表紙:アジアのモバイルゲーム市場:技術別・プラットフォーム別・ステークホルダー別・コネクティビティ別・サブ地域別・国別 (2023年~2028年)

アジアのモバイルゲーム市場:技術別・プラットフォーム別・ステークホルダー別・コネクティビティ別・サブ地域別・国別 (2023年~2028年)

Mobile Gaming in Asia by Technology, Platform, Stakeholder, Connectivity, Sub-Region and Countries 2023 - 2028

出版日: | 発行: Mind Commerce | ページ情報: 英文 402 Pages | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
アジアのモバイルゲーム市場:技術別・プラットフォーム別・ステークホルダー別・コネクティビティ別・サブ地域別・国別 (2023年~2028年)
出版日: 2023年01月25日
発行: Mind Commerce
ページ情報: 英文 402 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次

アジア地域全体のモバイルゲームの市場規模は、2028年までに932億米ドルに達する見込みです。特に、域内のモバイルゲームパブリッシャーやサービスアグリゲーターの市場規模は、2028年までに513億米ドルに達すると予測されています。市場の主な促進要因として、データ通信可能なモバイル機器の爆発的な普及や、F2P方式の収益モデル、様々なゲーム内広告 (ディスプレイバナー、インタラクティブ、ビデオ広告、「advergaming」ほか) などが挙げられます。




当レポートでは、世界のモバイルゲーム市場について分析し、市場の基本構造や最新情勢、目下の機会と課題、各種デバイス・技術・コネクティビティの活用状況、主要企業のプロファイル、市場規模 (収益額、ゲーマー人口ほか) の動向見通しなどを調査しております。


第1章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第2章 イントロダクション

  • モバイルゲームの定義
  • モバイルゲームアプリの開発
  • ゲームプラットフォームの分析
  • 戦略的な市場影響の分析
  • モバイルゲームアプリの種類
    • マルチプレイヤー型モバイルゲーム
    • モバイルソーシャルゲーム
    • モバイル・位置情報ベースゲーム
    • モバイル動画ゲーム
    • モバイルクラウドゲーム
    • モバイルカジュアルゲーム
    • 基本プレイ無料アプリ
    • モバイルカジノゲーム
    • ゲーミフィケーションアプリ
  • 市場動向の分析
    • 市場促進要因の分析
    • 市場抑制要因の分析
  • 規制と不正の分析
  • バリューチェーン分析
    • モバイルゲームの開発企業
    • モバイルゲームのパブリッシャー・サービスアグリゲーター
    • 販売チャネルとプラットフォーム・プロバイダー
    • 通信事業者
    • ハードウェアメーカー
    • 新規参入企業の役割
  • クロスプラットフォーム:OTI (over-the-internet) とOTA (over-the-air) の流通と断片化
    • モバイルゲームの断片化
    • 断片化された流通における主な課題
  • 収益化指標の分析
    • モバイルゲームの指標:コンバージョンファネルへの変換
    • ゲームのライフサイクルとKPI
    • ゲーム分析
    • 口コミとプレーヤー維持
    • ビジネスの収益化の指標
    • ブランドの収益化の指標
    • ゲームの収益化
  • モバイルソーシャルゲームの設計枠組み
    • F2Pモバイルソーシャルゲームの設計枠組み
    • フレームワークを使用する利点
    • フレームワークの9つの評価項目
    • ゲームデザインに楽しみを加える
    • ゲームマーケティング:アプリ・動画・スマートTV・口コミの役割
    • スマートテレビと地域ターゲティングの役割
    • 口コミの重要性
  • モバイルソーシャルゲーマーのエンゲージメントパノラマ
    • 「最初の3日間のジレンマ」:インストール件数の低下
    • 「その後の7日間のジレンマ」
    • モバイルゲームのエンゲージメントの増加と強化
    • ゲームサイエンスとアートの融合
    • 共感ゲーム:新しいエンゲージメントの波
  • ビジネスモデル分析
    • 主要なモバイルゲーム戦略
    • 収入源と費用項目
    • 最先端のビジネスモデル
    • ビジネスモデルにおける経済性とゲーミフィケーションのヒント
    • 広告モデル
    • 価格を設定するための数学的モデルの構築
    • 市場の課題とゲームバランスの方法

第3章 技術とアプリケーションの分析

  • ゲームハードウェアの分析
  • ゲームソフトウェアの分析
  • ゲームサービスの分析
  • ゲーム管理プロバイダー
  • ゲーム技術
    • アクション・アドベンチャー
    • ソーシャルカジノ
    • スポーツ・ロールプレイング
    • 戦略・頭脳
    • アーケード
    • その他の技術
  • コネクティビティの分析
    • Wi-Fi
    • セルラー (LTE/5G)
    • WiMAX
    • Bluetooth/BLE
    • LPWAN接続
  • モバイルゲームの成功戦略の分析
    • ゲームへの組み込み機能
    • 人気のゲームIPと新しいゲームIP
    • モバイルゲームの制作費
    • ゲームIPラインの作成に成功
    • マーケティング・ユーザー獲得コストの最小化
    • 収益化戦略の使用
  • 投資動向分析
    • セカンドスクリーン (モバイルデバイス・TVを含む)
    • ソーシャル vs. ゲームネットワーク
    • ゲーム業界の変容と細分化
    • ゲーム業界とビジネスモデル
    • 市場規模 (数量・金額ベース):地域別
  • ウェアラブルゲーム
    • ウェアラブルゲームのプラットフォームとしてのスマートウォッチ
    • 潜在的なプラットフォームの分析
    • プライバシーの問題
  • ケーススタディ
    • Grand Theft Auto
    • Nikeとスポーツゲーム
    • FitBit Casual Gaming
    • BMW Ultimate Drive App
    • Angry Birds
    • Fruit Ninja
    • Cut the Rope
    • Kompu Gacha Games
    • Colopula
    • Hostess Club Social Game
    • Social Horse-Racing Game
    • Smurf Village: Real Virtual Economy Success
    • Alchemy: Android Title Success Case in Korea
    • The Human Element
    • Half the Sky Movement
    • FoldIt: Research for Mankind and Community Patent
    • RecycleBank: Community Awareness
    • Miller Literacy Game: Education and Literacy
    • SPENT: Poverty Alleviation
    • Raise the Village: Constructing Village
    • WeTopia Case: Charities for Children
    • Charities for Animal: Joy Kingdom Case
    • 日本と韓国の成功事例
    • Pretty Simple's Criminal Case Lesson

第4章 モバイルゲーム企業の分析

  • モバイルゲームの開発企業・パブリッシャー
    • Halfbrick (オーストラリア)
    • Capcom (日本)
    • Electronic Arts (日本)
    • Namco Bandai (日本)
    • Gamevil (Com2uS) (韓国)
    • Zeptolab (ロシア)
    • Square Enix (日本)
    • Gameprom:Russia
    • Kairosoft (日本)
    • Konami (日本)
    • Disney Mobile (日本)
    • GREE (日本)
    • DeNA (日本)
    • Tencent (中国)
    • Mig33 (中国)
    • Sina Weibo (中国)
    • Papaya Mobile (中国)
    • Mobygames
    • Games2Win (インド)
    • Hungama Games (インド)
    • Nazara (インド)
    • Anino mobile (フィリピン)
    • Socialpoint (スペイン)
    • Agate Studio (インドネシア)
    • Toge Productions (インドネシア)
    • Creacle Studio (インドネシア)
    • Touchten Games (インドネシア)
    • Maximize Games Studio (インドネシア)
    • Tinker Games (インドネシア)
    • Educa Studio (インドネシア)
    • Altermyth (インドネシア)
    • Nightspade (インドネシア)
    • Alegrium
    • Kidalang
    • Menara Games
    • Own Games
  • 新興パブリッシャー・プラットフォームの分析
    • Sina WeiBo
    • Tencent Network (Weibo, Qzone and Pengyou)
    • Renren
    • Kaixin001
    • 51.Com
    • Mixi
    • Cyworld
    • Yahoo-Mobage
    • Ameba Pigg
    • Bebo
    • Twitter
    • Amazon
    • Gaia Online
    • Badoo
    • Tagged
    • Hi5
    • Habbo
    • Come2Play
    • Chillingo
    • Tencent QQ
    • KakaoTalk
    • Line
    • Tango
    • Kik Messenger
    • Zalo
    • Qihoo 360 Platform
    • Wandoujia
    • Baidu App Store
    • AppChina
    • D.cn Games Center
    • Gfan
    • VKontakte
    • Yonja
  • アプリストアの分析
    • Google Play Games
    • iOS Game Center
    • Facebook Games
    • Alternative Android Store
    • Alternative iOS Store
    • Cross Platform App Store
    • OEM Appstore
    • Carrier AppStore
  • ゲームサービス管理プロバイダー
    • WildTangent
    • iWin
    • Twitch.TV
    • Appia
    • XSplit
  • 通信事業者 (CSP) の分析
    • NTT DoCoMo (日本)
    • KDDI au (日本)
    • China Mobile (中国)
    • China Unicom (中国)
    • China Telecom (中国)
    • Airtel (Bharti) (インド)
    • Vodafone Idea (インド)
    • SK Telecom (韓国)
    • Telstra Mobile (オーストラリア)
    • Optus Mobile (オーストラリア)
    • Vodafone (ニュージーランド)
    • MTS (ロシア)
    • MegaFon (ロシア)
    • Beeline (ロシア)
    • Chunghwa Telecom, Taiwan
    • 3 Hong Kong
    • Mobicom, Mongolia
    • Telkomsel (インドネシア)
    • Indosat (インドネシア)
    • Viettel (ベトナム)
    • MobiFone (ベトナム)
    • Smart Communications (フィリピン)
    • Globe Telecom (フィリピン)
    • Maxis (マレーシア)
    • SingTel Mobile (シンガポール)
    • AIS (タイ)
    • DTAC (タイ)
    • DSTCom (ブルネイ)
    • Lao-telecom (ラオス)
    • Metfone (カンボジア)
    • Turkcell (トルコ)
    • Mobile Telecommunication Company of Iran
    • STC (サウジアラビア)
    • Etisalat (アラブ首長国連邦)
    • Cellcom (イスラエル)
    • BATELCO (バーレーン)
    • Cytamobile-Vodafone (キプロス)
    • Vodafone (エジプト)
    • Zain (ヨルダン)
    • Zain (クウェート)
    • Touch (レバノン)
    • Q-Tel (カタール)
    • Omantel (オマーン)
    • K'Cell (カザフスタン)
    • Beeline (キルギスタン)
    • Babilon Mobile (タジキスタン)
    • Uzdunrobita (ウズベキスタン)
    • MTS (トルクメニスタン)
    • Grameenphone (バングラデシュ)
    • Dialog (スリランカ)
    • Mobilink (パキスタン)
    • Ncell (ネパール)
    • Dhiraagu (モルジブ)
    • B-Mobile (ブータン)

第5章 国別分析

  • 日本
  • 中国
  • 韓国
  • インド
  • オーストラリア
  • ロシア
  • ニュージーランド
  • 香港
  • 台湾
  • インドネシア
  • タイ
  • フィリピン
  • マレーシア
  • シンガポール
  • ベトナム
  • ブルネイ
  • トルコ
  • アラブ首長国連邦
  • サウジアラビア
  • イスラエル
  • エジプト
  • カザフスタン
  • キルギスタン
  • タジキスタン
  • バングラデシュ
  • スリランカ
  • パキスタン

第6章 アジアのモバイルゲーム市場の分析と予測 (2023年~2028年)

  • アジアのモバイルゲーム市場 (2023年~2028年)
    • アジアのモバイルゲーム市場
    • アジアのモバイルゲーム市場:プラットフォーム別
    • アジアのモバイルゲーム市場:ステークホルダーの種類別
    • アジアのモバイルゲーム市場:ゲーム技術の種類別
    • アジアのモバイルゲーム市場:コネクティビティの種類別
    • アジアのモバイルゲーム市場:企業の種類別
    • アジアのモバイルゲーム市場:地域別
  • アジアのモバイルゲーム:ユーザー別 (2023年~2028年)
    • アジアのモバイルゲーム:ユーザー別
    • アジアのモバイルゲーマー:デバイスの種類別
    • アジアのモバイルゲーマー:カジュアル vs. レギュラー
    • アジアのモバイルゲーマー:ゲームのカテゴリー別
    • アジアのモバイルゲーマー:ゲームOSの種類別
    • アジアのモバイルゲーマー:ゲーム決済の種類別
    • アジアのモバイルゲーマー:DAU vs. WAU vs. MAU (1日・1週間・1ヶ月あたりアクティブユーザー数)
    • アジアのモバイルゲーマー:ゲーム技術の種類別
    • アジアのモバイルゲーマー:コネクティビティの種類別
    • アジアのモバイルゲーマー:地域別
  • アジアのモバイルゲーマー:人口構造の分析 (2023年~2028年)
    • アジアのモバイルゲーム:年間ARPU vs. ARPPU
    • アジアのモバイルゲーム:月間ARPU vs. ARPPU
    • アジアのモバイルゲーマー:男女別
    • アジアのモバイルゲーマー:年齢層別
    • アジアのモバイルゲーマー:年収別
    • アジアのモバイルゲーム:利用時間・収益の相関性、年齢別
    • アジアのゲームデバイスの選好:ブロードバンド世帯別・年齢層別
    • アジアのタブレットゲーマーの統計データ
    • バーチャルグッズの支出パターン
    • バーチャルグッズのユニーク支払者数
    • ゲームのプレイ頻度
    • ゲームの購入と購入予定
    • フリーミアムゲーマーアップの更新:無料から有料ゲームへ
    • ゲーム内コンテンツの購入
    • ソーシャルゲームのプレイ比率
    • ソーシャルゲームのプレイ頻度:DAU vs. WAU vs. MAU
    • 他人へのゲームの推薦
    • ゲームジャンルの好み:男女別
    • ゲームの時間使用率
    • ゲームプレイ時間
    • モバイル機器の利用時間 (音声を除く)
    • ゲームプレイ活動の変化率
    • モバイルゲームのプレイの増加要因
    • モバイルゲーム・ユーザーの特典
    • モバイルゲームプレイへの影響要因
    • モバイルゲームのキープ率:デバイス別
    • DAUモバイルゲーマー数:OS別
    • モバイルゲームOS:利用時間・金額
    • モバイルゲームのプレイ場所
    • 自宅でのモバイルゲームのプレイ場所
    • 興味のあるモバイルゲームのジャンル:移動中にプレイするもの
    • 人気のモバイルゲームカテゴリ
    • モバイルゲームの入手方法
    • プラットフォーム横断型のゲームプレイ
    • ゲーム展開率
    • 東アジア・太平洋地域のゲームジャンルの展開:国別
    • 東南アジアのゲームジャンル展開:国別
    • 中東のゲームジャンル展開:国別
    • 中央アジアのゲームジャンル展開:国別
    • 南アジアのゲームジャンル展開:国別
    • モバイルゲーム開発者:年齢別
    • モバイルゲームアプリ:日中の作成時間
    • ゲーム開発者の人口統計:OS別
    • ゲーム開発者のプラットフォームに対する選好
    • ゲーム開発者のブランドゲームに対する信頼
    • ゲームアプリとその他のアプリの選好
    • 収益派生額:ゲームアプリ vs. その他のアプリ
    • モバイルアプリを使用するモバイルユーザー
    • ソーシャルゲーム各社のARPU
    • アプリの使用状況:ゲーム vs. その他
    • モバイルアプリユーザーの時間消費率
    • ゲームアプリへの支出額:OS別
    • モバイルゲームの割合:ゲームカテゴリー別
    • モバイルゲーム機能の普及率
    • モバイルゲーム機能の影響
    • モバイルゲームのダウンロード数:無料 vs. 有料
    • モバイルゲームのタイトル数:無料 vs. 有料
    • モバイルゲームの価格
    • モバイルゲームのダウンロード数:OTI vs. OTA
    • モバイルゲームの配信件数:OTI vs. OTA
    • モバイルゲームのダウンロード数:OS別
    • モバイルゲームのダウンロード数:個人ゲーマー別
    • モバイルゲームの収益比率
    • スマートフォンの市場シェア
    • タブレットの市場シェア

第7章 結論・提言

  • 広告主とメディア企業
  • 人工知能 (AI) プロバイダー
  • 自動車企業
  • ブロードバンドインフラプロバイダー
  • 通信事業者 (CSP)
  • コンピューティング企魚油
  • データ分析プロバイダー
  • 没入型テクノロジー (AR、VR、MR) のプロバイダー
  • ネットワーク機器プロバイダー
  • ネットワークセキュリティプロバイダー
  • 半導体企業
  • OEM企業
  • IoTサプライヤー・サービスプロバイダー
  • ソフトウェアプロバイダー (ゲーム開発者・パブリッシャー)
  • コンテンツアグリゲータ
  • 決済ソリューションプロバイダー
  • ソーシャルメディア企業
  • 企業と政府
  • ゲーム投資家


  • Figure 1: NOVA3 - Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance
  • Figure 2: My Town 2: Location Based City Building
  • Figure 3: Life is Crime: Social Location based Mobile Game
  • Figure 4: Fruit Ninja: Mobile Video Game
  • Figure 5: Mobile Cloud Gaming Network Infrastructure
  • Figure 6: Mobile Casual Game: Angry Birds
  • Figure 7: Snoopy Street: Free-to-Play Game
  • Figure 8: Mobile Casino Games Example
  • Figure 9: Simulation based Gamification Training Game
  • Figure 10: McDonald on Firmville
  • Figure 11: AMEX Social Currency Promotion in FarmVille
  • Figure 12: Triple Town: Microtransaction Social Games
  • Figure 13: BMW Ultimate Drive Apps on-go Community
  • Figure 14: Fake Angry Birds Game in China
  • Figure 15: Fruit Ninja Pirated Version in China
  • Figure 16: iPhone Smurf Village Piracy in China
  • Figure 17: Where is My Water Game Piracy
  • Figure 18: Kompu Gacha Game
  • Figure 19: Privacy Points on PrivacyVille
  • Figure 20: In-Game Malware Work Process
  • Figure 21: In-Game Scam: Currency vs. Lead Generation
  • Figure 22: SLAP!: Original vs. Copy Version
  • Figure 23: Offshore Opportunity in Mobile Game Design Process
  • Figure 24: Mobile Gaming Ecosystem Structure
  • Figure 25: App store Game Publishing Framework
  • Figure 26: SNS Portal Game Publishing Framework
  • Figure 27: Mobile Gaming Value Chain Framework and Revenue
  • Figure 28: Mobile Game OTI vs. OTA Distribution Framework
  • Figure 29: Conversion Funnel Metrics
  • Figure 30: Mobile Game Life Cycle
  • Figure 31: Game Analytics Approach
  • Figure 32: Viral vs. Retention Metrics
  • Figure 33: Retention Metrics
  • Figure 34: Business Monetization Metrics Checklist
  • Figure 35: F2P Mobile Social Game Design Framework
  • Figure 36: Framework to Identify the Psychology
  • Figure 37: Social Game Viral Loop
  • Figure 38: Mobile Social Gamer Engagement
  • Figure 39: Social Game: 7day + Engagement
  • Figure 40: Mobile Game Pricing Model
  • Figure 41: 3D Action-Adventure Game Dead Space
  • Figure 42: MyNuMo Blackjack: iOS Mobile Casino Game
  • Figure 43: Mobile Sports Game MADDEN NFL 12
  • Figure 44: Angry Birds: Casual Strategy Puzzle Game
  • Figure 45: Mobile Arcade Style War Game Boom
  • Figure 46: Racing Moto: Fast Paced Racing Game
  • Figure 47: Nightclub City vs. Party Central Case
  • Figure 48: Game Performance Monitor: Retention Funnel
  • Figure 49: Apps Category vs. Gaming Apps Usage
  • Figure 50: Communal Gameplay Trend
  • Figure 51: Communal Game Revenue Trend
  • Figure 52: Gaming Investment Trend in Sectors
  • Figure 53: Value vs. Volume Region Chart
  • Figure 54: GTA Running Interface
  • Figure 55: Nike Sports Point
  • Figure 56: FitBit Lifestyle Marketing
  • Figure 57: BMW Ultimate Drive Apps: Mobile Social Gaming and Discount
  • Figure 58: Angry Birds Version to Play as Pig against Birds
  • Figure 59: Fruit Ninja Frenzy Fruit Slicing
  • Figure 60: Om Nom Monster in Handy Candy update of Cut the Rope
  • Figure 61: Kompu Gacha Game Example
  • Figure 62: Colopula Territory Demo
  • Figure 63: Social Hostess Simulation on Mobage
  • Figure 64: Horse Racing Social Games
  • Figure 65: Smurf Village Screenshot
  • Figure 66: Alchemy Genetics Game
  • Figure 67: The Human Element -Future of LBS Mobile game
  • Figure 68: In-game Donation Opportunity for Brands and Gamers
  • Figure 69: Protein Puzzle and Social Ranking
  • Figure 70: Recycle - Redeem - Reward Quest
  • Figure 71: Literacy Game vs. Community Engagement
  • Figure 72: Money Flow in the Game
  • Figure 73: African Village Quest in the Game
  • Figure 74: Contribution for Children's Education in WeTopia
  • Figure 75: Contribution for Animals in Joy Kingdom
  • Figure 76: Objects in Criminal Case
  • Figure 77: Mixi Park with 3D Avatar
  • Figure 78: Google Play Store Games 2010 - 2021
  • Figure 79: Google Play Store Average Price Apps vs. Games
  • Figure 80: Apple Store Games 2009 - 2021
  • Figure 81: Apple Store Average Price Apps vs. Games
  • Figure 82: Mobile Gaming Asia Market 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 83: Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Platform 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 84: Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Hardware Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 85: Mobile Gaming Asia by Infrastructure Software Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 86: Mobile Gaming Asia Software Market by Gaming Apps Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 87: Mobile Gaming Asia Software Market by Gaming OS Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 88: Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Service Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 89: Mobile Gaming Asia Service Market by Consumer Payment Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 90: Mobile Gaming Asia Branded Game Market by Industry Vertical 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 91: Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Management Provider Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 92: Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Stakeholder Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 93: Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Technology Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 94: Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Connectivity Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 95: Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Enterprise Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 96: Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Region 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 97: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Platform 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 98: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Hardware Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 99: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gaming Asia by Infrastructure Software Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 100: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gaming Asia Software Market by Gaming Apps Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 101: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gaming Asia Software Market by Gaming OS Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 102: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Service Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 103: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gaming Asia Service Market by Consumer Payment Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 104: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gaming Asia Branded Game Market by Industry Vertical 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 105: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Management Provider Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 106: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Stakeholder Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 107: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Technology Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 108: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Connectivity Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 109: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Enterprise Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 110: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 111: SEA Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Platform 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 112: SEA Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Hardware Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 113: SEA Mobile Gaming Asia by Infrastructure Software Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 114: SEA Mobile Gaming Asia Software Market by Gaming Apps Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 115: SEA Mobile Gaming Asia Software Market by Gaming OS Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 116: SEA Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Service Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 117: SEA Mobile Gaming Asia Service Market by Consumer Payment Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 118: SEA Mobile Gaming Asia Branded Game Market by Industry Vertical 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 119: SEA Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Management Provider Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 120: SEA Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Stakeholder Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 121: SEA Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Technology Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 122: SEA Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Connectivity Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 123: SEA Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Enterprise Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 124: SEA Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 125: Middle East Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Platform 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 126: Middle East Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Hardware Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 127: Middle East Mobile Gaming Asia by Infrastructure Software Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 128: Middle East Mobile Gaming Asia Software Market by Gaming Apps Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 129: Middle East Mobile Gaming Asia Software Market by Gaming OS Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 130: Middle East Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Service Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 131: Middle East Mobile Gaming Asia Service Market by Consumer Payment Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 132: Middle East Mobile Gaming Asia Branded Game Market by Industry Vertical 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 133: Middle East Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Management Provider Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 134: Middle East Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Stakeholder Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 135: Middle East Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Technology Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 136: Middle East Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Connectivity Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 137: Middle East Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Enterprise Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 138: Middle East Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 139: Central Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Platform 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 140: Central Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Hardware Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 141: Central Asia Mobile Gaming Asia by Infrastructure Software Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 142: Central Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Software Market by Gaming Apps Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 143: Central Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Software Market by Gaming OS Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 144: Central Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Service Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 145: Central Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Service Market by Consumer Payment Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 146: Central Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Branded Game Market by Industry Vertical 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 147: Central Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Management Provider Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 148: Central Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Stakeholder Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 149: Central Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Technology Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 150: Central Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Connectivity Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 151: Central Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Enterprise Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 152: Central Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 153: South Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Platform 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 154: South Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Hardware Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 155: South Asia Mobile Gaming Asia by Infrastructure Software Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 156: South Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Software Market by Gaming Apps Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 157: South Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Software Market by Gaming OS Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 158: South Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Service Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 159: South Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Service Market by Consumer Payment Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 160: South Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Branded Game Market by Industry Vertical 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 161: South Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Management Provider Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 162: South Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Stakeholder Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 163: South Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Technology Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 164: South Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Connectivity Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 165: South Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Enterprise Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 166: South Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Contry 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 167: Mobile Gamer in Asia 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 168: Mobile Gamer in Asia by Device Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 169: Mobile Gamer in Asia by Casual vs. Regular 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 170: Mobile Gamer in Asia by Game Category 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 171: Mobile Gamer in Asia by Gaming OS Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 172: Mobile Gamer in Asia by Game Payment Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 173: Mobile Gamer in Asia by DAU vs. WAU vs. MAU 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 174: Mobile Gamer in Asia by Gaming Technology Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 175: Mobile Gamer in Asia by Connectivity Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 176: Mobile Gamer in Asia by Regions 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 177: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gamer by Device Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 178: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gamer by Casual vs. Regular 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 179: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gamer by Game Category 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 180: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gamer by Gaming OS Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 181: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gamer by Game Payment Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 182: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gamer by DAU vs. WAU vs. MAU 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 183: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gamer by Gaming Technology Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 184: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gamer by Connectivity Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 185: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gamer by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 186: SEA Mobile Gamer by Device Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 187: SEA Mobile Gamer by Casual vs. Regular 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 188: SEA Mobile Gamer by Game Category 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 189: SEA Mobile Gamer by Gaming OS Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 190: SEA Mobile Gamer by Game Payment Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 191: SEA Mobile Gamer by DAU vs. WAU vs. MAU 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 192: SEA Mobile Gamer by Gaming Technology Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 193: SEA Mobile Gamer by Connectivity Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 194: SEA Mobile Gamer by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 195: Middle East Mobile Gamer by Device Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 196: Middle East Mobile Gamer by Casual vs. Regular 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 197: Middle East Mobile Gamer by Game Category 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 198: Middle East Mobile Gamer by Gaming OS Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 199: Middle East Mobile Gamer by Game Payment Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 200: Middle East Mobile Gamer by DAU vs. WAU vs. MAU 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 201: Middle East Mobile Gamer by Gaming Technology Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 202: Middle East Mobile Gamer by Connectivity Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 203: Middle East Mobile Gamer by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 204: Central Asia Mobile Gamer by Device Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 205: Central Asia Mobile Gamer by Casual vs. Regular 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 206: Central Asia Mobile Gamer by Game Category 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 207: Central Asia Mobile Gamer by Gaming OS Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 208: Central Asia Mobile Gamer by Game Payment Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 209: Central Asia Mobile Gamer by DAU vs. WAU vs. MAU 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 210: Central Asia Mobile Gamer by Gaming Technology Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 211: Central Asia Mobile Gamer by Connectivity Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 212: Central Asia Mobile Gamer by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 213: South Asia Mobile Gamer by Device Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 214: South Asia Mobile Gamer by Casual vs. Regular 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 215: South Asia Mobile Gamer by Game Category 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 216: South Asia Mobile Gamer by Gaming OS Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 217: South Asia Mobile Gamer by Game Payment Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 218: South Asia Mobile Gamer by DAU vs. WAU vs. MAU 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 219: South Asia Mobile Gamer by Gaming Technology Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 220: South Asia Mobile Gamer by Connectivity Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 221: South Asia Mobile Gamer by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 222: Mobile Gaming Asia Yearly ARPU vs. ARPPU 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 223: Mobile Gaming Asia Monthly ARPU vs. ARPPU 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 224: Mobile Gamer in Asia by Male vs. Female 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 225: Mobile Gamer in Asia by Age Bracket 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 226: Mobile Gamer in Asia by Yearly Income Bracket 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 227: Mobile Gaming Asia: Relative Time Spend vs. Revenue Contribution by Age Bracket
  • Figure 228: Gaming Device Preference by Broadband Household and Age Brackets in Asia
  • Figure 229: Tablet Gamer Statistics in Asia
  • Figure 230: Virtual Goods Spending Pattern
  • Figure 231: Virtual Goods Unique Payer
  • Figure 232: Game Play Frequency
  • Figure 233: Game Purchase and Plan to Purchase
  • Figure 234: Freemium Gamer Upgrade: Free to Paid Game
  • Figure 235: In-Game Content Purchase
  • Figure 236: Social Game Play Percent
  • Figure 237: Social Game Play: DAU vs. WAU vs. MAU
  • Figure 238: Game Recommendation to Others
  • Figure 239: Gaming Time Spend Ratio
  • Figure 240: Game Play Duration
  • Figure 241: Mobile Time Spend (Except Voice)
  • Figure 242: Game Play Activity Change Ratio
  • Figure 243: Mobile Game Play Increase Factor
  • Figure 244: Mobile Game Play User Benefit
  • Figure 245: Mobile Game Play Influence Source
  • Figure 246: Mobile Game Keeping Ratio by Device
  • Figure 247: DAU Mobile Gamer by OS
  • Figure 248: Mobile Gaming OS: Time Spend vs. Dedication
  • Figure 249: Mobile Game Play Location
  • Figure 250: Mobile Game Play Location in Home
  • Figure 251: Mobile Game Genre Interest: On-the-Go
  • Figure 252: Popular Mobile Game Category
  • Figure 253: Mobile Game Acquisition Method
  • Figure 254: Cross Platform Game Play
  • Figure 255: Game Deployment Ratio
  • Figure 256: Mobile Game Developer by Age Bracket
  • Figure 257: Day-time consumption on writing Mobile Game Apps
  • Figure 258: Game Developer Demography by OS
  • Figure 259: Game Developer Preference over Platform
  • Figure 260: Game Developers believe Over Brand Game
  • Figure 261: Gaming App vs. Other App Preference
  • Figure 262: Revenue Generation by Gaming App vs. Other App
  • Figure 263: Mobile User Using Mobile Apps
  • Figure 264: Social Gaming ARPU by Company
  • Figure 265: App Usage: Game vs. Others
  • Figure 266: Mobile App User Time Spend Ratio
  • Figure 267: Spending on Gaming App by OS
  • Figure 268: Mobile Game Percent by Game Category
  • Figure 269: Mobile Game Feature Adoption
  • Figure 270: Mobile Game Feature Influence
  • Figure 271: Mobile Game Download: Free vs. Paid
  • Figure 272: Mobile Game Title: Free vs. Paid
  • Figure 273: Mobile Game Price
  • Figure 274: Mobile Game Download: OTI vs. OTA
  • Figure 275: Mobile Game Distribution: OTI vs. OTA
  • Figure 276: Mobile Game Download by OS
  • Figure 277: Mobile Game Download by Individual Gamer
  • Figure 278: Profitable Mobile Game Download by Ratio
  • Figure 279: Smartphone Market Share
  • Figure 280: Tablet Market Share


  • Table 1: Mobile Casual Game: iOS vs. Android
  • Table 2: Google Play vs. Apple Store Distribution
  • Table 3: Brand Monetization Metrics
  • Table 4: Mobile Gaming Strategies
  • Table 5: Revenue Sources vs. Cost Items
  • Table 6: Game Balancing Method
  • Table 7: Parameters to Balance Need Bragging Approach
  • Table 8: Mobile Social Game Costs vs. Revenue
  • Table 9: Value vs. Volume Market Feature
  • Table 10: Google Play Store Games 2010 - 2021
  • Table 11: Apple Store Games 2009 - 2021
  • Table 12: Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Platform 2023 - 2028
  • Table 13: Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Hardware Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 14: Mobile Gaming Asia by Software Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 15: Mobile Gaming Asia Software Market by Gaming Apps Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 16: Mobile Gaming Asia Software Market by Gaming OS Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 17: Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Service Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 18: Mobile Gaming Asia Service Market by Consumer Payment Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 19: Mobile Gaming Asia Branded Game Market by Industry Vertical 2023 - 2028
  • Table 20: Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Management Provider Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 21: Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Stakeholder Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 22: Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Technology Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 23: Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Connectivity Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 24: Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Enterprise Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 25: Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Region 2023 - 2028
  • Table 26: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Platform 2023 - 2028
  • Table 27: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Hardware Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 28: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gaming Asia by Software Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 29: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gaming Asia Software Market by Gaming Apps Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 30: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gaming Asia Software Market by Gaming OS Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 31: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Service Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 32: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gaming Asia Service Market by Consumer Payment Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 33: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gaming Asia Branded Game Market by Industry Vertical 2023 - 2028
  • Table 34: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Management Provider Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 35: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Stakeholder Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 36: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Technology Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 37: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Connectivity Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 38: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Enterprise Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 39: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Table 40: SEA Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Platform 2023 - 2028
  • Table 41: SEA Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Hardware Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 42: SEA Mobile Gaming Asia by Software Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 43: SEA Mobile Gaming Asia Software Market by Gaming Apps Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 44: SEA Mobile Gaming Asia Software Market by Gaming OS Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 45: SEA Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Service Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 46: SEA Mobile Gaming Asia Service Market by Consumer Payment Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 47: SEA Mobile Gaming Asia Branded Game Market by Industry Vertical 2023 - 2028
  • Table 48: SEA Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Management Provider Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 49: SEA Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Stakeholder Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 50: SEA Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Technology Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 51: SEA Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Connectivity Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 52: SEA Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Enterprise Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 53: SEA Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Table 54: Middle East Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Platform 2023 - 2028
  • Table 55: Middle East Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Hardware Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 56: Middle East Mobile Gaming Asia by Software Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 57: Middle East Mobile Gaming Asia Software Market by Gaming Apps Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 58: Middle East Mobile Gaming Asia Software Market by Gaming OS Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 59: Middle East Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Service Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 60: Middle East Mobile Gaming Asia Service Market by Consumer Payment Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 61: Middle East Mobile Gaming Asia Branded Game Market by Industry Vertical 2023 - 2028
  • Table 62: Middle East Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Management Provider Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 63: Middle East Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Stakeholder Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 64: Middle East Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Technology Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 65: Middle East Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Connectivity Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 66: Middle East Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Enterprise Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 67: Middle East Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Table 68: Central Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Platform 2023 - 2028
  • Table 69: Central Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Hardware Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 70: Central Asia Mobile Gaming Asia by Software Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 71: Central Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Software Market by Gaming Apps Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 72: Central Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Software Market by Gaming OS Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 73: Central Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Service Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 74: Central Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Service Market by Consumer Payment Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 75: Central Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Branded Game Market by Industry Vertical 2023 - 2028
  • Table 76: Central Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Management Provider Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 77: Central Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Stakeholder Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 78: Central Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Technology Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 79: Central Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Connectivity Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 80: Central Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Enterprise Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 81: Central Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Table 82: South Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Platform 2023 - 2028
  • Table 83: South Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Hardware Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 84: South Asia Mobile Gaming Asia by Software Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 85: South Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Software Market by Gaming Apps Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 86: South Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Software Market by Gaming OS Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 87: South Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Service Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 88: South Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Service Market by Consumer Payment Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 89: South Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Branded Game Market by Industry Vertical 2023 - 2028
  • Table 90: South Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Management Provider Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 91: South Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Stakeholder Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 92: South Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Technology Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 93: South Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Connectivity Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 94: South Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Enterprise Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 95: South Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Contry 2023 - 2028
  • Table 96: Mobile Gamer in Asia by Device Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 97: Mobile Gamer in Asia by Casual vs. Regular 2023 - 2028
  • Table 98: Mobile Gamer in Asia by Game Category 2023 - 2028
  • Table 99: Mobile Gamer in Asia by Gaming OS Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 100: Mobile Gamer in Asia by Game Payment Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 101: Mobile Gamer in Asia by DAU vs. WAU vs. MAU 2023 - 2028
  • Table 102: Mobile Gamer in Asia by Gaming Technology Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 103: Mobile Gamer in Asia by Connectivity Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 104: Mobile Gamer in Asia by Regions 2023 - 2028
  • Table 105: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gamer by Device Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 106: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gamer by Casual vs. Regular 2023 - 2028
  • Table 107: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gamer by Game Category 2023 - 2028
  • Table 108: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gamer by Gaming OS Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 109: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gamer by Game Payment Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 110: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gamer by DAU vs. WAU vs. MAU 2023 - 2028
  • Table 111: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gamer by Gaming Technology Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 112: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gamer by Connectivity Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 113: East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gamer by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Table 114: SEA Mobile Gamer by Device Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 115: SEA Mobile Gamer by Casual vs. Regular 2023 - 2028
  • Table 116: SEA Mobile Gamer by Game Category 2023 - 2028
  • Table 117: SEA Mobile Gamer by Gaming OS Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 118: SEA Mobile Gamer by Game Payment Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 119: SEA Mobile Gamer by DAU vs. WAU vs. MAU 2023 - 2028
  • Table 120: SEA Mobile Gamer by Gaming Technology Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 121: SEA Mobile Gamer by Connectivity Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 122: SEA Mobile Gamer by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Table 123: Middle East Mobile Gamer by Device Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 124: Middle East Mobile Gamer by Casual vs. Regular 2023 - 2028
  • Table 125: Middle East Mobile Gamer by Game Category 2023 - 2028
  • Table 126: Middle East Mobile Gamer by Gaming OS Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 127: Middle East Mobile Gamer by Game Payment Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 128: Middle East Mobile Gamer by DAU vs. WAU vs. MAU 2023 - 2028
  • Table 129: Middle East Mobile Gamer by Gaming Technology Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 130: Middle East Mobile Gamer by Connectivity Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 131: Middle East Mobile Gamer by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Table 132: Central Asia Mobile Gamer by Device Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 133: Central Asia Mobile Gamer by Casual vs. Regular 2023 - 2028
  • Table 134: Central Asia Mobile Gamer by Game Category 2023 - 2028
  • Table 135: Central Asia Mobile Gamer by Gaming OS Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 136: Central Asia Mobile Gamer by Game Payment Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 137: Central Asia Mobile Gamer by DAU vs. WAU vs. MAU 2023 - 2028
  • Table 138: Central Asia Mobile Gamer by Gaming Technology Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 139: Central Asia Mobile Gamer by Connectivity Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 140: Central Asia Mobile Gamer by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Table 141: South Asia Mobile Gamer by Device Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 142: South Asia Mobile Gamer by Casual vs. Regular 2023 - 2028
  • Table 143: South Asia Mobile Gamer by Game Category 2023 - 2028
  • Table 144: South Asia Mobile Gamer by Gaming OS Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 145: South Asia Mobile Gamer by Game Payment Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 146: South Asia Mobile Gamer by DAU vs. WAU vs. MAU 2023 - 2028
  • Table 147: South Asia Mobile Gamer by Gaming Technology Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 148: South Asia Mobile Gamer by Connectivity Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 149: South Asia Mobile Gamer by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Table 150: Mobile Gaming Asia Yearly ARPU vs. ARPPU 2023 - 2028
  • Table 151: Mobile Gaming Asia Monthly ARPU vs. ARPPU 2023 - 2028
  • Table 152: Mobile Gamer in Asia by Male vs. Female 2023 - 2028
  • Table 153: Mobile Gamer in Asia by Age Bracket 2023 - 2028
  • Table 154: Mobile Gamer in Asia by Yearly Income Bracket 2023 - 2028
  • Table 155: Mobile Gaming Asia: Relative Time Spend vs. Revenue Contribution by Age Bracket
  • Table 156: Gaming Device Preference by Broadband Household and Age Brackets in Asia
  • Table 157: Tablet Gamer Statistics in Asia
  • Table 158: Virtual Goods Spending Pattern
  • Table 159: Virtual Goods Unique Payer
  • Table 160: Game Play Frequency
  • Table 161: Game Purchase and Plan to Purchase
  • Table 162: Freemium Gamer Upgrade: Free to Paid Game
  • Table 163: In-Game Content Purchase
  • Table 164: Social Game Play Percent
  • Table 165: Social Game Play: DAU vs. WAU vs. MAU
  • Table 166: Game Recommendation to Others
  • Table 167: Game Genre Preference by Gender
  • Table 168: Gaming Time Spend Ratio
  • Table 169: Game Play Duration
  • Table 170: Mobile Time Spend (Except Voice)
  • Table 171: Game Play Activity Change Ratio
  • Table 172: Mobile Game Play Increase Factor
  • Table 173: Mobile Game Play User Benefit
  • Table 174: Mobile Game Play Influence Source
  • Table 175: Mobile Game Keeping Ratio by Device
  • Table 176: DAU Mobile Gamer by OS
  • Table 177: Mobile Gaming OS: Time Spend vs. Dedication
  • Table 178: Mobile Game Play Location
  • Table 179: Mobile Game Play Location in Home
  • Table 180: Mobile Game Genre Interest: On-the-Go
  • Table 181: Popular Mobile Game Category
  • Table 182: Mobile Game Acquisition Method
  • Table 183: Cross Platform Game Play
  • Table 184: Game Deployment Ratio
  • Table 185: East Asia & Pacific Game Genre Deployment by Country
  • Table 186: SEA Game Genre Deployment by Country
  • Table 187: Middle East Game Genre Deployment by Country
  • Table 188: Middle East Game Genre Deployment by Country
  • Table 189: Central Asia Game Genre Deployment by Country
  • Table 190: South Asia Game Genre Deployment by Country
  • Table 191: Mobile Game Developer by Age Bracket
  • Table 192: Day-time consumption on writing Mobile Game Apps
  • Table 193: Game Developer Demography by OS
  • Table 194: Game Developer Preference over Platform
  • Table 195: Game Developers believe Over Brand Game
  • Table 196: Gaming App vs. Other App Preference
  • Table 197: Revenue Generation by Gaming App vs. Other App
  • Table 198: Mobile User Using Mobile Apps
  • Table 199: Social Gaming ARPU by Company
  • Table 200: App Usage: Game vs. Others
  • Table 201: Mobile App User Time Spend Ratio
  • Table 202: Spending on Gaming App by OS
  • Table 203: Mobile Game Percent by Game Category
  • Table 204: Mobile Game Feature Adoption
  • Table 205: Mobile Game Feature Influence
  • Table 206: Mobile Game Download: Free vs. Paid
  • Table 207: Mobile Game Title: Free vs. Paid
  • Table 208: Mobile Game Price
  • Table 209: Mobile Game Download: OTI vs. OTA
  • Table 210: Mobile Game Distribution: OTI vs. OTA
  • Table 211: Mobile Game Download by OS
  • Table 212: Mobile Game Download by Individual Gamer
  • Table 213: Profitable Mobile Game Ratio
  • Table 214: Smartphone Market Share
  • Table 215: Tablet Market Share


This report represents must-have research for anyone focused on mobile entertainment and/or VAS applications in Asia. This report represents a comprehensive assessment of mobile gaming opportunities in Asia. It provides insights into the mobile gaming business and analysis of current limitations, challenges, and opportunities.

The report also addresses various demand drivers/factors including: Asian mobile gaming demographic analysis, Asian mobile game-play behavior, game-play preference and projection analysis.

The report also provides a comparative analysis of Asian mobile gaming demography and preferences including: Male vs. Female, Casual vs. Core, "Freemium" vs. Premium, Social vs. Traditional, Tablet vs. Mobile, Smartphone vs. Web Enabled vs. Standard Phone, Regular vs. Irregular, Time and Money Spending dynamics.

Select Report Findings:

  • Market for mobile gaming in the Asia region as a whole will reach $93.2 billion by 2028
  • Market for mobile game publishers and service aggregators in Asia will reach $51.3 billion by 2028
  • WiFi will continue to be the most extensive means of connectivity followed by LTE and 5G through 2028
  • While male gamers continue to dominate usage, female gamers are growing 62% faster, poised to reach parity within a decade
  • Mobile gaming business models have experienced a transition from free-to-play to freemium and also a focus on highly successful categories
  • Smartphones have the greatest user penetration but tablets represent the best user experience that competes well against the console market
  • Mobile gaming by device type is dominated by smartphone usage as other devices experience substantially slower growth and tablets are losing ground
  • Major growth drivers are explosion of data enabled mobile devices, F2P revenue model and in-game advertising that includes display banner, interactive, video ads and "advergaming"

Mobile gaming is the fastest growing segment of digital entertainment with roots connected to the console-based platform era building upon lessons learned from the likes of Nintendo DS and PlayStation Portable. Initially, adaptive versions of popular console titles were offered for mobile. Incrementally, entertainment targeted towards smartphones and tablets made inroads, particularly in the casual gaming segment. Today, smartphone-based games lead the mobile gaming industry by users but tablets generate higher rates across paid monetization, micro transactions and advertising.

Mostly casual and non-complex genres are popular on smartphone platforms whereas tablets provide a better user experience due to greater hardware capabilities and a superior user interface. Tablets now represent an attractive mid-core gaming platform as they have started competing substantively with console devices and may overtake them in the near future.

The mobile gaming business has also exploded with emerging revenue models such as free-to-play (F2P), "advergaming" etc. Social and community dynamics are also a revolutionary factor that has enhanced viral growth, user targeting, customer acquisition, and monetization, driving substantial daily average revenue per paying user. The major growth drivers are many and varied including growth of data enabled mobile devices, F2P revenue model and in-game advertising that includes display banner, interactive, video ads and "advergaming" (brand sponsorship).

After acquiring millions of mobile users, gaming companies have realized that the emphasis should be focused on user retention rather than innovation. Therefore, the gaming industry is largely focused upon enhancing in-game experience on a periodic basis rather than creating entirely new games, which have proven to cause a drop in loyal users. In addition, gaming business models have experienced a transition from free-to-play to freemium and also a focus on highly successful categories such as social casino style gaming and real money games.

Select Companies in Report:

  • 360 Market
  • 51.Com
  • Activision Blizzard
  • Agate Studio
  • Airtel (Bharti)
  • AIS
  • Alphabet (Google)
  • Alternative.To
  • Amazon
  • Anino mobile
  • Anzhi
  • Appia
  • Appitalism
  • Apple
  • Apps UK Ltd.
  • AT&T
  • Badoo
  • Baidu App store
  • Bebo
  • Bemobi International
  • Capcom
  • Cellcom
  • Chillingo
  • China Mobile
  • China Telecom
  • China Unicom
  • CodeNgo
  • Cydia
  • Cyworld
  • DeNA
  • DTAC
  • EE
  • Electronic Arts
  • Etisalat
  • Facebook Games
  • F-Droid
  • Gaia Online
  • Gameloft SE
  • Gameprom
  • Games Inc.
  • Gamevil (Com2uS)
  • GetJar
  • Globe Telecom
  • Glu Mobile
  • GREE
  • GungHo Online Entertainment
  • Halfbrick
  • Hungama Games
  • IBM
  • Indosat
  • InMobi
  • iWin
  • Kabam Games
  • Kairosoft
  • Kaixin001
  • KakaoTalk
  • KDDI au
  • Konami
  • Kongregate
  • Line
  • Maopao
  • Maxis
  • Mixi
  • Mobango
  • MocoSpace
  • MTNPlay
  • MTS
  • Namco Bandai
  • NetEase
  • Nintendo
  • Nook App Store
  • NTT DoCoMo
  • NVidia (Geoforce)
  • One Store Corp.
  • Optus Mobile
  • Oracle corporation
  • Papaya Mobile
  • Renren
  • Rovio Entertainment
  • Sina Weibo
  • SingTel Mobile
  • SK Telecom
  • Slide ME
  • Socialpoint
  • Sony Interactive Entertainment
  • Square Enix
  • Supercell Oy
  • Take-Two Interactive Software
  • Taobao App Market
  • Telenor
  • Telkomsel
  • Telstra Mobile
  • Tencent Holdings
  • The Walt Disney Company
  • T-Mobile USA
  • Twitch.TV
  • Ubisoft Entertainment SA
  • Verizon
  • Viettel
  • Vodafone
  • Vodafone Idea
  • Wandoujia
  • WildTangent
  • Xiaomi App store
  • XSplit
  • Zeptolab
  • Zynga

Table of Contents

1.0. Executive Summary

2.0. Introduction

  • 2.1. Defining Mobile Gaming
  • 2.2. Mobile Gaming App Development
  • 2.3. Gaming Platform Analysis
  • 2.4. Strategic Market Impact Analysis
  • 2.5. Mobile Gaming Apps Types
    • 2.5.1. Multiplayer Mobile Gaming
    • 2.5.2. Mobile Social Gaming
    • 2.5.3. Mobile Location Based Gaming
    • 2.5.4. Mobile Video Gaming
    • 2.5.5. Mobile Cloud Gaming
    • 2.5.6. Mobile Casual Gaming
    • 2.5.7. Free-to-Play Apps
    • 2.5.8. Mobile Casino Gaming
    • 2.5.9. Gamification Apps
  • 2.6. Market Dynamic Analysis
    • 2.6.1. Market Growth Driver Analysis
      • Cross Platform Game Play and Mobile Social Gaming
      • Growing Demand of Local Content
      • Freemium Monetization
      • Gaming Optimized Devices
      • Mobile Platform as Common Gaming Platform
      • Word of Mouth Preference
      • Local Gaming Platforms
      • Wearable Gaming Preference
      • Connected Console and Mobile Cloud
      • Advergaming
      • In-Game Transaction
      • Virtual go-to Community
      • Cross-Platform Publishing
      • Non-Facebook Social Gaming Platform
    • 2.6.2. Market Limitation Analysis
  • 2.7. Regulation and Fraud Analysis
    • 2.7.1. Mobile Game Piracy and Virtual Currency Scam
    • 2.7.2. Kompu Gacha Mobile Social Gambling Ban in Japan
    • 2.7.3. Geographic Implication of Antipiracy Law
      • Japan
      • Russia
      • China
    • 2.7.4. Zynga with PrivacyVille
    • 2.7.5. Cyber Criminal Attack on Mobile Social Games
    • 2.7.6. In-Game Scam Debate in Mobile Social Games
    • 2.7.7. Open Web to Save DMCA: MiniMega vs. TomKid Game
    • 2.7.8. RMT and Gold Farming Regulation
    • 2.7.9. Offshore Opportunity in Asia
  • 2.8. Value Chain Analysis
    • 2.8.1. Mobile Game Developer
    • 2.8.2. Mobile Game Publisher and Service Aggregators
    • 2.8.3. Sales Channel and Platform Providers
    • 2.8.4. Telecom Operators
    • 2.8.5. Hardware Manufacturer
    • 2.8.6. New Entrants Role
      • Technical and Legal Role of Technology Provider
      • Virtual Goods and Currency Provider Role
      • Micro Transaction Solution Provider Role
  • 2.9. Cross Platform OTI vs. OTA Distribution and Fragmentation
    • 2.9.1. Mobile Gaming Fragmentation
    • 2.9.2. Major Challenges in Fragmented Distribution
  • 2.10. Monetization Metrics Analysis
    • 2.10.1. Converting Mobile Gaming Metrics to Conversion Funnel
    • 2.10.2. Game Life Cycle and KPI
    • 2.10.3. Gaming Analytics
    • 2.10.4. Viral vs. Retention
    • 2.10.5. Business Monetization Metrics
    • 2.10.6. Brand Monetization Metrics
    • 2.10.7. Game Monetization
      • Crowded Game Store
      • Player Retention and Engagement
      • Premium Model
      • Opportunity for Game Maker
  • 2.11. Mobile Social Game Design Framework
    • 2.11.1. F2P Mobile Social Game Design Framework
    • 2.11.2. Benefits for using framework
    • 2.11.3. Nine Dimensions of the Framework
    • 2.11.4. Adding Fun in Game Design
    • 2.11.5. Game Marketing: Role of Apps, Video, Smart TV, and Viral
      • Gaming Apps Marketing
      • Video Marketing
    • 2.11.6. Role of Smart TV and Location Targeting
    • 2.11.7. Importance of Viral Adoption
  • 2.12. Mobile Social Gamer Engagement Panorama
    • 2.12.1. First 3 Days Dilemma: Adoption Drop-off
    • 2.12.2. The 7 Day Dilemma of Engagement
    • 2.12.3. Increasing and Enhancing Mobile Gaming Engagement
    • 2.12.4. Blending Game Science with Artistic Influences
    • 2.12.5. Empathy Game: New Wave of Engagement
  • 2.13. Business Model Analysis
    • 2.13.1. Key Mobile Gaming Strategies
    • 2.13.2. Revenue Sources and Cost Items
    • 2.13.3. Trendy Business Model
      • Virtual Items and Micro Transaction
      • In-Game Ad / Branded Games
      • Subscription/Bundle Pack with Virtual Items Trading
      • In-Game Ad / Branded Game with In-Store Benefits
      • Premium Game with In-Store Benefits
      • Casino / Club Gambling Model
      • User Generated Model
      • Gamification Centric Model
    • 2.13.4. Tips for Economic and Gamification in Business Model
      • Free entertainment illusion
      • Never set payment limit for user
      • Focus on detail activities
      • Recruit more Players
      • Current Trend in Pricing Model
    • 2.13.5. Advertising Model
      • CPC Advertising Model
      • CPI Advertising Model
      • Profitable CPI
      • Pricing of Virtual Goods
    • 2.13.6. Building Mathematical Model to Set Price
    • 2.13.7. Market Challenge and Game Balancing Method

3.0. Technology and Application Analysis

  • 3.1. Gaming Hardware Analysis
  • 3.2. Gaming Software Analysis
  • 3.3. Gaming Service Analysis
  • 3.4. Gaming Management Provider
  • 3.5. Gaming Technology
    • 3.5.1. Action and Adventure
    • 3.5.2. Social Casino
    • 3.5.3. Sports and Role Playing
    • 3.5.4. Strategy and Brain
    • 3.5.5. Arcade
    • 3.5.6. Other Technologies
  • 3.6. Connectivity Analysis
    • 3.6.1. WiFi
    • 3.6.2. Cellular (LTE/5G)
    • 3.6.3. WiMAX
    • 3.6.4. Bluetooth/BLE
    • 3.6.5. LPWAN Connectivity
  • 3.7. Mobile Gaming Success Strategy Analysis
    • 3.7.1. Features to Incorporate in Game
    • 3.7.2. Popular vs. New Gaming IP
    • 3.7.3. Mobile Game Production Cost
    • 3.7.4. Successful Gaming IP line Creation
    • 3.7.5. Minimize Marketing and User Acquisition Cost
    • 3.7.6. Use of Monetization Strategies
  • 3.8. Investment Trend Analysis
    • 3.8.1. Second Screen including Mobile Devices and TV
    • 3.8.2. Social vs. Game Network
    • 3.8.3. Gaming Industry Transition and Fragmentation
    • 3.8.4. Gaming Sector and Business Model
    • 3.8.5. Value vs. Volume Regions
  • 3.9. Wearable Gaming
    • 3.9.1. Smartwatch as Wearable Gaming Platform
      • Pervasiveness
      • Interface
    • 3.9.2. Potential Platform Analysis
      • Mind Pirate
      • OBJE (Obscene Interactive)
      • Oculus Rift
      • Sony
    • 3.9.3. Privacy concerns
  • 3.10. Case Study
    • 3.10.1. Grand Theft Auto
    • 3.10.2. Nike and Sports Game
    • 3.10.3. FitBit Casual Gaming
    • 3.10.4. BMW Ultimate Drive App
    • 3.10.5. Angry Birds
    • 3.10.6. Fruit Ninja
    • 3.10.7. Cut the Rope
    • 3.10.8. Kompu Gacha Games
    • 3.10.9. Colopula
    • 3.10.10. Hostess Club Social Game
    • 3.10.11. Social Horse-Racing Game
    • 3.10.12. Smurf Village: Real Virtual Economy Success
    • 3.10.13. Alchemy: Android Title Success Case in Korea
    • 3.10.14. The Human Element
    • 3.10.15. Half the Sky Movement
    • 3.10.16. FoldIt: Research for Mankind and Community Patent
    • 3.10.17. RecycleBank: Community Awareness
    • 3.10.18. Miller Literacy Game: Education and Literacy
    • 3.10.19. SPENT: Poverty Alleviation
    • 3.10.20. Raise the Village: Constructing Village
    • 3.10.21. WeTopia Case: Charities for Children
    • 3.10.22. Charities for Animal: Joy Kingdom Case
    • 3.10.23. Japan and Korea Success Story
    • 3.10.24. Pretty Simple's Criminal Case Lesson

4.0. Mobile Gaming Company Analysis

  • 4.1. Mobile Game Developers and Publishers
    • 4.1.1. Halfbrick: Australia
    • 4.1.2. Capcom: Japan
    • 4.1.3. Electronic Arts: Japan
    • 4.1.4. Namco Bandai: Japan
    • 4.1.5. Gamevil (Com2uS): Korea
    • 4.1.6. Zeptolab: Russia
    • 4.1.7. Square Enix: Japan
    • 4.1.8. Gameprom: Russia
    • 4.1.9. Kairosoft: Japan
    • 4.1.10. Konami: Japan
    • 4.1.11. Disney Mobile: Japan
    • 4.1.12. GREE: Japan
    • 4.1.13. DeNA: Japan
    • 4.1.14. Tencent: China
    • 4.1.15. Mig33: China
    • 4.1.16. Sina Weibo: China
    • 4.1.17. Papaya Mobile: China
    • 4.1.18. Mobygames
    • 4.1.19. Games2Win: India
    • 4.1.20. Hungama Games: India
    • 4.1.21. Nazara: India
    • 4.1.22. Anino mobile: Philippines
    • 4.1.23. Socialpoint: Spain
    • 4.1.24. Agate Studio: Indonesia
    • 4.1.25. Toge Productions: Indonesia
    • 4.1.26. Creacle Studio: Indonesia
    • 4.1.27. Touchten Games: Indonesia
    • 4.1.28. Maximize Games Studio: Indonesia
    • 4.1.29. Tinker Games: Indonesia
    • 4.1.30. Educa Studio: Indonesia
    • 4.1.31. Altermyth: Indonesia
    • 4.1.32. Nightspade: Indonesia
    • 4.1.33. Alegrium
    • 4.1.34. Kidalang
    • 4.1.35. Menara Games
    • 4.1.36. Own Games
  • 4.2. Emerging Publisher Platform Analysis
    • 4.2.1. Sina WeiBo
    • 4.2.2. Tencent Network (Weibo, Qzone and Pengyou)
    • 4.2.3. Renren
    • 4.2.4. Kaixin001
    • 4.2.5. 51.Com
    • 4.2.6. Mixi
    • 4.2.7. Cyworld
    • 4.2.8. Yahoo-Mobage
    • 4.2.9. Ameba Pigg
    • 4.2.10. Bebo
    • 4.2.11. Twitter
    • 4.2.12. Amazon
    • 4.2.13. Gaia Online
    • 4.2.14. Badoo
    • 4.2.15. Tagged
    • 4.2.16. Hi5
    • 4.2.17. Habbo
    • 4.2.18. Come2Play
    • 4.2.19. Chillingo
    • 4.2.20. Tencent QQ
    • 4.2.21. KakaoTalk
    • 4.2.22. Line
    • 4.2.23. Tango
    • 4.2.24. Kik Messenger
    • 4.2.25. Zalo
    • 4.2.26. Qihoo 360 Platform
    • 4.2.27. Wandoujia
    • 4.2.28. Baidu App Store
    • 4.2.29. AppChina
    • 4.2.30. D.cn Games Center
    • 4.2.31. Gfan
    • 4.2.32. VKontakte
    • 4.2.33. Yonja
  • 4.3. Application Store Analysis
    • 4.3.1. Google Play Games
    • 4.3.2. iOS Game Center
    • 4.3.3. Facebook Games
    • 4.3.4. Alternative Android Store
      • Slide ME
      • GetJar
      • CodeNgo
      • Apps UK Ltd.
      • Anzhi
      • F-Droid
    • 4.3.5. Alternative iOS Store
      • Cydia
    • 4.3.6. Cross Platform App Store
      • NVidia (Geoforce)
      • Nook App Store
      • Taobao App Market
      • Bemobi International
      • Mobango
      • Appitalism
      • Kongregate
      • Maopao
      • Alternative.To
      • 360 Market
    • 4.3.7. OEM Appstore
      • Xiaomi App store
    • 4.3.8. Carrier AppStore
      • One Store Corp.
      • MTNPlay
  • 4.4. Gaming Service Management Providers
    • 4.4.1. WildTangent
    • 4.4.2. iWin
    • 4.4.3. Twitch.TV
    • 4.4.4. Appia
    • 4.4.5. XSplit
  • 4.5. Communication Service Provider Analysis
    • 4.5.1. NTT DoCoMo Japan
    • 4.5.2. KDDI au, Japan
    • 4.5.3. China Mobile, China
    • 4.5.4. China Unicom, China
    • 4.5.5. China Telecom, China
    • 4.5.6. Airtel (Bharti), India
    • 4.5.7. Vodafone Idea, India
    • 4.5.8. SK Telecom, Korea
    • 4.5.9. Telstra Mobile, Australia
    • 4.5.10. Optus Mobile, Australia
    • 4.5.11. Vodafone, New Zealand
    • 4.5.12. MTS, Russia
    • 4.5.13. MegaFon, Russia
    • 4.5.14. Beeline, Russia
    • 4.5.15. Chunghwa Telecom, Taiwan
    • 4.5.16. 3 Hong Kong
    • 4.5.17. Mobicom, Mongolia
    • 4.5.18. Telkomsel, Indonesia
    • 4.5.19. Indosat, Indonesia
    • 4.5.20. Viettel, Vietnam
    • 4.5.21. MobiFone, Vietnam
    • 4.5.22. Smart Communications, Philippines
    • 4.5.23. Globe Telecom, Philippines
    • 4.5.24. Maxis, Malaysia
    • 4.5.25. SingTel Mobile, Singapore
    • 4.5.26. AIS, Thailand
    • 4.5.27. DTAC, Thailand
    • 4.5.28. DSTCom, Brunei
    • 4.5.29. Lao-telecom, Laos
    • 4.5.30. Metfone, Cambodia
    • 4.5.31. Turkcell, Turkey
    • 4.5.32. Mobile Telecommunication Company of Iran
    • 4.5.33. STC, Saudi Arabia
    • 4.5.34. Etisalat, UAE
    • 4.5.35. Cellcom, Israel
    • 4.5.36. BATELCO, Bahrain
    • 4.5.37. Cytamobile-Vodafone, Cyprus
    • 4.5.38. Vodafone, Egypt
    • 4.5.39. Zain, Jordan
    • 4.5.40. Zain, Kuwait
    • 4.5.41. Touch, Lebanon
    • 4.5.42. Q-Tel, Qatar
    • 4.5.43. Omantel, Oman
    • 4.5.44. K'Cell, Kazakhstan
    • 4.5.45. Beeline, Kyrgyzstan
    • 4.5.46. Babilon Mobile, Tajikistan
    • 4.5.47. Uzdunrobita, Uzbekistan
    • 4.5.48. MTS, Turkmenistan
    • 4.5.49. Grameenphone, Bangladesh
    • 4.5.50. Dialog, Sri Lanka
    • 4.5.51. Mobilink, Pakistan
    • 4.5.52. Ncell, Nepal
    • 4.5.53. Dhiraagu, Maldives
    • 4.5.54. B-Mobile, Bhutan

5.0. Country Analysis

  • 5.1. Japan
  • 5.2. China
  • 5.3. South Korea
  • 5.4. India
  • 5.5. Australia
  • 5.6. Russia
  • 5.7. New Zealand
  • 5.8. Hong Kong
  • 5.9. Taiwan
  • 5.10. Indonesia
  • 5.11. Thailand
  • 5.12. Philippine
  • 5.13. Malaysia
  • 5.14. Singapore
  • 5.15. Vietnam
  • 5.16. Brunei
  • 5.17. Turkey
  • 5.18. UAE
  • 5.19. Saudi Arabia
  • 5.20. Israel
  • 5.21. Egypt
  • 5.22. Kazakhstan
  • 5.23. Kyrgyzstan
  • 5.24. Tajikistan
  • 5.25. Bangladesh
  • 5.26. Srilanka
  • 5.27. Pakistan

6.0. Mobile Gaming Asia Market Analysis and Forecasts 2023-2028

  • 6.1. Mobile Gaming Asia Market 2023-2028
    • 6.1.1. Mobile Gaming Asia Market
    • 6.1.2. Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Platform
      • Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Hardware Type
      • Mobile Gaming Asia by Software Type
        • Mobile Gaming Asia Software Market by Gaming Apps Type
        • Mobile Gaming Asia Software Market by Gaming OS Type
      • Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Service Type
        • Mobile Gaming Asia Service Market by Consumer Payment Type
        • Mobile Gaming Asia Branded Game Market by Industry Vertical
      • Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Management Provider Type
    • 6.1.3. Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Stakeholder Type
    • 6.1.4. Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Gaming Technology Type
    • 6.1.5. Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Connectivity Type
    • 6.1.6. Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Enterprise Type
    • 6.1.7. Mobile Gaming Asia Market by Region
      • East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gaming Asia Market: Hardware, Software, Gaming Service, Management Provider, Stakeholder, Gaming Technology, Connectivity, Enterprise, and Country
      • SEA Mobile Gaming Asia Market: Hardware, Software, Gaming Service, Management Provider, Stakeholder, Gaming Technology, Connectivity, Enterprise, and Country
      • Middle East Mobile Gaming Asia Market: Hardware, Software, Gaming Service, Management Provider, Stakeholder, Gaming Technology, Connectivity, Enterprise, and Country
      • Central Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market: Hardware, Software, Gaming Service, Management Provider, Stakeholder, Gaming Technology, Connectivity, Enterprise, and Country
      • South Asia Mobile Gaming Asia Market: Hardware, Software, Gaming Service, Management Provider, Stakeholder, Gaming Technology, Connectivity, Enterprise, and Contry
  • 6.2. Mobile Gaming in Asia by Users 2023-2028
    • 6.2.1. Mobile Gaming in Asia by Users
    • 6.2.2. Mobile Gamer in Asia by Device Type
    • 6.2.3. Mobile Gamer in Asia by Casual vs. Regular
    • 6.2.4. Mobile Gamer in Asia by Game Category
    • 6.2.5. Mobile Gamer in Asia by Gaming OS Type
    • 6.2.6. Mobile Gamer in Asia by Game Payment Type
    • 6.2.7. Mobile Gamer in Asia by DAU vs. WAU vs. MAU
    • 6.2.8. Mobile Gamer in Asia by Gaming Technology Type
    • 6.2.9. Mobile Gamer in Asia by Connectivity Type
    • 6.2.10. Mobile Gamer in Asia by Regions
      • East Asia & Pacific Mobile Gamer: Device, Game Category, Gaming OS, Game Payment, DAU vs. MAU, Gaming Technology, Connectivity, and Country
      • SEA Mobile Gamer: Device, Game Category, Gaming OS, Game Payment, DAU vs. MAU, Gaming Technology, Connectivity, and Country
      • Middle East Mobile Gamer: Device, Game Category, Gaming OS, Game Payment, DAU vs. MAU, Gaming Technology, Connectivity, and Country
      • Central Asia Mobile Gamer: Device, Game Category, Gaming OS, Game Payment, DAU vs. MAU, Gaming Technology, Connectivity, and Country
      • South Asia Mobile Gamer: Device, Game Category, Gaming OS, Game Payment, DAU vs. MAU, Gaming Technology, Connectivity, and Country
  • 6.3. Mobile Gamer Asia Demographic Analysis 2023-2028
    • 6.3.1. Mobile Gaming Asia Yearly ARPU vs. ARPPU
    • 6.3.2. Mobile Gaming Asia Monthly ARPU vs. ARPPU
    • 6.3.3. Mobile Gamer in Asia by Male vs. Female
    • 6.3.4. Mobile Gamer in Asia by Age Bracket
    • 6.3.5. Mobile Gamer in Asia by Yearly Income Bracket
    • 6.3.6. Mobile Gaming Asia: Relative Time Spend vs. Revenue Contribution by Age Bracket
    • 6.3.7. Gaming Device Preference by Broadband Household and Age Brackets in Asia
    • 6.3.8. Tablet Gamer Statistics in Asia
    • 6.3.9. Virtual Goods Spending Pattern
    • 6.3.10. Virtual Goods Unique Payer
    • 6.3.11. Game Play Frequency
    • 6.3.12. Game Purchase and Plan to Purchase
    • 6.3.13. Freemium Gamer Upgrade: Free to Paid Game
    • 6.3.14. In-Game Content Purchase
    • 6.3.15. Social Game Play Percent
    • 6.3.16. Social Game Play: DAU vs. WAU vs. MAU
    • 6.3.17. Game Recommendation to Others
    • 6.3.18. Game Genre Preference by Gender
    • 6.3.19. Gaming Time Spend Ratio
    • 6.3.20. Game Play Duration
    • 6.3.21. Mobile Time Spend (Except Voice)
    • 6.3.22. Game Play Activity Change Ratio
    • 6.3.23. Mobile Game Play Increase Factor
    • 6.3.24. Mobile Game Play User Benefit
    • 6.3.25. Mobile Game Play Influence Source
    • 6.3.26. Mobile Game Keeping Ratio by Device
    • 6.3.27. DAU Mobile Gamer by OS
    • 6.3.28. Mobile Gaming OS: Time Spend vs. Dedication
    • 6.3.29. Mobile Game Play Location
    • 6.3.30. Mobile Game Play Location in Home
    • 6.3.31. Mobile Game Genre Interest: On-the-Go
    • 6.3.32. Popular Mobile Game Category
    • 6.3.33. Mobile Game Acquisition Method
    • 6.3.34. Cross Platform Game Play
    • 6.3.35. Game Deployment Ratio
    • 6.3.36. East Asia & Pacific Game Genre Deployment by Country
    • 6.3.37. SEA Game Genre Deployment by Country
    • 6.3.38. Middle East Game Genre Deployment by Country
    • 6.3.39. Central Asia Game Genre Deployment by Country
    • 6.3.40. South Asia Game Genre Deployment by Country
    • 6.3.41. Mobile Game Developer by Age Bracket
    • 6.3.42. Day-time consumption on writing Mobile Game Apps
    • 6.3.43. Game Developer Demography by OS
    • 6.3.44. Game Developer Preference over Platform
    • 6.3.45. Game Developers believe Over Brand Game
    • 6.3.46. Gaming App vs. Other App Preference
    • 6.3.47. Revenue Generation by Gaming App vs. Other App
    • 6.3.48. Mobile User Using Mobile Apps
    • 6.3.49. Social Gaming ARPU by Company
    • 6.3.50. App Usage: Game vs. Others
    • 6.3.51. Mobile App User Time Spend Ratio
    • 6.3.52. Spending on Gaming App by OS
    • 6.3.53. Mobile Game Percent by Game Category
    • 6.3.54. Mobile Game Feature Adoption
    • 6.3.55. Mobile Game Feature Influence
    • 6.3.56. Mobile Game Download: Free vs. Paid
    • 6.3.57. Mobile Game Title: Free vs. Paid
    • 6.3.58. Mobile Game Price
    • 6.3.59. Mobile Game Download: OTI vs. OTA
    • 6.3.60. Mobile Game Distribution: OTI vs. OTA
    • 6.3.61. Mobile Game Download by OS
    • 6.3.62. Mobile Game Download by Individual Gamer
    • 6.3.63. Profitable Mobile Game Ratio
    • 6.3.64. Smartphone Market Share
    • 6.3.65. Tablet Market Share

7.0. Conclusions and Recommendations

  • 7.1. Advertisers and Media Companies
  • 7.2. Artificial Intelligence Providers
  • 7.3. Automotive Companies
  • 7.4. Broadband Infrastructure Providers
  • 7.5. Communication Service Providers
  • 7.6. Computing Companies
  • 7.7. Data Analytics Providers
  • 7.8. Immersive Technology (AR, VR, and MR) Providers
  • 7.9. Networking Equipment Providers
  • 7.10. Networking Security Providers
  • 7.11. Semiconductor Companies
  • 7.12. OEM Companies
  • 7.13. IoT Suppliers and Service Providers
  • 7.14. Software Providers (Game Developers and Publishers)
  • 7.15. Content Aggregators
  • 7.16. Payment Solution Provider
  • 7.17. Social Media Companies
  • 7.18. Enterprises and Governments
  • 7.19. Gaming Investors