
マイクロモビリティフリート向けバッテリー交換の世界市場 - 電動バイク、電動スクーター、バッテリー交換ステーション、マイクロモビリティ向けサービスとしてのバッテリー、マイクロモビリティ向けバッテリー交換ステーション:市場分析と予測(2024年~2033年)

Battery Swapping for Micromobility Fleets - Electric Bikes, Electric Scooters, Battery Swapping Stations, Battery as a Service for Micromobility, Micromobility Battery Swapping Stations: Global Market Analysis and Forecasts, 2024-2033

出版日: | 発行: Guidehouse Insights | ページ情報: 英文 43 Pages; 43 Tables, Charts & Figures | 納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
マイクロモビリティフリート向けバッテリー交換の世界市場 - 電動バイク、電動スクーター、バッテリー交換ステーション、マイクロモビリティ向けサービスとしてのバッテリー、マイクロモビリティ向けバッテリー交換ステーション:市場分析と予測(2024年~2033年)
出版日: 2024年05月08日
発行: Guidehouse Insights
ページ情報: 英文 43 Pages; 43 Tables, Charts & Figures
納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次


マイクロモビリティ向けバッテリー交換は、フリート運用コストの削減、ユーザーの充電体験の向上、環境上の恩恵を約束します。バッテリー交換は複数の課題に直面していますが、バッテリー交換プログラムで使用されるフリート向けマイクロモビリティ車両、バッテリー交換ステーションの設置数、BaaS(Battery as a Service、サービスとしてのバッテリー)ビジネスモデルを通じて得られる収益は堅調な成長が予測されます。技術の進歩とコスト効率化により、マイクロモビリティフリート向けBaaSの収益成長と普及が進む見込みです。



第1章 エグゼクティブサマリー

  • イントロダクション
  • 市場のハイライト

第2章 市場の問題

  • 促進要因
    • 運用効率
    • 電動マイクロモビリティフリートの拡大
    • 持続可能性
  • 障壁
    • バッテリーの標準化
    • インフラコスト
    • 安全性と合法性

第3章 産業バリューチェーン

  • マイクロモビリティ向けバッテリー交換のバリューチェーン
    • バッテリーメーカー
    • 自動車OEM
    • バッテリー交換プロバイダー
    • マイクロモビリティフリート事業者
    • エンドユーザー
    • リサイクル、リユース
  • 競合情勢
    • バッテリー交換プロバイダー
    • マイクロモビリティ事業者
    • 車両OEM
  • ビジネスモデルの進化
    • ペイパースワップ
    • BaaS

第4章 市場予測

  • 範囲と調査手法
  • フリートマイクロモビリティ車両の売上台数
  • フリートマイクロモビリティ車両の稼働台数
  • BaaS向けマイクロモビリティ車両の展開
  • BaaS向けバッテリーとBSS

第5章 結論と推奨

  • 3つの大きなポイント
  • 推奨
    • バッテリーメーカー
    • バッテリー交換プロバイダー
    • マイクロモビリティフリート事業者

第6章 頭字語と略語のリスト

第7章 目次

第8章 図表

第9章 調査範囲

第10章 情報源、調査手法、注釈


List of Tables

  • Fleet e-Bike Unit Sales by Region, World Markets: 2024-2033
  • Fleet e-Kick Scooter Unit Sales by Region, World Markets: 2024-2033
  • Fleet Seated e-Scooter Unit Sales by Region, World Markets: 2024-2033
  • Fleet Micromobility Vehicle Unit Sales by Region, World Markets: 2024-2033
  • Fleet Micromobility Vehicle Unit Sales by Region, World Markets Excluding Asia Pacific: 2024-2033
  • Fleet Micromobility Vehicle Unit Sales by Technology, World Markets: 2024-2033
  • Installed Base of Fleet Micromobility Vehicles by Region, World Markets: 2024-2033
  • Installed Base of Fleet Micromobility Vehicles by Region, World Markets Excluding Asia Pacific: 2024-2033
  • Installed Base of Fleet Micromobility Vehicles by Technology, World Markets: 2024-2033
  • Installed Base of Fleet e-Bikes by Region, World Markets: 2024-2033
  • Installed Base of Fleet e-Kick Scooters by Region, World Markets: 2024-2033
  • Installed Base of Fleet Seated e-Scooters by Region, World Markets: 2024-2033
  • e-bike Deployments for BaaS by Region, World Markets: 2024-2033
  • e-kick Scooter Deployments for BaaS by Region, World Markets: 2024-2033
  • Seated e-Scooter Deployments for BaaS by Region, World Markets: 2024-2033
  • Micromobility Vehicle Deployments for BaaS by Region, World Markets: 2024-2033
  • Micromobility Vehicle Deployments for BaaS by Region, World Markets Excluding Asia Pacific: 2024-2033
  • Micromobility Vehicle Deployments for BaaS by Technology, World Markets: 2024-2033
  • Micromobility Batteries in Use for BaaS by Region, World Markets: 2024-2033
  • Micromobility Batteries in Use for BaaS by Region, World Markets Excluding Asia Pacific: 2024-2033
  • Installed Base of Micromobility Battery Swap Stations by Region, World Markets: 2024-2033
  • Installed Base of Micromobility Battery Swap Stations by Region, World Markets Excluding Asia Pacific: 2024-2033
  • Annual Revenue from BaaS for Micromobility by Region, World Markets: 2024-2033
  • Annual Revenue from BaaS for Micromobility by Region, World Markets Excluding Asia Pacific: 2024-2033

List of Figures

  • Annual Revenue from BaaS for Micromobility by Region, World Markets: 2024-2033
  • Fleet Micromobility Vehicle Unit Sales by Region, World Markets: 2024-2033

Fleet Micromobility Vehicle Unit Sales by Region, World Markets Excluding Asia Pacific: 2024-2033"

  • Fleet Micromobility Vehicle Unit Sales by Technology, World Markets: 2024-2033
  • Installed Base of Fleet Micromobility Vehicles by Region, World Markets: 2024-2033

Installed Base of Fleet Micromobility Vehicles by Region, World Markets Excluding Asia Pacific: 2024-2033"

  • Installed Base of Fleet Micromobility Vehicles by Technology, World Markets: 2024-2033
  • Micromobility Vehicle Deployments for BaaS by Region, World Markets: 2024-2033

Micromobility Vehicle Deployments for BaaS by Region, World Markets Excluding Asia Pacific: 2024-2033"

  • Micromobility Vehicle Deployments for BaaS by Technology, World Markets: 2024-2033
  • Micromobility Batteries in Use for BaaS by Region, World Markets: 2024-2033

Micromobility Batteries in Use for BaaS by Region, World Markets Excluding Asia Pacific: 2024-2033"

  • Installed Base of Micromobility Battery Swap Stations by Region, World Markets: 2024-2033
  • Installed Base of Micromobility Battery Swap Stations by Region, World Markets Excluding Asia Pacific: 2024-2033

Annual Revenue from BaaS for Micromobility by Region, World Markets Excluding Asia Pacific: 2024-2033"

  • Fleet e-Bike Unit Sales by Region, World Markets: 2024-2033
  • Fleet e-Kick Scooter Unit Sales by Region, World Markets: 2024-2033
  • Fleet Seated e-Scooter Unit Sales by Region, World Markets: 2024-2033

Battery Swapping Value Chain

Product Code: MF-BWMF-24

Battery swapping is an emerging technology with potential to provide important benefits and stimulate the continued growth of electric micromobility. With their advantages of sustainable, low cost and efficient urban transportation, micromobility fleets have experienced rapid global growth over the past decade. Vehicle batteries can be exchanged in a matter of minutes at a conveniently located battery swapping station (BSS). This drastically reduces the logistical efforts and operational costs for charging at a conventional charging hub, and reduces vehicle downtime, thus maximizing revenue generation. Further, battery swapping brings sustainability advantages as a result of fewer logistical efforts required for charging, and from grid benefits when they are used as energy storage systems and integrated with renewable energy sources.

Battery swapping for micromobility promises to reduce fleet operating costs, providing an improved charging experience for its users and delivering environmental benefits. Though battery swapping faces multiple challenges, Guidehouse Insights forecasts solid growth in fleet micromobility vehicles used in battery swapping programs, the installations of battery swapping stations, and revenue generated through the battery as a service business model. Technology advances and cost efficiencies will drive revenue growth and increase penetration of battery as a service (BaaS) for micromobility fleets.

This Guidehouse Insights research report examines the global market for battery swapping for micromobility fleets. Forecasts include unit sales of fleet micromobility vehicles (e-bikes, e-kick scooters and seated e-scooters), installed bases of fleet micromobility vehicles, deployments of fleet micromobility vehicles for BaaS, and deployments of batteries and BSS for BaaS, for the 10-year forecast period of 2024-2033.

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

  • 1.1 Introduction
  • 1.2 Market Highlights

2. Market Issues

  • 2.1 Drivers
    • 2.1.1 Operational Efficiencies
      • BSS Advantages
      • Improved Fire Risk Management
    • 2.1.2 Growth of Electric Micromobility Fleets
    • 2.1.3 Sustainability
  • 2.2 Barriers
    • 2.2.1 Battery Standardization
    • 2.2.2 Infrastructure Costs
    • 2.2.3 Safety and Legality

3. Industry Value Chain

  • 3.1 Battery Swapping for Micromobility Value Chain
    • 3.1.1 Battery Manufacturers
    • 3.1.2 Vehicle OEMs
    • 3.1.3 Battery Swapping Providers
    • 3.1.4 Micromobility Fleet Operators
    • 3.1.5 End Users
    • 3.1.6 Recycling and Re-Use
  • 3.2 Competitive Landscape
    • 3.2.1 Battery Swapping Providers
    • 3.2.2 Micromobility Operators3.2.3 Vehicle OEMs
  • 3.3 Business Model Evolution
    • 3.3.1 Pay-per-Swap
    • 3.3.2 BaaS

4. Market Forecasts

  • 4.1 Scope and Methodology
  • 4.2 Fleet Micromobility Vehicle Unit Sales
  • 4.3 Installed Base of Fleet Micromobility Vehicles
  • 4.4 Micromobility Vehicle Deployments for BaaS
  • 4.5 Batteries and BSSs for BaaS

5. Conclusions and Recommendations

  • 5.1 Three Big Takeaways
  • 5.2 Recommendations
    • 5.2.1 Battery Manufacturers
      • Ensure Batteries Are Optimized for Swapping for Micromobility Applications
      • Collaborate with Stakeholders to Meet Customer Requirements
      • Work Toward Standardization
      • Develop BMS
      • Develop Batteries with Second-Life Strategies in Mind
    • 5.2.2 Battery Swapping Providers
      • Provide Competitive Pricing Models
      • Provide a Reliable Battery Swapping Service
      • Optimize the User Experience
      • Provide Options for Renewable Energy Integration
    • 5.2.3 Micromobility Fleet Operators
      • Engage with Battery Swapping Providers
      • Assess Fleet Needs
      • Trial Battery Swapping Operations

6. Acronym and Abbreviation List

7. Table of Contents

8. Table of Charts and Figures

9. Scope of Study

10. Sources, Methodology & Notes