表紙:ビジネスにおけるメタバース - オルタナティブデジタルワールドでの価値創造

ビジネスにおけるメタバース - オルタナティブデジタルワールドでの価値創造

Metaverse Meets Business - Creating Value in the Alternative Digital World

出版日: | 発行: GlobalData | ページ情報: 英文 | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

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価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
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ビジネスにおけるメタバース - オルタナティブデジタルワールドでの価値創造
出版日: 2022年07月28日
発行: GlobalData
ページ情報: 英文
納期: 即日から翌営業日
ご注意事項 :
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次




第1章 メタバースのイントロダクション

第2章 メタバーステーマの枠組み

第3章 バリューチェーンによるイノベーション事例

  • 財団
  • ツール
  • ユーザーインターフェース
  • 経験

第4章 実装上の課題

第5章 調査手法

Product Code: GDDT-IR-S2048

The metaverse is a virtual or digital realm in which people can interact with one another. It combines technologies such as virtual reality (VR), mixed reality (MR), augmented reality (AR), and blockchain technology to enable businesses and people to find new opportunities for collaboration, asset ownership, entertainment, and social networking, among others. With Facebook's recent rebranding to Meta, many businesses have begun working on various initiatives, but it will take time for them to be completely realized. The report examines how notable enterprises and startups are developing the building blocks of the metaverse with their technological prowess to make this ecosystem a reality.

Innovations: presents real-world innovation use cases and examples related to the metaverse by companies as well as startups across multiple sectors. It casts light on how tech-enabled innovations are transforming every segment of cross sector use case applications.


  • Innovation Insights: innovation examples by each application segment of the sector to present key trends.

Reasons to Buy

  • No surprise that technology has been a driving force in business transformation for years, but the term 'emerging technologies' has all of the sudden become the key catalyst to drive the next wave of innovation across sectors.
  • The sense of urgency weighs different across different sectors, where the direct customer-facing sectors are at the forefront compared to other capital-intensive sectors. Companies in one sector can take cues from successful innovations in other sectors to either draw analogies with existing products, services, and processes or transfer strategic approaches for a revolutionary transformation.
  • Against this backdrop, enterprises need to understand which emerging technologies are impacting their sector and how various companies are implementing them to meet various challenges.
  • The innovation landscape report in the metaverse published by GlobalData covers some of the key trends, use cases, and real-world examples related to the implementation of emerging technologies across several cross-sector applications.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Introduction to the metaverse

2. GlobalData's metaverse thematic framework

3. Innovation examples by value chain

  • 3.1. Foundation
  • 3.2. Tools
  • 3.3. User interface
  • 3.4. Experience

4. Implementation challenges

5. Methodology