proliferation. Gen Z and millennial enthusiasm for novel experiences is a key factor driving investments into the cloud, wearable, and real-time personalized gaming. GlobalData's FutureTech Series Report, 'Online gaming: key disruptive forces to transform user experience', categorizes key innovation areas in online gaming as emerging, accelerating, and maturing based on their rate of growth in innovation. It also casts light on patent grants, major geographies, top players, and recent developments in emerging innovation areas such as gaming token authentication, live event gamification, play-to-earn (P2E) gaming, and on-demand video gaming. The awareness, knowledge, and expertise on these innovation areas can transform business models, decision-making, and strategic thinking that directly influence research and development, collaboration, acquisition, and investment decisions.

Online gaming major drivers, trends, select innovation areas in online gaming and their leading patent filers, and the disruptive potential of emerging innovation areas as highlighted by innovation drivers, recent developments, patent trends, and top players, and forecast for online gaming.


  • Key disruptive forces in online gaming - presents the major drivers, trends, and emerging, accelerating, and maturing innovation areas with disruptive potential in online gaming.
  • Emerging innovation areas - overview of emerging innovation areas to capture their disruptive potential, innovation drivers, recent developments, patents trends, and top players.
  • Outlook - online gaming technology innovation intensity (TII) forecast till 2025 vs an average of 37 trending technologies.

Reasons to Buy

  • GlobalData's FutureTech Series Reports are aimed at capturing futuristic technologies which have the potential to disrupt tomorrow. These technologies are constantly changing, adapting, and progressing to enable a paradigm shift in our daily lives. The awareness, knowledge, and expertise of these topics help transform business models and strategic thinking with an in-depth understanding of megatrends that can directly influence patenting, collaboration, acquisition, and investment decisions.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Key disruptive forces in online gaming - major drivers, trends, S curve highlighting the emerging, accelerating, and maturing innovation areas, 3-year vs 1-year growth in patent publications for innovation areas, and innovation areas definitions, patent publications trend, and major patent filers.

2. Emerging innovation areas - the disruptive potential of key innovation areas as highlighted by the underlying data signals involving patents, innovation drivers, recent developments, and top players.

3. Outlook - online gaming technology innovation intensity (TII) forecast vs average of 37 technologies.