

Latin America Pay TV Forecasts

出版日: | 発行: Digital TV Research | ページ情報: 英文 102 Pages | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=153.40円
出版日: 2024年02月29日
発行: Digital TV Research
ページ情報: 英文 102 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次


メキシコはテレビ世帯数が少ないにもかかわらず、有料テレビ加入者数はブラジルより多いです。メキシコはピークの2016年 (2,100万人) 以降加入者を減らしてきましたが、今後は1,600万人程度に落ち着くと予測されています。




  • インサイト:国別の詳細分析のPDFドキュメント (56ページ)
  • Excelワークブック:19カ国の世帯普及率、有料テレビ加入者数、有料テレビ収益の主要通信事業者・国・プラットフォーム別データ (2015~2029年)


オペレーター数 プラットフォーム別予測
アルゼンチン 5 Flow; Supercanal; DirecTV; Telefonica; Claro
ボリビア 2 Tigo; Entel
ブラジル 3 Claro; Telefonica/Vivo; Sky
チリ 6 VTR; Telefonica; Claro; DirecTV; Entel; Telsur
コロンビア 5 Claro; UNE; ETB; DirecTV; Movistar
コスタリカ 5 Tigo; Cabletica; Claro; Sky; Telecable
ドミニカ共和国 3 Altice/Tricom; Claro; Sky
エクアドル 4 DirecTV; CNT; Claro; TV Cable
エルサルバドル 3 Claro; Tigo; Sky
グアテマラ 3 Claro; Tigo; Sky
ホンジュラス 3 Claro; Tigo; Sky
メキシコ 5 Megacable; Televisa cable; Sky; Dish; TotalPlay
ニカラグア 3 Claro; Sky; Tigo
パナマ 4 Claro; Sky; Cable & Wireless; Tigo
パラグアイ 2 Tigo; Claro
ペルー 3 Telefonica; Claro; DirecTV
プエルトリコ 4 Liberty; Claro; DirecTV; Dish
ウルグアイ 2 Cablevision; DirecTV
ベネズエラ 3 Intercable; Movistar; CANTV

The number of pay TV subscribers in Latin America will stay at 53-54 million. This is down from the peak of 73 million in 2017. Brazil lost 9 million subscribers between 2015 and 2023, but will "only" lose 2 million between 2023 and 2029 to total 7.8 million.

Mexico has more pay TV subscribers than Brazil despite having many fewer TV households. Mexico has lost subscribers since its peak year of 2016 (21 million), but will now settle at around 16 million.

Simon Murray , Principal Analyst at Digital TV Research, said: "Most Latin American countries - not all - are coming out of economic recessions and periods of social unrest, which adversely affected the pay TV sector. Pay TV also has to battle against the well-served SVOD sector, with the major US-based platforms all operational in Latin America.

Table of Contents

Published in March 2024, this 102-page PDF and excel report comes in two parts:

  • Insight: Detailed country-by-country analysis in a 56-page PDF document.
  • Excel workbook covering each year from 2015 to 2029 for 19 countries by household penetration, by pay TV subscribers, by pay TV revenues and by major operator. As well as summary tables by country and by platform;

Forecasts for the following 19 countries and 68 operators:

Country No of ops Platform forecasts
Argentina 5 Flow; Supercanal; DirecTV; Telefonica; Claro
Bolivia 2 Tigo; Entel
Brazil 3 Claro; Telefonica/Vivo; Sky
Chile 6 VTR; Telefonica; Claro; DirecTV; Entel; Telsur
Colombia 5 Claro; UNE; ETB; DirecTV; Movistar
Costa Rica 5 Tigo; Cabletica; Claro; Sky; Telecable
Dominican Rep 3 Altice/Tricom; Claro; Sky
Ecuador 4 DirecTV; CNT; Claro; TV Cable
El Salvador 3 Claro; Tigo; Sky
Guatemala 3 Claro; Tigo; Sky
Honduras 3 Claro; Tigo; Sky
Mexico 5 Megacable; Televisa cable; Sky; Dish; TotalPlay
Nicaragua 3 Claro; Sky; Tigo
Panama 4 Claro; Sky; Cable & Wireless; Tigo
Paraguay 2 Tigo; Claro
Peru 3 Telefonica; Claro; DirecTV
Puerto Rico 4 Liberty; Claro; DirecTV; Dish
Uruguay 2 Cablevision; DirecTV
Venezuela 3 Intercable; Movistar; CANTV