表紙:メタバース市場 (2023~2028年):技術・プラットフォーム・ソリューション・用途・産業別

メタバース市場 (2023~2028年):技術・プラットフォーム・ソリューション・用途・産業別

Metaverse Market by Technologies, Platforms, Solutions and Applications in Industry Verticals 2023 - 2028

出版日: | 発行: Mind Commerce | ページ情報: 英文 192 Pages | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
メタバース市場 (2023~2028年):技術・プラットフォーム・ソリューション・用途・産業別
出版日: 2023年08月28日
発行: Mind Commerce
ページ情報: 英文 192 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次








第1章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第2章 イントロダクション

  • メタバースの定義
  • メタバースのビルディングブロック
  • メタバースのタイプ
  • メタバース開発タイムライン
  • 事業に合理的なメタバース
  • Web 3とメタバース
  • 市場動向分析
    • 促進要因の分析
    • 市場課題の分析
    • 市場機会の分析
  • パンデミック:メタバースの市場促進要因に
  • バリューチェーン分析
  • 産業の発展

第3章 メタバースの技術・用途の分析

  • メタバース技術の分析
    • ブロックチェーン
    • VR・AR
    • MR
    • ブレインコンピュータインターフェース
  • 実現技術の分析
    • NFT
    • AI
    • インターネットと5Gネットワーク
    • 3Dモデリング
    • エッジコンピューティング
    • デジタルツイン技術とソリューション
    • 暗号通貨
  • メタバースハードウェア/デバイスの分析
    • ディスプレイ
    • ARハードウェア
    • AR/VRヘッドセット
  • メタバースソフトウェア:アセット作成ツール vs プログラミングエンジン
  • メタバースプラットフォーム分析
    • デスクトッププラットフォーム
    • モバイルプラットフォーム
    • コンソールプラットフォーム
    • ヘッドセット/ウェアラブルプラットフォーム
  • メタバースの販売チャネル:直接チャネルとディストリビューションチャネル
  • メタバース用途の分析
    • 金融機関
    • 小売・ファッション
    • メディア・エンターテイメント
    • 不動産
    • 教育
    • 航空宇宙
    • 自動車
    • ヘルスケア
    • 製造
  • メタバースのエコシステム

第4章 メタバース企業分析

  • Meta Platforms Inc.
  • Apple Inc.
  • Google
  • Tencent Holdings
  • ByteDance Ltd.
  • NetEase Inc.
  • Nvidia Corporation
  • Unity Technologies Inc.
  • Lilith Games
  • Nextech AR Solution Corp.
  • Active Theory
  • Decentraland
  • Microsoft Corporation
  • Globant
  • Alibaba Cloud
  • Magic Leap Inc.
  • Queppelin
  • HoYoverse(miHoYo)
  • ZQGame
  • Sony Corporation
  • GoMeta
  • Niantic
  • Valve
  • Baidu
  • Somnium Space
  • Binance
  • Walmart
  • Nike Inc
  • Gap Inc
  • Verizon
  • Hulu LLC
  • Netflix
  • Adidas
  • Atari Inc.
  • HyperVerse
  • Nakamoto Games
  • The Sandbox
  • Roblox Corporation
  • Epic Games Inc.
  • Bloktopia
  • Cryptovoxels
  • Metahero
  • Star Atlas
  • Bolly Heroes
  • OneRare
  • LOKA
  • Cope Studio
  • Zippy
  • NextMeet
  • ZQGame
  • Larva Labs(Yuga Labs)
  • Sky Mavis
  • Sorare
  • Rarible
  • LeewayHertz

第5章 メタバース市場の分析・予測

  • 世界のメタバース収益
    • タイプ別
    • プラットフォーム別
    • 技術別
    • ソリューション別
    • 用途別
    • 産業別
    • 販売チャネル別
    • 世界のメタバースNFT市場
    • 地域別
  • 世界のメタバースユーザー数
    • プラットフォーム別
    • 用途別
    • 産業別
    • 世界のメタバースNFTユーザー数
    • 地域別

第6章 総論・提言



  • Figure 1: Metaverse Process Framework
  • Figure 2: Holographic Construction Visual
  • Figure 3: Holographic Simulation Visual
  • Figure 4: Virtuality-Reality Integration Visual
  • Figure 5: Virtual-Reality Linkage Visual
  • Figure 6: Metaverse Features
  • Figure 7: Metaverse Building Blocks
  • Figure 8: Metaverse Market Map and Players
  • Figure 9: Augmented Reality in Marketing
  • Figure 10: VR in Vehicle Development
  • Figure 11: Visual Lifelogging
  • Figure 12: Mirror World Sharing Mashup
  • Figure 13: Metaverse Development Timeline
  • Figure 14: Blockchain Value Chain
  • Figure 15: Brain Computer Interface Diagram
  • Figure 16: Digital Twinning Model
  • Figure 17: VR Sensory Displays
  • Figure 18: NFT Museum with Digital Art Display
  • Figure 19: Extended Reality Framework
  • Figure 20: Touch Haptic Device
  • Figure 21: Haptic Sensors
  • Figure 22: Omnidirectional Treadmill for VR Gaming
  • Figure 23: Lightweight AR Smart Glass
  • Figure 24: Head Mounted Displays (HMDs)
  • Figure 25: Metaverse Desktop Platform
  • Figure 26: Metaverse Mobile Platform
  • Figure 27: Metaverse Console Platform
  • Figure 28: Metaverse Headset/Wearable Platform
  • Figure 29: Metaverse Application Framework
  • Figure 30: Metaverse Ecosystem Diagram
  • Figure 31: Paiduidao Metaverse App
  • Figure 32: Queppelin Metaverse Element
  • Figure 33: GoMeta AR Platform
  • Figure 34: XiRanf Metaverse Navigation for Individual
  • Figure 35: Walmart VR Shopping
  • Figure 36: NextMeet Metaverse Meeting Platform
  • Figure 37: Global Metaverse Market 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 38: Global Metaverse Market by Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 39: Global Metaverse Market by Hardware Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 40: Global Metaverse Market by XR Hardware Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 41: Global Metaverse Market by Software Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 42: Global Metaverse Market by Service Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 43: Global Metaverse Market by Professional Service Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 44: Global Metaverse Market by Platform Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 45: Global Metaverse Market by Technology Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 46: Global Metaverse Market by Solution Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 47: Global Metaverse Market by Application Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 48: Global Metaverse Market by Industry Vertical 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 49: Global Metaverse Market by Sales Channel 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 50: Global Metaverse NFT Market 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 51: Metaverse Market by Regions 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 52: North America Metaverse Market by Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 53: North America Metaverse Market by Hardware Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 54: North America Metaverse Market by XR Hardware Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 55: North America Metaverse Market by Software Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 56: North America Metaverse Market by Service Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 57: North America Metaverse Market by Professional Service Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 58: North America Metaverse Market by Platform Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 59: North America Metaverse Market by Technology Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 60: North America Metaverse Market by Solution Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 61: North America Metaverse Market by Application Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 62: North America Metaverse Market by Industry Vertical 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 63: North America Metaverse Market by Sales Channel 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 64: North America Metaverse NFT Market 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 65: North America Metaverse Market by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 66: Europe Metaverse Market by Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 67: Europe Metaverse Market by Hardware Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 68: Europe Metaverse Market by XR Hardware Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 69: Europe Metaverse Market by Software Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 70: Europe Metaverse Market by Service Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 71: Europe Metaverse Market by Professional Service Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 72: Europe Metaverse Market by Platform Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 73: Europe Metaverse Market by Technology Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 74: Europe Metaverse Market by Solution Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 75: Europe Metaverse Market by Application Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 76: Europe Metaverse Market by Industry Vertical 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 77: Europe Metaverse Market by Sales Channel 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 78: Europe Metaverse NFT Market 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 79: Europe Metaverse Market by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 80: APAC Metaverse Market by Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 81: APAC Metaverse Market by Hardware Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 82: APAC Metaverse Market by XR Hardware Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 83: APAC Metaverse Market by Software Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 84: APAC Metaverse Market by Service Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 85: APAC Metaverse Market by Professional Service Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 86: APAC Metaverse Market by Platform Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 87: APAC Metaverse Market by Technology Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 88: APAC Metaverse Market by Solution Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 89: APAC Metaverse Market by Application Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 90: APAC Metaverse Market by Industry Vertical 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 91: APAC Metaverse Market by Sales Channel 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 92: APAC Metaverse NFT Market 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 93: APAC Metaverse Market by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 94: Latin America Metaverse Market by Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 95: Latin America Metaverse Market by Hardware Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 96: Latin America Metaverse Market by XR Hardware Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 97: Latin America Metaverse Market by Software Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 98: Latin America Metaverse Market by Service Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 99: Latin America Metaverse Market by Professional Service Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 100: Latin America Metaverse Market by Platform Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 101: Latin America Metaverse Market by Technology Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 102: Latin America Metaverse Market by Solution Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 103: Latin America Metaverse Market by Application Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 104: Latin America Metaverse Market by Industry Vertical 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 105: Latin America Metaverse Market by Sales Channel 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 106: Latin America Metaverse NFT Market 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 107: Latin America Metaverse Market by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 108: MEA Metaverse Market by Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 109: MEA Metaverse Market by Hardware Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 110: MEA Metaverse Market by XR Hardware Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 111: MEA Metaverse Market by Software Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 112: MEA Metaverse Market by Service Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 113: MEA Metaverse Market by Professional Service Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 114: MEA Metaverse Market by Platform Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 115: MEA Metaverse Market by Technology Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 116: MEA Metaverse Market by Solution Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 117: MEA Metaverse Market by Application Type 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 118: MEA Metaverse Market by Industry Vertical 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 119: MEA Metaverse Market by Sales Channel 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 120: MEA Metaverse NFT Market 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 121: MEA Metaverse Market by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 122: Global Metaverse Users 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 123: Global Metaverse Users by Platform 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 124: Global Metaverse Users by Application 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 125: Global Metaverse Users by Industry Vertical 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 126: Global Metaverse NFT Users 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 127: Global Metaverse Users by Region 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 128: North America Metaverse Users by Platform 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 129: North America Metaverse Users by Application 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 130: North America Metaverse Users by Industry Vertical 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 131: North America Metaverse NFT Users 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 132: North America Metaverse Users by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 133: Europe Metaverse Users by Platform 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 134: Europe Metaverse Users by Application 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 135: Europe Metaverse Users by Industry Vertical 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 136: Europe Metaverse NFT Users 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 137: Europe Metaverse Users by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 138: APAC Metaverse Users by Platform 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 139: APAC Metaverse Users by Application 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 140: APAC Metaverse Users by Industry Vertical 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 141: APAC Metaverse NFT Users 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 142: APAC Metaverse Users by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 143: Latin America Metaverse Users by Platform 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 144: Latin America Metaverse Users by Application 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 145: Latin America Metaverse Users by Industry Vertical 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 146: Latin America Metaverse NFT Users 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 147: Latin America Metaverse Users by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 148: MEA Metaverse Users by Platform 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 149: MEA Metaverse Users by Application 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 150: MEA Metaverse Users by Industry Vertical 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 151: MEA Metaverse NFT Users 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 152: MEA Metaverse Users by Country 2023 - 2028


  • Table 1: Global Metaverse Market 2023 - 2028
  • Table 2: Global Metaverse Market by Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 3: Global Metaverse Market by Hardware Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 4: Global Metaverse Market by XR Hardware Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 5: Global Metaverse Market by Software Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 6: Global Metaverse Market by Service Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 7: Global Metaverse Market by Professional Service Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 8: Global Metaverse Market by Platform Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 9: Global Metaverse Market by Technology Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 10: Global Metaverse Market by Solution Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 11: Global Metaverse Market by Application Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 12: Global Metaverse Market by Industry Vertical 2023 - 2028
  • Table 13: Global Metaverse Market by Sales Channel 2023 - 2028
  • Table 14: Global Metaverse NFT Market 2023 - 2028
  • Table 15: Metaverse Market by Regions 2023 - 2028
  • Table 16: North America Metaverse Market by Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 17: North America Metaverse Market by Hardware Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 18: North America Metaverse Market by XR Hardware Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 19: North America Metaverse Market by Software Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 20: North America Metaverse Market by Service Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 21: North America Metaverse Market by Professional Service Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 22: North America Metaverse Market by Platform Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 23: North America Metaverse Market by Technology Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 24: North America Metaverse Market by Solution Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 25: North America Metaverse Market by Application Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 26: North America Metaverse Market by Industry Vertical 2023 - 2028
  • Table 27: North America Metaverse Market by Sales Channel 2023 - 2028
  • Table 28: North America Metaverse NFT Market 2023 - 2028
  • Table 29: North America Metaverse Market by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Table 30: Europe Metaverse Market by Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 31: Europe Metaverse Market by Hardware Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 32: Europe Metaverse Market by XR Hardware Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 33: Europe Metaverse Market by Software Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 34: Europe Metaverse Market by Service Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 35: Europe Metaverse Market by Professional Service Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 36: Europe Metaverse Market by Platform Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 37: Europe Metaverse Market by Technology Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 38: Europe Metaverse Market by Solution Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 39: Europe Metaverse Market by Application Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 40: Europe Metaverse Market by Industry Vertical 2023 - 2028
  • Table 41: Europe Metaverse Market by Sales Channel 2023 - 2028
  • Table 42: Europe Metaverse NFT Market 2023 - 2028
  • Table 43: Europe Metaverse Market by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Table 44: APAC Metaverse Market by Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 45: APAC Metaverse Market by Hardware Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 46: APAC Metaverse Market by XR Hardware Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 47: APAC Metaverse Market by Software Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 48: APAC Metaverse Market by Service Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 49: APAC Metaverse Market by Professional Service Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 50: APAC Metaverse Market by Platform Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 51: APAC Metaverse Market by Technology Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 52: APAC Metaverse Market by Solution Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 53: APAC Metaverse Market by Application Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 54: APAC Metaverse Market by Industry Vertical 2023 - 2028
  • Table 55: APAC Metaverse Market by Sales Channel 2023 - 2028
  • Table 56: APAC Metaverse NFT Market 2023 - 2028
  • Table 57: APAC Metaverse Market by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Table 58: Latin America Metaverse Market by Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 59: Latin America Metaverse Market by Hardware Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 60: Latin America Metaverse Market by XR Hardware Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 61: Latin America Metaverse Market by Software Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 62: Latin America Metaverse Market by Service Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 63: Latin America Metaverse Market by Professional Service Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 64: Latin America Metaverse Market by Platform Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 65: Latin America Metaverse Market by Technology Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 66: Latin America Metaverse Market by Solution Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 67: Latin America Metaverse Market by Application Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 68: Latin America Metaverse Market by Industry Vertical 2023 - 2028
  • Table 69: Latin America Metaverse Market by Sales Channel 2023 - 2028
  • Table 70: Latin America Metaverse NFT Market 2023 - 2028
  • Table 71: Latin America Metaverse Market by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Table 72: MEA Metaverse Market by Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 73: MEA Metaverse Market by Hardware Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 74: MEA Metaverse Market by XR Hardware Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 75: MEA Metaverse Market by Software Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 76: MEA Metaverse Market by Service Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 77: MEA Metaverse Market by Professional Service Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 78: MEA Metaverse Market by Platform Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 79: MEA Metaverse Market by Technology Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 80: MEA Metaverse Market by Solution Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 81: MEA Metaverse Market by Application Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 82: MEA Metaverse Market by Industry Vertical 2023 - 2028
  • Table 83: MEA Metaverse Market by Sales Channel 2023 - 2028
  • Table 84: MEA Metaverse NFT Market 2023 - 2028
  • Table 85: MEA Metaverse Market by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Table 86: Global Metaverse Users 2023 - 2028
  • Table 87: Global Metaverse Users by Platform 2023 - 2028
  • Table 88: Global Metaverse Users by Application 2023 - 2028
  • Table 89: Global Metaverse Users by Industry Vertical 2023 - 2028
  • Table 90: Global Metaverse NFT Users 2023 - 2028
  • Table 91: Global Metaverse Users by Region 2023 - 2028
  • Table 92: North America Metaverse Users by Platform 2023 - 2028
  • Table 93: North America Metaverse Users by Application 2023 - 2028
  • Table 94: North America Metaverse Users by Industry Vertical 2023 - 2028
  • Table 95: North America Metaverse NFT Users 2023 - 2028
  • Table 96: North America Metaverse Users by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Table 97: Europe Metaverse Users by Platform 2023 - 2028
  • Table 98: Europe Metaverse Users by Application 2023 - 2028
  • Table 99: Europe Metaverse Users by Industry Vertical 2023 - 2028
  • Table 100: Europe Metaverse NFT Users 2023 - 2028
  • Table 101: Europe Metaverse Users by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Table 102: APAC Metaverse Users by Platform 2023 - 2028
  • Table 103: APAC Metaverse Users by Application 2023 - 2028
  • Table 104: APAC Metaverse Users by Industry Vertical 2023 - 2028
  • Table 105: APAC Metaverse NFT Users 2023 - 2028
  • Table 106: APAC Metaverse Users by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Table 107: Latin America Metaverse Users by Platform 2023 - 2028
  • Table 108: Latin America Metaverse Users by Application 2023 - 2028
  • Table 109: Latin America Metaverse Users by Industry Vertical 2023 - 2028
  • Table 110: Latin America Metaverse NFT Users 2023 - 2028
  • Table 111: Latin America Metaverse Users by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Table 112: MEA Metaverse Users by Platform 2023 - 2028
  • Table 113: MEA Metaverse Users by Application 2023 - 2028
  • Table 114: MEA Metaverse Users by Industry Vertical 2023 - 2028
  • Table 115: MEA Metaverse NFT Users 2023 - 2028
  • Table 116: MEA Metaverse Users by Country 2023 - 2028


This report assesses the market opportunity for Metaverse vendors and ancillary services providers including infrastructure, devices, software, and supporting services. The report includes qualitative and quantitative analysis of the Metaverse market and related segments from 2023 to 2028.

Select Report Findings:

  • Metaverse digital asset marketplaces will be a $298.6 billion opportunity by 2028
  • Blockchain solutions in support of Metaverse solutions will reach $161.9 billion by 2028
  • Virtual reality in Metaverse solutions will represent a $315.3 billion opportunity by 2028
  • User-generated content and social media within the Metaverse will reach $95.7 billion by 2028
  • Financial services in support of various forms of Metaverse commerce will reach nearly $58 billion by 2028

The Metaverse will represent an interchange between the physical and virtual worlds to create an entire new universe in which digital consumers and businesses will engage in communications, applications, content, and commerce.

Accordingly, many companies have already committed billions of dollars to the Metaverse. Even governmental organizations are getting involved as evidenced by some countries thinking about opening ambassador relations within the Metaverse. In general, the dominant trend is for cyber-to-physical interchange as a means of enriching society and providing the next boom to the digital economy.

More than a consumer virtual reality solution, Metaverse will transform a substantial number of functional elements within enterprise and industrial segments including sales, marketing, and business operations.

It will affect virtually every industry vertical in many ways including enhancing social media experience, improvising business communication and optimizing overall productivity, creating immersive experience across sales and marketing, revolutionizing online education, creating futuristic blockchain applications, and ultimately becoming the future of the Internet.

Metaverse solutions will leverage many technologies such as digital twins, which among other things, will be used for monitoring, simulation, and remote control of physical assets with virtual objects. The notion of "Smart Objects" will come to the fore as the following becomes increasingly more commonplace:

  • Virtual-to-Real (V2R): Virtual objects that can be provisioned and administered to interface with real objects for many purposes including monitoring and control.
  • Real-to-Virtual (R2V): Real-objects provide feedback, alerts, and even control of virtual objects (software programs via Software Defined Networks) and platforms (hardware and software put in place to orchestrate IoT networks and assets).
  • Virtual-to-Virtual (V2V): This represents simulation and testing for IoT networks, including end-nodes and assets. IoT is new, and potentially dangerous (e.g. control and security issues), necessitating platforms for IoT V2V.

Mixed Reality (MR) will provide opportunities for teleoperation and tele-robotics using the advanced user interfaces enabled through a truly immersive experience. This means that both V2R and R2V will become a commonplace experience as MR matures and as VR becomes more commonplace.

This will start in business and industrial sectors but will also lead to more consumer applications and services, especially as cloud robotics (a new paradigm where robots and automation systems share data and code and perform computation via networks) becomes more commonplace. The combination of robotics, teleoperation, and cloud technologies is poised to transform Industrial Processes. MR and VR will be a big part of this by way of advanced UI and user experiences.

Companies in Report:

  • Active Theory
  • Adidas
  • Alibaba Cloud
  • Apple Inc.
  • Atari Inc.
  • Baidu
  • Binance
  • Bloktopia
  • Bolly Heroes
  • ByteDance Ltd.
  • Cope Studio
  • Cryptovoxels
  • Decentraland
  • Epic Games Inc.
  • Gap Inc
  • Globant
  • GoMeta
  • Google
  • HoYoverse (miHoYo)
  • Hulu LLC
  • HyperVerse
  • Larva Labs (Yuga Labs)
  • LeewayHertz
  • Lilith Games
  • LOKA
  • Magic Leap Inc.
  • Meta Platforms Inc.
  • Metahero
  • Microsoft Corporation
  • Nakamoto Games
  • NetEase Inc.
  • Netflix
  • Nextech AR Solution Corp.
  • NextMeet
  • Niantic
  • Nike Inc
  • Nvidia Corporation
  • OneRare
  • Queppelin
  • Rarible
  • Roblox Corporation
  • Sky Mavis
  • Somnium Space
  • Sony Corporation
  • Sorare
  • Star Atlas
  • Tencent Holdings
  • The Sandbox
  • Unity Technologies Inc.
  • Valve
  • Verizon
  • Walmart
  • Zippy
  • ZQGame

Table of Contents

1.0. Executive Summary

2.0. Introduction

  • 2.1. Metaverse Defined
    • 2.1.1. Conceptual Framework: Product/Service/Place/Moment
    • 2.1.2. Technology Pillars/Layers
    • 2.1.3. Key Features
  • 2.2. Metaverse Building Blocks
    • 2.2.1. Building Block 1: Infrastructure
    • 2.2.2. Building Block 2: Virtualization Engine
    • 2.2.3. Building Block 3: Interface and Access
    • 2.2.4. Building Block 4: User Experience and Use Cases
    • 2.2.5. Building Block 5: Tools and Standards
  • 2.3. Metaverse Types
    • 2.3.1. Augmented Reality
    • 2.3.2. Virtual Reality
    • 2.3.3. Lifelogging
    • 2.3.4. Mirrored Worlds
  • 2.4. Metaverse Development Timeline
    • 2.4.1. Today: Virtual Reality as a Digital Escape
    • 2.4.2. Near Term: AR to Enhance Human Experience
    • 2.4.3. Longer Term: BCI as Final Platform
  • 2.5. Metaverse Rational for Business
  • 2.6. Web 3 and the Metaverse
  • 2.7. Market Dynamic Analysis
    • 2.7.1. Growth Driver Analysis
    • 2.7.2. Market Challenge Analysis
    • 2.7.3. Market Opportunity Analysis
  • 2.8. Pandemic a Market Driver for the Metaverse
  • 2.9. Value Chain Analysis
    • 2.9.1. Hardware and Equipment Providers
    • 2.9.2. Infrastructure Solution Providers
    • 2.9.3. Software Solution Providers
    • 2.9.4. Platform Providers
    • 2.9.5. Content Providers
    • 2.9.6. AI Companies
    • 2.9.7. Enabling Technology Providers
  • 2.10. Industry Development
    • 2.10.1. Deal, Acquisition, Investment, and Alliance Analysis
    • 2.10.2. Technology Collaboration Analysis

3.0. Metaverse Technology and Application Analysis

  • 3.1. Metaverse Technology Analysis
    • 3.1.1. Blockchain
    • 3.1.2. Virtual and Augmented Reality
    • 3.1.3. Mixed Reality
    • 3.1.4. Brain-Computer Interfaces
  • 3.2. Enabling Technology Analysis
    • 3.2.1. NFTs
    • 3.2.2. Artificial Intelligence
    • 3.2.3. Internet and 5G Network
    • 3.2.4. 3D Modelling
    • 3.2.5. Edge Computing
    • 3.2.6. Digital Twin Technology and Solutions
    • 3.2.7. Cryptocurrency
  • 3.3. Metaverse Hardware/Device Analysis
    • 3.3.1. Displays
    • 3.3.2. Extended Reality Hardware
      • Haptic Sensors and Devices
      • Omni Treadmills
      • Smart Glasses
    • 3.3.3. AR/VR Headsets
  • 3.4. Metaverse Software: Asset Creation Tool vs. Programming Engines
  • 3.5. Metaverse Platform Analysis
    • 3.5.1. Desktop Platform
    • 3.5.2. Mobile Platform
    • 3.5.3. Console Platform
    • 3.5.4. Headsets/Wearables Platform
  • 3.6. Metaverse Sales Channel: Direct vs. Distribution
  • 3.7. Metaverse Application Analysis
    • 3.7.1. Financial Institutes
    • 3.7.2. Retail and Fashion
    • 3.7.3. Media and Entertainment
    • 3.7.4. Real Estate
    • 3.7.5. Education
    • 3.7.6. Aerospace
    • 3.7.7. Automotive
    • 3.7.8. Healthcare
    • 3.7.9. Manufacturing
    • 3.7.10. Military
  • 3.8. Metaverse Ecosystem

4.0. Metaverse Company Analysis

  • 4.1. Meta Platforms Inc.
  • 4.2. Apple Inc.
  • 4.3. Google
  • 4.4. Tencent Holdings
  • 4.5. ByteDance Ltd.
  • 4.6. NetEase Inc.
  • 4.7. Nvidia Corporation
  • 4.8. Unity Technologies Inc.
  • 4.9. Lilith Games
  • 4.10. Nextech AR Solution Corp.
  • 4.11. Active Theory
  • 4.12. Decentraland
  • 4.13. Microsoft Corporation
  • 4.14. Globant
  • 4.15. Alibaba Cloud
  • 4.16. Magic Leap Inc.
  • 4.17. Queppelin
  • 4.18. HoYoverse (miHoYo)
  • 4.19. ZQGame
  • 4.20. Sony Corporation
  • 4.21. GoMeta
  • 4.22. Niantic
  • 4.23. Valve
  • 4.24. Baidu
  • 4.25. Somnium Space
  • 4.26. Binance
  • 4.27. Walmart
  • 4.28. Nike Inc
  • 4.29. Gap Inc
  • 4.30. Verizon
  • 4.31. Hulu LLC
  • 4.32. Netflix
  • 4.33. Adidas
  • 4.34. Atari Inc.
  • 4.35. HyperVerse
  • 4.36. Nakamoto Games
  • 4.37. The Sandbox
  • 4.38. Roblox Corporation
  • 4.39. Epic Games Inc.
  • 4.40. Bloktopia
  • 4.41. Cryptovoxels
  • 4.42. Metahero
  • 4.43. Star Atlas
  • 4.44. Bolly Heroes
  • 4.45. OneRare
  • 4.46. LOKA
  • 4.47. Cope Studio
  • 4.48. Zippy
  • 4.49. NextMeet
  • 4.50. ZQGame
  • 4.51. Larva Labs (Yuga Labs)
  • 4.52. Sky Mavis
  • 4.53. Sorare
  • 4.54. Rarible
  • 4.55. LeewayHertz

5.0. Metaverse Market Analysis and Forecasts 2023-2028

  • 5.1. Global Metaverse Revenue
    • 5.1.1. Global Metaverse Market by Type
      • Global Metaverse Market by Hardware Type
        • Global Metaverse Market by XR Hardware Type
      • Global Metaverse Market by Software Type
      • Global Metaverse Market by Service Type
        • Global Metaverse Market by Professional Service Type
    • 5.1.2. Global Metaverse Market by Platform Type
    • 5.1.3. Global Metaverse Market by Technology Type
    • 5.1.4. Global Metaverse Market by Solution Type
    • 5.1.5. Global Metaverse Market by Application Type
    • 5.1.6. Global Metaverse Market by Industry Vertical
    • 5.1.7. Global Metaverse Market by Sales Channel
    • 5.1.8. Global Metaverse NFT Market
    • 5.1.9. Metaverse Market by Region
      • North America Metaverse Market: Hardware, Software, Service, Platform, Technology, Solution, Application, Industry Vertical, Sales Channel, NFT, and Country
      • Europe Metaverse Market: Hardware, Software, Service, Platform, Technology, Solution, Application, Industry Vertical, Sales Channel, NFT, and Country
    • 5.1.10. APAC Metaverse Market: Hardware, Software, Service, Platform, Technology, Solution, Application, Industry Vertical, Sales Channel, NFT, and Country
    • 5.1.11. Latin America Metaverse Market: Hardware, Software, Service, Platform, Technology, Solution, Application, Industry Vertical, Sales Channel, NFT, and Country
    • 5.1.12. MEA Metaverse Market: Hardware, Software, Service, Platform, Technology, Solution, Application, Industry Vertical, Sales Channel, NFT, and Country
  • 5.2. Global Metaverse Users
    • 5.2.1. Global Metaverse User by Platform
    • 5.2.2. Global Metaverse User by Application
    • 5.2.3. Global Metaverse User by Industry Vertical
    • 5.2.4. Global Metaverse NFT User
    • 5.2.5. Global Metaverse User by Region
      • North America Metaverse User: Platform, Application, Industry Vertical, NFT, and Country
      • Europe Metaverse User: Platform, Application, Industry Vertical, NFT, and Country
      • APAC Metaverse User: Platform, Application, Industry Vertical, NFT, and Country
      • Latin America Metaverse User: Platform, Application, Industry Vertical, NFT, and Country
      • MEA Metaverse User: Platform, Application, Industry Vertical, NFT, and Country

6.0. Conclusions and Recommendations