スマートマニュファクチャリング:市場シェア分析、産業動向・統計、成長予測(2024年~2029年)Smart Manufacturing - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029) |
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スマートマニュファクチャリング:市場シェア分析、産業動向・統計、成長予測(2024年~2029年) |
出版日: 2024年02月15日
発行: Mordor Intelligence
ページ情報: 英文 100 Pages
納期: 2~3営業日
プロセス制御とシステムへの依存と、ITおよびオペレーティングテクノロジシステムの統合により、製造会社がサイバー攻撃にさらされる機会が増えています。メーカーの制御システムは、独自のカスタマイズされたネットワークのため、長い間侵入不可能とみなされてきました。 IoTにより、機密情報が盗まれる可能性が広がりました。もともと適切なセキュリティ対策なしで構築されたこれらのデバイスの自動化とデジタル化が進むと、データセキュリティへの懸念も高まり、市場の成長が妨げられるでしょう。
さらに、インダストリー4.0への投資は世界的に増加しています。生産性の向上など、ビジネスにプラスの影響を与えるため、組織はインダストリー4.0スマートソリューションを採用し始めています。たとえば、キャップジェミニと全米ソフトウェアサービス企業協会(NASSCOM)のレポートによると、インドの製造業の意向の3分の2以上がインダストリー4.0を採用すると予想されています。 2025年までに
さらに、市場で事業を展開している企業は、競合に先んじるためにイノベーションに重点を置き、新製品を発売しています。たとえば、2023年 2月には、産業用 IoT、スマートファクトリー、オペレーショナルテクノロジー(OT)に関連する主要な未解決の課題に対処するために、プログラマブルロジックコントローラーOTACの発売を発表しました。これにより、動的な「ワンタイム認証コード」(OTAC)テクノロジを利用して一般的なICS/OTセキュリティ課題を解決することにより、PLCデバイスに特化した高度に最適化された安全性の高い認証ソリューションが提供されます。
たとえば、ステランティスNVの子会社である自動車製造会社フィアットは、2022年4月にミラフィオーリ工場に7億ユーロを投資し、協働ロボットなどの最先端技術を使って500台の電気自動車を生産する予定だった。同社は、Universal Robots A/Sの協働ロボット 11台を導入し、複雑な組立ラインの業務と品質管理を自動化することを目指しています。コボットはコンパクトで軽量で、人間と一緒に安全に作業できるように作られているため、スマートファクトリーに不可欠な要素です。
中国は市場需要のかなりの部分を生産しており、全世界最大の製造部門を持っています。さらに、工業情報技術省(MIIT)によると、COVID-19の抑制によってもたらされた生産とサプライチェーンの停滞にもかかわらず、2022年の国内の工業生産高は前年比3.6%増加しました。 MIITは、製造業の生産高は2022年に3.1%増加し、中国のGDPの28%を占めると予測しました。
中国は伝統的に世界の製造工場とみなされており、デジタル化と工業化を通じて安価な労働集約型製造から高級製造へと大きく転換しました。 GSMAによると、2025年までに中国が世界のIIoT市場の3分の1を占める可能性があります。
政府は、この地域でのIIoTの使用事例の導入において重要な役割を果たしています。 Digital IndiaやMake in Indiaなどの政府の取り組みは、インドの製造業にさらなる勢いを与えています。 IoTは、製造組織の持続可能な発展を維持するための革新的な方法を提供することで、Make in Indiaキャンペーンに多大な利益をもたらします。
さらに、インドの製薬部門は自動化において比較的進んでおり、Zydus Cedilla、Torrent Pharma、Ciplaなどのインドの大手製薬会社は、特に機械と設備が完全に統合されている分野で医薬品の製造プロセスの自動化に注力しています。設備が必要です。
さらに、インド政府は2025年までに5兆米ドルの経済成長を目指しており、そのうち製造業の価値は1兆米ドルになる可能性があります。 Make in IndiaとSkill IndiaおよびDigital Indiaなどの主力プログラムの統合が、この目標を達成するための鍵となり、それによって国の市場成長を促進する可能性があります。
2023年 5月、三菱電機株式会社は、製造オートメーションの開発をサポートするために、Clearpath Roboticsに戦略的投資を行うことを発表しました。 Clearpath Roboticsは自律移動ロボット(AMR)の開発と販売を専門としています。同社は今回の出資により、AMRシステムを活用した工場の徹底した最適化・自動化へのサポートを強化します。
2023年 3月、Honeywell International, Inc.は、異種のロボティクスおよびオートメーションシステムを制御し、データと通信のシームレスな交換を促進するためのHoneywell Universal Robotics Controller(HURC)の導入を発表しました。同社はシカゴで開催されるProMat 2023でロボットおよび自動化ソリューションをデモする予定です。
The Smart Manufacturing Market size is estimated at USD 141.39 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 279.23 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 14.58% during the forecast period (2024-2029).
The increasing initiatives to adopt smart manufacturing will drive market growth. Smart Manufacturing Leadership Coalition (SMLC), a combination of US-based industrial organizations, technology suppliers, laboratories, and universities, is working on a next-generation Smart Manufacturing Platform and Smart Factory connectivity. Similarly, another industry-led initiative, the Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC), was formed to bring together the advanced technologies and organizations needed to accelerate the growth of industrial automation.
Using services and software, such as SCADA, ERP, HMI, PLC, DCS, PLM, and MES, has enabled industries to collect real-time data and make decisions. The software has been beneficial to the industry as it reduces product errors, reduces downtime, conducts planned maintenance, moves from the reactive phase to the predictive and prescribing phases, and enables decision-making.
The dependence on process control and systems combined with the convergence of IT and operating technologies systems has increasingly exposed manufacturing firms to cyber attacks. Manufacturers' control systems have long been deemed impenetrable due to their proprietary and customized networks. IoT has opened the scope for the theft of proprietary information. With more automation and digitization of these devices, which were originally built without the proper security measures, the data security concern will also grow, hindering the market growth.
Furthermore, investments in Industry 4.0 are rising globally. Organizations have started adopting Industry 4.0 smart solutions owing to their positive impact on their businesses, including increased productivity. For instance, as per a report by Capgemini and the National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM), it is expected that more than two-thirds of the Indian manufacturing sector intention embrace Industry 4.0. by 2025
Moreover, the companies operating in the market focus on innovations and launch new products to stay ahead of the competition. For instance, in February 2023, which announced the launch of Programmable Logic Controller OTAC to combat key unresolved challenges related to industrial IoT, smart factories, and operational technology (OT). This provides a highly optimized and highly secure authentication solution specifically for PLC devices by utilizing their dynamic 'one-time authentication code' (OTAC) technology to resolve typical ICS/OT security challenges.
The outbreak of COVID-19 triggered the manufacturing sector to re-evaluate its traditional production processes, primarily driving digital transformation and smart manufacturing practices across the production lines. The manufacturers also forced to implement and devise multiple agile and new approaches to monitor product and quality control.
Automotive manufacturing is expected to gain strong impetus from smart technologies, Industry 4.0, IoT, etc. Discrete manufacturing is producing or manufacturing distinct parts that can be individually counted and touched. The pieces are mainly related to assembly lines. Discrete manufacturing includes products, such as cars, automotive parts, etc., that are increasingly connected.
Smart manufacturing is expected to help balance supply and demand, enhance product design, optimize manufacturing efficiency, and significantly reduce waste. Field devices, like robotics, sensors, etc., and ICS offer opportunities to the automotive sector to react faster to market requirements, reduce manufacturing downtimes, enhance supply chain efficiency, and expand productivity.
Smart manufacturing addresses the prime concern of the automotive industry, i.e., the length of a project. Quick return-on-investment projects combined with low-cost automation and cost innovation are helping manufacturers improve competitiveness through productivity improvement.
Further, according to UBS, Europe's projected electric vehicle sales are expected to reach 6.33 million units by 2025, followed by China, with 4.84 million units. As Europe and Asia-Pacific are leading the electric vehicles demand, the regions are anticipated to see an increase in smart automotive factories' implementation.
To cater to the changing landscape of automotive manufacturing, many players in the industry are adopting smart manufacturing solutions. For instance, in January 2022, Huayu Automotive Systems Co., which does business as HASCO, and ABB Group announced that they have created a joint venture building on their existing relationship "to drive the next generation of smart manufacturing." The companies claimed that the joint venture would enable them to further develop HASCO's leading position with automated solutions that benefit customers in China.
For the past 50 years, the automotive industry has used robots in its assembly lines for various manufacturing processes. Currently, automakers are exploring the use of robotics in more procedures. Robots are more efficient, flexible, accurate, and dependable for such production lines. This technology enables the automotive industry to remain one of the most significant robot users and possess one of the most automated supply chains globally.
For instance, in April 2022, an automotive manufacturing company, Fiat, a subsidiary of Stellantis NV, invested EUR 700 million at its Mirafiori factory, intending to produce 500 electric vehicles using state-of-the-art technology, such as collaborative robots. The company aims to automate its complex assembly line operations and quality controls, installing 11 cobots from Universal Robots A/S. Cobots are an essential part of the smart factory since they are compact, light, and built to work alongside humans safely.
China produces a sizeable portion of the market's demand and has the largest manufacturing sector in the entire world. In addition, despite production and supply chain setbacks brought on by COVID-19 curbs, the nation's industrial output increased by 3.6% in 2022 compared to the previous year, according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT). The MIIT predicted that the manufacturing sector's output would have increased by 3.1% in 2022, making up 28% of China's GDP.
Traditionally seen as the world's manufacturing factory, China has significantly transformed from (cheap) labor-intensive manufacturing to high-end manufacturing through digitalization and industrialization. According to GSMA, China may account for one-third of the global IIoT market by 2025.
Manufacturing has also emerged as one of the high-growth sectors in India. The 'Make in India' program places India on the world map as a manufacturing hub and globally recognizes the Indian economy.
Government plays an important role in implementing the use of cases of IIoT in the region. Government initiatives, like Digital India and Make in India, are adding impetus to the Indian manufacturing industry. IoT immensely benefits the Make in India campaign by providing innovative ways to sustain manufacturing organizations' sustainable development.
Moreover, India's pharmaceutical sector is comparatively ahead in automation, with the major pharmaceutical companies in the country, such as Zydus Cedilla, Torrent Pharma, and Cipla, focusing on automating their manufacturing processes of drugs, especially in areas where the complete integration of machines and equipment is required.
Additionally, India's government aims for a USD 5 trillion economy by 2025, of which manufacturing may be worth USD 1 trillion. The convergence of flagship programs, such as Make in India with Skill India and Digital India, may be key to achieving this goal, thereby driving the country's market growth.
Furthermore, several leading industry players are investing in smart manufacturing units in India to improve efficiency and gain a competitive edge in the market. For instance, in March 2023, Samsung Electronics announced investing in smart manufacturing capabilities at its second-largest mobile phone plant in Noida to make production more competitive.
The smart manufacturing market is highly competitive and consists of several major players. The major players with star shares in the market focus on expanding their customer base across foreign countries. The companies leverage strategic collaborative initiatives to increase their market share and profitability. The companies operating in the market are also acquiring start-ups working on autonomous delivery robot technologies to strengthen their product capabilities.
In May 2023, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation announced to make a strategic investment in Clearpath Robotics to support the development of manufacturing automation. Clearpath Robotics specializes in developing and selling autonomous mobile robots (AMR). Through this investment, the company will strengthen its support for complete factory optimization and automation by utilizing AMR systems.
In March 2023, Honeywell International, Inc. announced introducing Honeywell Universal Robotics Controller (HURC) to control disparate robotics and automation systems and facilitate the seamless exchange of data and communications. The company will demo robotic and automation solutions at ProMat 2023 in Chicago.