

Strategic Analysis of Emerging Revenue Streams of Automakers

出版日: | 発行: Frost & Sullivan | ページ情報: 英文 67 Pages | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=153.16円
出版日: 2023年02月22日
発行: Frost & Sullivan
ページ情報: 英文 67 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次





  • 成長がますます困難になるのはなぜか
  • 戦略的インペラティブ
  • 自動車メーカーの新たな収益源に対する上位3つの戦略的インペラティブの影響
  • 成長の機会が成長パイプラインエンジンを加速させる


  • 分析範囲
  • 成長促進要因
  • 成長抑制要因


  • 新しいビジネスモデルの機会:概要
  • 自動車OEMにとっての新しいビジネスモデルの機会
  • 追加の収益源における自動車OEMの存在
  • 新しいビジネスモデル別収益化の課題






  • 新しいビジネスモデルの能力分析
  • 自動車業界の新たな機会に対するポーターのファイブフォース分析
  • 今後の事業領域予測


  • 成長の機会1:コネクテッドカーデータによる収益化
  • 成長の機会2:電気自動車事業分野からの収益
  • 成長の機会3:オムニチャネル販売による収益創出
  • 添付文書
  • 免責事項
Product Code: PE8D-44

Evolving Digital Transformation, Changing Customer Needs, and Adaptive Technology Strategies of Global Automotive OEMs Create Several Revenue Generation Opportunities

The growth of digital tools and technologies has created new business models for the automotive industry. Today's automotive OEMs are shifting from selling cars to providing mobility solutions by exploring opportunities in several markets, such as electric vehicles, connected and autonomous mobility, and others, to create revenue opportunities. This report aims to identify various business models connected to emerging markets and how automotive OEMs can generate extra revenue. For automakers, there are several lucrative additional revenue-generating areas, including mobility as a service, commercial charging stations, non-fungible tokens, purpose-built vehicles, and connected car features.

The study includes the following:

  • It summarizes new opportunities for automakers to expand their business models across the entire value chain and establishes the current methods used by automotive OEMs in each new area of revenue generation.
  • It categorizes the 4 primary areas of the automotive value chain with opportunities for additional revenue streams. These include connected cars, electric vehicle strategies, mobility as a service, and asset monetization.
  • It identifies the top automotive OEMs' initiatives in revenue growth sectors and groups them by growth prospects.
  • It offers individual case studies to discuss the standout activities of major automakers across the world and how they utilize the additional revenue stream areas to monetize, cut costs, and create high-level brand integration with customers and social media followers of the brand.

Table of Contents

Strategic Imperatives

  • Why Is It Increasingly Difficult to Grow?
  • The Strategic Imperative 8™
  • The Impact of the Top 3 Strategic Imperatives on Emerging Revenue Streams of Automakers
  • Growth Opportunities Fuel the Growth Pipeline Engine™

Growth Opportunity Analysis

  • Scope of Analysis
  • Growth Drivers
  • Growth Restraints

New Business Model Overview

  • New Business Model Opportunities: Overview
  • New Business Model Opportunities for Automotive OEMs
  • Presence of Automotive OEMs in Additional Revenue Streams
  • Challenges in Monetization Through New Business Models

New Business Model Strategies: Connected and Autonomous Vehicle

  • Connected Vehicle Data Monetization Segmentation
  • Connected Vehicle Data Monetization
  • Monetization Through App Stores
  • Connect Car Fleet Management Activities by OEMs
  • Value Potential Analysis for Connected App Monetization Techniques
  • Connected OS Monetization Capability Analysis
  • General Motors Connected Car Data Monetization Techniques
  • Ford Connected Car Data Monetization Techniques
  • Tesla Connected Car Data Monetization Techniques
  • Toyota Connected Car Data Monetization Techniques

New Business Model Strategies: Electric Vehicle

  • Electric Vehicle Monetization Segmentation
  • Monetization Through EV Charging Infrastructure
  • EV Charging Infrastructure Monetization Through Major OEMs
  • Second Life Applications: Battery Repurposing-Select OEM Activity
  • Opportunities in EV Robot Charging Business: Ziggy Case Study
  • EV Platform Development and Associated Business Opportunities
  • EV Strategies by Volkswagen

New Business Model Strategies: MaaS

  • Different Areas of Monetization Opportunities by MaaS OEMs
  • OEMs' Mobility Initiatives in MaaS Areas
  • Shared Mobility Capability Analysis for Top OEMs
  • Mercedes Benz and BMW: Partnership in MaaS Areas
  • SEAT: Mobility Service Business Opportunity Areas
  • Revenue Generation Through Purpose-built Vehicle Development

New Business Model Strategies: Asset Monetization

  • Asset Monetization Segments
  • Revenue Through Social Media
  • Business Opportunities Through Contract Manufacturing
  • Revenue Through Merchandising
  • Revenue from Carbon Credits
  • Non-fungible Token Sales in Automotive
  • Pre-owned Cars Business Model by OEMs

New Business Model Analysis

  • New Business Model Capability Analysis
  • New Business Model Capability Analysis (continued)
  • Porter's 5 Forces on New Business Opportunities in Automotive
  • Future Business Area Prediction

Growth Opportunity Universe

  • Growth Opportunity 1: Monetization Through Connected Vehicle Data
  • Growth Opportunity 1: Monetization Through Connected Vehicle Data (continued)
  • Growth Opportunity 2: Revenue from Electric Vehicle Business Areas
  • Growth Opportunity 2: Revenue from Electric Vehicle Business Areas (continued)
  • Growth Opportunity 3: Revenue Generation Through Omnichannel Sales
  • Growth Opportunity 3: Revenue Generation Through Omnichannel Sales (continued)
  • List of Exhibits
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