

Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Assessment, By Product Type, By Type, By Applications, By End User, By Region, Opportunities and Forecast, 2017-2031F

出版日: | 発行: Market Xcel - Markets and Data | ページ情報: 英文 235 Pages | 納期: 3~5営業日

● お客様のご希望に応じて、既存データの加工や未掲載情報(例:国別セグメント)の追加などの対応が可能です。  詳細はお問い合わせください。

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
出版日: 2024年05月14日
発行: Market Xcel - Markets and Data
ページ情報: 英文 235 Pages
納期: 3~5営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次


近視の有病率の増加は、世界のオートレフケラトメーター市場の主要動向の1つです。International Myopia Foundationは、2050年までに世界人口の約50%が近視の影響を受けると推定しており、オートレフケラトメーターは、角膜曲率と屈折の経時的変化を追跡するのに役立ち、眼科医が近視の進行をモニタリングし、疾患の進行に応じて治療計画を変更するのに役立つため、市場の需要を後押ししています。さらに、屈折異常の客観的な測定や、コンタクトレンズや眼鏡の処方箋を提供するために眼科検査で使用され、眼科医療を提供する専門家にとって不可欠な機器となっています。



視力問題や視力の完全喪失・部分喪失の有病率の増加により、オートレフケラトメーターを含むさまざまな眼科機器への要求が高まっています。Nidirect Government Serviceの推計によると、視力喪失の50%以上は予防可能であり、定期的な眼科検査は、さまざまな眼科疾患による損傷を抑制または予防するのに役立ちます。このように、予防可能な眼科疾患の有病率の増加により、定期的な眼科検診の必要性が高まっており、オートレフケラトメーターのようなさまざまな眼科医療機器の需要を押し上げています。さらに、定期的な眼科検診と、さまざまな疾患や障害の管理と進行の追跡に向けた眼科医や他の眼科医療従事者によるフォローアップの重要性に関する一般の人々の意識の高まりも、市場の成長を支える主な要因です。


India Brand Equity Foundationによると、インドの眼科医療部門はM&A活動が活発化します。このような活動は、共同研究を促進し、研究開発活動を促進することで、先進技術を利用した眼科機器の開発を支援すると予測されます。プライベートエクイティ企業による資金調達が可能であることも、買収をさらに後押ししています。例えば、インドのジョードプルに拠点を置くASG Eye Hospitalsは、2022年7月にGeneral AtlanticとKedaara Partnersから1億8,110万米ドル(1500カロールインドルピー)の資金を確保しました。このような資金調達の増加により、世界中のさまざまな地域で眼科医療部門の拡大が促進され、市場に有利な成長機会がもたらされます。



例えば、National Eye Instituteは、2030年までに約500万人の米国人が弱視になると推定しています。視力問題の増加は、オートレフケラトメーターへの要求を強化しました。オートレフケラトメーターは正確な目の測定を提供し、専門家が適切な治療ソリューションを提供し、状態を正確に診断することを可能にするためです。オートレフケラトメーターは、目の屈折異常の度合いを測定するために使用されます。屈折矯正手術前後の患者の評価や、角膜収差とレンズ収差の鑑別などの用途に適しています。これらの用途と北米における視力関連問題の症例の増加により、オートレフケラトメーターの需要は増加しており、同地域の市場成長を増強しています。



第1章 調査手法

第2章 プロジェクトの範囲と定義

第3章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第4章 世界のオートレフケラトメーター市場の見通し(2017年~2031年)

  • 市場規模と予測
    • 金額
    • 数量
  • 製品タイプ
    • OCTスキャナー
    • 角膜トポグラフィシステム
    • 波面収差計
    • 視野分析器
    • 眼科用超音波システム
    • 網膜鏡
    • 光学生体測定システム
    • スペキュラーマイクロスコープ
    • 眼底カメラ
    • 検眼鏡
    • その他
  • タイプ別
    • ハンドヘルド
    • 卓上
  • 用途別
    • 近視
    • 遠視
    • その他
  • エンドユーザー別
    • 病院
    • 眼科クリニック
    • 診断センター
    • 教育機関
  • 地域別
    • 北米
    • 南米
    • 欧州
    • アジア太平洋
    • 中東・アフリカ
  • 市場シェア:企業別(2023年)

第5章 世界のオートレフケラトメーター市場の見通し:地域別(2017年~2031年)

  • 北米
    • 市場規模と予測
    • 製品タイプ別
    • タイプ
    • 用途別
    • エンドユーザー別
    • 米国
    • カナダ
    • メキシコ
  • 欧州
    • ドイツ
    • フランス
    • イタリア
    • 英国
    • ロシア
    • オランダ
    • スペイン
    • トルコ
    • ポーランド
  • アジア太平洋
    • インド
    • 中国
    • 日本
    • オーストラリア
    • ベトナム
    • 韓国
    • インドネシア
    • フィリピン
  • 南米
    • ブラジル
    • アルゼンチン
  • 中東・アフリカ
    • サウジアラビア
    • アラブ首長国連邦
    • 南アフリカ

第6章 市場マッピング(2023年)

  • 製品タイプ別
  • タイプ別
  • 用途別
  • エンドユーザー別
  • 地域別

第7章 マクロ環境と産業構造

  • 需給分析
  • 輸入輸出分析
  • バリューチェーン分析
  • PESTEL分析
  • ポーターのファイブフォース分析

第8章 市場力学

  • 成長促進要因
  • 成長抑制要因(課題、抑制要因)

第9章 規制枠組みとイノベーション

  • 特許情勢
  • 規制当局の承認
  • イノベーション/新技術

第10章 主要企業の情勢

  • マーケットリーダー上位5社の競合マトリクス
  • マーケットリーダー上位5社の市場収益分析(2023年)
  • 合併と買収/合弁事業(該当する場合)
  • SWOT分析(市場企業5社)
  • 特許分析(該当する場合)

第11章 価格分析

第12章 ケーススタディ

第13章 主要企業の見通し

  • Novartis AG
  • Valent Biosciences LLC
  • Heidelberg Engineering GmbH
  • Luneau Technology USA
  • Carl Zeiss AG
  • Canon Inc.
  • Essilor International
  • HEINE Optotechnik GmbH & Co. KG

第14章 戦略的推奨

第15章 当社について、免責事項


List of Tables

  • Table 1. Pricing Analysis of Products from Key Players
  • Table 2. Competition Matrix of Top 5 Market Leaders
  • Table 3. Mergers & Acquisitions/ Joint Ventures (If Applicable)
  • Table 4. About Us - Regions and Countries Where We Have Executed Client Projects

List of Figures

  • Figure 1.Global Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Value, In USD Million, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 2.Global Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Volume, In Million Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 3.Global Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Product Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 4.Global Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 5.Global Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Applications, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 6.Global Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By End User, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 7.Global Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Region, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 8.North America Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Value, In USD Million, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 9.North America Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Volume, In Million Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 10.North America Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Product Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 11.North America Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 12.North America Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Applications, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 13.North America Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By End User, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 14.North America Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Country, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 15.United States Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Value, In USD Million, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 16.United States Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Volume, In Million Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 17.United States Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Product Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 18.United States Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 19.United States Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Applications, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 20.United States Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By End User, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 21.Canada Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Value, In USD Million, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 22.Canada Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Volume, In Million Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 23.Canada Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Product Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 24.Canada Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 25.Canada Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Applications, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 26.Canada Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By End User, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 27.Mexico Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Value, In USD Million, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 28.Mexico Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Volume, In Million Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 29.Mexico Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Product Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 30.Mexico Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 31.Mexico Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Applications, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 32.Mexico Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By End User, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 33.Europe Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Value, In USD Million, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 34.Europe Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Volume, In Million Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 35.Europe Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Product Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 36.Europe Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 37.Europe Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Applications, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 38.Europe Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By End User, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 39.Europe Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Country, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 40.Germany Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Value, In USD Million, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 41.Germany Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Volume, In Million Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 42.Germany Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Product Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 43.Germany Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 44.Germany Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Applications, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 45.Germany Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By End User, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 46.France Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Value, In USD Million, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 47.France Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Volume, In Million Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 48.France Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Product Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 49.France Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 50.France Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Applications, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 51.France Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By End User, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 52.Italy Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Value, In USD Million, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 53.Italy Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Volume, In Million Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 54.Italy Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Product Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 55.Italy Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 56.Italy Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Applications, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 57.Italy Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By End User, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 58.United Kingdom Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Value, In USD Million, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 59.United Kingdom Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Volume, In Million Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 60.United Kingdom Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Product Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 61.United Kingdom Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 62.United Kingdom Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Applications, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 63.United Kingdom Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By End User, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 64.Russia Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Value, In USD Million, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 65.Russia Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Volume, In Million Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 66.Russia Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Product Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 67.Russia Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 68.Russia Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Applications, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 69.Russia Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By End User, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 70.Netherlands Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Value, In USD Million, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 71.Netherlands Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Volume, In Million Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 72.Netherlands Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Product Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 73.Netherlands Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 74.Netherlands Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Applications, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 75.Netherlands Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By End User, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 76.Spain Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Value, In USD Million, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 77.Spain Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Volume, In Million Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 78.Spain Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Product Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 79.Spain Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 80.Spain Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Applications, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 81.Spain Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By End User, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 82.Turkey Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Value, In USD Million, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 83.Turkey Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Volume, In Million Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 84.Turkey Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Product Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 85.Turkey Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 86.Turkey Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Applications, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 87.Turkey Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By End User, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 88.Poland Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Value, In USD Million, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 89.Poland Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Volume, In Million Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 90.Poland Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Product Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 91.Poland Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 92.Poland Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Applications, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 93.Poland Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By End User, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 94.South America Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Value, In USD Million, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 95.South America Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Volume, In Million Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 96.South America Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Product Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 97.South America Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 98.South America Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Applications, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 99.South America Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By End User, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 100.South America Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Country, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 101.Brazil Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Value, In USD Million, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 102.Brazil Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Volume, In Million Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 103.Brazil Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Product Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 104.Brazil Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 105.Brazil Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Applications, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 106.Brazil Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By End User, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 107.Argentina Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Value, In USD Million, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 108.Argentina Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Volume, In Million Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 109.Argentina Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Product Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 110.Argentina Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 111.Argentina Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Applications, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 112.Argentina Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By End User, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 113.Asia-Pacific Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Value, In USD Million, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 114.Asia-Pacific Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Volume, In Million Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 115.Asia-Pacific Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Product Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 116.Asia-Pacific Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 117.Asia-Pacific Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Applications, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 118.Asia-Pacific Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By End User, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 119.Asia-Pacific Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Country, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 120.India Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Value, In USD Million, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 121.India Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Volume, In Million Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 122.India Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Product Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 123.India Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 124.India Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Applications, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 125.India Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By End User, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 126.China Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Value, In USD Million, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 127.China Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Volume, In Million Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 128.China Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Product Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 129.China Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 130.China Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Applications, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 131.China Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By End User, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 132.Japan Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Value, In USD Million, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 133.Japan Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Volume, In Million Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 134.Japan Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Product Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 135.Japan Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 136.Japan Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Applications, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 137.Japan Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By End User, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 138.Australia Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Value, In USD Million, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 139.Australia Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Volume, In Million Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 140.Australia Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Product Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 141.Australia Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 142.Australia Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Applications, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 143.Australia Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By End User, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 144.Vietnam Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Value, In USD Million, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 145.Vietnam Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Volume, In Million Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 146.Vietnam Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Product Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 147.Vietnam Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 148.Vietnam Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Applications, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 149.Vietnam Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By End User, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 150.South Korea Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Value, In USD Million, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 151.South Korea Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Volume, In Million Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 152.South Korea Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Product Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 153.South Korea Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 154.South Korea Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Applications, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 155.South Korea Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By End User, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 156.Indonesia Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Value, In USD Million, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 157.Indonesia Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Volume, In Million Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 158.Indonesia Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Product Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 159.Indonesia Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 160.Indonesia Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Applications, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 161.Indonesia Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By End User, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 162.Philippines Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Value, In USD Million, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 163.Philippines Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Volume, In Million Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 164.Philippines Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Product Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 165.Philippines Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 166.Philippines Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Applications, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 167.Philippines Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By End User, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 168.Middle East & Africa Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Value, In USD Million, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 169.Middle East & Africa Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Volume, In Million Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 170.Middle East & Africa Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Product Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 171.Middle East & Africa Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 172.Middle East & Africa Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Applications, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 173.Middle East & Africa Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By End User, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 174.Middle East & Africa Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Country, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 175.Saudi Arabia Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Value, In USD Million, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 176.Saudi Arabia Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Volume, In Million Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 177.Saudi Arabia Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Product Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 178.Saudi Arabia Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 179.Saudi Arabia Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Applications, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 180.Saudi Arabia Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By End User, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 181.UAE Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Value, In USD Million, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 182.UAE Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Volume, In Million Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 183.UAE Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Product Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 184.UAE Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 185.UAE Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Applications, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 186.UAE Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By End User, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 187.South Africa Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Value, In USD Million, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 188.South Africa Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market, By Volume, In Million Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 189.South Africa Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Product Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 190.South Africa Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 191.South Africa Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By Applications, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 192.South Africa Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share (%), By End User, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 193.By Product Type Map-Market Size (USD Million) & Growth Rate (%), 2023
  • Figure 194.By Type Map-Market Size (USD Million) & Growth Rate (%), 2023
  • Figure 195.By Applications Map-Market Size (USD Million) & Growth Rate (%), 2023
  • Figure 196.By End User Map-Market Size (USD Million) & Growth Rate (%), 2023
  • Figure 197.By Region Map-Market Size (USD Million) & Growth Rate (%), 2023
Product Code: MX11315

Global autorefractor keratometer device market is projected to witness a CAGR of 6.7% during the forecast period 2024-2031F, growing from USD 871.25 million in 2023 to USD 1463.73 million in 2031F. The growth of the market is supported by the increase in the number of eye tests, growing awareness about the importance of eye care, rapid expansion of the eye sector in various regions across the globe, and increase in mergers and acquisitions.

The growing prevalence of myopia is one of the major global autorefractor keratometer device market trends. The International Myopia Foundation estimates that approximately 50% of the global population will be affected by myopia by 2050, boosting the demand for the market as autorefractor keratometer devices aid in tracking changes in corneal curvature and refraction over time, aiding ophthalmologists in monitoring the progression of myopia and making changes in the treatment plan as the disease progresses. Additionally, they are used during an eye examination for providing object measurements of the refractive error and prescription for contact lenses and glasses, making it an essential equipment for professionals providing eyecare.

Moreover, the growing awareness among the general population about the importance of regular eye checkups for maintaining healthy eyes and avoid vision problems in the long-term is further boosting the demand for autorefractor keratometer devices as it is used in eye testing as it is based in the principle of variable image size and constant image size. Thus, supporting the global autorefractor keratometer device market expansion. Additionally, the increase in collaborations between different market players to expand their customer base and support the development of technologically advanced devices through collaborative research and development activities is expected to provide lucrative growth opportunities to the market over the forecast period.

Increase in Frequency of Eye Tests Supports Growth of the Market

Due to the growing prevalence of vision problems and complete and partial loss of sight, the requirement for various ophthalmological instruments and devices, including autorefractor keratometer devices is increasing. According to the estimates of nidirect government services, more than 50% of sight loss is preventable, regular testing of eyes can aid in limiting or preventing the damage caused because of various eye conditions. Thus, due to the increasing prevalence of preventable eye conditions, the requirement for regular eye checkups is increasing, which in turn is boosting the demand for different medical eye care devices such as autorefractor keratometer devices. Furthermore, the augmenting awareness among the general population about regular eye checkups and importance of follow-ups with ophthalmologists and other eye care professionals for management and tracking of progression of various diseases and disorders is another major factor supporting the growth of the market.

Increasing Mergers and Acquisitions Boost Global Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Size

According to India Brand Equity Foundation, the eye care sector in India will experience a boost in mergers and acquisition activities. Such activities are expected to promote collaborations and support the development of technologically advanced ophthalmological devices by promoting research and development activities. The availability of funding through private equity firms further supports acquisitions. For instance, the Jodhpur-based ASG Eye Hospitals in India secured funding of USD 181.1 million (INR 1500 crores) in July 2022 from General Atlantic and Kedaara Partners. The increased availability of such funding will aid the expansion of the eye care sector in various regions across the globe and provide lucrative growth opportunities to the market.

North America Accounts for Significant Global Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Share

The market's expansion in the region can be attributed to the expansion of the healthcare sector in the region, the increasing prevalence of eye disorders, the strong presence of leading market players, and the rising requirement for ophthalmological treatments and diagnostic procedures. The increasing prevalence of eye diseases and vision problems in North America further boosts the demand for autorefractor keratometer devices.

For instance, the National Eye Institute estimates that approximately 5 million Americans will have low vision by 2030. The increase of vision problems bolstered the requirement for autorefractor keratometers as they provide precise eye measurements, allowing professionals to provide appropriate treatment solutions and accurately diagnose the condition. They are used for measuring the degree of refractive error in eyes. They are suited for applications including assessment of post-and-pre refractive surgery patients and differentiation of corneal from lenticular aberrations. Due to these applications and the increase in cases of vision-related problems in North America, the demand for autorefractor keratometer devices is increasing, augmenting the growth of the market in the region.

Rising Demand for Handheld Autorefractor Keratometer Devices Bolsters Market Growth

The increased demand for handheld autorefractor keratometer devices can be attributed to the ease of use offered by the device and its convenient nature. The rapid expansion of the healthcare sector and the growing prevalence of various eye-related diseases and disorders is further boosting the demand for the product and supporting the segment's expansion. Furthermore, their user-friendly nature is making them popular among ophthalmologists and other eye care professionals. The growing awareness about the importance of regular eye checkups and increasing investments in eye care by the general population is further aiding the market's growth. According to a survey conducted by NVISION Eye Centers in 2022 the United States, 48% of the respondents stated that their eyes are examined at least once a year. The increase in the number of visits for eye examination coupled with the growing popularity of vision insurance in various regions across the globe is propelling the requirement for eye care devices, including handheld autorefractor keratometer device, thus, supporting the growth of the segment and augmenting the expansion of the market.

Hospitals Boost the Global Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Demand

The expansion of the segment can be attributed to the rise in investments in the healthcare sector, the increasing population, and the growing development of new hospitals. The rapid expansion of eye care hospitals due to the increasing prevalence of various conditions and vision problems further supports the market expansion. For instance, in June 2023, Eye Mantra, an eye care hospital chain secured an investment of USD 10 million to accelerate their expansion plans. This investment from MantraCare will empower the organization to enhance its infrastructure and cutting-edge medical facilities for cataracts and Lasik, as well as allow it to expand its wide range of eye care services. The infusion of the capital will aid Eye Mantra in scaling their operations, allowing more patients to access top-notch eye care services. Increase in provision of such investments will support the growth and expansion of eye care hospitals in various regions across the globe, bolstering the demand for various eye care machines and devices to enhance the diagnosis and treatment procedures, thus propelling the requirement for autorefractor keratometer devices from hospitals.

Future Market Scenario (2024 - 2031F)

According to global autorefractor keratometer device market analysis, the rise in the prevalence of various vision conditions over the forecast period will provide lucrative growth opportunities. The eye care sector in various regions across the globe is expected to witness significant growth over the coming years. For instance, India Brand Equity Foundation estimates that the boom of mergers and acquisitions in India might support the growth of four or more significant companies over the next five years. These companies could together own over 2,000 eye hospitals in the country. Such activities are expected to support the sector's growth, positively influencing the expansion of the market for autorefractor keratometer devices.

Key Players Landscape and Outlook

The growth of autorefractor keratometer device market is supported by strategic collaborations and partnerships between companies. For instance, in May 2022 Right MFG. Co., Ltd. and Visionix announced their long-term strategic partnership agreement to accelerate the growth of both companies. Visionix became the exclusive partner of Right MFG. Co., Ltd. to distribute Righton products in the Asia Pacific, Europe, and America (excluding China and Japan). In addition to distributing the Retinomax handheld autorefractor/keratometer, the companies are set to codevelop a wide range of new eyecare products for the market. The partnership aligns the goals of both the companies and will support their growth by combining Right MFG's commitment to developing high-quality products and Visionix' extensive global distribution network. Such collaborations will aid the companies in expanding their customer base, supporting the growth of the market over the forecast period.

Table of Contents

1.Research Methodology

2.Project Scope & Definitions

3.Executive Summary

4.Global Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Outlook, 2017-2031F

  • 4.1.Market Size & Forecast
    • 4.1.1.By Value
    • 4.1.2.By Volume
  • 4.2.By Product Type
    • 4.2.1.OCT Scanners
    • 4.2.2.Corneal Topography Systems
    • 4.2.3.Wavefront Aberrometers
    • 4.2.4.Visual Field Analyzers
    • 4.2.5.Ophthalmic Ultrasound Systems
    • 4.2.6.Retinoscopes
    • 4.2.7.Optical Biometry Systems
    • 4.2.8.Specular Microscopes
    • 4.2.9.Fundus Cameras
    • 4.2.10.Ophthalmoscopes
    • 4.2.11.Others
  • 4.3.By Type
    • 4.3.1.Handheld
    • 4.3.2.Benchtop
  • 4.4.By Applications
    • 4.4.1.Myopia
    • 4.4.2.Hyperopia
    • 4.4.3.Others
  • 4.5.By End User
    • 4.5.1.Hospitals
    • 4.5.2.Ophthalmic Clinics
    • 4.5.3.Diagnostic Centers
    • 4.5.4.Educational Institutes
  • 4.6.By Region
    • 4.6.1.North America
    • 4.6.2.South America
    • 4.6.3.Europe
    • 4.6.4.Asia-Pacific
    • 4.6.5.Middle East & Africa
  • 4.7.By Company Market Share (%), 2023

5.Global Autorefractor Keratometer Device Market Outlook, By Region, 2017-2031F

  • 5.1.North America*
    • 5.1.1.Market Size & Forecast
      • Value
      • Volume
    • 5.1.2.By Product Type
      • Scanners
      • Topography Systems
      • Aberrometers
      • Field Analyzers
      • Ultrasound Systems
      • Biometry Systems
      • Microscopes
      • Cameras
    • 5.1.3.Type
    • 5.1.4.By Applications
    • 5.1.5.By End User
      • Clinics
      • Centers
      • Institutes
    • 5.1.6.United States*
      • Size & Forecast
        • Value
        • Volume
      • Product Type
        • Scanners
        • Topography Systems
        • Aberrometers
        • Field Analyzers
        • Ultrasound Systems
        • Biometry Systems
        • Microscopes
        • Cameras
      • Type
      • Applications
      • End User
        • Clinics
        • Centers
        • Institutes
    • 5.1.7.Canada
    • 5.1.8.Mexico

All segments will be provided for all regions and countries covered

  • 5.2.Europe
    • 5.2.1.Germany
    • 5.2.2.France
    • 5.2.3.Italy
    • 5.2.4.United Kingdom
    • 5.2.5.Russia
    • 5.2.6.Netherlands
    • 5.2.7.Spain
    • 5.2.8.Turkey
    • 5.2.9.Poland
  • 5.3.Asia-Pacific
    • 5.3.1.India
    • 5.3.2.China
    • 5.3.3.Japan
    • 5.3.4.Australia
    • 5.3.5.Vietnam
    • 5.3.6.South Korea
    • 5.3.7.Indonesia
    • 5.3.8.Philippines
  • 5.4.South America
    • 5.4.1.Brazil
    • 5.4.2.Argentina
  • 5.5.Middle East & Africa
    • 5.5.1.Saudi Arabia
    • 5.5.2.UAE
    • 5.5.3.South Africa

6.Market Mapping, 2023

  • 6.1.By Product Type
  • 6.2.By Type
  • 6.3.By Application
  • 6.4.By End User
  • 6.5.By Region

7.Macro Environment and Industry Structure

  • 7.1.Supply Demand Analysis
  • 7.2.Import Export Analysis
  • 7.3.Value Chain Analysis
  • 7.4.PESTEL Analysis
    • 7.4.1.Political Factors
    • 7.4.2.Economic System
    • 7.4.3.Social Implications
    • 7.4.4.Technological Advancements
    • 7.4.5.Environmental Impacts
    • 7.4.6.Legal Compliances and Regulatory Policies (Statutory Bodies Included)
  • 7.5.Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 7.5.1.Supplier Power
    • 7.5.2.Buyer Power
    • 7.5.3.Substitution Threat
    • 7.5.4.Threat from New Entrant
    • 7.5.5.Competitive Rivalry

8.Market Dynamics

  • 8.1.Growth Drivers
  • 8.2.Growth Inhibitors (Challenges and Restraints)

9.Regulatory Framework and Innovation

  • 9.1.Patent Landscape
  • 9.2.Regulatory Approvals
  • 9.3.Innovations/Emerging Technologies

10.Key Players Landscape

  • 10.1.Competition Matrix of Top Five Market Leaders
  • 10.2.Market Revenue Analysis of Top Five Market Leaders (in %, 2023)
  • 10.3.Mergers and Acquisitions/Joint Ventures (If Applicable)
  • 10.4.SWOT Analysis (For Five Market Players)
  • 10.5.Patent Analysis (If Applicable)

11.Pricing Analysis

12.Case Studies

13.Key Players Outlook

  • 13.1.Novartis AG
    • 13.1.1.Company Details
    • 13.1.2.Key Management Personnel
    • 13.1.3.Products & Services
    • 13.1.4.Financials (As reported)
    • 13.1.5.Key Market Focus & Geographical Presence
    • 13.1.6.Recent Developments
  • 13.2.Valent Biosciences LLC
  • 13.3.NIDEK CO., LTD.
  • 13.4.Heidelberg Engineering GmbH
  • 13.5.Luneau Technology USA
  • 13.6.Carl Zeiss AG
  • 13.8.Canon Inc.
  • 13.9.Essilor International
  • 13.10.HEINE Optotechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Companies mentioned above DO NOT hold any order as per market share and can be changed as per information available during research work

14.Strategic Recommendations

15.About Us & Disclaimer