

All-terrain Vehicle Market Assessment, By Drive Type, By Application, By Number of Wheels, By Seating Capacity, By Engine Capacity, By Fuel, By Region, Opportunities and Forecast, 2017-2031F

出版日: | 発行: Market Xcel - Markets and Data | ページ情報: 英文 228 Pages | 納期: 3~5営業日

● お客様のご希望に応じて、既存データの加工や未掲載情報(例:国別セグメント)の追加などの対応が可能です。  詳細はお問い合わせください。

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
出版日: 2024年04月09日
発行: Market Xcel - Markets and Data
ページ情報: 英文 228 Pages
納期: 3~5営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次

世界の全地形対応車(ATV)の市場規模は、2023年の40億1,000万米ドルから2031年に59億9,000万米ドルに達し、2024年~2031年の予測期間にCAGRで5.13%の成長が見込まれます。ATVは従来、スリルを求めたオフロード体験やアドベンチャースポーツ向けに厳密に設計されていました。しかし、徐々にスポーツ、農業、ロジスティクスなどの産業全体で使用されるようになっています。さらに、これらの自動車の需要は、トラックや道路にアクセスできない遠隔地で増加しています。John DeereやCaterpillarといったブランドは、ATVで農業を変革し、エンドユーザーが作物の追跡、灌漑管理、肥料や化学品の散布を簡単に行えるようにするため、こうした機械を継続的に生産してきました。ネットワーク接続性、推進力のシフト、モーター効率に関するATV技術の急速な変革が、今後のATVを形成する可能性が高いです。


例えば2024年1月、インド陸軍は全地形対応車(ATV)を保有車両に加えました。これらのATVはインド陸軍の南部司令部に加えられ、Konkurs対戦車誘導ミサイル(ATGM)システムを装備しています。インド陸軍が採用したATVはCat Alterra TBX 700で、軽量化されており、岩場や孤立した地域での走行が可能です。


ATVは、アドベンチャースポーツ、軍事活動、農業などのさまざまな業界でプレゼンスを持っています。したがって、これらの部門の成長と変革は市場成長に直接影響します。電動化が未来の自動車の一大要素である一方で、ATVもまた、電気推進や自動運転、先進のマッピングといったその他の未来技術によって再定義されています。車輪数、座席、推進力を考慮したさまざまなATVがあるため、エンドユーザーはさまざまな選択肢から選ぶことができます。さらに、砂漠でのサファリプログラムや、より高い性能と航続距離を持つATVも、市場成長に寄与しています。Quad Bikesとしても知られる四輪のATVは、レース、サファリ、探検活動に向けたアドベンチャースポーツの支持者によって広く採用されています。

2023年5月、Hondaのサイドバイサイドレーシングプログラムは、新しいサテライト業務であるTeam Raceco Hondaの立ち上げによって拡大されます。Team Raceco Hondaは、米国の主要ショートコースシリーズであるChampionship Off-Road Series(Champ)でTalon 1000Rのキャンペーンを行います。



例えば、2023年8月、ウクライナの軍隊は前線での医療搬送に向けHIMKAS電動ATVを採用しました。5台のHIMKAS(正式名称はEvacuation Quadricycle)は、戦場から負傷者を避難させるために運用が開始されました。Emobiliのエンジニアは、Crafter Ranger ATVを改造し、後部タイヤの上にある荷物用プラットフォームを再使用することで、プラスチック担架のスペースを確保しました。



第1章 調査手法

第2章 プロジェクトの範囲と定義

第3章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第4章 顧客の声

  • エンジン出力
  • 地形対応力
  • 耐久性と品質
  • 安全機能
  • 快適性とエルゴノミクス
  • 牽引能力
  • メンテナンス要件

第5章 世界の全地形対応車(ATV)市場の見通し(2017年~2031年)

  • 市場規模と予測
    • 金額
    • 数量
  • 駆動タイプ別
    • 全輪駆動
  • 用途別
    • スポーツ
    • 農業
    • 軍事・防衛
    • その他
  • 車輪数別
    • 四輪
    • 四輪超
  • 座席数別
    • 1席
    • 2席
    • その他
  • エンジン排気量別
    • 400cc未満
    • 800cc超
  • 燃料別
    • ガソリン
    • 電気
  • 地域別
    • 北米
    • 欧州
    • アジア太平洋
    • 南米
    • 中東・アフリカ
  • 市場シェア:企業別(2023年)

第6章 世界の全地形対応車(ATV)市場の見通し:地域別(2017年~2031年)

  • 北米
    • 市場規模と予測
    • 駆動タイプ別
    • 用途別
    • 車輪数別
    • 座席数別
    • エンジン排気量別
    • 燃料別
    • 米国
    • カナダ
    • メキシコ
  • 欧州
    • ドイツ
    • フランス
    • イタリア
    • 英国
    • ロシア
    • オランダ
    • スペイン
    • トルコ
    • ポーランド
  • アジア太平洋
    • インド
    • 中国
    • 日本
    • オーストラリア
    • ベトナム
    • 韓国
    • インドネシア
    • フィリピン
  • 南米
    • ブラジル
    • アルゼンチン
  • 中東・アフリカ
    • サウジアラビア
    • アラブ首長国連邦
    • 南アフリカ

第7章 市場マッピング(2023年)

  • 駆動タイプ別
  • 用途別
  • 車輪数別
  • 座席数別
  • エンジン排気量別
  • 燃料別
  • 地域別

第8章 マクロ環境と産業構造

  • 需給分析
  • 輸入輸出分析
  • バリューチェーン分析
  • PESTEL分析
  • ポーターのファイブフォース分析

第9章 市場力学

  • 成長促進要因
  • 成長抑制要因(課題、抑制要因)

第10章 主要企業の情勢

  • マーケットリーダー上位5社の競合マトリクス
  • マーケットリーダー上位5社の市場収益分析(2023年)
  • 合併と買収/合弁事業(該当する場合)
  • SWOT分析(市場企業5社)
  • 特許分析(該当する場合)

第11章 ケーススタディ

第12章 価格分析

第13章 主要企業の見通し

  • Polaris Inc.
  • Yamaha Motor Corporation
  • Honda Motor Co.
  • Suzuki Motor Corporation
  • Textron Aviation Inc.
  • Kawasaki Heavy Industries
  • Linhai Powersports USA Corporation
  • Kwang Tang Motor Co. Ltd. (Kymco)
  • BRP Inc.

第14章 戦略的推奨

第15章 お問い合わせ、免責事項


List of Tables

  • Table 1. Pricing Analysis of Products from Key Players
  • Table 2. Competition Matrix of Top 5 Market Leaders
  • Table 3. Mergers & Acquisitions/ Joint Ventures (If Applicable)
  • Table 4. About Us - Regions and Countries Where We Have Executed Client Projects

List of Figures

  • Figure 1.Global All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 2.Global All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Volume, In Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 3.Global All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Drive Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 4.Global All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Application, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 5.Global All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Number of Wheels, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 6.Global All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Seating Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 7.Global All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Engine Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 8.Global All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Fuel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 9.Global All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Region, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 10.North America All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 11.North America All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Volume, In Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 12.North America All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Drive Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 13.North America All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Application, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 14.North America All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Number of Wheels, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 15.North America All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Seating Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 16.North America All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Engine Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 17.North America All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Fuel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 18.North America All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Country, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 19.United States All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 20.United States All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Volume, In Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 21.United States All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Drive Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 22.United States All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Application, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 23.United States All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Number of Wheels, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 24.United States All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Seating Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 25.United States All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Engine Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 26.United States All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Fuel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 27.Canada All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 28.Canada All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Volume, In Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 29.Canada All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Drive Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 30.Canada All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Application, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 31.Canada All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Number of Wheels, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 32.Canada All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Seating Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 33.Canada All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Engine Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 34.Canada All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Fuel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 35.Mexico All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 36.Mexico All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Volume, In Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 37.Mexico All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Drive Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 38.Mexico All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Application, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 39.Mexico All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Number of Wheels, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 40.Mexico All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Seating Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 41.Mexico All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Engine Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 42.Mexico All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Fuel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 43.Europe All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 44.Europe All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Volume, In Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 45.Europe All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Drive Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 46.Europe All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Application, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 47.Europe All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Number of Wheels, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 48.Europe All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Seating Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 49.Europe All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Engine Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 50.Europe All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Fuel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 51.Europe All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Country, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 52.Germany All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 53.Germany All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Volume, In Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 54.Germany All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Drive Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 55.Germany All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Application, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 56.Germany All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Number of Wheels, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 57.Germany All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Seating Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 58.Germany All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Engine Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 59.Germany All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Fuel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 60.France All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 61.France All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Volume, In Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 62.France All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Drive Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 63.France All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Application, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 64.France All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Number of Wheels, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 65.France All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Seating Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 66.France All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Engine Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 67.France All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Fuel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 68.Italy All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 69.Italy All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Volume, In Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 70.Italy All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Drive Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 71.Italy All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Application, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 72.Italy All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Number of Wheels, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 73.Italy All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Seating Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 74.Italy All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Engine Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 75.Italy All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Fuel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 76.United Kingdom All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 77.United Kingdom All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Volume, In Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 78.United Kingdom All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Drive Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 79.United Kingdom All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Application, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 80.United Kingdom All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Number of Wheels, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 81.United Kingdom All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Seating Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 82.United Kingdom All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Engine Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 83.United Kingdom All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Fuel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 84.Russia All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 85.Russia All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Volume, In Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 86.Russia All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Drive Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 87.Russia All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Application, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 88.Russia All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Number of Wheels, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 89.Russia All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Seating Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 90.Russia All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Engine Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 91.
  • Figure 92.Russia All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Fuel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 93.Netherlands All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 94.Netherlands All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Volume, In Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 95.Netherlands All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Drive Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 96.Netherlands All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Application, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 97.Netherlands All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Number of Wheels, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 98.Netherlands All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Seating Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 99.Netherlands All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Engine Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 100.Netherlands All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Fuel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 101.Spain All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 102.Spain All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Volume, In Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 103.Spain All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Drive Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 104.Spain All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Application, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 105.Spain All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Number of Wheels, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 106.Spain All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Seating Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 107.Spain All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Engine Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 108.Spain All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Fuel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 109.Turkey All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 110.Turkey All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Volume, In Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 111.Turkey All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Drive Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 112.Turkey All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Application, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 113.Turkey All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Number of Wheels, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 114.Turkey All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Seating Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 115.Turkey All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Engine Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 116.Turkey All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Fuel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 117.Poland All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 118.Poland All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Volume, In Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 119.Poland All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Drive Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 120.Poland All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Application, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 121.Poland All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Number of Wheels, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 122.Poland All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Seating Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 123.Poland All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Engine Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 124.Poland All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Fuel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 125.South America All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 126.South America All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Volume, In Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 127.South America All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Drive Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 128.South America All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Application, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 129.South America All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Number of Wheels, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 130.South America All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Seating Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 131.South America All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Engine Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 132.South America All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Fuel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 133.South America All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Country, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 134.Brazil All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 135.Brazil All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Volume, In Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 136.Brazil All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Drive Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 137.Brazil All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Application, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 138.Brazil All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Number of Wheels, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 139.Brazil All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Seating Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 140.Brazil All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Engine Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 141.Brazil All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Fuel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 142.Argentina All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 143.Argentina All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Volume, In Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 144.Argentina All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Drive Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 145.Argentina All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Application, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 146.Argentina All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Number of Wheels, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 147.Argentina All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Seating Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 148.Argentina All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Engine Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 149.Argentina All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Fuel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 150.Asia-Pacific All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 151.Asia-Pacific All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Volume, In Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 152.Asia-Pacific All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Drive Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 153.Asia-Pacific All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Application, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 154.Asia-Pacific All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Number of Wheels, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 155.Asia-Pacific All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Seating Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 156.Asia-Pacific All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Engine Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 157.Asia-Pacific All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Fuel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 158.Asia-Pacific All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Country, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 159.India All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 160.India All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Volume, In Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 161.India All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Drive Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 162.India All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Application, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 163.India All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Number of Wheels, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 164.India All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Seating Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 165.India All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Engine Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 166.India All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Fuel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 167.China All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 168.China All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Volume, In Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 169.China All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Drive Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 170.China All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Application, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 171.China All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Number of Wheels, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 172.China All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Seating Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 173.China All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Engine Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 174.China All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Fuel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 175.Japan All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 176.Japan All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Volume, In Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 177.Japan All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Drive Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 178.Japan All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Application, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 179.Japan All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Number of Wheels, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 180.Japan All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Seating Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 181.Japan All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Engine Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 182.Japan All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Fuel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 183.Australia All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 184.Australia All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Volume, In Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 185.Australia All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Drive Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 186.Australia All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Application, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 187.Australia All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Number of Wheels, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 188.Australia All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Seating Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 189.Australia All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Engine Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 190.Australia All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Fuel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 191.Vietnam All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 192.Vietnam All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Volume, In Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 193.Vietnam All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Drive Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 194.Vietnam All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Application, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 195.Vietnam All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Number of Wheels, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 196.Vietnam All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Seating Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 197.Vietnam All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Engine Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 198.Vietnam All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Fuel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 199.South Korea All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 200.South Korea All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Volume, In Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 201.South Korea All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Drive Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 202.South Korea All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Application, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 203.South Korea All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Number of Wheels, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 204.South Korea All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Seating Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 205.South Korea All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Engine Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 206.South Korea All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Fuel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 207.Indonesia All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 208.Indonesia All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Volume, In Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 209.Indonesia All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Drive Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 210.Indonesia All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Application, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 211.Indonesia All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Number of Wheels, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 212.Indonesia All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Seating Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 213.Indonesia All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Engine Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 214.Indonesia All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Fuel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 215.Philippines All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 216.Philippines All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Volume, In Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 217.Philippines All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Drive Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 218.Philippines All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Application, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 219.Philippines All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Number of Wheels, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 220.Philippines All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Seating Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 221.Philippines All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Engine Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 222.Philippines All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Fuel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 223.Middle East & Africa All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 224.Middle East & Africa All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Volume, In Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 225.Middle East & Africa All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Drive Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 226.Middle East & Africa All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Application, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 227.Middle East & Africa All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Number of Wheels, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 228.Middle East & Africa All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Seating Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 229.Middle East & Africa All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Engine Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 230.Middle East & Africa All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Fuel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 231.Middle East & Africa All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Country, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 232.Saudi Arabia All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 233.Saudi Arabia All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Volume, In Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 234.Saudi Arabia All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Drive Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 235.Saudi Arabia All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Application, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 236.Saudi Arabia All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Number of Wheels, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 237.Saudi Arabia All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Seating Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 238.Saudi Arabia All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Engine Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 239.Saudi Arabia All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Fuel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 240.UAE All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 241.UAE All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Volume, In Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 242.UAE All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Drive Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 243.UAE All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Application, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 244.UAE All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Number of Wheels, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 245.UAE All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Seating Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 246.UAE All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Engine Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 247.UAE All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Fuel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 248.South Africa All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 249.South Africa All-terrain Vehicle Market, By Volume, In Units, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 250.South Africa All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Drive Type, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 251.South Africa All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Application, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 252.South Africa All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Number of Wheels, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 253.South Africa All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Seating Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 254.South Africa All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Engine Capacity, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 255.South Africa All-terrain Vehicle Market Share (%), By Fuel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 256.By Drive Type Map-Market Size (USD Billion) & Growth Rate (%), 2023
  • Figure 257.By Application Map-Market Size (USD Billion) & Growth Rate (%), 2023
  • Figure 258.By Number of Wheels Map-Market Size (USD Billion) & Growth Rate (%), 2023
  • Figure 259.By Seating Capacity Map-Market Size (USD Billion) & Growth Rate (%), 2023
  • Figure 260.By Engine Capacity Map-Market Size (USD Billion) & Growth Rate (%), 2023
  • Figure 261.By Fuel Map-Market Size (USD Billion) & Growth Rate (%), 2023
  • Figure 262.By Region Map-Market Size (USD Billion) & Growth Rate (%), 2023
Product Code: MX11232

All-terrain vehicle market is projected to witness a CAGR of 5.13% during the forecast period 2024-2031, growing from USD 4.01 billion in 2023 to USD 5.99 billion in 2031. ATVs were earlier designed strictly for the off-roading experience for thrill and adventure sports. However, they are gradually being used across industries such as sports, agriculture, and logistics. Furthermore, the demand for these automobiles has increased in remote areas that have inaccessible tracks and roads. Brands such as John Deere and Caterpillar have continuously produced machines like these to transform agriculture with ATVs, making it easy for end-users to track crops, irrigation management, and application of fertilizers and chemicals. The rapid transformation in ATV technology concerning network connectivity, propulsion shift, and motor efficiency is likely to shape the upcoming ATVs.

The market trends involve diversification, accessibility, and state support for these vehicles. For instance, new government projects like the setup of environmental parks or natural reserves promote the usage of machines that can move through hilly, muddy, and inaccessible terrains. The advent of electric ATVs is anticipated to be adopted due to a zero-emission, cleaner environment. Integration of features such as GPS, autonomous driving controls, and terrain mapping is helping the defense application of ATVs.

For instance, in January 2024, the Indian Army added all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) to their fleet. These ATVs are added to the southern command of the Indian army and are equipped with Konkurs anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) systems. The ATVs adopted by the Indian army are Cat Alterra TBX 700 with reduced weight and the capability of hiking in rocky and isolated areas.

Application Across Industries and Electrification to Fuel Market Expansion

ATVs hold their presence in multiple operations across verticals including adventure sports, military operations, and agriculture. Hence, the growth and transformation of these sectors directly impact the market growth. While electrification has been a major element of future automobiles, ATVs have also been redefined with electric propulsion and other future technologies such as autonomous driving and advanced mapping. With a range of different ATVs considering the number of wheels, seats, and propulsion, the end-users get different options to choose from. Furthermore, desert safari programs and ATVs with higher performance and range are also thriving in the market growth. Also known as Quad Bikes, ATVs with four wheels are being highly adopted by adventure sports supporters for racing, safari, and exploration activities.

In May 2023, Honda's side-by-side racing program is expanded with the launch of Team Raceco Honda, a new satellite operation. It will campaign the Talon 1000R in the Championship Off-Road Series (commonly known as "Champ"), the top short-course series in the United States.

Military Presence in Isolated Areas to Escalate the Adoption of All-Terrain Vehicles

The military also adopts fast-mobility all-terrain vehicles that are technically advanced. The advanced military units that function in isolated mountain peaks, muddy islands, and deserts utilize ATVs for patrolling and operations. The company's focus is on designing the new ATVs according to military operations. The governments set up military technology spaces with extensive research and development. Mobility is crucial for military ATVs, and because of their features and capacity to operate in all weather conditions, ATVs are the most preferred choice for low-intensity confrontations.

For instance, in August 2023, Ukrainian troops adopted HIMKAS electric ATV for frontline medical evacuations. Five HIMKAS, formally known as Evacuation Quadricycle, have been made operational to evacuate wounded individuals from the war. The Emobili engineers have taken the Crafter Ranger ATV and modified it by reusing the baggage platform above the rear tire pair to make room for plastic stretchers.

Government Policies and EV Adoption to Fuel Market Growth

The government's safety standards and policies also impact the implementation and adoption of all-terrain vehicles. Favorable government policies, regulations, and incentives promote the adoption of electric ATVs through subsidies on renewable energy projects. For instance, in June 2023, the National Association of Agricultural Contractors (NAAC) of the United Kingdom launched a social media campaign to increase awareness of wearing a helmet while operating an ATV. Farmers were being encouraged to post pictures of themselves wearing helmets on their accounts using the hashtag #wearitandshareit. The initiative was started after several deadly incidents caused by safety infractions.

Some of the government safety compliances push manufacturers to adjust to the standards and relaunch the vehicles for the end-users if required. For instance, in November 2023, Tesla with the partnership of Tesla Design Studio and toy maker Radio Flyer relaunched its Cyberquad for kids by skirting ATV laws. The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recalled the original version. The CPSC stated that the Cyberquad was not a ride-on toy intended for children.

Increased Power Supply and Higher Control to Fuel the Segmental Growth

Based on drive, the 4-wheel drive (4WD) segment holds a decent share of the market because of its equal power distribution and better control. The higher wheel control is crucial for an ATV operating in rocky terrain. High-end military operations also demand precision and control. The 4WD becomes crucial while operating on a slippery slope or uphill. ATVs with 4WD hold superior capabilities including advanced pulling power, making them a preferable option for agricultural operations. These functions involve livestock inspection, application of fertilizers, dirt moving, timber marking, and other transportation functions. 4WD ATVs help farmers navigate these complex challenges on any terrain. Furthermore, companies launch their 4WD ATV with advanced suspension and stabilizing systems to provide better support and control.

In May 2023, Polaris Industries Inc. launched its 4WD ATV named RZR R 4 Ultimate. The vehicle is powered by a 2.0-liter, 4-cylinder petrol engine that produces 222 horsepower. With a payload capacity of 336 kg and a ground clearance of 406 mm, the vehicle has a unique dual A-arm front suspension with 686 mm of travel and a three-piece stabilizer bar. It has a three-piece stabilizer bar with 737 mm of travel, high-clearance radius rods, and a boxed trailing arm with a toe link at the back. It has disc brakes in all the corners.

North America Region Leads in the Global All-terrain Vehicle Market

The rocky landscape, flourishing adventure sports, and advanced military capabilities make North America a leading region for ATV adoption. The region has many off-road terrain trails and parks, including River Valley Motocross, Rocky Ridge Ranch, and Northwest Off-Highway Vehicle Park. These places boost the local economy by drawing large numbers of tourists. Furthermore, the advanced agricultural and military operations in the United States and Canada are anticipated to fuel the market growth during the forecast period. The new electric ATVs launched in the region are also expected to flourish the market growth in the region. The increased number of companies manufacturing ATVs for different sectors is likely to fuel market growth.

For instance, in April 2023, Powerland launched its electric ATV named Tachyon for the European Union and United States. The ATV is manufactured in India. The vehicle produces a maximum combined power of 50 horsepower (37 kW). The greatest torque that the electric tractor can produce per wheel is 210 Nm. The Tachyon electric ATV may not have a gearbox, differential, CV joints, or transmission due to the in-wheel motor's design. Powerland anticipates that the ATV's superior power delivery and low maintenance needs will more than make up for the extra mass on the wheels.

Future Market Scenario (2024-2031F)

Increased adventure sports activities along with higher military adoption are expected to expand the global all-terrain vehicle market size.

New ATVs with advanced features including route mapping, enhanced navigation systems, and 4WD are likely to fuel market growth during the forecast period.

The growing applications including agriculture and sports activities are expected to increase the sales of ATVs globally.

Government promoting new electric ATVs with smoother and noiseless operations through subsidies and incentives are projected to fuel the market growth.

Key Players Landscape and Outlook

The all-terrain vehicle market comprises major automotive players and ATV manufacturers. The players focus on the durability, suspension, power control, and capabilities of this vehicle. The adoption of electric ATVs has also opened gates for key players. Companies work on research and development to upgrade the existing technology. Companies also strategize with collaborations, mergers, and acquisitions.

In August 2023, Honda unveiled two of its most well-known miniMOTO models, the Super Cub C125 and the Monkey, along with three new ATV models for the United States market. Honda's revised lineup now includes the FourTrax Recon, the TRX250X, and the TRX90X, in addition to the ATVs. Using the FourTrax Recon on farms and hauling obstacles on trails is especially beneficial. With a push-button shifter and an Electric Shift Program transmission, its 229cc engine provides ample power.

In July 2023, Yamaha Motor Corp., USA, introduced brand-new models and cutting-edge technology, raising the bar for Proven Off-Road 2024 Side-by-Side (SxS) and ATV vehicles. Whether navigating the most difficult terrain or setting up for legendary expeditions, Yamaha's 2024 range exemplifies its dedication to offering the best possible capability, comfort, and confidence for every off-road enthusiast.

Table of Contents

1.Research Methodology

2.Project Scope & Definitions

3.Executive Summary

4.Voice of Customer

  • 4.1.Engine Power
  • 4.2.Terrain Capability
  • 4.3.Durability and Build Quality
  • 4.4.Safety Features
  • 4.5.Comfort and Ergonomics
  • 4.6.Towing Capacity
  • 4.7.Maintenance Requirements

5.Global All-terrain Vehicle Market Outlook, 2017-2031F

  • 5.1.Market Size & Forecast
    • 5.1.1.By Value
    • 5.1.2.By Volume
  • 5.2.By Drive Type
    • 5.2.3.AWD
  • 5.3.By Application
    • 5.3.1.Sports
    • 5.3.2.Agriculture
    • 5.3.3.Military & Defense
    • 5.3.4.Others
  • 5.4.By Number of Wheels
    • 5.4.1.Four Wheel
    • 5.4.2.>Four Wheel
  • 5.5.By Seating Capacity
    • 5.5.1.One Seat
    • 5.5.2.Two Seats
    • 5.5.3.Others
  • 5.6.By Engine Capacity
    • 5.6.1.<400 CC
    • CC
    • 5.6.3.>800 CC
  • 5.7.By Fuel
    • 5.7.1.Gasoline
    • 5.7.2.Electric
  • 5.8.By Region
    • 5.8.1.North America
    • 5.8.2.Europe
    • 5.8.3.Asia-Pacific
    • 5.8.4.South America
    • 5.8.5.Middle East and Africa
  • 5.9.By Company Market Share (%), 2023

6.Global All-terrain Vehicle Market Outlook, By Region, 2017-2031F

  • 6.1.North America*
    • 6.1.1.Market Size & Forecast
      • Value
      • Volume
    • 6.1.2.By Drive Type
    • 6.1.3.By Application
      • & Defense
    • 6.1.4.By Number of Wheels
      • Wheel
      •>Four Wheel
    • 6.1.5.By Seating Capacity
      • Seat
      • Seats
    • 6.1.6.By Engine Capacity
      •<400 CC
      • CC
      •>800 CC
    • 6.1.7.By Fuel
    • 6.1.8.United States*
      • Size & Forecast
      • Value
      • Volume
      • Drive Type
      • Application
      • & Defense
      • Number of Wheels
      • Wheel
      •>Four Wheel
      • Seating Capacity
      • Seat
      • Seats
      • Engine Capacity
      •<400 CC
      • CC
      •>800 CC
      • Fuel
    • 6.1.9.Canada
    • 6.1.10.Mexico

All segments will be provided for all regions and countries covered

  • 6.2.Europe
    • 6.2.1.Germany
    • 6.2.2.France
    • 6.2.3.Italy
    • 6.2.4.United Kingdom
    • 6.2.5.Russia
    • 6.2.6.Netherlands
    • 6.2.7.Spain
    • 6.2.8.Turkey
    • 6.2.9.Poland
  • 6.3.Asia-Pacific
    • 6.3.1.India
    • 6.3.2.China
    • 6.3.3.Japan
    • 6.3.4.Australia
    • 6.3.5.Vietnam
    • 6.3.6.South Korea
    • 6.3.7.Indonesia
    • 6.3.8.Philippines
  • 6.4.South America
    • 6.4.1.Brazil
    • 6.4.2.Argentina
  • 6.5.Middle East & Africa
    • 6.5.1.Saudi Arabia
    • 6.5.2.UAE
    • 6.5.3.South Africa

7.Market Mapping, 2023

  • 7.1.By Drive Type
  • 7.2.By Application
  • 7.3.By Number of Wheels
  • 7.4.By Seating Capacity
  • 7.5.By Engine Capacity
  • 7.6.By Fuel
  • 7.7.By Region

8.Macro Environment and Industry Structure

  • 8.1.Demand Supply Analysis
  • 8.2.Import Export Analysis
  • 8.3.Value Chain Analysis
  • 8.4.PESTEL Analysis
    • 8.4.1.Political Factors
    • 8.4.2.Economic System
    • 8.4.3.Social Implications
    • 8.4.4.Technological Advancements
    • 8.4.5.Environmental Impacts
    • 8.4.6.Legal Compliances and Regulatory Policies (Statutory Bodies Included)
  • 8.5.Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 8.5.1.Supplier Power
    • 8.5.2.Buyer Power
    • 8.5.3.Substitution Threat
    • 8.5.4.Threat from New Entrants
    • 8.5.5.Competitive Rivalry

9.Market Dynamics

  • 9.1.Growth Drivers
  • 9.2.Growth Inhibitors (Challenges and Restraints)

10.Key Players Landscape

  • 10.1.Competition Matrix of Top Five Market Leaders
  • 10.2.Market Revenue Analysis of Top Five Market Leaders (in %, 2023)
  • 10.3.Mergers and Acquisitions/Joint Ventures (If Applicable)
  • 10.4.SWOT Analysis (For Five Market Players)
  • 10.5.Patent Analysis (If Applicable)

11.Case Studies

12.Pricing Analysis

13.Key Players Outlook

  • 13.1.Polaris Inc.
    • 13.1.1.Company Details
    • 13.1.2.Key Management Personnel
    • 13.1.3.Products & Services
    • 13.1.4.Financials (As reported)
    • 13.1.5.Key Market Focus & Geographical Presence
    • 13.1.6.Recent Developments
  • 13.2.Yamaha Motor Corporation
  • 13.3.Honda Motor Co.
  • 13.4.Suzuki Motor Corporation
  • 13.6.Textron Aviation Inc.
  • 13.7.Kawasaki Heavy Industries
  • 13.8.Linhai Powersports USA Corporation
  • 13.9.Kwang Tang Motor Co. Ltd. (Kymco)
  • 13.10.BRP Inc.

Companies mentioned above DO NOT hold any order as per market share and can be changed as per information available during research work.

14.Strategic Recommendations

15.About Us & Disclaimer