

Global Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market Segmented By Type, By Sales Channel Type, By Vehicle Type, By Regional, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2018 - 2028F

出版日: | 発行: TechSci Research | ページ情報: 英文 181 Pages | 納期: 2~3営業日

● お客様のご希望に応じて、既存データの加工や未掲載情報(例:国別セグメント)の追加などの対応が可能です。  詳細はお問い合わせください。

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出版日: 2023年10月03日
発行: TechSci Research
ページ情報: 英文 181 Pages
納期: 2~3営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次



TPMSは自動車のタイヤの空気圧を監視し、空気圧が推奨レベルを下回ると 促進要因に速やかに警告する技術です。市場におけるTPMSの大きな牽引力は、交通安全への大きな貢献と、自動車産業におけるエネルギー効率の重視の高まりに起因しています。政府の規制と安全基準は、世界中でTPMSの普及を促進する上で重要な役割を果たしています。いくつかの国では、タイヤの空気圧不足による事故を軽減するため、自動車へのTPMS装着を義務付ける規制を実施しています。この規制の後押しが、自動車メーカーとアフターマーケット・サービス・プロバイダーの双方に、TPMSを自社製品に組み込む強い推進力を与え、結果的に市場の成長を促しています。


予測期間 2024-2028
市場規模2022年 50億米ドル
2028年の市場規模 78億7,000万米ドル
CAGR 2023-2028 8%
急成長セグメント 乗用車
最大市場 北米



  • 1.自動車の安全性と事故防止:世界のTPMS市場の主な促進要因は、自動車の安全性と事故防止への最大の関心です。タイヤの空気圧不足や空気圧過多は、トラクションの低下、車両の安定性の低下、制動距離の延長につながり、事故のリスクを高める。TPMSはタイヤの空気圧を継続的に監視し、推奨レベルからの逸脱を 促進要因に迅速に警告するため、タイムリーな是正措置が可能になり、タイヤ関連の問題によって引き起こされる事故の可能性が大幅に減少します。
  • 2.政府の規制と義務自動車へのTPMS装着を義務付ける政府規制は、TPMS普及の重要な原動力となっています。多くの国や地域で、安全基準として新車にTPMSの装着を義務付ける規制が実施されています。例えば米国では、Transportation Recall Enhancement, Accountability, and Documentation(TREAD)Actが導入され、タイヤの不具合による事故を防ぐためにTPMSの装着が義務付けられました。このような規制は、自動車メーカーがTPMSを自動車に組み込む強い動機付けとなり、市場成長を促進します。
  • 3.燃費効率と環境問題:自動車業界における燃費効率と環境持続可能性の重視が、TPMSの需要を押し上げています。タイヤの空気圧が低いと転がり抵抗が大きくなり、燃費が悪化します。タイヤの空気圧を適正に保つことで、TPMSは燃料消費を最適化し、自動車の二酸化炭素排出量を減らして環境保全に貢献します。燃費効率が消費者の大きな嗜好と規制要件になるにつれ、TPMSの採用は自動車メーカーがこうした期待に応えるために不可欠になります。
  • 4.フリートにとっての運転コストの削減:フリートオペレーターや商用車のオーナーは、TPMSの採用による経済的メリットをますます認識するようになっています。適切な空気圧のタイヤは摩耗や損傷が少なく、その結果、タイヤの寿命が延び、メンテナンスコストが削減されます。車両のダウンタイムが経済的損失につながるフリートオペレーションにおいて、TPMSはタイヤ関連の故障や修理を最小限に抑えることで、オペレーションの効率化とコスト削減に貢献します。
  • 5.タイヤの性能と寿命の向上:TPMSはタイヤが最適な空気圧レベルに保たれていることを保証し、タイヤの性能と寿命の向上に直接貢献します。空気圧が適切なタイヤは、トラクション、ハンドリング、ブレーキ性能が向上します。これは運転の安全性を高めるだけでなく、タイヤの寿命を延ばし、タイヤ交換の頻度を減らし、車の所有者の関連費用を削減します。
  • 6.テクノロジーとコネクティビティの進歩:自動車分野における技術の進歩により、TPMSシステムには高度なセンサー、接続機能、データ分析機能が統合されるようになっています。ワイヤレスセンサーはリアルタイムでタイヤ空気圧データを車のダッシュボードに伝え、 促進要因は簡単にタイヤの状態をモニターできます。TPMSシステムの中にはスマートフォンとの連携機能を備えたものもあり、ユーザーは遠隔操作で警告や最新情報を受け取ることができます。このような技術革新はユーザーの利便性を高め、TPMSの潜在的な用途を広げています。
  • 7.電気自動車(EV)とハイブリッド車の需要の高まり:電気自動車とハイブリッド車の人気の高まりが、TPMSの需要をさらに押し上げています。電気自動車とハイブリッド車には、その独特な重量配分、パワートレイン特性、回生ブレーキシステムにより、独特のタイヤ空気圧要件があります。これらの自動車の普及が進むにつれて、その特殊なニーズに合わせた特殊なTPMSソリューションの必要性が高まり、市場は進化する自動車事情に対応できるようになっています。
  • 8.消費者の意識と教育:適切なタイヤ・メンテナンスの重要性と、それが安全性と燃費に与える影響に対する消費者の意識の高まりが、TPMS市場の成長に寄与しています。 促進要因がタイヤ関連の問題をより意識するようになり、TPMSを搭載した自動車の需要が高まっています。メーカーはまた、TPMSの利点と適切なタイヤ手入れの方法を消費者に知らせるための教育的取り組みも取り入れています。
  • 9.保険料インセンティブ:地域によっては、保険会社がTPMSを装着した車の所有者に奨励金や割引を提供しています。保険会社はTPMSがタイヤの故障による事故の可能性を減らすことに貢献していることを認識しています。その結果、車の所有者は保険料の減額を受けることができ、TPMS導入のさらなる動機付けとなります。
  • 10.アフターマーケットの成長と後付け:TPMS市場のアフターマーケット分野は成長しています。自動車オーナーが安全強化や燃費向上のために、既存の自動車にTPMSシステムを後付けしようとしているからです。アフターマーケットのTPMSソリューションは幅広い車種に対応しているため、多様な消費者層が利用でき、市場全体の拡大に貢献しています。


  • 1.技術の複雑さと統合:車両へのTPMS技術の統合は複雑で、さまざまな車両システムやセンサーとの互換性が求められます。他の車両機能を損なうことなくシームレスに統合することが課題となっています。さらに、自動車の技術進歩に伴い、TPMSシステムは進化する車両アーキテクチャと接続要件に対応しなければならないです。
  • 2.センサーの信頼性と精度:TPMSはタイヤ空気圧を正確に測定するセンサーに依存しています。極端な気温や路面状況など、さまざまな環境条件下でセンサーの信頼性と精度を確保することは非常に重要です。センサーの故障や不正確さは、誤った警告や通知の見逃しにつながり、TPMSシステムの有効性を損ないます。
  • 3.バッテリーの寿命とメンテナンス:TPMSシステムのセンサーはバッテリーを電源としており、その寿命には限りがあります。時間の経過とともにバッテリーの性能は低下し、センサーデータの精度と信頼性に影響を与えます。特に、タイヤを取り外す必要がある一体型センサーの設計では、バッテリーの交換は困難であり、車両オーナーにとってさらなるメンテナンスと潜在的なコストの懸念につながります。
  • 4.規制の違いと調和:多くの地域で規制がTPMSの採用を後押ししているが、国や管轄区域によって規制要件に違いがあるため、メーカーにとっては課題があります。
  • .さまざまな規格への適合を確保することは、さらなる技術的努力とコストにつながります。規制を調和させることで採用を合理化し、世界な導入を促進することができます。
  • 5.レトロフィットの課題:古い車両にTPMSシステムを取り付けるのは、互換性の問題や、技術を統合するために必要な潜在的な改造のため、難しい課題です。アフターマーケットのソリューションはさまざまな車種に対応する必要があり、正確なデータと適切な機能を保証する普遍的な後付けソリューションを提供するのはより複雑になっています。
  • 6.誤警告とユーザーの認識:TPMSシステムはセンサーの不正確さやタイヤ空気圧の一時的な変動により、誤った警告を発することがあります。頻繁な誤警告は 促進要因の鈍感化を招き、 促進要因が本物の警告を無視する原因になります。タイムリーな警告と不必要な通知の回避の間で適切なバランスをとることが、TPMSの設計における課題です。
  • 7.センサーの交換コスト:センサーの故障やバッテリーの消耗による交換が必要になった場合、関連するコストは大きくなる可能性があります。特にOEM(相手先ブランド製造)センサーに頼る必要がある場合、車両オーナーは費用対効果の高い交換オプションを見つけるという課題に直面する可能性があります。
  • 8.キャリブレーションとメンテナンスの要件TPMSが正確に機能するためには、適切なキャリブレーションが不可欠です。タイヤのローテーションや交換の際には、TPMSセンサーの再校正が必要になることがあり、これには専門的な機器と知識が必要になります。この校正作業は、日常的なタイヤメンテナンスに複雑さをもたらし、車両所有者のコストを増加させる可能性があります。
  • 9.経済的な考慮:TPMSシステムを車両に組み込むための初期コストは、特に予算重視の車両セグメントでは、価格設定に影響を与える可能性があります。さらに、メンテナンス、センサー交換、再キャリブレーションにかかる費用は、消費者の全体的な所有体験に影響を与える可能性があります。
  • 10.教育と認識:TPMSのメリットに対する消費者の認識は高まっているが、 促進要因の中にはまだその重要性を明確に理解していない人もいます。適切なタイヤ空気圧メンテナンスの重要性、TPMSの役割、安全性と効率性への影響について消費者を教育することは依然として課題です。


  • 1.コネクテッド・ビークルとの統合:TPMSとコネクテッド・ビークル技術の統合が市場の大きな動向です。TPMSは車両テレマティクス・システムの不可欠な一部となりつつあり、タイヤ空気圧と温度データのリアルタイム監視を可能にしています。この統合により、 促進要因はダッシュボードの画面やスマートフォン、その他の接続機器で警告や通知を受け取ることができます。また、TPMSによって収集されたデータは、全体的な車両性能と診断を強化するために使用することができ、より包括的なコネクテッド・ドライビング体験に貢献します。
  • 2.IoTと予知保全モノのインターネット(IoT)は、予知保全戦略を可能にすることで、TPMSの状況を変えつつあります。TPMSセンサーはタイヤの状態に関する豊富なデータを収集し、それを分析して潜在的な問題やメンテナンスの必要性を予測することができます。このデータ主導のアプローチにより、車両オーナーや車両管理者はタイヤ関連の懸念事項に積極的に対処し、ダウンタイムを最小限に抑え、メンテナンスコストを削減し、業務効率を高めることができます。
  • 3.直接式TPMSと間接式TPMS:直接式TPMSシステムと間接式TPMSシステムの間で議論が続いており、市場力学を形成しています。直接TPMSは各タイヤ内のセンサーを使ってタイヤ空気圧を直接測定し、正確でリアルタイムのデータを提供します。一方、間接的TPMSは車両センサーに依存し、ホイール速度などの要因に基づいてタイヤ空気圧を推測します。どちらのアプローチにも利点と課題があり、直接システムは精度が高いがコストが高くなる可能性があり、間接システムはコスト効率が高いが精度に限界がある可能性があります。
  • 4.電動化と代替推進システム:電気自動車(EV)と代替推進システムの台頭はTPMSの設計に影響を与えています。EVは重量配分やパワートレインの特性が異なるため、独特のタイヤ空気圧要件があります。EVの普及が進むにつれて、これらの車両に合わせた特殊なTPMSソリューションが普及しつつあります。さらに、ハイブリッド車や電気自動車の重量配分はタイヤの摩耗に影響する可能性があるため、最適な性能と安全のためには正確なTPMSがさらに重要になっています。
  • 5.アフターマーケットの成長と改造:TPMS市場のアフターマーケット分野は、既存の車両にTPMSシステムを後付けする人気の高まりによって成長を遂げています。自動車所有者はTPMSの安全性と効率性の利点を認識し、自動車をアップグレードするソリューションを求めています。アフターマーケットのTPMSプロバイダーは、さまざまな車種やユーザーの好みに対応するためにさまざまなオプションを提供しており、後付け市場の拡大に貢献しています。
  • 6.持続可能性と環境への関心:環境意識の高まりにより、タイヤ空気圧管理を含む持続可能な自動車ソリューションへの関心が高まっています。タイヤの空気圧が適切であれば、燃費の向上と排出ガスの削減に貢献し、環境目標に合致します。消費者が持続可能性を優先する中、TPMSは安全性だけでなく、自動車運行が環境に与える影響を最小限に抑えるツールとしても注目されています。
  • 7.データ分析と洞察の強化:データ分析ツールの普及は、TPMSデータを実用的な洞察に変えつつあります。メーカー、車両運行会社、車両所有者は、タイヤ性能データを分析して、ルートを最適化し、メンテナンスの必要性を予測し、全体的な運行効率を向上させることができます。これらの洞察は、より良い資源配分と安全性向上のためのデータ主導の意思決定を可能にします。
  • 8.スマートタイヤ技術:スマートタイヤ技術の進歩がTPMSの技術革新に影響を与えています。スマートタイヤはタイヤ構造に直接センサーを組み込んでおり、温度、空気圧、摩耗などタイヤの状態についてより正確なデータを提供します。このリアルタイムデータは、タイヤの性能に関するより包括的な洞察を提供し、安全性と性能の向上に貢献します。
  • 9.規制の進化:当初は規制がTPMS普及の原動力となったが、規制の進化は市場に影響を与え続けています。一部の規制はより厳しくなり、精度要件が規定され、小型トラックやバスにも適用範囲が広がっています。進化する規制に準拠し続けることは、メーカーと車両オーナーに課題と機会の両方をもたらします。
  • 10.AIと機械学習の応用:人工知能(AI)と機械学習はTPMSの機能を強化するために研究されています。これらの技術は、センサー、車両システム、外的要因からの膨大なデータを分析し、より正確で予測的な洞察を提供することができます。AI主導のアルゴリズムは、パターンや異常を特定することができ、 促進要因やオペレーターがタイヤのメンテナンスと安全性に関連した情報に基づいた意思決定を行えるよう支援します。




直接TPMSは、各タイヤの空気圧を個別に監視する非常に効果的な技術です。バルブステムに圧力センサーを装備したこのシステムは、タイヤの空気圧に関するリアルタイムのデータを、車両の計器パネルを通じて 促進要因に直接提供します。ダイレクトTPMSの利点は、精度が高く、空気圧の異常を迅速に検出できるため、運転の安全性が高まることです。しかし、導入やメンテナンス、バッテリー交換の必要性などに伴うコストが高いことは、潜在的な欠点とみなすことができます。












欧州では、すべての新車にTPMSの装着を義務付ける欧州連合指令(EU directive)のような規制が市場を後押ししています。ドイツ、フランス、英国などの国々では、先進的な車両安全システムの採用率が高いことも成長を後押ししています。







  • 追加市場参入企業(最大5社)の詳細分析とプロファイリング


第1章 イントロダクション

第2章 調査手法

第3章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第4章 タイヤ空気圧モニタリングシステムの世界市場に対するCOVID-19の影響

第5章 タイヤ空気圧モニタリングシステムの世界市場展望

  • 市場規模・予測
    • 数量・金額別
  • 市場シェアと予測
    • タイプ別(直接TPMS、間接TPMS)
    • 販売チャネル別(OEM、アフターマーケット)
    • 車種別(乗用車、商用車)
    • 地域別
    • 企業別(上位5社、その他- 金額ベース、2022年)
  • タイヤ空気圧モニタリングシステムの世界市場マッピングと機会評価
    • タイプ別
    • 販売チャネル別
    • 車両タイプ別
    • 地域別

第6章 アジア太平洋地域のタイヤ空気圧モニタリングシステム市場展望

  • 市場規模・予測
    • 数量・金額別
  • 市場シェア・予測
    • タイプ別
    • 販売チャネル別
    • 車種別
    • 国別
  • アジア太平洋地域国別分析
    • 中国
    • インド
    • 日本
    • インドネシア
    • タイ
    • 韓国
    • オーストラリア

第7章 欧州・CISタイヤ空気圧モニタリングシステム市場展望

  • 市場規模・予測
    • 数量・金額別
  • 市場シェア・予測
    • タイプ別
    • 販売チャネル別
    • 車種別
    • 国別
  • 欧州&CIS:国別分析
    • ドイツ
    • スペイン
    • フランス
    • ロシア
    • イタリア
    • 英国
    • ベルギー

第8章 北米タイヤ空気圧モニタリングシステム市場展望

  • 市場規模・予測
    • 数量・金額別
  • 市場シェア・予測
    • タイプ別
    • 販売チャネル別
    • 車種別
    • 国別
  • 北米国別分析
    • 米国
    • メキシコ
    • カナダ

第9章 南米のタイヤ空気圧モニタリングシステム市場展望

  • 市場規模・予測
    • 数量・金額別
  • 市場シェア・予測
    • タイプ別
    • 販売チャネル別
    • 車種別
    • 国別
  • 南米:国別分析
    • ブラジル
    • コロンビア
    • アルゼンチン

第10章 中東・アフリカタイヤ空気圧モニタリングシステム市場展望

  • 市場規模・予測
    • 数量・金額別
  • 市場シェア・予測
    • タイプ別
    • 販売チャネル別
    • 車種別
    • 国別
  • 中東・アフリカ:国別分析
    • トルコ
    • イラン
    • サウジアラビア
    • アラブ首長国連邦

第11章 SWOT分析

  • 強み
  • 弱み
  • 機会
  • 脅威

第12章 市場力学

  • 市場促進要因
  • 市場の課題

第13章 市場動向と発展

第14章 競合情勢

  • Company Profiles(Up to 10 Major Companies)
    • Delphi Automotive
      • Company Details
      • Key Product Offered
      • Financials(As Per Availability)
      • Recent Developments
      • Key Management Personnel
    • DENSO Corporation
      • Company Details
      • Key Product Offered
      • Financials(As Per Availability)
      • Recent Developments
      • Key Management Personnel
    • Continental AG
      • Company Details
      • Key Product Offered
      • Financials(As Per Availability)
      • Recent Developments
      • Key Management Personnel
    • ZF TRW
      • Company Details
      • Key Product Offered
      • Financials(As Per Availability)
      • Recent Developments
      • Key Management Personnel
    • Valor TPMS
      • Company Details
      • Key Product Offered
      • Financials(As Per Availability)
      • Recent Developments
      • Key Management Personnel
    • Pacific Industrial
      • Company Details
      • Key Product Offered
      • Financials(As Per Availability)
      • Recent Developments
      • Key Management Personnel
    • Schrader Electronics
      • Company Details
      • Key Product Offered
      • Financials(As Per Availability)
      • Recent Developments
      • Key Management Personnel
    • Hella KGaA Hueck & Co.
      • Company Details
      • Key Product Offered
      • Financials(As Per Availability)
      • Recent Developments
    • Valeo
      • Company Details
      • Key Product Offered
      • Financials(As Per Availability)
      • Recent Developments
    • ALLIGATOR Ventilfabrik GmbH
      • Company Details
      • Key Product Offered
      • Financials(As Per Availability)
      • Recent Developments
      • Key Management Personnel

第15章 戦略的提言

  • 重点地域
    • 対象地域
    • 対象車種
    • ターゲット・タイプ

第16章 調査会社・免責事項

Product Code: 3858

The Global Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Market achieved a valuation of USD 5 billion in 2022 and is poised for robust growth in the forecast period, with a projected Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 8% through 2028. This market plays a pivotal role in enhancing vehicle safety, optimizing fuel efficiency, and reducing the environmental footprint of vehicles.

TPMS is a technology that monitors the air pressure in a vehicle's tires and promptly alerts the driver if the pressure falls below recommended levels. Its significant traction in the market can be attributed to its substantial contribution to road safety and the increasing emphasis on energy efficiency in the automotive industry. Government regulations and safety standards have played a crucial role in driving the widespread adoption of TPMS across the globe. Several countries have implemented regulations mandating the installation of TPMS in vehicles to mitigate accidents caused by underinflated tires. This regulatory push has provided strong impetus for both vehicle manufacturers and aftermarket service providers to incorporate TPMS into their offerings, consequently driving market growth.

Moreover, the automotive industry's continuous efforts to enhance fuel efficiency and reduce emissions have further fueled the demand for TPMS. Underinflated tires not only pose safety risks but also lead to increased rolling resistance, resulting in decreased fuel efficiency. TPMS aids vehicle owners in maintaining proper tire pressure, ensuring optimal fuel consumption, and contributing to environmental sustainability.

Market Overview
Forecast Period2024-2028
Market Size 2022USD 5 Billion
Market Size 2028USD 7.87 Billion
CAGR 2023-20288%
Fastest Growing SegmentPassenger Cars
Largest MarketNorth America

The TPMS market is also experiencing technological advancements that bolster its capabilities. There are two main types: Direct TPMS, which uses sensors within the tires to monitor pressure, and Indirect TPMS, which utilizes the vehicle's existing sensors to infer tire pressure. As technology evolves, more advanced TPMS solutions are being developed, including wireless connectivity, real-time monitoring through smartphone applications, and integration with vehicle telematics systems.

The growing popularity of electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid vehicles has had a significant impact on the TPMS market. These vehicles have unique tire pressure requirements due to their weight distribution and powertrain characteristics. As the adoption of EVs and hybrids continues to rise, so does the demand for specialized TPMS solutions tailored to meet their specific needs.

Key Market Drivers

  • 1. Vehicle Safety and Accident Prevention: A primary driver of the global TPMS market is the paramount concern for vehicle safety and accident prevention. Underinflated or overinflated tires can lead to decreased traction, reduced vehicle stability, and increased braking distances, thereby increasing the risk of accidents. TPMS continuously monitors tire pressure and promptly alerts drivers to deviations from recommended levels, enabling timely corrective action and significantly reducing the likelihood of accidents caused by tire-related issues.
  • 2. Government Regulations and Mandates: Government regulations mandating TPMS installation in vehicles have been pivotal drivers of its widespread adoption. Many countries and regions have implemented regulations requiring new vehicles to be equipped with TPMS as a safety standard. For example, the United States introduced the Transportation Recall Enhancement, Accountability, and Documentation (TREAD) Act, which mandates TPMS installation to prevent accidents caused by tire failures. Such regulations create a strong incentive for automakers to integrate TPMS into their vehicles, driving market growth.
  • 3. Fuel Efficiency and Environmental Concerns: The emphasis on fuel efficiency and environmental sustainability in the automotive industry is driving the demand for TPMS. Underinflated tires increase rolling resistance, leading to decreased fuel efficiency. By maintaining proper tire pressure, TPMS helps optimize fuel consumption, reducing the carbon footprint of vehicles and contributing to environmental preservation. As fuel efficiency becomes a significant consumer preference and regulatory requirement, TPMS adoption becomes essential for automakers to meet these expectations.
  • 4. Reduced Operating Costs for Fleets: Fleet operators and commercial vehicle owners are increasingly recognizing the economic benefits of TPMS adoption. Properly inflated tires experience less wear and tear, resulting in extended tire lifespan and reduced maintenance costs. In the context of fleet operations, where vehicle downtime translates to financial losses, TPMS contributes to enhanced operational efficiency and cost savings by minimizing tire-related breakdowns and repairs.
  • 5. Improved Tire Performance and Longevity: TPMS ensures that tires are maintained at optimal pressure levels, directly contributing to improved tire performance and longevity. Properly inflated tires exhibit better traction, handling, and braking performance. This not only enhances driving safety but also extends the lifespan of tires, reducing the frequency of tire replacements and associated expenses for vehicle owners.
  • 6. Advancements in Technology and Connectivity: Technological advancements in the automotive sector have led to the integration of advanced sensors, connectivity features, and data analytics in TPMS systems. Wireless sensors communicate real-time tire pressure data to the vehicle's dashboard, allowing drivers to monitor tire conditions effortlessly. Some TPMS systems even offer smartphone integration, enabling users to receive alerts and updates remotely. These technological innovations enhance user convenience and expand the potential applications of TPMS.
  • 7. Growing Demand for Electric Vehicles (EVs) and Hybrids: The rising popularity of electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles has further fueled the demand for TPMS. EVs and hybrids have unique tire pressure requirements due to their distinct weight distribution, powertrain characteristics, and regenerative braking systems. As the adoption of these vehicles increases, the need for specialized TPMS solutions tailored to their specific needs grows, positioning the market to cater to the evolving automotive landscape.
  • 8. Consumer Awareness and Education: Increased consumer awareness of the importance of proper tire maintenance and its impact on safety and fuel efficiency has contributed to the growth of the TPMS market. As drivers become more conscious of tire-related issues, the demand for vehicles equipped with TPMS rises. Manufacturers are also incorporating educational initiatives to inform consumers about the benefits of TPMS and proper tire care practices.
  • 9. Insurance Premium Incentives: In some regions, insurance companies offer incentives or discounts to vehicle owners who have TPMS installed. Insurance providers recognize that TPMS contributes to reducing the likelihood of accidents caused by tire failures. As a result, vehicle owners may receive reduced insurance premiums, creating an additional motivation for TPMS adoption.
  • 10. Aftermarket Growth and Retrofitting: The aftermarket segment of the TPMS market is witnessing growth, as vehicle owners seek to retrofit their existing vehicles with TPMS systems to benefit from safety enhancements and improved fuel efficiency. Aftermarket TPMS solutions cater to a wide range of vehicle types, making it accessible to a diverse consumer base and contributing to overall market expansion.

Key Market Challenges

  • 1. Technological Complexity and Integration: The integration of TPMS technology into vehicles can be complex, requiring compatibility with various vehicle systems and sensors. Ensuring seamless integration without compromising other vehicle functions poses a challenge. Moreover, as vehicles become more technologically advanced, TPMS systems must keep pace with evolving vehicle architectures and connectivity requirements.
  • 2. Sensor Reliability and Accuracy: TPMS relies on sensors to accurately measure tire pressure. Ensuring the reliability and accuracy of these sensors in varying environmental conditions, such as extreme temperatures or road conditions, is critical. Sensor malfunctions or inaccuracies can lead to false alerts or missed notifications, undermining the effectiveness of the TPMS system.
  • 3. Battery Life and Maintenance: Sensors in TPMS systems are powered by batteries, which have a limited lifespan. Over time, the battery performance can degrade, affecting the accuracy and reliability of the sensor data. Replacing these batteries can be challenging, especially in integrated sensor designs that require tire removal, leading to additional maintenance and potential cost concerns for vehicle owners.
  • 4. Regulatory Differences and Harmonization: While regulatory mandates drive TPMS adoption in many regions, differences in regulatory requirements across countries and jurisdictions create challenges for manufacturers
  • . Ensuring compliance with varying standards can lead to additional engineering efforts and costs. Harmonizing regulations could streamline adoption and facilitate global implementation.
  • 5. Retrofitting Challenges: Retrofitting older vehicles with TPMS systems can be challenging due to compatibility issues and potential modifications needed to integrate the technology. Aftermarket solutions need to address various vehicle models, making it more complex to provide a universal retrofit solution that ensures accurate data and proper functioning.
  • 6. False Alerts and User Perception: TPMS systems can generate false alerts due to sensor inaccuracies or temporary fluctuations in tire pressure. Frequent false alerts may lead to driver desensitization, causing drivers to ignore genuine alerts. Striking the right balance between timely alerts and avoiding unnecessary notifications is a challenge in TPMS design.
  • 7. Sensor Replacement Costs: If a sensor malfunctions or requires replacement due to battery depletion, the associated costs can be significant. Vehicle owners may face challenges in finding cost-effective replacement options, especially if they need to rely on original equipment manufacturer (OEM) sensors.
  • 8. Calibration and Maintenance Requirements: Proper calibration is essential for accurate TPMS functioning. When tires are rotated or replaced, TPMS sensors may need to be recalibrated, which requires specialized equipment and knowledge. This calibration process can add complexity to routine tire maintenance and increase costs for vehicle owners.
  • 9. Economic Considerations: The initial cost of integrating TPMS systems into vehicles can impact pricing, especially in budget-conscious vehicle segments. Additionally, the costs associated with maintenance, sensor replacement, and potential recalibration can influence the overall ownership experience for consumers.
  • 10. Education and Awareness: While consumer awareness of TPMS benefits is growing, some drivers may still lack a clear understanding of its importance. Educating consumers about the significance of proper tire pressure maintenance, the role of TPMS, and its impact on safety and efficiency remains a challenge.

Key Market Trends

  • 1. Integration with Connected Vehicles: The integration of TPMS with connected vehicle technologies is a major trend in the market. TPMS is becoming an integral part of vehicle telematics systems, allowing real-time monitoring of tire pressure and temperature data. This integration enables drivers to receive alerts and notifications on their dashboard screens, smartphones, or other connected devices. The data collected by TPMS can also be used to enhance overall vehicle performance and diagnostics, contributing to a more comprehensive connected driving experience.
  • 2. IoT and Predictive Maintenance: The Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming the TPMS landscape by enabling predictive maintenance strategies. TPMS sensors collect a wealth of data on tire conditions, which can be analyzed to predict potential issues and maintenance needs. This data-driven approach allows vehicle owners and fleet managers to proactively address tire-related concerns, minimizing downtime, reducing maintenance costs, and enhancing operational efficiency.
  • 3. Direct vs. Indirect TPMS: The ongoing debate between direct and indirect TPMS systems is shaping market dynamics. Direct TPMS uses sensors within each tire to directly measure tire pressure, providing accurate and real-time data. Indirect TPMS, on the other hand, relies on vehicle sensors to infer tire pressure based on factors like wheel speed. Both approaches have their advantages and challenges, with direct systems offering higher accuracy but potentially higher costs, while indirect systems can be more cost-effective but may have accuracy limitations.
  • 4. Electrification and Alternative Propulsion Systems: The rise of electric vehicles (EVs) and alternative propulsion systems is influencing TPMS design. EVs have unique tire pressure requirements due to their different weight distribution and powertrain characteristics. As the adoption of EVs grows, specialized TPMS solutions tailored to these vehicles are becoming more prevalent. Additionally, the weight distribution in hybrid and electric vehicles can impact tire wear, making accurate TPMS even more crucial for optimal performance and safety.
  • 5. Aftermarket Growth and Retrofits: The aftermarket segment of the TPMS market is experiencing growth due to the increasing popularity of retrofitting existing vehicles with TPMS systems. Vehicle owners are recognizing the safety and efficiency benefits of TPMS and are seeking solutions to upgrade their vehicles. Aftermarket TPMS providers are offering a range of options to cater to different vehicle models and user preferences, contributing to the expansion of the retrofit market.
  • 6. Sustainability and Environmental Concerns: Growing environmental awareness is driving interest in sustainable automotive solutions, including tire pressure management. Properly inflated tires contribute to fuel efficiency and reduced emissions, aligning with environmental goals. As consumers prioritize sustainability, TPMS is being viewed as a tool not only for safety but also for minimizing the environmental impact of vehicle operations.
  • 7. Enhanced Data Analytics and Insights: The proliferation of data analytics tools is transforming TPMS data into actionable insights. Manufacturers, fleet operators, and vehicle owners can analyze tire performance data to optimize routes, predict maintenance needs, and improve overall operational efficiency. These insights enable data-driven decision-making for better resource allocation and enhanced safety.
  • 8. Smart Tire Technology: Advancements in smart tire technology are influencing TPMS innovation. Smart tires incorporate sensors directly into the tire structure, providing more accurate data on tire conditions, including temperature, pressure, and wear. This real-time data can offer more comprehensive insights into tire performance, contributing to improved safety and performance.
  • 9. Regulatory Evolution: While regulatory mandates initially drove TPMS adoption, the evolution of regulations continues to influence the market. Some regulations are becoming more stringent, specifying accuracy requirements and expanding coverage to include light-duty trucks and buses. Staying compliant with evolving regulations poses both challenges and opportunities for manufacturers and vehicle owners.
  • 10. AI and Machine Learning Applications: Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are being explored to enhance TPMS capabilities. These technologies can analyze vast amounts of data from sensors, vehicle systems, and external factors to provide more accurate and predictive insights. AI-driven algorithms can identify patterns and anomalies, helping drivers and operators make informed decisions related to tire maintenance and safety.

Segmental Insights

By Type Insights

The global Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) market can be segmented into two main types: Direct TPMS and Indirect TPMS.

Direct TPMS is a highly effective technology that monitors the pressure in each tire individually. Equipped with pressure sensors in the valve stems, the system provides real-time data about tire pressure directly to the driver through the vehicle's instrument panel. The advantage of direct TPMS is its accuracy and prompt detection of any pressure anomalies, thus enhancing driving safety. However, the higher cost associated with its implementation, maintenance, and the need for battery replacements can be viewed as potential drawbacks.

Indirect TPMS, on the other hand, uses the vehicle's anti-lock braking system's speed sensors to estimate tire pressure. It does so by monitoring the rotational speed of the tires; a deflated tire will rotate faster due to its smaller radius. This system's advantage lies in its affordability and easy maintenance as it doesn't require additional sensors or battery replacements. However, indirect TPMS falls short in terms of accuracy, particularly in the event of uniform pressure loss across all tires.

Despite the differences, both types serve the crucial role of maintaining optimal tire pressure, enhancing fuel efficiency, ensuring vehicular safety, and extending tire lifespan. Their adoption rates vary across regions, largely depending on regulatory requirements. For instance, in countries like the U.S. and those across the European Union, the implementation of TPMS in new vehicles is regulated and thus, widespread. In contrast, in emerging markets, the adoption is typically driven by consumer awareness and demand for enhanced safety features.

In conclusion, both Direct and Indirect TPMS have their distinct advantages and limitations. The choice between the two largely depends on factors such as cost considerations, need for accuracy, maintenance preferences, and regulatory requirements. As market dynamics evolve and technological advancements continue, the TPMS landscape is expected to witness significant changes, promising improved features and better user experience.

Vehicle Type Insights

The global Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) market has seen a significant surge, primarily driven by the growing emphasis on safety and increased awareness about tire maintenance among vehicle owners. The market can be segmented based on vehicle types, including passenger vehicles, light commercial vehicles, and heavy commercial vehicles.

Passenger vehicles make up a major portion of the TPMS market. This can be attributed to the soaring production and sales of passenger cars globally, coupled with the fact that stringent safety regulations in various countries mandate the installation of TPMS in new passenger vehicles. The introduction of advanced features such as smartphone integration is also aiding the adoption of TPMS in this segment.

Light commercial vehicles, on the other hand, are anticipated to register substantial growth over the next few years. The constant demand for these vehicles in parcel and courier services, along with the increasing emphasis on fleet management, is expected to propel the TPMS market in this segment. Furthermore, the trend of equipping these vehicles with advanced safety systems for better fleet efficiency is driving the demand for TPMS in light commercial vehicles.

Heavy commercial vehicles, meanwhile, are seeing steady demand for TPMS. These vehicles are typically used for long-haul transport and therefore put more strain on tires, making TPMS an essential component for maintaining tire health and ensuring overall vehicle safety. In addition, the growing trend of digitization in the transportation sector is likely to further boost the adoption of TPMS in heavy commercial vehicles.

Regional Insights

The global Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) market has witnessed significant growth, fueled by increased road safety consciousness among consumers, regulatory mandates, and advances in technology. Regional dynamics reveal interesting insights.

North America represents a substantial share of the global TPMS market. High consumer awareness, stringent safety regulations, and the prevalence of luxury vehicles are key drivers in this region. The U.S, with its Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) requiring all new passenger vehicles to be equipped with TPMS, significantly contributes to the market size.

In Europe, the market is buoyed by regulatory mandates like the European Union directive, which necessitates the installation of TPMS in all new passenger cars. The high adoption rate of advanced vehicle safety systems across countries like Germany, France, and the United Kingdom further bolsters growth.

Asia-Pacific is anticipated to manifest the fastest growth within the TPMS market, with regions like China, Japan, South Korea, and India leading the charge. Factors such as increasing vehicle production, rising demand for luxury vehicles, and growing awareness about vehicle safety contribute to this trend.

The Middle East and Africa show a steady growth rate, with the Middle East countries such as Saudi Arabia and the UAE driving demand due to high luxury car sales. The African market, though nascent, is promising with rising vehicle sales and a growing middle class.

In Latin America, despite economic volatility, the market is witnessing growth due to increased consumer awareness about safety, driven by regulatory changes. Brazil and Mexico are among the leading markets in this region.

Key Market Players

  • Delphi Automotive
  • DENSO Corporation
  • Continental AG
  • ZF TRW
  • Valor TPMS
  • Pacific Industrial
  • Schrader Electronics
  • Hella KGaA Hueck & Co.
  • Valeo
  • ALLIGATOR Ventilfabrik GmbH

Report Scope:

In this report, the Global Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:

Global Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market, By Type:

  • Direct TPMS
  • Indirect TPMS

Global Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market, By Sales Channel:

  • OEM
  • Aftermarket

Global Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market, By Vehicle Type:

  • Passenger Cars
  • Commercial Vehicles

Global Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market, Region:

  • Asia-Pacific
    • China
    • India
    • Japan
    • Indonesia
    • Thailand
    • South Korea
    • Australia
  • Europe & CIS
    • Germany
    • Spain
    • France
    • Russia
    • Italy
    • United Kingdom
    • Belgium
  • North America
    • United States
    • Mexico
    • Canada
  • South America
    • Brazil
    • Argentina
    • Colombia
  • Middle East & Africa
    • Turkey
    • Iran
    • Saudi Arabia
    • UAE

Competitive Landscape

Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in the Global Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market.

Available Customizations:

Global Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market report with the given market data, Tech Sci Research offers customizations according to a company's specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report:

Company Information

  • Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

  • 1.1. Product Overview
  • 1.2. Key Highlights of the Report
  • 1.3. Market Coverage
  • 1.4. Market Segments Covered
  • 1.5. Research Tenure Considered

2. Research Methodology

  • 2.1. Objective of the Study
  • 2.2. Baseline Methodology
  • 2.3. Key Industry Partners
  • 2.4. Major Association and Secondary Sources
  • 2.5. Forecasting Methodology
  • 2.6. Data Triangulation & Validation
  • 2.7. Assumptions and Limitations

3. Executive Summary

  • 3.1. Market Overview
  • 3.2. Market Forecast
  • 3.3. Key Regions
  • 3.4. Key Segments

4. Impact of COVID-19 on Global Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market

5. Global Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market Outlook

  • 5.1. Market Size & Forecast
    • 5.1.1. By Volume & Value
  • 5.2. Market Share & Forecast
    • 5.2.1. By Type Market Share Analysis (Direct TPMS and Indirect TPMS)
    • 5.2.2. By Sales Channel Market Share Analysis (OEM and Aftermarket)
    • 5.2.3. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis (Passenger Cars and Commercial Vehicles)
    • 5.2.4. By Regional Market Share Analysis
      • Asia-Pacific Market Share Analysis
      • Europe & CIS Market Share Analysis
      • North America Market Share Analysis
      • South America Market Share Analysis
      • Middle East & Africa Market Share Analysis
    • 5.2.5. By Company Market Share Analysis (Top 5 Companies, Others - By Value, 2022)
  • 5.3. Global Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment
    • 5.3.1. By Type Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment
    • 5.3.2. By Sales Channel Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment
    • 5.3.3. By Vehicle Type Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment
    • 5.3.4. By Regional Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment

6. Asia-Pacific Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market Outlook

  • 6.1. Market Size & Forecast
    • 6.1.1. By Volume & Value
  • 6.2. Market Share & Forecast
    • 6.2.1. By Type Market Share Analysis
    • 6.2.2. By Sales Channel Market Share Analysis
    • 6.2.3. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis
    • 6.2.4. By Country Market Share Analysis
      • China Market Share Analysis
      • India Market Share Analysis
      • Japan Market Share Analysis
      • Indonesia Market Share Analysis
      • Thailand Market Share Analysis
      • South Korea Market Share Analysis
      • Australia Market Share Analysis
      • Rest of Asia-Pacific Market Share Analysis
  • 6.3. Asia-Pacific: Country Analysis
    • 6.3.1. China Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Volume & Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type Market Share Analysis
        • By Sales Channel Market Share Analysis
        • By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis
    • 6.3.2. India Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Volume & Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type Market Share Analysis
        • By Sales Channel Market Share Analysis
        • By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis
    • 6.3.3. Japan Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Volume & Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type Market Share Analysis
        • By Sales Channel Market Share Analysis
        • By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis
    • 6.3.4. Indonesia Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Volume & Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type Market Share Analysis
        • By Sales Channel Market Share Analysis
        • By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis
    • 6.3.5. Thailand Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Volume & Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type Market Share Analysis
        • By Sales Channel Market Share Analysis
        • By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis
    • 6.3.6. South Korea Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Volume & Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type Market Share Analysis
        • By Sales Channel Market Share Analysis
        • By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis
    • 6.3.7. Australia Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Volume & Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type Market Share Analysis
        • By Sales Channel Market Share Analysis
        • By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis

7. Europe & CIS Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market Outlook

  • 7.1. Market Size & Forecast
    • 7.1.1. By Volume & Value
  • 7.2. Market Share & Forecast
    • 7.2.1. By Type Market Share Analysis
    • 7.2.2. By Sales Channel Market Share Analysis
    • 7.2.3. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis
    • 7.2.4. By Country Market Share Analysis
      • Germany Market Share Analysis
      • Spain Market Share Analysis
      • France Market Share Analysis
      • Russia Market Share Analysis
      • Italy Market Share Analysis
      • United Kingdom Market Share Analysis
      • Belgium Market Share Analysis
      • Rest of Europe Market Share Analysis
  • 7.3. Europe & CIS: Country Analysis
    • 7.3.1. Germany Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Volume & Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type Market Share Analysis
        • By Sales Channel Market Share Analysis
        • By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis
    • 7.3.2. Spain Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Volume & Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type Market Share Analysis
        • By Sales Channel Market Share Analysis
        • By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis
    • 7.3.3. France Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Volume & Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type Market Share Analysis
        • By Sales Channel Market Share Analysis
        • By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis
    • 7.3.4. Russia Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Volume & Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type Market Share Analysis
        • By Sales Channel Market Share Analysis
        • By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis
    • 7.3.5. Italy Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Volume & Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type Market Share Analysis
        • By Sales Channel Market Share Analysis
        • By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis
    • 7.3.6. United Kingdom Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Volume & Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type Market Share Analysis
        • By Sales Channel Market Share Analysis
        • By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis
    • 7.3.7. Belgium Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Volume & Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type Market Share Analysis
        • By Sales Channel Market Share Analysis
        • By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis

8. North America Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market Outlook

  • 8.1. Market Size & Forecast
    • 8.1.1. By Volume & Value
  • 8.2. Market Share & Forecast
    • 8.2.1. By Type Market Share Analysis
    • 8.2.2. By Sales Channel Market Share Analysis
    • 8.2.3. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis
    • 8.2.4. By Country Market Share Analysis
      • United States Market Share Analysis
      • Mexico Market Share Analysis
      • Canada Market Share Analysis
  • 8.3. North America: Country Analysis
    • 8.3.1. United States Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Volume & Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type Market Share Analysis
        • By Sales Channel Market Share Analysis
        • By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis
    • 8.3.2. Mexico Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Volume & Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type Market Share Analysis
        • By Sales Channel Market Share Analysis
        • By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis
    • 8.3.3. Canada Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Volume & Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type Market Share Analysis
        • By Sales Channel Market Share Analysis
        • By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis

9. South America Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market Outlook

  • 9.1. Market Size & Forecast
    • 9.1.1. By Volume & Value
  • 9.2. Market Share & Forecast
    • 9.2.1. By Type Market Share Analysis
    • 9.2.2. By Sales Channel Market Share Analysis
    • 9.2.3. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis
    • 9.2.4. By Country Market Share Analysis
      • Brazil Market Share Analysis
      • Argentina Market Share Analysis
      • Colombia Market Share Analysis
      • Rest of South America Market Share Analysis
  • 9.3. South America: Country Analysis
    • 9.3.1. Brazil Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Volume & Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type Market Share Analysis
        • By Sales Channel Market Share Analysis
        • By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis
    • 9.3.2. Colombia Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Volume & Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type Market Share Analysis
        • By Sales Channel Market Share Analysis
        • By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis
    • 9.3.3. Argentina Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Volume & Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type Market Share Analysis
        • By Sales Channel Market Share Analysis
        • By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis

10. Middle East & Africa Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market Outlook

  • 10.1. Market Size & Forecast
    • 10.1.1. By Volume & Value
  • 10.2. Market Share & Forecast
    • 10.2.1. By Type Market Share Analysis
    • 10.2.2. By Sales Channel Market Share Analysis
    • 10.2.3. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis
    • 10.2.4. By Country Market Share Analysis
      • Turkey Market Share Analysis
      • Iran Market Share Analysis
      • Saudi Arabia Market Share Analysis
      • UAE Market Share Analysis
      • Rest of Middle East & Africa Market Share Analysis
  • 10.3. Middle East & Africa: Country Analysis
    • 10.3.1. Turkey Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Volume & Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type Market Share Analysis
        • By Sales Channel Market Share Analysis
        • By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis
    • 10.3.2. Iran Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Volume & Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type Market Share Analysis
        • By Sales Channel Market Share Analysis
        • By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis
    • 10.3.3. Saudi Arabia Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Volume & Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type Market Share Analysis
        • By Sales Channel Market Share Analysis
        • By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis
    • 10.3.4. UAE Tire Pressure Monitoring System Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Volume & Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type Market Share Analysis
        • By Sales Channel Market Share Analysis
        • By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis

11. SWOT Analysis

  • 11.1. Strength
  • 11.2. Weakness
  • 11.3. Opportunities
  • 11.4. Threats

12. Market Dynamics

  • 12.1. Market Drivers
  • 12.2. Market Challenges

13. Market Trends and Developments

14. Competitive Landscape

  • 14.1. Company Profiles (Up to 10 Major Companies)
    • 14.1.1. Delphi Automotive
      • Company Details
      • Key Product Offered
      • Financials (As Per Availability)
      • Recent Developments
      • Key Management Personnel
    • 14.1.2. DENSO Corporation
      • Company Details
      • Key Product Offered
      • Financials (As Per Availability)
      • Recent Developments
      • Key Management Personnel
    • 14.1.3. Continental AG
      • Company Details
      • Key Product Offered
      • Financials (As Per Availability)
      • Recent Developments
      • Key Management Personnel
    • 14.1.4. ZF TRW
      • Company Details
      • Key Product Offered
      • Financials (As Per Availability)
      • Recent Developments
      • Key Management Personnel
    • 14.1.5. Valor TPMS
      • Company Details
      • Key Product Offered
      • Financials (As Per Availability)
      • Recent Developments
      • Key Management Personnel
    • 14.1.6. Pacific Industrial
      • Company Details
      • Key Product Offered
      • Financials (As Per Availability)
      • Recent Developments
      • Key Management Personnel
    • 14.1.7. Schrader Electronics
      • Company Details
      • Key Product Offered
      • Financials (As Per Availability)
      • Recent Developments
      • Key Management Personnel
    • 14.1.8. Hella KGaA Hueck & Co.
      • Company Details
      • Key Product Offered
      • Financials (As Per Availability)
      • Recent Developments
    • 14.1.9. Valeo
      • Company Details
      • Key Product Offered
      • Financials (As Per Availability)
      • Recent Developments
    • 14.1.10. ALLIGATOR Ventilfabrik GmbH
      • Company Details
      • Key Product Offered
      • Financials (As Per Availability)
      • Recent Developments
      • Key Management Personnel

15. Strategic Recommendations

  • 15.1. Key Focus Areas
    • 15.1.1. Target Regions
    • 15.1.2. Target Vehicle Type
    • 15.1.3. Target Type

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