ラテンアメリカの自動車産業展望(2024年)Latin America Automotive Industry Outlook 2024 |
ラテンアメリカの自動車産業展望(2024年) |
出版日: 2024年04月04日
発行: Frost & Sullivan
ページ情報: 英文 74 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
Frost & Sullivanは、2024年の同産業の成長率を4.8%と予測しています。Frost & Sullivanの予測では、コロンビアが21.5%でこの地域の成長をリードし、18万7,500台となる可能性が高いです。ラテンアメリカ最大の市場であるブラジルの販売台数は240万台となり、8%の成長を記録すると思われます。対照的に、アルゼンチンとエクアドルの軽自動車販売台数は減少すると予想されています。
Connected and Electrified Vehicles, New Business Models, and Increasing Competition Enable Growth Opportunities
The Latin American automotive industry maintains its rising trend despite the severe effects of COVID-19 on local economies, international conflicts, inflation, exchange rates, and difficulties arising from credit accessibility.
With 4.8 million units sold in 2023, the Latin American automotive industry will likely grow 8.2% in 2024. However, the region has not reached pre-pandemic numbers, with 2023 sales numbers 10.7% lower than 2019. Mexico showed the most growth in the region, surpassing 2023 numbers by 24.4% and going from 1.1 million units to 1.4 million. Meanwhile, Colombia and Chile showed negative growth, with 29.9% and 26.5%, respectively.
This analysis covers multiple trends, including the rising penetration of Chinese original equipment manufacturers in the region, local production of hybrid and electric vehicles, powertrain diversification, expansion of connected vehicles, and new mobility models.
Frost & Sullivan expects the industry to grow 4.8% in 2024. Our estimations show that Colombia will likely lead growth in the region at 21.5%, translating into 187,500 units. Brazil, the largest market in Latin America, will likely sell 2.4 million units, recording 8% growth. In contrast, Argentina and Ecuador will experience a decrease in their total amount of light vehicle sales.