表紙:インサイトエンジン市場:コンポーネント別、導入タイプ別、企業規模別、エンドユーザー産業別、地域別- 規模、シェア、展望、機会分析、2022年~2030年

インサイトエンジン市場:コンポーネント別、導入タイプ別、企業規模別、エンドユーザー産業別、地域別- 規模、シェア、展望、機会分析、2022年~2030年

Insight Engines Market, By Component, By Deployment Type, By Size of The Enterprise, By The End-user Industry, By Region - Size, Share, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 2022 - 2030

出版日: | 発行: Coherent Market Insights | ページ情報: 英文 177 Pages | 納期: 2~3営業日

● お客様のご希望に応じて、既存データの加工や未掲載情報(例:国別セグメント)の追加などの対応が可能です。  詳細はお問い合わせください。

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
インサイトエンジン市場:コンポーネント別、導入タイプ別、企業規模別、エンドユーザー産業別、地域別- 規模、シェア、展望、機会分析、2022年~2030年
出版日: 2022年07月18日
発行: Coherent Market Insights
ページ情報: 英文 177 Pages
納期: 2~3営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次







  • 本レポートでは、世界のインサイトエンジン市場を詳細に分析し、2021年を基準年とした予測期間(2022-2030年)の市場規模および複合年間成長率(CAGR%)を提供します。
  • 異なるセグメントにわたる潜在的な収益機会を解明し、この市場の魅力的な投資提案マトリクスを説明します。
  • 本調査では、市場促進要因、阻害要因、機会、新製品の発売または承認、市場動向、地域別の展望、主要企業が採用する競合戦略に関する主要な考察も提供しています。
  • 以下のパラメータに基づいて、世界のインサイトエンジン市場における主要企業をプロファイルしています- 企業ハイライト、製品ポートフォリオ、主なハイライト、財務実績、戦略
  • 世界のインサイトエンジン市場で事業を展開している主要企業は、Mindbreeze GmbH、LucidWorks Inc.、IBM Corporation、Dassault Systemes SE、Coveo Solutions Inc、Squiz、Sinequa SAS、EPAM Systems Inc(インフォンゲン)、ServiceNow Inc、Google LLC(Alphabet Inc)、IHS Markit Ltd、Stravito AB、Micro Focus International PLC(HPE)、IntraFind Software AG、Expert System SPAおよびMicrosoft Corporationなどです。
  • このレポートからの洞察により、マーケティング担当者や企業の経営陣は、将来の製品発売、タイプアップグレード、市場拡大、マーケティング戦術に関する情報に基づいた意思決定を行うことができるでしょう。
  • この調査レポートは、投資家、サプライヤー、製品メーカー、流通業者、新規参入者、財務アナリストなど、この業界のさまざまな利害関係者を対象としています。
  • 利害関係者は、世界のインサイトエンジン市場の分析に使用される様々な戦略マトリクスを通じて、意思決定を容易にすることができます。

第1章 調査目的と前提条件

  • 調査目的
  • 前提条件
  • 略語の説明

第2章 市場の展望

  • レポート内容
    • 市場の定義と範囲
  • エグゼクティブサマリー
    • インサイトエンジン市場:コンポーネント別
    • インサイトエンジン市場:デプロイメントタイプ別
    • Market Insight Engine、企業規模別
    • Market Insight Engine、エンドユーザー業界別
    • 市場インサイトエンジン、地域別
  • コヒーレントオポチュニティマップ(COM)

第3章 市場の力学、規制、動向分析

  • 市場力学
    • データ量の増大と構造化データへの要求
    • データ品質に関する懸念
    • クラウドベース環境の導入と変革
  • インパクト分析
  • 主なハイライト
  • 規制のシナリオ
  • 製品の発売/承認
  • PEST分析
  • PORTERの分析
  • 合併・買収シナリオ

第4章 インサイトエンジンの世界市場- コロナウイルス(COVID-19)パンデミックの影響

  • COVID-19の疫学的特徴
  • 供給側と需要側の分析
  • 経済的影響

第5章 インサイトエンジンの世界市場、コンポーネント別、2017年~2030年

  • ソフトウェア
  • サービス

第6章 インサイトエンジンの世界市場:デプロイメントタイプ別、2017-2030年

  • オンプレミス
  • クラウド

第7章 インサイトエンジンの世界市場:企業規模別、2017年~2030年

  • 中小規模の企業
  • 大企業

第8章 インサイトエンジンの世界市場、エンドユーザー産業別、2017年~2030年

  • BFSI
  • 小売業
  • IT・テレコム
  • ヘルスケア
  • 製造業
  • その他エンドユーザー産業

第9章 インサイトエンジンの世界市場:地域別、2017年~2030年

  • 北米
  • 欧州
  • アジア太平洋地域
  • ラテンアメリカ
  • 中東・アフリカ地域

第10章 競合情勢

  • IBM Corporation
  • Mindbreeze GMBH
  • Coveo Solutions Inc.
  • Sinequa SAS
  • Lucid Works Inc.
  • ServiceNow Inc.
  • Micro Focus International PLC(HPE)
  • Google LLC(Alphabet Inc.)
  • Microsoft Corporation
  • Squiz
  • IntraFind Software AG
  • Dassault Systemses SE
  • EPAM Systems Inc.
  • Expert System SPA
  • IHS Markit Ltd
  • Stravito AB

第11章 セクション

  • 調査手法
  • 出版社について
Product Code: CMI5082

Several pipelines are utilized to preprocess or to execute the content to type and to extract and derive from it the data can be sequenced for the doubts, derivation and the usage via a range of the touchpoints. Insight engines vary from the search engines in terms of the abilities that let the richer indexes much complex queries describe the relevancy methods and the touchpoints for the transfer of the data.

Market Dynamics:

With the developments in the personalization, the machine learning and the NLP search engines try to understand the content and resolve the query that are complicated. Additionally, search engines are approaching and are combines with the consumer action to the surface essential data even prior to their search for it. Such approaches are anticipated rise the productivity and fuel the growth of the global insight engine market.

The additional challenges in the maintenance of the machine learning model performance such as anomalies that are based on the value of the data distribution which comprises of the skew feature and the skew distribution also tend to affect the insight engine methods. Hence these are the factors hampering the growth of the global insight engine market.

Several customers over the several industries are choosing for the enterprise search solutions. Sinequa declared that the BDO in Netherlands is a financial company which has opted for the technology to enhance its worldwide increasing plans. Sinequa lets the BDA employees to surface the insights from the content and data and deliver the data value to the clients.

Key features of the study:

  • This report provides in-depth analysis of the global insight engine market, and provides market size (US$ Million) and compound annual growth rate (CAGR%) for the forecast period (2022-2030), considering 2021 as the base year
  • It elucidates potential revenue opportunities across different segments and explains attractive investment proposition matrices for this market
  • This study also provides key insights about market drivers, restraints, opportunities, new product launches or approval, market trends, regional outlook, and competitive strategies adopted by key players
  • It profiles key players in the global insight engines market based on the following parameters - company highlights, products portfolio, key highlights, financial performance, and strategies
  • Major companies operating in the global insight engine market are Mindbreeze GmbH, LucidWorks Inc., IBM Corporation, Dassault Systemes SE, Coveo Solutions Inc., Squiz, Sinequa SAS, EPAM Systems Inc. (Infongen), ServiceNow Inc., Google LLC (Alphabet Inc.), IHS Markit Ltd, Stravito AB, Micro Focus International PLC (HPE), IntraFind Software AG, Expert System SPA and Microsoft Corporation.
  • Insights from this report would allow marketers and the management authorities of the companies to make informed decisions regarding their future product launches, type up-gradation, market expansion, and marketing tactics
  • The global insight engines market report caters to various stakeholders in this industry including investors, suppliers, product manufacturers, distributors, new entrants, and financial analysts
  • Stakeholders would have ease in decision-making through various strategy matrices used in analyzing the global insight engines market.

Detailed Segmentation:

  • Global Insight Engines Market, By Component:
    • Software
    • Services
  • Global Insight Engines Market, By Development Type:
    • On-premise
    • Cloud
  • Global Insight Engines Market, By Size of The Enterprise:
    • Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
    • Large Enterprises
  • Global Insight Engines Market, By End-User Industry:
    • BFSI
    • Retail
    • IT and Telecom
    • Healthcare
    • Manufacturing
    • Other End-user Industries
  • Global Insight Engines Market, BY GEOGRAPHY
    • North America
    • Europe
    • Asia-Pacific
    • Latin America
    • Middle East & Africa

Table of Contents:

1. Research Objectives and Assumptions

  • Research Objectives
  • Assumptions
  • Abbreviations

2. Market Purview

  • Report Description
    • Market Definition and Scope
  • Executive Summary
    • Market Insight Engine, By Component
    • Market Insight Engine, By Deployment Type
    • Market Insight Engine, By Size of the enterprise
    • Market Insight Engine, By end user industry
    • Market Insight Engine, By Geography
  • Coherent Opportunity Map (COM)

3. Market Dynamics, Regulations, and Trends Analysis

  • Market Dynamics
    • Rising volume of data and the requirement of the structured data
    • Concerning the data quality
    • Adoption and transformation towards the cloud based environment
  • Impact Analysis
  • Key Highlights
  • Regulatory Scenario
  • Product launch/Approvals
  • PEST Analysis
  • PORTER's Analysis
  • Merger and Acquisition Scenario

4. Global Insight Engines Market - Impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic

  • COVID-19 Epidemiology
  • Supply Side and Demand Side Analysis
  • Economic Impact

5. Global Insight Engines Market, By Component, 2017-2030, (US$ Mn)

  • Introduction
    • Market Share Analysis, 2022 and 2030(%)
    • Y-o-Y Growth Analysis, 2017-2030
    • Segment Trends
  • Software
    • Introduction
    • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2017-2030, (US$ Mn)
  • Services
    • Introduction
    • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2017-2030, (US$ Mn)

6. Global Insight Engines Market, By Deployment Type , 2017-2030, (US$ Mn)

  • On-Premise
    • Introduction
    • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2017-2030, (US$ Mn)
  • Cloud
    • Introduction
    • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2017-2030, (US$ Mn)

7. Global Insight Engines Market, By Size of the enterprise, 2017-2030, (US$ Mn)

  • Small or Medium Sized enterprises
    • Introduction
    • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2017-2030, (US$ Mn)
  • Large enterprises
    • Introduction
    • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2017-2030, (US$ Mn)

8. Global Insight Engines Market, By End-User Industry, 2017-2030, (US$ Mn)

  • Introduction
    • Market Share Analysis, 2022 and 2030(%)
    • Y-o-Y Growth Analysis, 2017-2030
    • Segment Trends
  • BFSI
    • Introduction
    • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2017-2030, (US$ Mn)
  • Retail
    • Introduction
    • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2017-2030, (US$ Mn)
  • IT & Telecom
    • Introduction
    • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2017-2030, (US$ Mn)
  • Healthcare
    • Introduction
    • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2017-2030, (US$ Mn)
  • Manufacturing
    • Introduction
    • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2017-2030, (US$ Mn)
  • Other End-user industry
    • Introduction
    • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2017-2030, (US$ Mn)

9. Global Insight Engines Market, By Region, 2017-2030, (US$ Mn)

  • Introduction
    • Market Share Analysis, 2021-2030(%)
    • Y-o-Y Growth Analysis, 2017-2030
    • Country Trends
  • North America
    • Introduction
    • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, By Type of Technology, 2017-2030, (US$ Mn)
    • Market Size and Forecast and Y-o-Y Growth , By End User, 2017-2030,(US$ Mn)
  • Europe
    • Introduction
    • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, By Type of Technology, 2017-2030, (US$ Mn)
    • Market Size and Forecast and Y-o-Y Growth , By End User, 2017-2030,(US$ Mn)
  • Asia Pacific
    • Introduction
    • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, By Type of Technology, 2017-2030, (US$ Mn)
    • Market Size and Forecast and Y-o-Y Growth , By End User, 2017-2030,(US$ Mn)
  • Latin America
    • Introduction
    • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, By Type of Technology, 2017-2030, (US$ Mn)
    • Market Size and Forecast and Y-o-Y Growth , By End User, 2017-2030,(US$ Mn)
  • Middle East &Africa
    • Introduction
    • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, By Type of Technology, 2017-2030, (US$ Mn)
    • Market Size and Forecast and Y-o-Y Growth , By End User, 2017-2030,(US$ Mn)

10. Competitive Landscape:

  • IBM Corporation
    • Company Highlights
    • Product Portfolio
    • Key Developments
    • Financial Performance
    • Strategies
  • Mindbreeze GMBH
    • Company Highlights
    • Product Portfolio
    • Key Developments
    • Financial Performance
    • Strategies
  • Coveo Solutions Inc.
    • Company Highlights
    • Product Portfolio
    • Key Developments
    • Financial Performance
    • Strategies
  • Sinequa SAS
    • Company Highlights
    • Product Portfolio
    • Key Developments
    • Financial Performance
    • Strategies
  • Lucid Works Inc.
    • Company Highlights
    • Product Portfolio
    • Key Developments
    • Financial Performance
    • Strategies
  • ServiceNow Inc.
    • Company Highlights
    • Product Portfolio
    • Key Developments
    • Financial Performance
    • Strategies
  • Micro Focus International PLC (HPE)
    • Company Highlights
    • Product Portfolio
    • Key Developments
    • Financial Performance
    • Strategies
  • Google LLC (Alphabet Inc.)
    • Company Highlights
    • Product Portfolio
    • Key Developments
    • Financial Performance
    • Strategies
  • Microsoft Corporation
    • Company Highlights
    • Product Portfolio
    • Key Developments
    • Financial Performance
    • Strategies
  • Squiz
    • Company Highlights
    • Product Portfolio
    • Key Developments
    • Financial Performance
    • Strategies
  • IntraFind Software AG
    • Company Highlights
    • Product Portfolio
    • Key Developments
    • Financial Performance
    • Strategies
  • Dassault Systemses SE
    • Company Highlights
    • Product Portfolio
    • Key Developments
    • Financial Performance
    • Strategies
  • EPAM Systems Inc.
    • Company Highlights
    • Product Portfolio
    • Key Developments
    • Financial Performance
    • Strategies
  • Expert System SPA
    • Company Highlights
    • Product Portfolio
    • Key Developments
    • Financial Performance
    • Strategies
  • IHS Markit Ltd
    • Company Highlights
    • Product Portfolio
    • Key Developments
    • Financial Performance
    • Strategies
  • Stravito AB
    • Company Highlights
    • Product Portfolio
    • Key Developments
    • Financial Performance
    • Strategies

11. Section:

  • Research Methodology
  • About Us