

5G Market Demand and Service Revenue Forecast by Regional Trends, 2023-2028

出版日: | 発行: GlobalData | ページ情報: 英文 | 納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは

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価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
出版日: 2023年09月19日
発行: GlobalData
ページ情報: 英文
納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは
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  • エグゼクティブサマリー
  • 世界の概観
  • モバイル5Gの収益の推移
  • モバイル5G契約の進化
  • 地域の動向
  • 北米におけるモバイル5G
  • アジア太平洋におけるモバイル5G
  • 欧州におけるモバイル5G
  • アフリカ・中東におけるモバイル5G
  • ラテンアメリカにおけるモバイル5G



List of Figures

List of Figures

  • Exhibit 1: Global mobile 5G service revenue & share by region
  • Exhibit 2: Global mobile 5G subscriptions & uptake by region
  • Exhibit 3: NA 5G subscriptions & revenue
  • Exhibit 4: APAC 5G subscriptions & revenue
  • Exhibit 5: Europe 5G subscriptions & revenue
  • Exhibit 6: AME 5G subscriptions & revenue
  • Exhibit 7: LATAM 5G subscriptions & revenue
Product Code: GDTC0326IR


"5G Market Demand and Service Revenue Forecast by Regional Trends, 2023-2028", a Global Outlook Report by GlobalData, offers analysis of the growth opportunities in the mobile 5G market, looking at the current state of play and examining the main growth drivers in five different regions.

'At year-end 2028 there will be 5.8 billion 5G mobile subscriptions worldwide, equivalent to 49.1% of total global mobile subscriptions. Asia-Pacific will account for the largest share of worldwide mobile 5G connections with 61% at end 2028, followed by Europe, North America, Africa & Middle East, and Latin America.

The report includes the following sections -

  • Executive Summary / Key Analysis
  • Global Overview: this section provides a general analysis of mobile 5G adoption and revenue trends globally in 2020-2028, looking at the main growth drivers for the period.
  • Regional trends: five regional profiles are presented - North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Africa & the Middle East, and Latin America - providing 2020-2028 mobile 5G adoption forecasts, growth drivers and the revenue opportunity. This section also covers key regional mobile 5G developments including commercialization plans, spectrum allocations and use cases.


  • At year-end 2028 there will be 5.8 billion 5G mobile subscriptions worldwide, equivalent to 49.1% of total global mobile subscriptions.
  • NA will achieve the highest adoption rate in terms of mobile 5G penetration of population at 148.9% followed by Europe and APAC that will rank second and third, respectively.

Reasons to Buy

  • "5G Market Demand and Service Revenue Forecast" examines mobile 5G market adoption and revenue growth trends, providing 2022-2028 global and regional subscription and revenue forecasts.
  • The report analyzes the state of the 5G market, the current trends, drivers and market dynamics leading to 5G service launches and expansion in North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Africa and the Middle East, and Latin America.
  • This analysis is useful for telecom executives to evaluate their position vis-a-vis the major growth opportunities in 5G and make informed decisions about strategic investments, value propositions, and 5G growth strategies.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  • Executive Summary
  • Global Overview
  • Mobile 5G revenue evolution
  • Mobile 5G subscription evolution
  • Regional Trends
  • Mobile 5G in North America
  • Mobile 5G in Asia-Pacific
  • Mobile 5G in Europe
  • Mobile 5G in Africa and the Middle East
  • Mobile 5G in Latin America


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