表紙:株式クラウドファンディングプラットフォーム:Frost Radar(2023年)

株式クラウドファンディングプラットフォーム:Frost Radar(2023年)

Frost Radar: Equity Crowdfunding Platforms, 2023

出版日: | 発行: Frost & Sullivan | ページ情報: 英文 39 Pages | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
株式クラウドファンディングプラットフォーム:Frost Radar(2023年)
出版日: 2023年04月17日
発行: Frost & Sullivan
ページ情報: 英文 39 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次

当レポートでは、世界の株式クラウドファンディングプラットフォーム市場について調査分析し、Frost Radar(TM)独自の手法で企業の市場ポジショニングを明らかにし、各企業の強み、機会、およびポジショニングに関する考察に基づく競合プロファイルを提供しています。



  • 戦略的必須事項
  • 成長環境

Frost Radar(TM)

  • Frost Radar(TM):株式クラウドファンディングプラットフォーム
  • Frost Radar(TM):競合環境


  • CircleUp
  • CrowdCube
  • ExitValley
  • Forge Global
  • Fundable
  • Mainvest
  • MicroVentures
  • Netcapital
  • OurCrowd
  • Republic
  • StartEngine
  • Together
  • Wefunder
  • Zanbato


次のステップ:Frost Radar(TM)を活用して主要な利害関係者を支援

  • Frost Radar(TM)の重要性
  • Frost Radar(TM)がCEOの成長チームを支援
  • Frost Radar(TM)は投資家を支援
  • Frost Radar(TM)は顧客を支援
  • Frost Radar(TM)が取締役会を支援

Frost Radar(TM)分析

  • Frost Radar(TM):将来の成長可能性のベンチマーク
  • 免責事項
Product Code: MGB7-F1

A Benchmarking System to Spark Companies to Action Innovation that Fuels New Deal Flow and Growth Pipelines

Equity crowdfunding is a unique and exciting opportunity for investors and start-ups alike. The industry has witnessed significant growth in recent years as more and more investors seek alternatives beyond traditional stocks and bonds. Crowdfunding platforms have made it possible for individuals to invest in early-stage companies, providing these start-ups with much-needed capital and support. In return, investors receive a stake in the company and the potential for significant returns on their investment.

As the industry continues to mature, equity crowdfunding platforms will expand their offerings and reach. By partnering with other financial institutions and offering a wider range of investment options, these platforms can tap into new pools of investors and provide start-ups with even greater access to capital. Platforms that support diverse and minority-led start-ups could further boost innovation and growth in the start-up ecosystem.

The Frost Radar™ reveals the market positioning of companies in an industry using their Growth and Innovation scores as highlighted in the Frost Radar™ methodology. The project presents competitive profiles on each of the companies in the Frost Radar™ based on their strengths, opportunities, and a small discussion on their positioning. Frost & Sullivan analyzes numerous companies in an industry and benchmarks them across 10 criteria on the Frost Radar™, where the leading companies in the industry are then positioned.

Table of Contents

Strategic Imperative and Growth Environment

  • Strategic Imperative
  • Growth Environment

Frost Radar™

  • Frost Radar™: Equity Crowdfunding Platforms
  • Frost Radar™: Competitive Environment

Companies to Action

  • CircleUp
  • CrowdCube
  • ExitValley
  • Forge Global
  • Fundable
  • Mainvest
  • MicroVentures
  • Netcapital
  • OurCrowd
  • Republic
  • StartEngine
  • Together
  • Wefunder
  • Zanbato

Strategic Insights

  • Strategic Insights

Next Steps: Leveraging the Frost Radar™ to Empower Key Stakeholders

  • Significance of Being on the Frost Radar™
  • Frost Radar™ Empowers the CEO's Growth Team
  • Frost Radar™ Empowers Investors
  • Frost Radar™ Empowers Customers
  • Frost Radar™ Empowers the Board of Directors

Frost Radar™ Analytics

  • Frost Radar™: Benchmarking Future Growth Potential
  • Frost Radar™: Benchmarking Future Growth Potential
  • Legal Disclaimer