

2023 Ophthalmic Diagnostic Equipment Market Report, Global Analysis fro 2022 to 2028

出版日: | 発行: Market Scope, LLC | ページ情報: 英文 | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=156.76円
出版日: 2023年09月25日
発行: Market Scope, LLC
ページ情報: 英文
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次



  • 眼科手術の概要と主要課題
  • 米国および世界の手術プロバイダー
  • 世界中の眼科医療提供者と眼科医と検眼医の関係
  • 手術前評価装置:角膜トポグラファー、前眼部スキャナー、パチメーター、バイオメーター、鏡面顕微鏡、ケラトメーター、超音波装置
  • 網膜診断機器:眼底カメラ、間接検眼鏡、OCT画像システム、診断レンズ
  • 緑内障診断機器:ペリメーター、眼圧計、走査型レーザー検眼鏡
  • 一般検査機器:直接眼底鏡、スリットランプ、電気生理学的視力検査
  • 術中機器:OR顕微鏡、術中診断装置、波面診断装置
  • 屈折装置:チャートプロジェクター、レンズメーター、オートレフラクター、マニュアルレフラクター
  • データ管理システム

What's New:

The new "2023 Ophthalmic Diagnostic Equipment Market Report" includes a new section on digital applications, mobile health, and AI that examines the market size, growth expectations, and competitors of this segment. This analysis includes forecasts for new accounts, annual license revenue, new and existing account revenue, and accessories/add-ons. The report analyzes over 800 devices from 107 manufacturers and identifies global competitor shares in more than 10 equipment categories. Additionally, all forecasts for installed base, revenue, and average selling price have been updated and extended through 2028.

This report discusses eye care providers, analyzes current markets for diagnostic equipment, examines markets for refracting and screening equipment, and describes new technologies in the pipeline. The report offers five-year forecasts for market performance throughout the world and profiles of the many companies in this diverse industry segment. Our regional/economic analytic categories are the US, Western Europe, Japan, Other Wealthy Nations, China, India, Latin America, and Rest of World (a mix of developing nations and underdeveloped countries).

The report is organized into key areas and includes:

  • Overview of ophthalmic surgeries and key issues.
  • Surgical providers in the US and worldwide.
  • Eye care providers throughout the world and the relationship between ophthalmologists and optometrists.
  • Pre-op surgical evaluation devices: corneal topographers, anterior eye scanners, pachymeters, biometers, specular microscopes, keratometers, ultrasound devices.
  • Retinal diagnostic devices: fundus cameras, indirect ophthalmoscopes, OCT imaging systems, diagnostic lenses.
  • Glaucoma diagnostic devices: perimeters, tonometers, scanning laser ophthalmoscopes.
  • General exam equipment: direct ophthalmoscopes, slit lamps, electrophysiology vision testing.
  • Intraoperative equipment: OR microscopes, intraoperative diagnostic equipment, wavefront diagnostic equipment.
  • Refraction equipment: chart projectors, lensometers, auto refractors, manual refractors.
  • Data management systems.

Author Profile:

Rashad Myers, MBA

Rashad Myers has recently undertaken a pivot in his career in joining Market Scope and the ophthalmic industry. Prior to joining Market Scope, he spent the last 6 years in Procurement and Supply Chain Management at a company in the mining industry. Most recently, he specialized in the management of various commodities programs. Before that, he spent 5 years in inside sales in the steel industry.

Rashad earned his Masters of Business Administration from Webster University.