
米国のAR (拡張現実)・VR (仮想現実) ヘッドセット市場 - 国別分析:用途・製品・国別の分析・予測 (2024-2033年)

U.S. Augmented and Virtual Reality Headset Market - A Country Analysis: Focus on Application, Product, and Country - Analysis and Forecast, 2024-2033

出版日: | 発行: BIS Research | ページ情報: 英文 79 Pages | 納期: 1~5営業日

● お客様のご希望に応じて、既存データの加工や未掲載情報(例:国別セグメント)の追加などの対応が可能です。  詳細はお問い合わせください。

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
米国のAR (拡張現実)・VR (仮想現実) ヘッドセット市場 - 国別分析:用途・製品・国別の分析・予測 (2024-2033年)
出版日: 2024年03月05日
発行: BIS Research
ページ情報: 英文 79 Pages
納期: 1~5営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次

米国の米国のAR (拡張現実)・VR (仮想現実) ヘッドセットの市場規模は、2023年の10億8,000万米ドルから、予測期間中は36.45%のCAGRで推移し、2033年には254億9,210万米ドルの規模に達すると予測されています。


予測期間 2024-2033年
2024年評価 15億5,520万米ドル
2033年予測 254億9,210万米ドル
CAGR 36.45%






製品タイプ別では、スタンドアロン型ヘッドセットが米国市場をリードし、外部デバイスを必要としないワイヤレスでオールインワンの体験を提供します。Meta PlatformsのMeta Quest 3、Quest Pro、AppleのVision Proがこのトレンドの象徴です。これらの自律性はセットアップを簡素化し、携帯性を高め、消費者にも企業にもアピールします。これらのヘッドセットは、ゲーム、エンターテインメント、トレーニング、教育などの多様な用途をサポートし、パワーと機能を進化させています。

当レポートでは、米国のAR (拡張現実)・VR (仮想現実) ヘッドセットの市場を調査し、市場概要、主要市場動向、法規制環境、R&Dおよび特許の動向、市場影響因子の分析、市場規模の推移・予測、各種区分別の詳細分析、競合情勢、主要企業の分析などをまとめています。



第1章 市場

  • 動向:現在および将来の影響評価
    • 動向:現在および将来の影響評価
    • メタバースと台頭する複合現実 (MR)
    • ゲームに革命を起こす:没入型プレイにおけるAR/VRヘッドセットの台頭
    • ウェアラブル技術への需要の高まり
  • サプライチェーンの概要
    • マーケットマップ
  • R&Dレビュー
    • 特許出願動向 (国別・企業別)
  • 規制状況
    • 米国の規制とガバナンス
  • 主要な世界的出来事の影響分析:COVID-19
  • 市場力学:概要
    • 市場促進要因
    • 市場抑制要因
    • 市場機会

第2章 用途

  • 用途の分類
  • 用途の概要
  • 米国のAR・VRヘッドセット市場:用途別
    • 企業
    • 消費者
    • ヘルスケア
    • 商業

第3章 製品

  • 製品の分類
  • 製品概要
  • 米国のAR・VRヘッドセット市場:タイプ別
    • 拡張現実 (AR) ヘッドセット
    • 仮想現実 (VR) ヘッドセット
    • 複合現実 (MR) ヘッドセット
  • 製品概要
  • 米国のAR・VRヘッドセット市場:製品タイプ別
    • スタンドアロン型
    • テザード型
    • スクリーンレスビューア型

第4章 地域

  • 米国
    • 国の概要
    • 市場成長推進因子
    • 市場課題
    • 用途
    • 製品

第5章 市場:競合ベンチマーキングと企業プロファイル

  • 次のフロンティア
  • 地理的評価
    • Microsoft Corporation
    • Vuzix Corporation
    • KOPIN Corporation
    • Apple, Inc.
    • Meta Platforms, Inc.
    • Seiko Epson Corporation
    • Qualcomm Technologies Inc.
    • Penumbra, Inc.
    • HP Development Company, L.P.
    • Merge Labs, Inc.
    • DPVR
    • Sony Group Corporation
    • PICO Immersive Pte. Ltd.
    • XREAL, Inc.
    • Valve Corporation

第6章 調査手法


List of Figures

  • Figure 1: U.S. Augmented and Virtual Reality Headset Market (by Application), 2024, 2027, and 2033
  • Figure 2: U.S. Augmented and Virtual Reality Headset Market (by Type), 2024, 2027, and 2033
  • Figure 3: U.S. Augmented and Virtual Reality Headset Market (by Product Type), 2024, 2027, and 2033
  • Figure 4: Augmented and Virtual Reality Headset, Recent Developments
  • Figure 5: Supply Chain and Risks within the Supply Chain
  • Figure 6: Patent Analysis (by Country), January 2020 and December 2023
  • Figure 7: Patent Analysis (by Company), January 2020 and December 2023
  • Figure 8: Impact Analysis of Market Navigating Factors, 2024-2033
  • Figure 9: U.S. Augmented and Virtual Reality Headset Market, $Million, 2023-2033
  • Figure 10: Strategic Initiatives, 2021-2023
  • Figure 11: Share of Strategic Initiatives, 2021-2023
  • Figure 12: Data Triangulation
  • Figure 13: Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approach
  • Figure 14: Assumptions and Limitations

List of Tables

  • Table 1: Market Snapshot
  • Table 2: U.S. Augmented and Virtual Reality Headset Market (by Application), $Million, 2024-2033
  • Table 3: U.S. Augmented and Virtual Reality Headset Market (by Application), Thousand Units, 2024-2033
  • Table 4: U.S. Augmented and Virtual Reality Headset Market (by Type), $Million, 2024-2033
  • Table 5: U.S. Augmented and Virtual Reality Headset Market (by Type), Thousand Units, 2024-2033
  • Table 6: U.S. Augmented and Virtual Reality Headset Market (by Product Type), $Million, 2024-2033
  • Table 7: U.S. Augmented and Virtual Reality Headset Market (by Product Type), Thousand Units, 2024-2033
  • Table 8: Market Share
Product Code: DTV1917SA

The U.S. Augmented and Virtual Reality Headset Market Expected to Reach $25,492.1 Million by 2033

U.S. Augmented and Virtual Reality Headset Market Overview

The U.S. augmented and virtual reality headset market is projected to reach $25,492.1 million by 2033 from $1,080.0 million in 2023, growing at a CAGR of 36.45% during the forecast period 2024-2033. The U.S. augmented and virtual reality headset market is set to experience significant growth, primarily fueled by increased investments in the sector, the integration of AR/VR technologies across multiple industries, and ongoing technological advancements. The surge in funding is not only driving innovation but also enabling the development of more sophisticated, user-friendly headsets. The widespread application of AR/VR technologies in sectors such as education, healthcare, and entertainment is broadening the market's scope and enhancing consumer demand. Technological advancements are further elevating the user experience by improving headset comfort, functionality, and immersive capabilities. These factors combined are positioning AR/VR headsets as essential tools for both professional and personal use, promising a robust expansion of the market in the near future.

Forecast Period2024 - 2033
2024 Evaluation$1,555.2 Million
2033 Forecast$25,492.1 Million

Introduction to Augmented and Virtual Reality Headset

Augmented and virtual reality headsets are at the forefront of technological innovation, offering users unparalleled immersive experiences. These devices blend digital content with the physical world (AR) or create entirely immersive virtual environments (VR), catering to a wide array of applications from entertainment and gaming to educational and professional training. With continuous advancements in display technologies, user interface design, and content delivery, AR/VR headsets are becoming increasingly sophisticated, providing more realistic and engaging experiences. As businesses recognize their potential for transforming customer interactions, training, and product visualization, AR/VR headsets are poised to significantly impact various industries, driving forward digital transformation initiatives.

Market Introduction

The U.S. augmented and virtual reality headset market represents a burgeoning sector within the technology industry, characterized by rapid advancements and significant investment. These headsets offer immersive digital experiences by overlaying virtual elements in the real world or creating entirely virtual environments. As these technologies find applications across diverse sectors ranging from healthcare and education to entertainment and retail, the market is experiencing robust growth. Innovations in headset design, functionality, and user interface are enhancing their appeal to both consumers and businesses. The integration of AR/VR technologies is not only reshaping user experiences but also opening new avenues for interactive and immersive digital interactions, signaling a transformative period for the industry.

Industrial Impact

The industrial impact of augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) headsets is profound and multifaceted, revolutionizing how industries operate, train, and interact with customers. In manufacturing, augmented reality (AR) headsets facilitate precision assembly and maintenance, overlaying digital blueprints onto physical components, thereby reducing errors and improving efficiency. The construction sector benefits from virtual reality (VR) for visualizing architectural designs and simulating structural changes before physical implementation, enhancing planning accuracy and client communication. Healthcare leverages VR for surgical training and patient therapy, offering realistic simulations that enhance procedural understanding and patient outcomes. In retail, AR transforms the shopping experience, allowing customers to visualize products in their own space before purchase. Furthermore, AR/VR headsets are pivotal in employee training across sectors, providing immersive, hands-on experiences that improve learning retention. This technological integration is driving innovation, productivity, and customer engagement, marking a significant shift in traditional industrial operations and customer service paradigms.

Market Segmentation

Segmentation 1: by Application

  • Enterprise
  • Consumer
  • Healthcare
  • Commercial

Consumer Application to Lead the U.S. Augmented and Virtual Reality Headset Market (by Application)

In the U.S. augmented and virtual reality headset market, the consumer segment is witnessing remarkable growth, largely driven by the demand for entertainment, gaming, and personal learning. These headsets are becoming popular for their immersive capabilities, offering users new ways to experience games, media, and educational content. This trend is fueled by the consumer appetite for innovative, immersive tech that enables escapism and self-education. As these devices evolve, becoming more accessible and integrated with daily life, they are set to broaden consumer adoption, heralding a shift toward more interactive digital experiences in the U.S. market.

Segmentation 2: by Type

  • Augmented Reality (AR) Headset
  • Virtual Reality (VR) Headset
  • Mixed Reality (MR) Headset

Virtual Reality (VR) Headset to Hold the Largest Share in the U.S. Augmented and Virtual Reality Headset Market (by Type)

Virtual reality (VR) headsets are favored for their immersive gaming, entertainment, and educational uses. Key market players are enhancing this growth with advanced VR offerings. These devices, known for providing deep digital immersion, are highly sought after for top-tier gaming and simulations. The evolution of VR technology and the availability of more affordable, sophisticated models have broadened its application across various sectors.

Segmentation 3: by Product Type

  • Standalone
  • Tethered
  • Screenless Viewer

Standalone Headset to Lead the U.S. Augmented and Virtual Reality Headset Market (by Product Type)

Standalone headsets lead the U.S. market, offering wireless, all-in-one experiences without requiring external devices. Meta Platforms Inc.'s Meta Quest 3, Quest Pro, and Apple Inc.'s Vision Pro exemplify this trend. Their autonomy simplifies setup and enhances portability, appealing to consumers and enterprises alike. These headsets support diverse applications, including gaming, entertainment, training, and education, while advancing in power and features.

Recent Developments in the U.S. Augmented and Virtual Reality Headset Market:

  • In September 2023, DPVR, a leading player in the virtual reality sector, introduced its newest creation, DPVR P2, generating enthusiasm among educators, cutting-edge EdTech firms, and progressive businesses.
  • In June 2023, Apple Inc. introduced Apple Vision Pro, an innovative spatial computing device that seamlessly merges digital content with the physical environment, enabling users to remain engaged and connected to others while interacting with augmented reality experiences.
  • In November 2022, Penumbra, Inc. unveiled the first non-tethered immersive healthcare solution for rehabilitation. The latest REAL y-Series product incorporates sensors for both upper and lower body movements, enabling clinicians to monitor real-time progress and full-body movement.

Demand - Drivers, Challenges, and Opportunities

Market Demand Drivers

The U.S. augmented and virtual reality headset market is witnessing substantial growth, driven by increased investments across various industries. These investments reflect a recognition of AR/VR's transformative potential in gaming, entertainment, healthcare, education, and business sectors. As AR/VR technologies evolve to become more user-friendly, they are being utilized to enhance customer engagement, boost productivity, and foster innovation. The widespread adoption of smartphones and smart devices further expands the audience for AR/VR applications, driving market expansion.

The convergence of AR and VR technologies across industries is a significant catalyst for market growth. These technologies are revolutionizing operational efficiencies and consumer interactions in sectors such as gaming, healthcare, education, retail, manufacturing, and automotive. AR/VR headsets offer immersive experiences for viewing movies, TV shows, and live events and enable virtual try-ons and product visualizations in retail. Moreover, technological advancements in hardware, software, and displays are making AR/VR headsets more powerful, affordable, and user-centric, further driving market growth and adoption.

Market Restraints

The U.S. augmented and virtual reality headset market faces technical and nontechnical limitations. Technical challenges include enhancing optical performance to reduce user fatigue, meeting substantial computational demands while maintaining compact form factors, and implementing decentralized processing solutions to improve performance without sacrificing comfort. Additionally, concerns about user experience, such as motion sickness and discomfort, and interoperability issues hinder seamless digital asset transfer across platforms. Nontechnical barriers encompass high hardware investment costs, ecosystem fragmentation across various metaverses, supply chain bottlenecks due to semiconductor shortages, and innovation barriers resulting from a limited range of available devices. Moreover, inclusivity and cultural adoption present challenges, as accessibility issues and resistance to virtual environments hinder widespread acceptance. Overcoming these limitations will be crucial for advancing the AR and VR headset market and realizing the full potential of immersive technologies.

Market Opportunities

Advancements in multi-sensory technologies, such as tactile feedback and 3D audio, are propelling the U.S. augmented and virtual reality headset market forward. Companies are pioneering products, such as haptic feedback gloves and full-body suits, to provide users with immersive virtual experiences that engage multiple senses. These innovations extend beyond entertainment, with potential applications in education and healthcare, enhancing user engagement and broadening market reach. In the healthcare sector, AR/VR technologies are transforming patient care, surgical procedures, and medical training. Companies offer training for surgeons and augmented reality guidance systems for surgeries, respectively, improving precision and reducing errors. Additionally, AR/VR applications can offer therapeutic experiences and virtual consultations for patients, enhancing access to care and reducing treatment-related anxiety. These advancements underscore the critical role of immersive technologies in advancing medical care and patient experiences, driving growth in the U.S. augmented and virtual reality headset market.

How can this report add value to an organization?

Product/Innovation Strategy: This report presents an extensive product/innovation strategy tailored for the U.S. augmented and virtual reality headset market, outlining avenues for market penetration, technology integration, and sustainable expansion. It furnishes actionable insights to empower enterprises in leveraging AR/VR headsets to comply with evolving industry standards, attain a competitive advantage, and capitalize on the surging demand for immersive digital experiences across diverse sectors. By identifying emerging trends, innovative applications, and strategic partnerships, this report equips businesses with the tools to navigate the dynamic AR/VR landscape effectively, fostering growth, innovation, and market leadership.

Growth/Marketing Strategy: This report outlines a comprehensive growth and marketing strategy tailored for the U.S. augmented and virtual reality headset market. It offers a targeted approach to segmenting markets, establishing competitive advantages, and executing creative marketing initiatives. By implementing these recommendations, businesses can enhance their market presence, capture emerging opportunities, and drive revenue growth effectively. This strategic approach enables organizations to navigate the dynamic AR/VR landscape, strengthen their market position, and capitalize on the growing demand for immersive digital experiences, fostering sustainable business growth.

Competitive Strategy: This report formulates a robust competitive strategy customized for the U.S. augmented and virtual reality headset market. It assesses competitors, recommends differentiation tactics, and provides guidance for securing a competitive advantage. By adhering to these strategic recommendations, companies can effectively position themselves amidst market rivals, ensuring ongoing success and profitability.

Research Methodology

Factors for Data Prediction and Modeling

The section exhibits the standard assumptions and limitations followed throughout the research study named U.S. augmented and virtual reality headset market:

  • The scope of this report focuses on several types of applications and products.
  • The base currency considered for the market analysis is US$. Currencies other than the US$ have been converted to the US$ for all statistical calculations, considering the average conversion rate for that particular year.
  • The currency conversion rate has been taken from the historical exchange rate of the Oanda website.
  • Nearly all the recent developments from January 2021 to January 2024 have been considered in this research study.
  • The information rendered in the report is a result of in-depth primary interviews, surveys, and secondary analysis.
  • Where relevant information was not available, proxy indicators and extrapolation were employed.
  • Any economic downturn in the future has not been taken into consideration for the market estimation and forecast.
  • Technologies currently used are expected to persist through the forecast with no major breakthroughs in technology.

Market Estimation and Forecast

This research study involves the usage of extensive secondary sources, such as certified publications, articles from recognized authors, white papers, annual reports of companies, directories, and major databases to collect useful and effective information for an extensive, technical, market-oriented, and commercial study of the U.S. augmented and virtual reality headset market.

The process of market engineering involves the calculation of the market statistics, market size estimation, market forecast, market crackdown, and data triangulation (the methodology for such quantitative data processes is explained in further sections). The primary research study has been undertaken to gather information and validate the market numbers for segmentation types and industry trends of the key players in the market.

Primary Research

The primary sources involve industry experts from the U.S. augmented and virtual reality headset market and various stakeholders in the ecosystem. Respondents such as CEOs, vice presidents, marketing directors, and technology and innovation directors have been interviewed to obtain and verify both qualitative and quantitative aspects of this research study.

The key data points taken from primary sources include:

  • validation and triangulation of all the numbers and graphs
  • validation of reports segmentation and key qualitative findings
  • understanding the competitive landscape
  • validation of the numbers of various markets for market type
  • percentage split of individual markets for geographical analysis

Secondary Research

This research study of the U.S. augmented and virtual reality headset market involves the usage of extensive secondary research, directories, company websites, and annual reports. It also makes use of databases, such as Hoovers, Bloomberg, Businessweek, and Factiva, to collect useful and effective information for an extensive, technical, market-oriented, and commercial study of the global market.

Secondary research was done to obtain crucial information about the industry's value chain, revenue models, the market's monetary chain, the total pool of key players, and the current and potential use cases and applications.

The key data points taken from secondary research include:

  • segmentations and percentage shares
  • data for market value
  • key industry trends of the top players of the market
  • qualitative insights into various aspects of the market, key trends, and emerging areas of innovation
  • quantitative data for mathematical and statistical calculations

Key Market Players and Competition Synopsis

The companies that are profiled in the U.S. augmented and virtual reality headset market have been selected based on inputs gathered from primary experts and analyzing company coverage, product portfolio, and market penetration.

Some of the prominent names in this market are:

  • Microsoft Corporation
  • Vuzix Corporation
  • KOPIN Corporation
  • Apple, Inc.
  • Meta Platforms, Inc.
  • Seiko Epson Corporation
  • Qualcomm Technologies Inc.
  • Penumbra, Inc.
  • HP Development Company, L.P.
  • Merge Labs, Inc.
  • DPVR
  • Sony Group Corporation
  • PICO Immersive Pte. Ltd.
  • XREAL, Inc.
  • Valve Corporation

Companies that are not a part of the aforementioned pool have been well represented across different sections of the report (wherever applicable).

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Scope and Definition

1 Markets

  • 1.1 Trends: Current and Future Impact Assessment
    • 1.1.1 Trends: Current and Future Impact Assessment
    • 1.1.2 Metaverse and Rising Mixed Reality (MR)
    • 1.1.3 Revolutionizing Gaming: Rising AR/VR Headsets in Immersive Play
    • 1.1.4 Increasing Demand for Wearable Technologies
  • 1.2 Supply Chain Overview
    • 1.2.1 Market Map
  • 1.3 Research and Development Review
    • 1.3.1 Patent Filing Trend (by Country and Company)
  • 1.4 Regulatory Landscape
    • 1.4.1 U.S. Regulation and Governance
  • 1.5 Impact Analysis for Key Global Events: COVID-19
  • 1.6 Market Dynamics: Overview
    • 1.6.1 Market Drivers
      • Increased Investments in the Augmented and Virtual Reality Headset Market
      • Convergence of Augmented and Virtual Reality: A Multifaceted Catalyst for Growth
      • Technological Advancements in the AR/VR Technologies
    • 1.6.2 Market Restraints
      • Technical Limitations
      • Nontechnical Limitations
    • 1.6.3 Market Opportunities
      • Advancements in Multi-Sensory Technologies
      • Increasing Applications in Healthcare Industry

2 Application

  • 2.1 Application Segmentation
  • 2.2 Application Summary
  • 2.3 U.S. Augmented and Virtual Reality Headset Market (by Application)
    • 2.3.1 Enterprise
    • 2.3.2 Consumer
    • 2.3.3 Healthcare
    • 2.3.4 Commercial

3 Products

  • 3.1 Product Segmentation
  • 3.2 Product Summary
  • 3.3 U.S. Augmented and Virtual Reality Headset Market (by Type)
    • 3.3.1 Augmented Reality (AR) Headset
    • 3.3.2 Virtual Reality (VR) Headset
    • 3.3.3 Mixed Reality (MR) Headset
  • 3.4 Product Summary
  • 3.5 U.S. Augmented and Virtual Reality Headset Market (by Product Type)
    • 3.5.1 Standalone
    • 3.5.2 Tethered
    • 3.5.3 Screenless Viewer

4 Regions

  • 4.1 U.S.
    • 4.1.1 Country Overview
    • 4.1.2 Driving Factors for Market Growth
    • 4.1.3 Factors Challenging the Market
    • 4.1.4 Application
    • 4.1.5 Product

5 Markets - Competitive Benchmarking & Company Profiles

  • 5.1 Next Frontiers
  • 5.2 Geographic Assessment
    • 5.2.1 Microsoft Corporation
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View
    • 5.2.2 Vuzix Corporation
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View
    • 5.2.3 KOPIN Corporation
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View
    • 5.2.4 Meta Platforms Inc.
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View
      • Market Share, 2023
    • 5.2.5 Apple Inc.
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View
    • 5.2.6 Seiko Epson Corporation
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View
    • 5.2.7 Qualcomm Technologies Inc.
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View
    • 5.2.8 Penumbra, Inc.
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View
    • 5.2.9 HP Development Company, L.P.
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View
    • 5.2.10 Merge Labs, Inc.
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View
    • 5.2.11 DPVR
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View
      • Market Share, 2023
    • 5.2.12 Sony Group Corporation
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View
      • Market Share, 2023
    • 5.2.13 PICO Immersive Pte. Ltd.
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Analyst View
      • Market Share, 2023
    • 5.2.14 XREAL, Inc.
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View
      • Market Share, 2023
    • 5.2.15 Valve Corporation
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Analyst View

6 Research Methodology

  • 6.1 Data Sources
    • 6.1.1 Primary Data Sources
    • 6.1.2 Secondary Data Sources
    • 6.1.3 Data Triangulation
  • 6.2 Market Estimation and Forecast