
宇宙用炭素繊維複合材市場- 世界の産業規模、シェア、動向、機会、予測、用途別、エンドユーザー別、地域別、競合別、2019年~2029年

Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market - Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Opportunity, and Forecast, Segmented By Application, By End User, By Region and Competition, 2019-2029F

出版日: | 発行: TechSci Research | ページ情報: 英文 189 Pages | 納期: 2~3営業日

● お客様のご希望に応じて、既存データの加工や未掲載情報(例:国別セグメント)の追加などの対応が可能です。  詳細はお問い合わせください。

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円


宇宙用炭素繊維複合材市場- 世界の産業規模、シェア、動向、機会、予測、用途別、エンドユーザー別、地域別、競合別、2019年~2029年
出版日: 2024年04月15日
発行: TechSci Research
ページ情報: 英文 189 Pages
納期: 2~3営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次

宇宙用炭素繊維複合材料の世界市場は、2023年に4億4,213万米ドルと評価され、予測期間中に力強い成長を遂げ、2029年にはCAGR 5.19%で5億9,508万米ドルに達すると予測されています。


世界の宇宙用炭素繊維複合材料市場は着実な成長を遂げており、米国を中心とする北米が大きな役割を果たしています。NASAや、SpaceXやBlue Originのような非公開会社など、航空宇宙をリードする組織の存在が、炭素繊維複合材料のような先端材料への需要を促進しています。















第1章 概要

第2章 調査手法

第3章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第4章 COVID-19が世界の宇宙用炭素繊維複合材市場に与える影響

第5章 顧客の声

第6章 宇宙用炭素繊維複合材の世界市場展望

  • 市場規模予測
    • 金額・数量別
  • 市場シェア予測
    • 用途別(人工衛星、ロケット、深宇宙探査)
    • エンドユーザー別(商業、調査、防衛)
    • 地域別
    • 企業別(2023年)
  • 市場マップ

第7章 アジア太平洋地域の宇宙用炭素繊維複合材市場の展望

  • 市場規模予測
    • 金額・数量別
  • 市場シェア予測
    • 用途別
    • エンドユーザー別
    • 国別
  • アジア太平洋地域国別分析
    • 中国
    • インド
    • オーストラリア
    • 日本
    • 韓国

第8章 北米の宇宙用炭素繊維複合材市場の展望

  • 市場規模予測
    • 金額・数量別
  • 市場シェア予測
    • 用途別
    • エンドユーザー別
    • 国別
  • 北米国別分析
    • 米国
    • メキシコ
    • カナダ

第9章 欧州の宇宙用炭素繊維複合材市場の展望

  • 市場規模予測
    • 金額・数量別
  • 市場シェア予測
    • 用途別
    • エンドユーザー別
    • 国別
  • 欧州国別分析
    • フランス
    • ドイツ
    • スペイン
    • イタリア
    • 英国
    • ロシア

第10章 南米の宇宙用炭素繊維複合材市場の展望

  • 市場規模予測
    • 金額・数量別
  • 市場シェア予測
    • 用途別
    • エンドユーザー別
    • 国別
  • 南米:国別分析
    • ブラジル
    • アルゼンチン
    • コロンビア

第11章 中東・アフリカの宇宙用炭素繊維複合材市場の展望

  • 市場規模予測
    • 金額・数量別
  • 市場シェア予測
    • 用途別
    • エンドユーザー別
    • 国別
  • MEA:国別分析
    • 南アフリカ
    • サウジアラビア
    • アラブ首長国連邦
    • エジプト
    • イスラエル

第12章 市場力学

  • 促進要因
  • 課題

第13章 市場動向と発展

  • 最近の動向
  • 製品上市
  • 合併・買収

第14章 宇宙用炭素繊維複合材の世界市場SWOT分析

第15章 価格分析

第16章 ポーターのファイブフォース分析

  • 業界内の競合
  • 新規参入の可能性
  • サプライヤーの力
  • 顧客の力
  • 代替品の脅威

第17章 PESTLE分析

第18章 競合情勢

  • Rockwest Composites, Inc.
  • Applied Composites Holdings, LLC
  • Advanced Composite Products and Technology, Inc.
  • Boston Materials, Inc
  • CarboSpaceTech GmbH
  • CPI AdamWorks, LLC
  • CST Composites Inc.
  • Calian Group Ltd.
  • Hexcel Corporation
  • Oxeon AB

第19章 戦略的提言

第20章 調査会社について・免責事項

Product Code: 19515

Global Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market was valued at USD 442.13 million in 2023 and is anticipated to project robust growth in the forecast period and reachUSD 595.08 million in 2029with a CAGR of 5.19%.The application of advanced materials is pivotal in the aerospace and space industries, where innovation is not just a desire but a necessity. Among the array of materials, carbon fiber composites have earned their place as a game-changer. Space carbon fiber composites, characterized by their exceptional strength-to-weight ratio, are engineered materials created by combining carbon fibers with epoxy resins. These composites possess remarkable structural integrity, making them ideal for aerospace and space applications, where weight savings and performance are critical.

The global space carbon fiber composite market is witnessing steady growth, with North America, led by the United States, playing a prominant role. The presence of leading aerospace organizations, such as NASA and private space companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin, has fueled the demand for advanced materials like carbon fiber composites.

The future of space carbon fiber composites holds immense promise. As space exploration ventures expand, the demand for lightweight and durable materials will continue to rise. Developments in carbon fiber composite technology are enabling the creation of reusable spacecraft, which can drastically reduce the cost of space exploration and make it more sustainable. The miniaturization of satellites, including CubeSats, benefits from the lightweight properties of carbon fiber composites, enabling cost-effective access to space.The construction of advanced space telescopes, like the James Webb Space Telescope, relies on the stability and precision offered by carbon fiber composites. As the dream of human colonization of Mars and beyond becomes closer to reality, the lightweight, durable nature of carbon fiber composites will play a pivotal role in spacecraft design.Global space carbon fiber composite market is poised for remarkable growth. Its unique combination of strength, durability, and weight savings align perfectly with the demands of space exploration and technology. While challenges exist, ongoing research and development efforts are continually pushing the boundaries of what these materials can achieve.

Key Market Drivers

Rising Demand of Satellites for Different Purposes

Global space carbon fiber composite market is witnessing robust growth, driven largely by the surging demand for satellites for various applications. Carbon fiber composites, known for their high strength-to-weight ratio, durability, and resistance to harsh environmental conditions, have become instrumental in satellite manufacturing. As the need for satellites in telecommunication, earth observation, navigation, and space exploration intensify, the demand for materials that can withstand the demanding environment of space while offering lightweight solutions becomes paramount. This escalating need for superior satellite materials is a primary force propelling the growth of the global space carbon fiber composite market.

One of the most significant drivers for the rising demand for space carbon fiber composites is the exponential growth in telecommunication needs. As global connectivity becomes a cornerstone of modern economies, the requirement for more advanced, reliable, and long-lasting satellites to support data transmission, internet connectivity, and broadcasting has surged. Carbon fiber composites, with their lightweight and durable characteristics, allow for the creation of satellites that can remain operational in space for extended durations while reducing the overall launch weight, making satellite launches more cost-effective.

Furthermore, the demand for earth observation satellites has grown substantially due to the increasing need for monitoring and analyzing climate change, agricultural patterns, urban development, and natural disasters. Carbon fiber composites play an essential role in these satellites, ensuring they are robust enough to endure the space environment while capturing high-resolution data of the Earth's surface. This invaluable data aids governments, organizations, and researchers in making informed decisions related to environmental conservation, urban planning, and disaster management.

Space exploration and scientific missions, another burgeoning sector, rely heavily on satellites and probes built with materials that can withstand the extreme conditions of outer space, such as high levels of radiation, micrometeoroid impacts, and extreme temperatures. Carbon fiber composites, due to their innate strength and resistance to such conditions, have become the material of choice for crafting spacecraft destined for deep space exploration, planetary studies, and space telescopes. As global interest and investment in understanding our universe intensify, the demand for space carbon fiber composites in these missions is set to rise substantially.

The rise of private space enterprises and the increasing number of satellite constellations being planned and launched for global internet coverage and other commercial purposes have also significantly boosted the space carbon fiber composite market. These enterprises are continuously innovating and seeking materials that can optimize the performance and longevity of their satellites while minimizing costs. Carbon fiber composites, with their proven track record in space applications, are perfectly positioned to meet these requirements.

Growing Intensity of Deep Space Exploration Mission

Global Space Carbon Fiber Composite market is witnessing a surge in demand, largely driven by the growing popularity of Space Carbon Fiber Composite over the traditional wet winding process. Space Carbon Fiber Composite, a composite material composed of carbon fiber tows impregnated with a resin matrix, has gained prominence across various industries due to its numerous advantages over wet winding.

One of the primary factors contributing to the preference for Space Carbon Fiber Composite is its superior consistency and quality control. In wet winding, the resin is applied manually or with automated equipment, which can result in variations in resin distribution and fiber wet-out. In contrast, Space Carbon Fiber Composite is manufactured using a controlled and automated process, ensuring uniform resin impregnation throughout the material. This consistency leads to predictable mechanical properties and enhanced performance in applications where precision and reliability are critical.

Furthermore, the reduction in material waste is a significant driver for the growing popularity of Space Carbon Fiber Composite. In the wet winding process, excess resin is often used to ensure adequate impregnation of the fibers. This excess resin can lead to increased weight and cost, as well as potential environmental concerns related to excess resin disposal. Space Carbon Fiber Composite minimizes resin waste since it is precisely impregnated, resulting in a higher fiber-to-resin ratio and, consequently, lighter and more cost-efficient composite products.

Another advantage of Space Carbon Fiber Composite is its ease of handling and reduced labor costs. Wet winding typically involves multiple steps, including the application of resin, winding, and curing, which can be labor-intensive and time-consuming. Space Carbon Fiber Composite, on the other hand, is ready to use and can be cut and shaped as needed for specific applications. This simplifies manufacturing processes and reduces the need for skilled labor, ultimately lowering production costs.The controlled resin content in Space Carbon Fiber Composite translates into improved mechanical properties and performance. The precise control over resin content allows for the development of composite materials with tailored characteristics, such as enhanced strength, stiffness, and fatigue resistance. These properties are particularly valuable in industries where high-performance materials are required, including aerospace, automotive, and sporting goods.

The aerospace industry has been a significant driver of the growing popularity of Space Carbon Fiber Composite. Aircraft manufacturers have increasingly adopted Space Carbon Fiber Composite composites for their lightweight and high-strength properties. Space Carbon Fiber Composite materials are used in various aerospace applications, such as aircraft components, interiors, and structural parts, where weight reduction and durability are critical factors for fuel efficiency and safety.The automotive sector has also embraced Space Carbon Fiber Composite for its potential to reduce vehicle weight and improve fuel efficiency. As the automotive industry shifts toward electric vehicles and strives to meet stricter emissions regulations, lightweight materials like Space Carbon Fiber Composite are essential for achieving these goals.

One of the primary drivers for the growing demand for space carbon fiber composites is the increasing interest in deep space exploration missions. Space agencies, both governmental and private, are actively planning and executing missions to explore distant celestial bodies such as Mars, asteroids, and the outer planets. These missions involve spacecraft that must endure long-duration space travel, extreme temperature fluctuations, intense radiation, and micrometeoroid impacts. Carbon fiber composites, due to their superior mechanical properties and resilience, are an ideal choice for spacecraft construction in these demanding missions. They offer the necessary structural integrity to withstand the rigors of deep space while reducing overall spacecraft weight, which is crucial for achieving mission objectives.The development of space telescopes and observatories for deep space observation has surged in recent years. These advanced instruments are designed to capture high-resolution images and data from distant galaxies, stars, and celestial phenomena. Carbon fiber composites play a critical role in constructing the framework and components of these telescopes, ensuring stability, precision, and resistance to the thermal fluctuations of deep space.

The ongoing quest for understanding our solar system's origins and the potential for life beyond Earth has led to increased interest in missions to study comets, asteroids, and icy moons. These missions involve spacecraft designed to rendezvous with these celestial bodies, collect samples, and conduct scientific experiments. Carbon fiber composites are utilized in the construction of these spacecraft due to their ability to withstand the harsh environments of space and provide structural support for scientific instruments and sample collection mechanisms. The emergence of commercial space enterprises and their plans for asteroid mining and lunar resource utilization have further boosted the demand for space carbon fiber composites. These companies are focused on developing spacecraft and infrastructure for resource extraction in deep space. Carbon fiber composites are instrumental in constructing the spacecraft and equipment required for these ambitious ventures.

Key Market Challenges

High Production Cost Associated with the Product

The global Space Carbon Fiber Composite market faces a significant obstacle in the form of high production costs associated with the product. Space carbon fiber composites are crucial materials used in aerospace applications, offering a unique combination of strength, durability, and lightweight properties essential for space exploration and satellite technologies. However, the intricate manufacturing processes and the need for high-quality raw materials drive up production costs significantly.The aerospace industry demands the utmost precision, quality, and safety standards, which further escalate the expenses of producing space carbon fiber composites. These high costs create challenges for market growth, as space agencies, satellite manufacturers, and aerospace companies strive to balance budget constraints with the need for advanced materials.

Competition from Alternate Technology

The global Space Carbon Fiber Composite market faces a notable obstruction in the form of competition from alternative technologies. Space carbon fiber composites, known for their exceptional strength-to-weight ratio and durability, are pivotal materials in the aerospace industry for applications like satellite construction and spacecraft components. However, advances in alternative materials and technologies pose a challenge to the market's growth.Alternative materials, such as advanced ceramics and new metal alloys, are continuously emerging, offering competitive performance characteristics while potentially reducing costs. Additionally, advancements in 3D printing and additive manufacturing techniques have opened up new possibilities for creating complex aerospace components using alternative materials.

Key Market Trends

Growing Demand from Emerging Markets

The growing demand from emerging markets is a significant trend propelling the global space carbon fiber composite market. As space exploration efforts expand globally, an increasing number of countries are venturing into space missions and satellite development. Emerging markets in Asia, South America, and the Middle East are demonstrating a strong interest in space technology and applications, driving the demand for space-grade materials like carbon fiber composites.These advanced composites are favored for their remarkable strength, lightweight properties, and durability, making them essential components in various space applications, including satellite construction, spacecraft components, and launch vehicle structures. Their use not only reduces the overall weight of space systems but also enhances their performance and lifespan.

The affordability of carbon fiber composites has improved over time, making them more accessible to emerging markets with space ambitions. As these countries invest in space programs, the demand for space-grade materials is expected to rise significantly, providing a substantial growth opportunity for the global space carbon fiber composite market.

Segmental Insights

Application Insights

Based on the application, the satellite segment emerged as the dominant segment in the global market for Space Carbon Fiber Composite. Space carbon fiber composites have become integral to the construction and components of satellites due to their exceptional properties such as high strength-to-weight ratio, resistance to extreme conditions, and durability. These materials are used extensively in satellite structures, ensuring that they remain lightweight while being robust enough to withstand the rigors of space travel. The year 2022 was a record year for space with 180 successful rocket launches to orbit which was 44 more than in 2021. The launches were dominated by rockets from US company SpaceX and from the Chinese government and businesses.

The demand for satellites for various purposes, including communication, Earth observation, navigation, and scientific research, has been steadily increasing worldwide. As a result, the satellite industry has experienced substantial growth, driving the need for advanced materials like space carbon fiber composites. These composites contribute to satellite design by reducing weight, improving structural integrity, and enhancing overall performance, making them a crucial component in modern satellite technology.

End User Insights

In the global market for Space Carbon Fiber Composites, the commercial segment has emerged as the dominant segment in 2023. Commercial entities, including private aerospace companies, satellite manufacturers, and space tourism ventures, have been increasingly driving innovation and investment in the space industry. They rely heavily on advanced materials like space carbon fiber composites to achieve their goals efficiently and effectively.

The dominance of the commercial segment in the space carbon fiber composite market underscores the pivotal role played by these advanced materials in enabling the growth and innovation within the commercial space industry. As commercial space activities continue to expand, the demand for space carbon fiber composites is expected to remain strong, solidifying the commercial sector's dominant position in this market.

Regional Insights

The North America has emerged as the dominant in the global market for Space Carbon Fiber Composite. North America is home to some of the world's leading aerospace companies, including NASA, Boeing, SpaceX, Lockheed Martin, and Northrop Grumman. These organizations have been at the forefront of space exploration and satellite development, driving the demand for advanced materials like space carbon fiber composites.

The region boasts a robust research and development ecosystem and a culture of innovation in the aerospace and space technology sectors. This has led to the development and adoption of cutting-edge materials and technologies, with carbon fiber composites playing a vital role in spacecraft and satellite construction. North America has seen a surge in commercial space ventures, with private companies such as SpaceX and Blue Origin leading the way. These companies have embraced carbon fiber composites for their lightweight properties, helping reduce launch costs and increase payload capacity.

The United States government, through NASA and other agencies, has consistently invested in space exploration, satellite programs, and research. This commitment has driven the demand for advanced materials like space carbon fiber composites in various space-related projects.

Key Market Players

Rockwest Composites, Inc.

Applied Composites Holdings, LLC

Advanced Composite Products and Technology, Inc.

Boston Materials, Inc

CarboSpaceTech GmbH

CPI AdamWorks, LLC

CST Composites, Inc.

Calian Group Ltd.

Hexcel Corporation

Oxeon AB

Report Scope: In this report, the Global Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:

Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market,By Application:

  • Satellites
  • Launch Vehicles
  • Deep Space Exploration

Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market,By End User:

  • Commercial
  • Research
  • Defence

Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market, By Region:

  • Asia-Pacific
    • China
    • India
    • Australia
    • Japan
    • South Korea
  • North America
    • United States
    • Canada
    • Mexico
  • Europe
    • France
    • Italy
    • Germany
    • Spain
    • United Kingdom
    • Russia
  • South America
    • Brazil
    • Argentina
    • Colombia
  • Middle East Africa
    • South Africa
    • Saudi Arabia
    • UAE
    • Egypt
    • Israel

Competitive Landscape

Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies presents in the Global Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market.

Available Customizations:

Global Space Carbon Fiber Composite market report with the given market data, TechSci Research offers customizations according to a company's specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report:

Company Information

Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).

Table of Contents

1.Product Overview

  • 1.1.Market Definition
  • 1.2.Scope of the Market
    • 1.2.1.Markets Covered
    • 1.2.2.Years Considered for Study
    • 1.2.3.Key Market Segmentations

2.Research Methodology

  • 2.1.Objective of the Study
  • 2.2.Baseline Methodology
  • 2.3.Key Industry Partners
  • 2.4.Major Association and Secondary Sources
  • 2.5.Forecasting Methodology
  • 2.6.Data Triangulation Validation
  • 2.7.Assumptions and Limitations

3.Executive Summary

  • 3.1.Overview of the Market
  • 3.2.Overview of Key Market Segmentations
  • 3.3.Overview of Key Market Players
  • 3.4.Overview of Key Regions/Countries
  • 3.5.Overview of Market Drivers, Challenges, Trends

4.Impact of COVID-19 on Global Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market

5.Voice of Customer

6.Global Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market Outlook

  • 6.1.Market Size Forecast
    • 6.1.1.By Value Volume
  • 6.2.Market Share Forecast
    • 6.2.1.By Application (Satellites, Launch Vehicles, and Deep Space Exploration)
    • 6.2.2.By End User (Commercial, Research, and Defence)
    • 6.2.3.By Region
    • 6.2.4.By Company (2023)
  • 6.3.Market Map

7.Asia Pacific Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market Outlook

  • 7.1.Market Size Forecast
    • 7.1.1.By Value Volume
  • 7.2.Market Share Forecast
    • 7.2.1.By Application
    • 7.2.2.By End User
    • 7.2.3.By Country
  • 7.3.Asia Pacific: Country Analysis
    • 7.3.1.China Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market Outlook
      • Size Forecast
        • Value Volume
      • Share Forecast
        • Application
        • End User
    • 7.3.2.India Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market Outlook
      • Size Forecast
        • Value Volume
      • Share Forecast
        • Application
        • End User
    • 7.3.3.Australia Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market Outlook
      • Size Forecast
        • Value Volume
      • Share Forecast
        • Application
        • End User
    • 7.3.4.Japan Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market Outlook
      • Size Forecast
        • Value Volume
      • Share Forecast
        • Application
        • End User
    • 7.3.5.South Korea Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market Outlook
      • Size Forecast
        • Value Volume
      • Share Forecast
        • Application
        • End User

8.North America Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market Outlook

  • 8.1.Market Size Forecast
    • 8.1.1.By Value Volume
  • 8.2.Market Share Forecast
    • 8.2.1.By Application
    • 8.2.2.By End User
    • 8.2.3.By Country
  • 8.3.North America: Country Analysis
    • 8.3.1.United States Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market Outlook
      • Size Forecast
        • Value Volume
      • Share Forecast
        • Application
        • End User
    • 8.3.2.Mexico Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market Outlook
      • Size Forecast
        • Value Volume
      • Share Forecast
        • Application
        • End User
    • 8.3.3.Canada Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market Outlook
      • Size Forecast
        • Value Volume
      • Share Forecast
        • Application
        • End User

9.Europe Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market Outlook

  • 9.1.Market Size Forecast
    • 9.1.1.By Value Volume
  • 9.2.Market Share Forecast
    • 9.2.1.By Application
    • 9.2.2.By End User
    • 9.2.3.By Country
  • 9.3.Europe: Country Analysis
    • 9.3.1.France Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market Outlook
      • Size Forecast
        • Value Volume
      • Share Forecast
        • Application
        • End User
    • 9.3.2.Germany Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market Outlook
      • Size Forecast
        • Value Volume
      • Share Forecast
        • Application
        • End User
    • 9.3.3.Spain Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market Outlook
      • Size Forecast
        • Value Volume
      • Share Forecast
        • Application
        • End User
    • 9.3.4.Italy Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market Outlook
      • Size Forecast
        • Value Volume
      • Share Forecast
        • Application
        • End User
    • 9.3.5.United Kingdom Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market Outlook
      • Size Forecast
        • Value Volume
      • Share Forecast
        • Application
        • End User
    • 9.3.6.Russia Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market Outlook
      • Size Forecast
        • Value Volume
      • Share Forecast
        • Application
        • End User

10.South America Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market Outlook

  • 10.1.Market Size Forecast
    • 10.1.1.By Value Volume
  • 10.2.Market Share Forecast
    • 10.2.1.By Application
    • 10.2.2.By End User
    • 10.2.3.By Country
  • 10.3.South America: Country Analysis
    • 10.3.1.Brazil Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market Outlook
      • Size Forecast
        • Value Volume
      • Share Forecast
        • Application
        • End User
    • 10.3.2.Argentina Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market Outlook
      • Size Forecast
        • Value Volume
      • Share Forecast
        • Application
        • End User
    • 10.3.3.Colombia Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market Outlook
      • Size Forecast
        • Value Volume
      • Share Forecast
        • Application
        • End User

11.Middle East and Africa Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market Outlook

  • 11.1.Market Size Forecast
    • 11.1.1.By Value Volume
  • 11.2.Market Share Forecast
    • 11.2.1.By Application
    • 11.2.2.By End User
    • 11.2.3.By Country
  • 11.3.MEA: Country Analysis
    • 11.3.1.South Africa Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market Outlook
      • Size Forecast
        • Value Volume
      • Share Forecast
        • Application
        • End User
    • 11.3.2.Saudi Arabia Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market Outlook
      • Size Forecast
        • Value Volume
      • Share Forecast
        • Application
        • End User
    • 11.3.3.UAE Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market Outlook
      • Size Forecast
        • Value Volume
      • Share Forecast
        • Application
        • End User
    • 11.3.4.Egypt Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market Outlook
      • Size Forecast
        • Value Volume
      • Share Forecast
        • Application
        • End User
    • 11.3.5.Israel Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market Outlook
      • Size Forecast
        • Value Volume
      • Share Forecast
        • Application
        • End User

12.Market Dynamics

  • 12.1.Drivers
  • 12.2.Challenges

13.Market Trends and Developments

  • 13.1.Recent Developments
  • 13.2.Product Launches
  • 13.3.Mergers Acquisitions

14.Global Space Carbon Fiber Composite Market: SWOT Analysis

15.Pricing Analysis

16.Porter's Five Forces Analysis

  • 16.1.Competition in the Industry
  • 16.2.Potential of New Entrants
  • 16.3.Power of Suppliers
  • 16.4.Power of Customers
  • 16.5.Threat of Substitute Products

17.PESTLE Analysis

18.Competitive Landscape

  • 18.1.Rockwest Composites, Inc.
    • 18.1.1.Business Overview
    • 18.1.2.Company Snapshot
    • 18.1.3.Products Services
    • 18.1.4.Financials (In case of listed companies)
    • 18.1.5.Recent Developments
    • 18.1.6.SWOT Analysis
  • 18.2.Applied Composites Holdings, LLC
    • 18.2.1.Business Overview
    • 18.2.2.Company Snapshot
    • 18.2.3.Products Services
    • 18.2.4.Financials (In case of listed companies)
    • 18.2.5.Recent Developments
    • 18.2.6.SWOT Analysis
  • 18.3.Advanced Composite Products and Technology, Inc.
    • 18.3.1.Business Overview
    • 18.3.2.Company Snapshot
    • 18.3.3.Products Services
    • 18.3.4.Financials (In case of listed companies)
    • 18.3.5.Recent Developments
    • 18.3.6.SWOT Analysis
  • 18.4.Boston Materials, Inc
    • 18.4.1.Business Overview
    • 18.4.2.Company Snapshot
    • 18.4.3.Products Services
    • 18.4.4.Financials (In case of listed companies)
    • 18.4.5.Recent Developments
    • 18.4.6.SWOT Analysis
  • 18.5.CarboSpaceTech GmbH
    • 18.5.1.Business Overview
    • 18.5.2.Company Snapshot
    • 18.5.3.Products Services
    • 18.5.4.Financials (In case of listed companies)
    • 18.5.5.Recent Developments
    • 18.5.6.SWOT Analysis
  • 18.6.CPI AdamWorks, LLC
    • 18.6.1.Business Overview
    • 18.6.2.Company Snapshot
    • 18.6.3.Products Services
    • 18.6.4.Financials (In case of listed companies)
    • 18.6.5.Recent Developments
    • 18.6.6.SWOT Analysis
  • 18.7.CST Composites Inc.
    • 18.7.1.Business Overview
    • 18.7.2.Company Snapshot
    • 18.7.3.Products Services
    • 18.7.4.Financials (In case of listed companies)
    • 18.7.5.Recent Developments
    • 18.7.6.SWOT Analysis
  • 18.8.Calian Group Ltd.
    • 18.8.1.Business Overview
    • 18.8.2.Company Snapshot
    • 18.8.3.Products Services
    • 18.8.4.Financials (In case of listed companies)
    • 18.8.5.Recent Developments
    • 18.8.6.SWOT Analysis
  • 18.9.Hexcel Corporation
    • 18.9.1.Business Overview
    • 18.9.2.Company Snapshot
    • 18.9.3.Products Services
    • 18.9.4.Financials (In case of listed companies)
    • 18.9.5.Recent Developments
    • 18.9.6.SWOT Analysis
  • 18.10.Oxeon AB
    • 18.10.1.Business Overview
    • 18.10.2.Company Snapshot
    • 18.10.3.Products Services
    • 18.10.4.Financials (In case of listed companies)
    • 18.10.5.Recent Developments
    • 18.10.6.SWOT Analysis

19.Strategic Recommendations

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