

The Future of Digital Print for E-commerce to 2028

出版日: | 発行: Smithers | ページ情報: 英文 144 Pages | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=153.16円
出版日: 2023年07月05日
発行: Smithers
ページ情報: 英文 144 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次


  • デジタル印刷eコマース包装の市場規模は、世界中での爆発的な成長により、2023年に25億米ドルを超える見込みです。
  • 印刷量は2028年まで前年比で8.0%の成長が予測されています。
  • デジタル印刷包装はeコマース包装市場全体を上回るペースで成長する見込みです。




  • 小規模なeコマースブランドが、実店舗からの市場シェアを奪いつつあります。
  • ファストフードの宅配やメタバースなどの技術開発が大きな機会となります。
  • シングルパスインクジェット印刷システムが確立されるにつれ、短時間で大量の印刷が可能になり、小売の要件に適合するようになります。






  • イントロダクション
  • eコマース包装の機能開発
  • eコマースの促進要因
  • インクジェット印刷の成長につながる促進要因と動向
    • 小売環境の変化
    • 法律
    • 経済的利点
    • 持続可能性
    • 柔軟性
    • デジタル機能
    • 市場への新たなルート
    • 新しい生産方式
    • 小売サプライチェーンの変化
  • 主要小売業者の行動
  • デジタルの採用の障壁


  • 電子写真
  • インクジェット
    • プリントヘッド
    • インクジェットインク
    • ターンキーシングルパスインクジェット技術
    • 特注のインクジェットの変換機械への統合


  • eコマース体験
  • 小売の変化
  • B2BとB2C
  • 印刷場所を変えて顧客に近づく


  • 軟包装
  • 段ボール箱、スリーブ
  • 保護メーラー
  • 保護包装


  • 西欧
  • 北米
  • アジア
  • ラテンアメリカ
  • 東欧
  • 中東
  • アフリカ
  • オーストラリア


  • 規制の発展
    • 地方、国、地域
  • 持続可能性/循環経済
  • 小売の発展
  • 自動化技術
  • 補完技術の開発
  • サプライチェーンの発展

Digital print for e-commerce is seeing impressive growth and part of this comes from the growing overall market, but one of the key drivers for digital print growth is in boosting the sustainability credentials of packaging where digital print helps to deliver the goods. Digital print markets will develop inside the broader print market, which is shifting towards an increasingly digitalised world. Print markets depend on end-user preferences that are subject to the wider economic situation as well as specific trends and drivers.

  • In 2023, the value of digitally printed e-commerce packaging will be over $2.5 billion as a result of explosive growth across the world
  • Volume of print is forecast to grow year-on-year at 8.0% to 2028
  • Digital printed packaging will grow at a faster rate than the overall e-commerce packaging market.

A fast-growing area is the capability to print on the inside of a box to improve the unboxing experience. Brands and retailers are looking to develop the functions of packaging to increase consumer engagement, while providing useful cross- and up-selling opportunities.

Customer-facing digital print is enabling logistics operations to improve as parcel volumes grow. This is stimulating investment in high-quality pack printing of machine-readable codes to streamline delivery, and allow for faster fulfilment and premiumisation of e-commerce orders. The great bulk of this printed packaging is inkjet, with a range of equipment being used to print corrugated boxes and protective packs, plastic films, paper bags, rigid and protective mailers.

Our exclusive content

  • Smaller e-commerce brands are increasingly taking market share from brick and mortar stores; in response the retail giants are investing in their own online options
  • Fast food delivery and technology developments, such as the Metaverse, will provide major opportunities, with Chinese retailers showing the power of shared retail
  • As single pass inkjet printing systems become established, they are capable of printing large volumes in a short time, fitting the requirements of retail.

What will you discover?

This market is seeing impressive growth and part of this comes from the growing overall market, but one of the key drivers for digital print growth is in boosting the sustainability credentials of packaging where digital print helps to deliver the goods. Digital print markets will develop inside the broader print market, which is shifting towards an increasingly digitalised world. Print markets depend on end-user preferences that are subject to the wider economic situation as well as specific trends and drivers.

The Smithers methodology

This report is based on extensive primary and secondary research. Primary research consisted of targeted interviews with material suppliers, converters and experts drawn from key markets. This was supported by secondary research in the form of extensive literature analysis of published data, official government statistics, domestic and international trade organisation data, company websites, industry reports, trade press articles, presentations, and attendance at trade events.

Who should buy this report?

  • Printers
  • Raw material and consumables suppliers
  • Printing machinery and equipment suppliers
  • Packaging converters
  • E-commerce brand owners and retailers
  • Industry consultants and analysts

About the author

Sean Smyth has spent more than 25 years in senior technology and management positions for print businesses across the supply chain. Sean has extensive experience in digital printing. In his time with Smithers, Sean has authored many off-the-shelf market studies and has provided strategic consultancy services to a range of clients across the value chain.

Table of Contents

Executive summary

Introduction and methodology

  • Introduction
  • Methodology
  • Scope & definitions
    • Electrophotography
    • Inkjet
  • Definitions e-commerce packaging
  • Exchange rates

Key drivers and trends

  • Introduction
  • The developing functions of e-commerce packaging
  • Drivers for e-commerce
  • Drivers and trends leading to inkjet printing growth
    • Changing retail environment
    • Legislation
    • Economic advantages
    • Sustainability
    • Flexibility
    • Digital capability
    • New routes to market
    • New manufacturing methods
    • Retail supply chain changes
  • Actions of key retailers
  • Barriers to adoption of digital

Technological landscape

  • Electrophotography
  • Inkjet
    • Printheads
    • Inkjet inks
    • Turnkey single pass inkjet technology
      • Corrugated presses
    • Bespoke inkjet integrations into converting equipment

Changing supply chains

  • The e-commerce experience
  • Retail changes
  • B2b and B2C
  • Changing location of printing to get closer to the customer

Digital print for e-commerce packaging by packaging type

  • Flexible packaging
    • Plastic film and wrap
    • Paper bags and wrap
  • Corrugated boxes and sleeves
  • Protective mailers
  • Protective packaging

Regional markets for digital print for e-commerce packaging

  • Western Europe
  • North America
  • Asia
  • Latin America
  • Eastern Europe
  • Middle East
  • Africa
  • Australasia

Opportunities and future outlook

  • Regulatory development
    • Local, national and regional
  • Sustainability / Circular economy
  • Developments in retail
  • Automation technologies
    • Right size pack making - eliminating waste, eliminating the void
  • Complementary technology developments
    • Smart packaging
  • Developing supply chains
    • B2C and B2B developments

Tables and figures

  • Global digitally printed e-commerce packaging markets 2018 ($million constant 2021 values, A4 million prints or equivalent)
  • Exchange rates used in this study (=$1US, 2020 value)
  • Annual "Singles Day" e-commerce sales ($ billion)
  • Drivers for the adoption of inkjet print e-Commerce packaging in 2022
  • Barriers to the adoption of inkjet printing in 2022
  • Timeline in technology developments for digital e-commerce packaging to 2028
  • Drivers of e-commerce supply chain changes to 2028
  • Regional digital flexible e-commerce packaging market 2018-2028 ($ million constant 2021 values and million A4 prints)
  • Categories of digital flexible e-commerce packaging 2018-2028 ($ million constant 2021 values and million A4 prints)
  • Regional digital plastic flexible e-commerce packaging market 2018- 2028 ($ million constant 2021 values and million A4 prints)
  • Regional digital paper flexible e-commerce packaging market 2018- 2028 ($ million constant 2021 values and million A4 prints)
  • Regional digital corrugated e-commerce packaging market 2018- 2028 ($ million constant
  • 2021 values and million A4 prints)
  • Regional digital protective mailer e-commerce packaging market 2018- 2028 ($ million constant 2021 values and million A4 prints)
  • Regional digital protective e-commerce packaging market 2018-2028 ($ million constant 2021 values and million A4 prints)
  • West European e-commerce market 2018-2028 ($ million constant 2021 values and million A4 prints)
  • West European digital e-commerce market 2018-2028 ($ million constant 2021 values and million A4 prints)
  • North American e-commerce market 2018-2028 ($ million constant 2021 values and million A4 prints)
  • North American digital e-commerce market 2018-2028 ($ million constant 2021 values and million A4 prints)
  • Asian e-commerce market 2018-2028 ($ million constant 2021 values and million A4 prints)
  • Asian digital e-commerce market 2018-2028 ($ million constant 2021 values and million A4 prints)
  • Latin American e-commerce market 2018-2028 ($ million constant 2021 values and million A4 prints)
  • Latin American digital e-commerce market 2018-2028 ($ million constant 2021 values and million A4 prints)
  • East European e-commerce market 2018-2028 ($ million constant 2021 values and million A4 prints)
  • Esst European digital e-commerce market 2018-2028 ($ million constant 2021 values and million A4 prints)
  • Middle Eastern e-commerce market 2018-2028 ($ million constant 2021 values and million A4 prints)
  • Middle Eastern digital e-commerce market 2018-2028 ($ million constant 2021 values and million A4 prints)
  • African e-commerce market 2018- 2028 ($ million constant 2021 values and million A4 prints)
  • African digital e-commerce market 2018-2028 ($ million constant 2021 values and million A4 prints)
  • Australasian e-commerce market 2018-2028 ($ million constant 2021 values and million A4 prints)
  • Australasian digital e-commerce market 2018-2028 ($ million constant 2021 values and million A4 prints)
  • Future developments impacting digital e-commerce packaging