表紙:仮想コア - 「リアル5G」へのゲートウェイ

仮想コア - 「リアル5G」へのゲートウェイ

Virtual Core - Gateway to the "Real 5G"

出版日: | 発行: Insight Research Corporation | ページ情報: 英文 171 Pages | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
仮想コア - 「リアル5G」へのゲートウェイ
出版日: 2022年08月01日
発行: Insight Research Corporation
ページ情報: 英文 171 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次

5G SAは、予想以上に時間がかかっています。その主な理由は、Telcoが、見返りのない絶え間ないアーキテクチャの変更にうんざりしているためです。Telcoは、信頼性が高く受け入れられるMANOの開発サイクルに終わりがないように見え、指をくわえて見ているしかありません。




  • 仮想マシン(VM)ベースの仮想コア
  • コンテナベースの仮想コア


第1章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第2章 コアの道のり

  • コアとその進化
  • EPCの輪郭
  • 5Gコア(5GC)
  • コアの仮想化

第3章 VNF - VMとコンテナ

  • VMベースのVNF
    • コンテナ - チャレンジャー
    • コンテナとVMの対比
    • コンテナベースのVNFの利点
    • コンテナベースのVNFが直面する課題
    • コンテナとNFVの融合

第4章 Telcoのプロファイル

  • Telco - 5G SAに関しては慎重だが楽観的
  • Telcoのプロファイル
  • Airtel
  • AT&T
  • BT
  • China Mobile
  • China Telecom
  • China Unicom
  • Deutsche Telekom
  • Etisalat
  • Jio
  • KDDI
  • KT
  • LG Uplus
  • Lifecell Ukraine
  • M1 Singapore
  • NTT DoCoMo
  • Ooredoo
  • Optus(Singtel Optus)
  • Orange
  • Rakuten
  • Saudi Telecom(STC)
  • Singtel
  • SK Telecom
  • Softbank
  • Swisscom
  • T-Mobile
  • TIM/Telecom Italia
  • Telenor
  • Telefonica
  • Telia
  • Telkom Indonesia
  • Telstra
  • Turk Telecom
  • Turkcell
  • Veon VimpelCom
  • Verizon
  • Vodafone

第5章 ソリューションプロバイダーのプロファイル

  • 組織のカテゴリー
  • 合併と資金調達関連の発展
  • 企業プロファイル
  • 6WIND
  • Affirmed Networks
  • Athonet
  • Baicells
  • Cirrus Core Networks(CCN)
  • Cisco Systems
  • Dell EMC
  • Enea
  • Ericsson
  • Huawei
  • Intel
  • Mavenir
  • Metaswitch
  • NEC/Netcracker
  • Nokia
  • Oracle
  • Red Hat
  • Samsung
  • VMware
  • Wind River
  • ZTE
  • Casa Systems
  • HPE

第6章 定量的予測

  • 調査手法
  • 予測分類
  • 仮想コア市場全体の分析
  • VMベースのコア市場の分析
  • コンテナベースのコア市場の分析

第7章 用語集と頭字語


The journey towards SA core is clearly not as smooth as was envisioned. Our latest report looks at the who and the how and the when of the adoption status.

Considering that containers do technically qualify as VNFs, and most VNF vendors have containerization of network functions on their radars anyway, we had to relook at the earlier characterizations.

This report concentrates on the market for virtualized Core.

The report now considers two types of virtualized cores:

  • Virtual machine (VM)-based virtualized Core
  • Container-based virtualized Core


5G SA is clearly taking longer than anticipated. The reasons are many - telco ennui with the constant architectural flux without commensurate returns being the main one. Telcos have had their fingers burnt with the seemingly never-ending development cycle of a reliable and acceptable MANO.


The Executive Summary provides an overview of the market size of one of the most potent network functions (NF) in mobile telephony - the core; in the context of the efforts to virtualize them; into virtual machines and containers.

Chapter 2, The Core Journey, highlights the different stages and phases in the journey of the mobile core from 2G through 5G.

Chapter 3, VNFs - VMs and Containers, compares and contrasts the origins, morphologies and features of the principal actors in this report - VNFs. More specifically, it defines containers and microservices and discusses their morphology and implementation methodology. It also traces the NFV evolution and establishes the link between VMs and containers.

Chapter 4, Telco Profiles, examines the approach adopted by leading telcos vis-à-vis containerization and virtualization of the Core.

Chapter 5, Solution Provider Profiles, identifies and categorises the vendors or solution providers; and analyses their initiatives in the context of the network functions covered.

Chapter 6, Quantitative Forecasts, covers the quantitative forecasts in providing ringside as well as inside views of the VM and Container-based Core markets by breaking them along morphology, geographical region, deployment methodology, hosting mode, end-user and application criteria.

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

  • 1.1. The Delayed Standalone Mode Rollout
    • 1.1.1. Core Market Segmentation, by Virtualization Type
  • 1.2. Report Organization and Market Forecast Taxonomy

2. The Core Journey

  • 2.1. The Core and its Evolution
  • 2.2. Contours of EPC
    • 2.2.1. SAE and the Flat Architecture
    • 2.2.2. Decoupling of Planes
    • 2.2.3. NAS
    • 2.2.4. Blocks in the EPC
      • SGW
      • PGW
      • ePDG
      • TWAG
      • MME
      • HSS
      • Other optional elements
  • 2.3. The 5G Core (5GC)
    • 2.3.1. SA versus NSA
    • 2.3.2. NEC Converged Core
    • 2.3.3. 5GC Functions
  • 2.4. Virtualization of the Core
    • 2.4.1. Contrary, yet Complementary Trends
    • 2.4.2. The Optimized Spending Pattern
    • 2.4.3. The Mechanics
    • 2.4.4. The Challenges

3. VNFs - VMs and Containers

  • 3.1. VM-based VNFs
    • 3.1.1. History and Progression
    • 3.1.2. NFV architecture
      • VNFi/NFVi
      • VNFs
      • MANO
  • 3.2. Containers - The Challengers
    • 3.2.1. What are Containers?
    • 3.2.2. Microservices
    • 3.2.3. Container Morphology
      • Provisioning and Run-time Management Block
        • Docker Engine
      • Orchestration Block
        • Kubernetes
      • Application Deployment Block
    • 3.2.4. Container Deployment Methodologies
      • Virtual Machine (VM)
      • Bare Metal
      • Cloud or Container as-a-Service (CaaS)
    • 3.2.5. Stateful and Stateless Containers
    • 3.2.6. CNCF and CNFs
  • 3.3. Contrasting Containers and VMs
  • 3.4. Advantage Container-based VNFs
    • 3.4.1. Freedom from Hypervisors
    • 3.4.2. File-level Resource Management
    • 3.4.3. Portability
    • 3.4.4. Microservices-powered Scalability and Granularity
    • 3.4.5. Quick Operationalization
    • 3.4.6. Quick Orchestration with a Caveat
    • 3.4.7. Containers and 5G
  • 3.5. Challenges Confronting Container-based VNFs
    • 3.5.1. Familiarity with VMs
    • 3.5.2. Telco Demands
    • 3.5.3. Latency
    • 3.5.4. Security
    • 3.5.5. Flexibility
    • 3.5.6. Hardware Enhancements
  • 3.6. Blending Containers with NFV
    • 3.6.1. NFVi and CNF
    • 3.6.2. MANO and Containers
      • ONAP and CNFs
      • OSM and CNFs

4. Telco Profiles

  • 4.1. Telcos - Cautious, Yet Optimistic About 5G-SA
  • 4.2. Telco profiles
  • 4.3. Airtel
    • 4.3.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
  • 4.4. AT&T
    • 4.4.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
  • 4.5. BT
    • 4.5.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
  • 4.6. China Mobile
    • 4.6.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
  • 4.7. China Telecom
    • 4.7.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
  • 4.8. China Unicom
    • 4.8.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
  • 4.9. Deutsche Telekom
    • 4.9.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
  • 4.10. Etisalat
    • 4.10.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
  • 4.11. Jio
    • 4.11.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
  • 4.12. KDDI
    • 4.12.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
  • 4.13. KT
    • 4.13.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
  • 4.14. LG Uplus
    • 4.14.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
  • 4.15. Lifecell Ukraine
    • 4.15.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
  • 4.16. M1 Singapore
    • 4.16.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
  • 4.17. NTT DoCoMo
    • 4.17.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
  • 4.18. Ooredoo
    • 4.18.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
  • 4.19. Optus (Singtel Optus)
    • 4.19.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
  • 4.20. Orange
    • 4.20.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
  • 4.21. Rakuten
    • 4.21.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
  • 4.22. Saudi Telecom (STC)
    • 4.22.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
  • 4.23. Singtel
    • 4.23.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
  • 4.24. SK Telecom
    • 4.24.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
  • 4.25. Softbank
    • 4.25.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
  • 4.26. Swisscom
    • 4.26.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
  • 4.27. T-Mobile
    • 4.27.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
  • 4.28. TIM/Telecom Italia
    • 4.28.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
  • 4.29. Telenor
    • 4.29.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
  • 4.30. Telefonica
    • 4.30.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
  • 4.31. Telia
    • 4.31.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
  • 4.32. Telkom Indonesia
    • 4.32.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
  • 4.33. Telstra
    • 4.33.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
  • 4.34. Turk Telecom
    • 4.34.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
  • 4.35. Turkcell
    • 4.35.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
  • 4.36. Veon VimpelCom
    • 4.36.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
  • 4.37. Verizon
    • 4.37.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
  • 4.38. Vodafone
    • 4.38.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives

5. Solution Provider Profiles

  • 5.1. Organization Categories
    • 5.1.1. Equipment Vendors
    • 5.1.2. Independent Software Vendors (ISV)
    • 5.1.3. Semiconductor Specialists
    • 5.1.4. Hardware, OS and Firmware Specialists
    • 5.1.5. Niche Solution Developers
  • 5.2. Mergers and Funding Related Developments
  • 5.3. Company Profiles
  • 5.4. 6WIND
    • 5.4.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
      • 6WINDGate
  • 5.5. Affirmed Networks
    • 5.5.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
      • vEPC
      • Virtual Slice Selection Function (vSSF)
      • UnityCloud
  • 5.6. Athonet
    • 5.6.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
      • Connectivity Platform
  • 5.7. Baicells
    • 5.7.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
      • vEPC/LTE Core
  • 5.8. Cirrus Core Networks (CCN)
    • 5.8.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
      • vEPC
      • vIMS
  • 5.9. Cisco Systems
    • 5.9.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
      • Ultra Cloud Core
      • Ultra-Packet Core
      • Other Developments
  • 5.10. Dell EMC
    • 5.10.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
      • Open Networking Switches
      • 5G Core Solution
      • Other Developments
  • 5.11. Enea
    • 5.11.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
      • 5G Microcore
      • Unified Data Manager
      • Other Developments
  • 5.12. Ericsson
    • 5.12.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
      • Cloud Native Application (CNA)
      • 5G Core
      • CI/CD
      • Ericsson - Cloud Packet Core
      • Cloud-native NFVi
      • Other Developments
  • 5.13. Huawei
    • 5.13.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
      • Other Initiatives
  • 5.14. Intel
    • 5.14.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
      • 5G-UPF
      • FPGA
      • Other Developments
  • 5.15. Mavenir
    • 5.15.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
      • Cloud Native IMS
      • Converged Packet Core
      • vEPC
      • Other Developments
  • 5.16. Metaswitch
    • 5.16.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
      • Packet Core
      • Fusion Core
      • Clearwater IMS Core
      • Other Developments
  • 5.17. NEC/Netcracker
    • 5.17.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
      • Converged Core
      • Other Developments
  • 5.18. Nokia
    • 5.18.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
      • Nokia - Cloud Packet Core
        • CNRD
        • CMM
        • CMG
      • Telecom Application Server
      • 5G Core
      • Other Developments
  • 5.19. Oracle
    • 5.19.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
      • Assorted Core NFs
      • 5G SCP
      • 5G NRF
      • 5G PCF
      • Other Developments
  • 5.20. Red Hat
    • 5.20.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
      • OpenShift Container Platform
      • 5G Core Container
      • Ansible
      • Other Developments
  • 5.21. Samsung
    • 5.21.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
      • Samsung 5G Core
      • AdaptiV
      • Other Developments
    • 5.21.2. Core Virtualization Initiatives
      • BreezeWAY
      • BreezeNEXT
  • 5.22. VMware
    • 5.22.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
      • VMWare Telco Cloud
      • NSX
      • X-Factor
      • Other Developments
  • 5.23. Wind River
    • 5.23.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
      • Titanium Cloud Product Portfolio
      • Kubernetes
  • 5.24. ZTE
    • 5.24.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
      • Cloud Common Core
      • vEPC
      • TECS
      • Other Developments
  • 5.25. Casa Systems
    • 5.25.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
      • Axyom Software Platform
        • Axyom 5G Core
        • Axyom EPC
      • Other Developments
  • 5.26. HPE
    • 5.26.1. Core Virtualization Initiatives
      • HPE 5G Core Stack
      • Other Developments

6. Quantitative Forecasts

  • 6.1. Research Methodology
  • 6.2. Forecast Taxonomy
  • 6.3. Analysis of the Overall Virtualized Core Market
    • 6.3.1. Mobile Telephony Generation
    • 6.3.2. End-user
    • 6.3.3. Solution Morphology
    • 6.3.4. Hosting Mode
    • 6.3.5. Regional Breakdown
  • 6.4. Analysis of the VM-based Core Market
    • 6.4.1. VM Morphology
    • 6.4.2. End-user
    • 6.4.3. Solution Morphology
    • 6.4.4. Hosting Mode
    • 6.4.5. Regional Breakdown
  • 6.5. Analysis of the Container-based Core Market
    • 6.5.1. Container Morphology
    • 6.5.2. End-user
    • 6.5.3. Solution Morphology
    • 6.5.4. Hosting Mode
    • 6.5.5. Deployment Methodology
    • 6.5.6. Regional Breakdown

7. Glossary and Acronyms

Tables and Figures

  • Figure 1-1: Global Market for the Overall Virtualized Core; by Virtualization Type 2021-2026 ($ million)
  • Table 1-1: Market Share Progression for the Overall Virtualized Core; by Virtualization Type 2021-2026 (%)
  • Figure 2-1: The 5G NSA Network
  • Figure 2-2: The 5G SA Network
  • Figure 2-3: 5G and 4G nodes in NEC's Converged Core
  • Figure 3-1: Interactive Cloud Native Technology Developer Landscape from CNCF
  • Figure 3-2: VNF versus CNF Stacks
  • Figure 3-3: Containers and VMs
  • Figure 5-1: UnityCloud from Affirmed Networks
  • Figure 5-2: Enea's 5G MicroCore Solution for Private 5G Networks
  • Figure 5-3: Cloud Infrastructure Requirements as Visualized by Ericsson
  • Figure 5-5: NFVI Evolution
  • Figure 5-7: Network Functions and interfaces interoperating with third-party components
  • Figure 5-8: CMM,CMG and CNRD in Nokia Cloud Packet Core
  • Figure 5-9: Nokia Orchestration Center
  • Figure 5-10: Nokia Assurance Center
  • Figure 5-11: Cloud Operations Manager Functional Overview
  • Figure 5-12: Service Communication Proxy Architecture
  • Figure 5-13: NRF System Architecture
  • Figure 5-14: PCF System Architecture
  • Figure 5-15: Logical-5G Core Architectural Elements
  • Figure 5-16: Samsung 5G Core Cloud Native Architecture
  • Figure 5-17: VMware Telco Cloud Platform
  • Figure 5-18: VMware Telco Cloud Automation
  • Figure 5-19: Axyom Software Architecture Components
  • Figure 5-20: HPE 5G Core Reference Architecture
  • Figure 6-1: VM-based Core Market
  • Figure 6-2: Container-based Core Market
  • Table 6-1: Global Market for the Overall Virtualized Core; by Generation 2021-2026 ($ million)
  • Figure 6-3: Market Share Progression for the Overall Virtualized Core; by Generation 2021-2026 (%)
  • Table 6-2: Global Market for the Overall Virtualized Core; by End-User 2021-2026 ($ million)
  • Figure 6-4: Market Share Progression for the Overall Virtualized Core; by End-User 2021-2026 (%)
  • Table 6-3: Global Market for the Overall Virtualized Core; by Morphology 2021-2026 ($ million)
  • Figure 6-5: Market Share Progression for the Overall Virtualized Core; by Morphology 2021-2026 (%)
  • Table 6-4: Global Market for the Overall Virtualized Core; by Hosting Mode 2021-2026 ($ million)
  • Figure 6-6: Market Share Progression for the Overall Virtualized Core; by Hosting Mode 2021-2026 (%)
  • Table 6-5: Global Market for the Overall Virtualized Core; by Region 2021-2026 ($ million)
  • Figure 6-7: Market Share Progression for the Overall Virtualized Core; by Region 2021-2026 (%)
  • Table 6-6: Global Market for the Overall Virtualized EPC; by Region 2021-2026 ($ million)
  • Figure 6-8: Market Share Progression for the Overall Virtualized EPC; by Region 2021-2026 (%)
  • Table 6-7: Global Market for the Overall Virtualized 5GC; by Region 2021-2026 ($ million)
  • Figure 6-9: Market Share Progression for the Overall Virtualized 5GC; by Region 2021-2026 (%)
  • Table 6-8: Global Market for VM-based Core; by Morphology 2021-2026 ($ million)
  • Figure 6-10: Market Share Progression for VM-based Core; by Morphology 2021-2026 (%)
  • Table 6-9: Global Market for VM-based Core; by End-User 2021-2026 ($ million)
  • Figure 6-11: Market Share Progression for VM-based Core; by End-User 2021-2026 (%)
  • Table 6-10: Global Market for VM-based Core; by Solution Morphology 2021-2026 ($ million)
  • Figure 6-12: Market Share Progression for VM-based Core; by Core Taxonomy 2021-2026 (%)
  • Table 6-11: Global Market for VM-based Core; by Hosting Mode 2021-2026 ($ million)
  • Figure 6-13: Market Share Progression for VM-based Core; by Hosting Mode 2021-2026 (%)
  • Table 6-12: Global Market for VM-based Core; by Region 2021-2026 ($ million)
  • Figure 6-14: Market Share Progression for VM-based Core; by Region 2021-2026 (%)
  • Table 6-13: Global Market for VM-based EPC, by Region 2021-2026 ($ million)
  • Figure 6-15: Market Share Progression for VM-based EPC, by Region 2021-2026 (%)
  • Table 6-14: Global Market for VM-based 5GC, by Region 2021-2026 ($ million)
  • Figure 6-16: Market Share Progression for VM-based 5GC, by Region 2021-2026 (%)
  • Table 6-15: Global Market for Container-based Core, by Container Morphology 2021-2026 ($ million)
  • Figure 6-17: Market Share Progression for Container-based Core, by Container Morphology 2021-2026 (%)
  • Table 6-16: Global Market for Container-based Core; by End-User 2021-2026 ($ million)
  • Figure 6-18: Market Share Progression for Container-based Core; by End-User 2021-2026 (%)
  • Table 6-17: Global Market for Container-based Core; by Solution Morphology 2021-2026 ($ million)
  • Figure 6-19: Market Share Progression for Container-based Core; by Core Taxonomy 2021-2026 (%)
  • Table 6-18: Global Market for Container-based Core; by Hosting Mode 2021-2026 ($ million)
  • Figure 6-20: Market Share Progression for Container-based Core; by Hosting Mode 2021-2026 (%)
  • Table 6-19: Global Market for Container-based Core, by Deployment Methodology 2021-2026 ($ million)
  • Figure 6-21: Market Share Progression for Container-based Core, by Deployment Methodology 2021-2026 (%)
  • Table 6-20: Global Market for Container-based Core, by Region 2021-2026 ($ million)
  • Figure 6-22: Market Share Progression for Container-based Core, by Region 2021-2026 (%)
  • Table 6-21: Global Market for Container-based EPC, by Region 2021-2026 ($ million)
  • Figure 6-23: Market Share Progression for Container-based EPC, by Region 2021-2026 (%)
  • Table 6-22: Global Market for Container-based 5GC, by Region 2021-2026 ($ million)
  • Figure 6-24: Market Share Progression for Container-based 5GC, by Region 2021-2026 (%)