カスタマーサービス・アプリケーション・ソフトウェアの世界市場シェア、2023年:継続的に成長する市場Worldwide Customer Service Applications Software Market Shares, 2023: A Market with Consistent Growth |
カスタマーサービス・アプリケーション・ソフトウェアの世界市場シェア、2023年:継続的に成長する市場 |
出版日: 2024年09月13日
発行: IDC
ページ情報: 英文 13 Pages
納期: 即納可能
This IDC study examines the customer service applications market for 2021-2023. Revenue and market share of the leading vendors are provided for 2023. "The customer service applications market has settled into a stable rhythm. A growth of 14.6% is relatively high when the age of the market is considered reflecting the ongoing requirement for these applications and the associated refresh cycles," said Mary Wardley, VP, Customer Service and Contact Center at IDC. "IDC expects similar ongoing performance as the adjacent technology markets, including GenAI, evolve and contribute additional capabilities to this segment."