
スマート農業の世界市場レポート 2024

Smart Agriculture Global Market Report 2024

英文 200 Pages
価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=157.08円
スマート農業の世界市場レポート 2024
出版日: 2024年02月01日
発行: The Business Research Company
ページ情報: 英文 200 Pages
納期: 2~10営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次

スマート農業の市場規模は、今後数年間で急速に成長すると予想されています。 2028年には11.6%の年間複合成長率(CAGR)で253億8,000万米ドルに成長すると予想されます。今後の予測期間では、スマート農業の成長は、持続可能な農業への注目の高まり、有機農産物に対する市場需要の高まり、持続可能な農業慣行の採用、スマート灌漑システムの統合から生じると予想されます。この期間に予想される重要な動向には、精密農業と農業、モノのインターネット(IoT)センサーの組み込み、農場管理ソフトウェアとプラットフォーム、農業におけるロボット工学と自動化、サプライチェーンの透明性のためのブロックチェーンの活用、気候変動に配慮した農業戦略の実施、そしてアグテックエコシステム全体にわたるコラボレーションとパートナーシップの強化が含まれます。


スマート農業市場の成長は、モノのインターネット(IoT)の採用の増加によってさらに促進されます。相互接続されたコンピューティングデバイスのネットワークシステムであるIoTは、さまざまなセンサーやデバイスからのリアルタイムデータ収集を可能にすることで、スマート農業において極めて重要な役割を果たします。このデータにより、農家は作物管理、灌漑、家畜の監視に関して情報に基づいた意思決定を行うことができ、効率と生産性の向上につながります。 2022年 9月の時点で、世界のIoT接続は132億に達し、2028年までに347億接続に大幅に増加すると予測されています。IoTテクノロジーの採用の増加は、スマート農業市場の重要な推進力を示しています。


第1章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第2章 市場の特徴

第3章 市場動向と戦略

第4章 マクロ経済シナリオ

  • 高インフレが市場に与える影響
  • ウクライナ・ロシア戦争が市場に与える影響
  • COVID-19による市場への影響

第5章 世界市場規模と成長

  • 世界の市場促進要因・市場抑制要因
    • 市場促進要因
    • 市場抑制要因
  • 世界の市場規模と成長実績、2018~2023年
  • 世界の市場規模と成長予測、2023年~2028年、2033年

第6章 市場セグメンテーション

  • 世界のスマート農業市場、提供物別セグメンテーション、実績および予測、2018-2023年、2023-2028年、2033年
  • ハードウェア
  • ソフトウェア
  • サービス
  • 世界のスマート農業市場、農場規模別セグメンテーション、実績および予測、2018-2023年、2023-2028年、2033年
  • 小さい
  • 中くらい
  • 大きい
  • 世界のスマート農業市場、用途別セグメンテーション、実績および予測、2018-2023年、2023-2028年、2033年
  • 精密農業
  • 家畜の監視
  • 精密養殖
  • 精密林業
  • スマート温室
  • その他の用途

第7章 地域および国の分析

  • 世界のスマート農業市場、地域別、実績および予測、2018-2023年、2023-2028年、2033年
  • 世界のスマート農業市場、国別、実績および予測、2018-2023年、2023-2028年、2033年

第8章 アジア太平洋市場

第9章 中国市場

第10章 インド市場

第11章 日本市場

第12章 オーストラリア市場

第13章 インドネシア市場

第14章 韓国市場

第15章 西欧市場

第16章 英国市場

第17章 ドイツ市場

第18章 フランス市場

第19章 イタリア市場

第20章 スペイン市場

第21章 東欧市場

第22章 ロシア市場

第23章 北米市場

第24章 米国市場

第25章 カナダ市場

第26章 南米市場

第27章 ブラジル市場

第28章 中東市場

第29章 アフリカ市場

第30章 競合情勢と企業プロファイル

  • スマート農業市場の競合情勢
  • スマート農業市場企業プロファイル
    • Hikvision Digital Technology Co. Ltd.
    • Dahua Technology Co. Ltd.
    • Axis Communications AB
    • Bosch Security Systems Inc.
    • Hanwha Techwin Co. Ltd.

第31章 競合ベンチマーキング

第32章 競合ダッシュボード

第33章 主要な合併と買収

第34章 将来の見通しと可能性の分析

第35章 付録

Product Code: r13045

Smart Agriculture Global Market Report 2024 from The Business Research Company provides strategists, marketers and senior management with the critical information they need to assess the market.

This report focuses on smart agriculture market which is experiencing strong growth. The report gives a guide to the trends which will be shaping the market over the next ten years and beyond.

Reasons to Purchase

  • Gain a truly global perspective with the most comprehensive report available on this market covering 50+ geographies.
  • Understand how the market has been affected by the coronavirus and how it is responding as the impact of the virus abates.
  • Assess the Russia - Ukraine war's impact on agriculture, energy and mineral commodity supply and its direct and indirect impact on the market.
  • Measure the impact of high global inflation on market growth.
  • Create regional and country strategies on the basis of local data and analysis.
  • Identify growth segments for investment.
  • Outperform competitors using forecast data and the drivers and trends shaping the market.
  • Understand customers based on the latest market shares.
  • Benchmark performance against key competitors.
  • Suitable for supporting your internal and external presentations with reliable high quality data and analysis
  • Report will be updated with the latest data and delivered to you within 3-5 working days of order along with an Excel data sheet for easy data extraction and analysis.
  • All data from the report will also be delivered in an excel dashboard format.

Where is the largest and fastest growing market for smart agriculture? How does the market relate to the overall economy, demography and other similar markets? What forces will shape the market going forward? The smart agriculture market global report from the Business Research Company answers all these questions and many more.

The report covers market characteristics, size and growth, segmentation, regional and country breakdowns, competitive landscape, market shares, trends and strategies for this market. It traces the market's historic and forecast market growth by geography.


Markets Covered:

  • 1) By Offering: Hardware; Software; Services
  • 2) By Farm Size: Small; Medium; Large
  • 3) By Application: Precision Farming; Livestock Monitoring; Precision Aquaculture; Precision Forestry; Smart Greenhouse; Other Applications
  • Companies Mentioned: Hikvision Digital Technology Co. Ltd.; Dahua Technology Co. Ltd.; Axis Communications AB; Bosch Security Systems Inc.; Hanwha Techwin Co. Ltd.
  • Countries: Australia; Brazil; China; France; Germany; India; Indonesia; Japan; Russia; South Korea; UK; USA; Canada; Italy; Spain
  • Regions: Asia-Pacific; Western Europe; Eastern Europe; North America; South America; Middle East; Africa
  • Time series: Five years historic and ten years forecast.
  • Data: Ratios of market size and growth to related markets, GDP proportions, expenditure per capita,
  • Data segmentations: country and regional historic and forecast data, market share of competitors, market segments.
  • Sourcing and Referencing: Data and analysis throughout the report is sourced using end notes.
  • Delivery format: PDF, Word and Excel Data Dashboard.

Executive Summary

Smart agriculture, a modern approach to farming, integrates Internet of Things (IoT), robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), sensors, and advanced technologies to enhance agricultural productivity. It's an innovative strategy aimed at minimizing human labor while optimizing resource utilization.

The primary components of smart agriculture encompass hardware, software, and services. Hardware consists of tangible parts incorporated or added to electronic devices such as computers, cellphones, and other gadgets. Farms of varying sizes - small, medium, and large - utilize smart agriculture for applications like precision farming, livestock monitoring, precision aquaculture, smart forestry, smart greenhouses, and more.

The smart agriculture market research report is one of a series of new reports from The Business Research Company that provides smart agriculture market statistics, including smart agriculture industry global market size, regional shares, competitors with a smart agriculture market share, detailed smart agriculture market segments, market trends and opportunities, and any further data you may need to thrive in the smart agriculture industry. This smart agriculture market research report delivers a complete perspective of everything you need, with an in-depth analysis of the current and future scenarios of the industry.

The smart agriculture market size has grown rapidly in recent years. It will grow from $14.53 billion in 2023 to $16.38 billion in 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.8%. In the historical period, the growth in smart agriculture was propelled by factors such as increasing global population, growing concerns about climate change, supportive government initiatives, shortages in farm labor, and rising concerns about water scarcity.

The smart agriculture market size is expected to see rapid growth in the next few years. It will grow to $25.38 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.6%. In the upcoming forecast period, the growth in smart agriculture is expected to stem from an increased focus on sustainable agriculture, the rising market demand for organic produce, the adoption of sustainable agriculture practices, and the integration of smart irrigation systems. Significant trends anticipated in this period encompass precision farming and agriculture, the incorporation of Internet of Things (IoT) sensors, farm management software and platforms, robotics and automation within farming, leveraging blockchain for supply chain transparency, the implementation of climate-smart agriculture strategies, and enhanced collaborations and partnerships across the agtech ecosystem.

The smart agriculture market is poised for growth due to the increasing pressure on the food supply system, driven by the rapidly growing global population. Food supply systems encompass a complex network of interactions along the entire food value chain, from input supply to production, processing, wholesale, retail, and consumption to disposal. Smart farming emerges as a crucial link in this chain by facilitating an effective and equitable flow of information, enhancing decision-making for all participants. A report by the Food and Agriculture Organization in April 2022 highlighted a significant rise in acute food insecurity, affecting nearly 193 million people in 53 countries or territories. This surge underscores the urgency of addressing food supply challenges, driving the growth of the smart agriculture market.

The growth of the smart agriculture market is further propelled by the increasing adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT, a networked system of interconnected computing devices, plays a pivotal role in smart agriculture by enabling real-time data collection from various sensors and devices. This data empowers farmers to make informed decisions regarding crop management, irrigation, and livestock monitoring, leading to heightened efficiency and productivity. As of September 2022, global IoT connections reached 13.2 billion, with projections indicating a substantial increase to 34.7 billion connections by 2028. The rising adoption of IoT technologies signifies a significant driver for the smart agriculture market.

A key trend in the smart agriculture market is technological advancement, with major companies actively developing innovative solutions to assist farmers. Technologies such as livestock biometrics, infrastructure health sensors, agricultural robots, RFID, biometrics, and GPS are being deployed to automatically gather real-time information on livestock. In March 2021, DeLaval, a Sweden-based provider of milking equipment and solutions, introduced a new line of robotic collectors, including the DeLaval RC550 and RC700. These innovations aim to enhance cow welfare, particularly in terms of hoof health. The robot collector adapts to various manure types without the need for added water, offering flexibility in handling different bedding materials. This technological advancement not only improves herd health and milk quality but also enhances operational efficiency in the smart agriculture sector.

Major players in the smart agriculture market are intensifying their efforts to introduce advanced systems, such as crop intelligence models, as a strategic approach to enhance revenue generation. Crop intelligence models leverage sophisticated data analytics and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to optimize agricultural practices. These models facilitate precise decision-making in crop management and resource utilization. A notable example is PepsiCo, Inc., a prominent US-based food company, which collaborated with Cropin in April 2023 to introduce a crop intelligence model in India, specifically targeting the optimization of potato yield. This initiative exemplifies the application of smart agriculture, offering real-time weather monitoring, predictive intelligence at crop and plot levels, tailored advice for irrigation, fertilization, and pest control, as well as an early warning system for disease and pest outbreaks. The integration of technology and data-driven insights underscores the commitment to fostering responsible and efficient farming practices.

In a strategic move in June 2021, BASF SE, a leading Germany-based chemical company, acquired Horta S.r.l. for an undisclosed amount. This acquisition aligns with BASF Agricultural Solutions' objective to broaden its product line by incorporating digital solutions that support farmers in their work, enhancing productivity and addressing environmental impacts in agriculture. Horta S.r.l., an Italy-based provider of digital farming solutions, became part of BASF Agricultural Solutions while maintaining its existing organizational structure and management. The acquisition builds upon the established collaboration between the two entities, emphasizing the importance of digital solutions in advancing agriculture's efficiency and sustainability.

Major companies operating in the smart agriculture market report are Hikvision Digital Technology Co. Ltd., Dahua Technology Co. Ltd., Axis Communications AB, Bosch Security Systems Inc., Hanwha Techwin Co. Ltd., Avigilon Corporation, Teledyne FLIR LLC, Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd., Seon Design Inc., Pro-Vigil Inc., Strongwatch Corporation, Rosco Inc., BriefCam Ltd., Uniview Technologies Co. Ltd., Agent Video Intelligence Ltd., Aditya Infotech Ltd., Genetec Inc., Safety Vision LLC, Maryland Security Professionals, Apollo Video Technology, Floatograph Technologies LLC, Maxxess Systems Inc., Evolv Technologies, DynaColor, Webgate, Motorola Solutions, Tiandy Technologies, Allegion, Dnake, Jovision, Xiamen Leading Optics Co. Ltd., Ava Group, RFHIC Corporation, Anaren Inc., Tokyo Denki Kagaku Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha, KYOCERA AVX Corporation, Johanson Technology Inc.

North America was the largest region in the smart agriculture market in 2023. Asia-Pacific is expected to be the fastest-growing region in the smart agriculture market report during the forecast period. The regions covered in the smart agriculture market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa.

The countries covered in the smart agriculture market report are Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Russia, South Korea, UK, USA, Canada, Italy, Spain.

The smart agriculture market consists of revenues earned by entities through system integration, consulting, and support and maintenance services. The market value includes the value of related goods sold by the service provider or included within the service offering. The smart agriculture market includes revenues earned by entities through precision aquaculture, livestock monitoring, precision forestry, smart greenhouses, and others. Values in this market are 'factory gate' values, that is, the value of goods sold by the manufacturers or creators of the goods, whether to other entities (including downstream manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, and retailers) or directly to end customers. The value of goods in this market includes related services sold by the creators of the goods.

The market value is defined as the revenues that enterprises gain from the sale of goods and/or services within the specified market and geography through sales, grants, or donations in terms of the currency (in USD, unless otherwise specified).

The revenues for a specified geography are consumption values that are revenues generated by organizations in the specified geography within the market, irrespective of where they are produced. It does not include revenues from resales along the supply chain, either further along the supply chain or as part of other products.

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Smart Agriculture Market Characteristics

3. Smart Agriculture Market Trends And Strategies

4. Smart Agriculture Market - Macro Economic Scenario

  • 4.1. Impact Of High Inflation On The Market
  • 4.2. Ukraine-Russia War Impact On The Market
  • 4.3. COVID-19 Impact On The Market

5. Global Smart Agriculture Market Size and Growth

  • 5.1. Global Smart Agriculture Market Drivers and Restraints
    • 5.1.1. Drivers Of The Market
    • 5.1.2. Restraints Of The Market
  • 5.2. Global Smart Agriculture Historic Market Size and Growth, 2018 - 2023, Value ($ Billion)
  • 5.3. Global Smart Agriculture Forecast Market Size and Growth, 2023 - 2028, 2033F, Value ($ Billion)

6. Smart Agriculture Market Segmentation

  • 6.1. Global Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Offering, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • Hardware
  • Software
  • Services
  • 6.2. Global Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Farm Size, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
  • 6.3. Global Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • Precision Farming
  • Livestock Monitoring
  • Precision Aquaculture
  • Precision Forestry
  • Smart Greenhouse
  • Other Applications

7. Smart Agriculture Market Regional And Country Analysis

  • 7.1. Global Smart Agriculture Market, Split By Region, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 7.2. Global Smart Agriculture Market, Split By Country, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

8. Asia-Pacific Smart Agriculture Market

  • 8.1. Asia-Pacific Smart Agriculture Market Overview
  • Region Information, Impact Of COVID-19, Market Information, Background Information, Government Initiatives, Regulations, Regulatory Bodies, Major Associations, Taxes Levied, Corporate Tax Structure, Investments, Major Companies
  • 8.2. Asia-Pacific Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Offering, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 8.3. Asia-Pacific Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Farm Size, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 8.4. Asia-Pacific Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

9. China Smart Agriculture Market

  • 9.1. China Smart Agriculture Market Overview
  • 9.2. China Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Offering, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F,$ Billion
  • 9.3. China Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Farm Size, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F,$ Billion
  • 9.4. China Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F,$ Billion

10. India Smart Agriculture Market

  • 10.1. India Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Offering, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 10.2. India Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Farm Size, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 10.3. India Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

11. Japan Smart Agriculture Market

  • 11.1. Japan Smart Agriculture Market Overview
  • 11.2. Japan Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Offering, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 11.3. Japan Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Farm Size, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 11.4. Japan Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

12. Australia Smart Agriculture Market

  • 12.1. Australia Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Offering, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 12.2. Australia Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Farm Size, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 12.3. Australia Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

13. Indonesia Smart Agriculture Market

  • 13.1. Indonesia Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Offering, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 13.2. Indonesia Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Farm Size, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 13.3. Indonesia Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

14. South Korea Smart Agriculture Market

  • 14.1. South Korea Smart Agriculture Market Overview
  • 14.2. South Korea Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Offering, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 14.3. South Korea Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Farm Size, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 14.4. South Korea Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

15. Western Europe Smart Agriculture Market

  • 15.1. Western Europe Smart Agriculture Market Overview
  • 15.2. Western Europe Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Offering, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 15.3. Western Europe Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Farm Size, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 15.4. Western Europe Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

16. UK Smart Agriculture Market

  • 16.1. UK Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Offering, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 16.2. UK Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Farm Size, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 16.3. UK Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

17. Germany Smart Agriculture Market

  • 17.1. Germany Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Offering, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 17.2. Germany Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Farm Size, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 17.3. Germany Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

18. France Smart Agriculture Market

  • 18.1. France Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Offering, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 18.2. France Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Farm Size, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 18.3. France Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

19. Italy Smart Agriculture Market

  • 19.1. Italy Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Offering, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 19.2. Italy Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Farm Size, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 19.3. Italy Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

20. Spain Smart Agriculture Market

  • 20.1. Spain Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Offering, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 20.2. Spain Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Farm Size, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 20.3. Spain Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

21. Eastern Europe Smart Agriculture Market

  • 21.1. Eastern Europe Smart Agriculture Market Overview
  • 21.2. Eastern Europe Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Offering, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 21.3. Eastern Europe Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Farm Size, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 21.4. Eastern Europe Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

22. Russia Smart Agriculture Market

  • 22.1. Russia Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Offering, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 22.2. Russia Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Farm Size, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 22.3. Russia Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

23. North America Smart Agriculture Market

  • 23.1. North America Smart Agriculture Market Overview
  • 23.2. North America Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Offering, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 23.3. North America Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Farm Size, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 23.4. North America Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

24. USA Smart Agriculture Market

  • 24.1. USA Smart Agriculture Market Overview
  • 24.2. USA Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Offering, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 24.3. USA Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Farm Size, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 24.4. USA Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

25. Canada Smart Agriculture Market

  • 25.1. Canada Smart Agriculture Market Overview
  • 25.2. Canada Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Offering, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 25.3. Canada Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Farm Size, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 25.4. Canada Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

26. South America Smart Agriculture Market

  • 26.1. South America Smart Agriculture Market Overview
  • 26.2. South America Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Offering, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 26.3. South America Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Farm Size, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 26.4. South America Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

27. Brazil Smart Agriculture Market

  • 27.1. Brazil Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Offering, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 27.2. Brazil Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Farm Size, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 27.3. Brazil Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

28. Middle East Smart Agriculture Market

  • 28.1. Middle East Smart Agriculture Market Overview
  • 28.2. Middle East Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Offering, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 28.3. Middle East Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Farm Size, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 28.4. Middle East Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

29. Africa Smart Agriculture Market

  • 29.1. Africa Smart Agriculture Market Overview
  • 29.2. Africa Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Offering, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 29.3. Africa Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Farm Size, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 29.4. Africa Smart Agriculture Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

30. Smart Agriculture Market Competitive Landscape And Company Profiles

  • 30.1. Smart Agriculture Market Competitive Landscape
  • 30.2. Smart Agriculture Market Company Profiles
    • 30.2.1. Hikvision Digital Technology Co. Ltd.
      • Overview
      • Products and Services
      • Strategy
      • Financial Performance
    • 30.2.2. Dahua Technology Co. Ltd.
      • Overview
      • Products and Services
      • Strategy
      • Financial Performance
    • 30.2.3. Axis Communications AB
      • Overview
      • Products and Services
      • Strategy
      • Financial Performance
    • 30.2.4. Bosch Security Systems Inc.
      • Overview
      • Products and Services
      • Strategy
      • Financial Performance
    • 30.2.5. Hanwha Techwin Co. Ltd.
      • Overview
      • Products and Services
      • Strategy
      • Financial Performance

31. Global Smart Agriculture Market Competitive Benchmarking

32. Global Smart Agriculture Market Competitive Dashboard

33. Key Mergers And Acquisitions In The Smart Agriculture Market

34. Smart Agriculture Market Future Outlook and Potential Analysis

  • 34.1 Smart Agriculture Market In 2028 - Countries Offering Most New Opportunities
  • 34.2 Smart Agriculture Market In 2028 - Segments Offering Most New Opportunities
  • 34.3 Smart Agriculture Market In 2028 - Growth Strategies
    • 34.3.1 Market Trend Based Strategies
    • 34.3.2 Competitor Strategies

35. Appendix

  • 35.1. Abbreviations
  • 35.2. Currencies
  • 35.3. Historic And Forecast Inflation Rates
  • 35.4. Research Inquiries
  • 35.5. The Business Research Company
  • 35.6. Copyright And Disclaimer