表紙:コネクテッドカー市場の2028年までの予測- 接続ソリューション、テクノロジー、サービス、ネットワーク(セルラー、専用近距離通信)、ネットワーク別、車両タイプ別、ハードウェア別、接続タイプ別、アプリケーション別、エンドユーザー別、地域別の世界分析

コネクテッドカー市場の2028年までの予測- 接続ソリューション、テクノロジー、サービス、ネットワーク(セルラー、専用近距離通信)、ネットワーク別、車両タイプ別、ハードウェア別、接続タイプ別、アプリケーション別、エンドユーザー別、地域別の世界分析

Connected Cars Market Forecasts to 2028 - Global Analysis By Connectivity Solution, Technology, Service, Network (Cellular, Dedicated Short Range Communication ), Network, Vehicle Type, Hardware, Connectivity Type, Application, End User & Geography

出版日: | 発行: Stratistics Market Research Consulting | ページ情報: 英文 175+ Pages | 納期: 2~3営業日

● お客様のご希望に応じて、既存データの加工や未掲載情報(例:国別セグメント)の追加などの対応が可能です。  詳細はお問い合わせください。

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
コネクテッドカー市場の2028年までの予測- 接続ソリューション、テクノロジー、サービス、ネットワーク(セルラー、専用近距離通信)、ネットワーク別、車両タイプ別、ハードウェア別、接続タイプ別、アプリケーション別、エンドユーザー別、地域別の世界分析
出版日: 2023年05月01日
発行: Stratistics Market Research Consulting
ページ情報: 英文 175+ Pages
納期: 2~3営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次

Stratistics MRCによると、コネクテッドカーの世界市場は、2022年に285億5,000万米ドルを占め、予測期間中に21%のCAGRで成長し、2028年には896億2,000万米ドルに達すると予想されています。


5G Automotive Associationsによると、シームレスな5Gネットワークは、交通事故の60%以上を防止するのに役立つとされています。




車両と 促進要因の間のデータ交換は、コネクテッド自動車が安全機能の一部として提供する多くの革新的なアフターマーケット技術の一つです。車両の経済性を高め、燃料とメンテナンスコストを節約し、セキュリティと安全対策を強化し、 促進要因の運転体験全体を向上させるために、安全は通信と自動車技術を融合させる。目的地までの最適なルートを選択するために 促進要因を支援するコネクテッドカーのもう一つの要素は、運転支援システムです。さらに、駐車場の空き状況や渋滞情報を通知してくれる機能もあります。このようなコネクテッドカーの機能により、インテリジェント交通システムは運転体験を向上させることができるかもしれません。



コネクテッドカー・テクノロジーが著しく向上しているにもかかわらず、サイバーセキュリティは依然として大きな懸念材料となっています。Bluetooth、ハードウェア・ソフトウェア、モバイル・アプリケーションはすべて、コネクテッド・オートモーティブの脆弱な部分です。そのため、市場の拡大が難しくなる可能性があります。サイバーセキュリティによって不快な思いをした状況は数知れず。Tesla SとNissan Leafは、リンク型自動車がハッキングの影響を受けやすいことを示す2つの例です。






道路上のネットワークが不十分なため、自動車はクラウドに接続されておらず、互いに接続されていません。メキシコ、ブラジル、インドなどの新興諸国では、先進国とは対照的に、道路上のITインフラの拡大が遅れています。現在、3Gや4G LTEの通信ネットワークを利用できるのは都市部や郊外の地域だけです。半都市部や農村部では、多くのサードパーティロジスティクス会社が営業していますが、接続が課題となっています。そのため、新興諸国ではITや通信インフラが整備されておらず、政府のルールが徐々に実施されていることが、これらの国におけるコネクテッドカー産業の成長の妨げになる可能性があります。






OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturer)セグメントは、予測期間中に最も速いCAGR成長を遂げると予測されています。無制限の接続、サイバーセキュリティ、安全性の高いソフトウェアで接続された自律走行車の開発などの技術開発の高まりが、予測期間中にOEMの優位性を高めると予測されています。高品質でリーズナブルなコンポーネントを提供するために、重要な企業と提携を結んでいることも、OEM市場の上昇を後押しする要素となっています。






2022年2月、HARMAN Savari MECWAVEは、リリースされたターンキー・コネクティビティのための超低遅延エッジベース・コンピューティング・プラットフォームです。MECWAVEは、ハザードアラートなどのV2X(ビークル・トゥ・エブリシング)通信や、インタラクティブなインフォテインメントやビデオストリーミングなどの高スループットのネットワーキング体験の迅速な展開を可能にします。また、MECWAVEは、モバイル機器やウェアラブル機器、バイクやスクーターなどのV2X非対応の車両や機器に、インターネットを介して互いに通信する機能を与えます。

2021年11月、コンチネンタルは高度な自律走行に向けた技術ソリューションを開発しました。これは、複雑な運転操作を独立して行うことができるスマートソフトウェアで構成されています。レベル3からは、次世代ドライビングプランナーと呼ばれる画期的なソフトウェアプログラムにより、高度な自律走行が実現可能です。これは、 促進要因がいなくても、さまざまな運転状況で車両を操作できることを示唆しています。コンチネンタルが開発したソフトウェアには、自動車のインテリジェンスにおける重要な発展が見て取れるでしょう。


  • 地域別、国別セグメントの市場シェア評価
  • 新規参入企業への戦略的提言
  • 2020年、2021年、2022年、2025年、2028年の市場データを網羅
  • 市場促進要因(市場動向、制約要因、機会、脅威、課題、投資機会、推奨事項)。
  • 市場推定に基づく、主要ビジネスセグメントにおける戦略的提言
  • 主要な共通トレンドをマッピングした競合情勢。
  • 詳細な戦略、財務、最近の開発状況を含む企業プロファイル
  • 最新の技術的進歩をマッピングしたサプライチェーン動向



  • 企業プロファイル
    • 追加市場プレイヤーの包括的なプロファイリング(最大3社まで)
    • 主要プレイヤーのSWOT分析(3社まで)
  • 地域別セグメンテーション
    • お客様のご希望に応じて、主要国の市場推計・予測・CAGR(注:フィージビリティチェックによる。)
  • 競合ベンチマーキング
    • 製品ポートフォリオ、地域的プレゼンス、戦略的提携に基づく主要プレイヤーのベンチマーキング


第1章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第2章 序文

  • 概要
  • ステークホルダー
  • 調査範囲
  • 調査手法
    • データマイニング
    • データ分析
    • データ検証
    • 調査アプローチ
  • 調査ソース
    • 1次調査ソース
    • 2次調査ソース
    • 仮定

第3章 市場動向分析

  • 促進要因
  • 抑制要因
  • 機会
  • 脅威
  • 技術分析
  • アプリケーション分析
  • エンドユーザー分析
  • 新興市場
  • 新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)の影響

第4章 ポーターのファイブフォース分析

  • 供給企業の交渉力
  • 買い手の交渉力
  • 代替品の脅威
  • 新規参入業者の脅威
  • 競争企業間の敵対関係

第5章 世界のコネクテッドカー市場:接続ソリューション別

  • テザード
  • 統合された
  • 埋め込み
  • その他の接続ソリューション

第6章 世界のコネクテッドカー市場:テクノロジー別

  • 5G
  • 3G
  • 4G/LTE
  • その他の技術

第7章 世界のコネクテッドカー市場:サービス別

  • モビリティ管理
  • 運転支援
  • 車両管理
  • 安心・安全
  • エンターテイメント
  • 他のサービス

第8章 世界のコネクテッドカー市場:ネットワーク別

  • 携帯電話
  • 専用短距離通信(DSRC)
  • その他のネットワーク

第9章 世界のコネクテッドカー市場:車両タイプ別

  • 商用車
  • 乗用車
  • その他の車種

第10章 世界のコネクテッドカー市場:ハードウェア別

  • テレマティックコントロールユニット(TCU)
  • セントラルゲートウェイ(CGW)
  • センサー
  • 電子制御ユニット(ECU)
  • ヘッドユニット
  • インテリジェントアンテナ
  • その他のハードウェア

第11章 世界のコネクテッドカー市場:接続タイプ別

  • V2ペデストレイン
  • V2車両
  • V2インフラストラクチャ
  • 他の接続タイプ

第12章 世界のコネクテッドカー市場:アプリケーション別

  • インフォテイメント
  • テレマティクス
  • ナビゲーション
  • その他の用途

第13章 世界のコネクテッドカー市場:エンドユーザー別

  • 相手先商標製品製造業者(OEM)
  • アフターマーケット

第14章 世界のコネクテッドカー市場:地域別

  • 北米
    • 米国
    • カナダ
    • メキシコ
  • 欧州
    • ドイツ
    • 英国
    • イタリア
    • フランス
    • スペイン
    • その他欧州
  • アジア太平洋地域
    • 日本
    • 中国
    • インド
    • オーストラリア
    • ニュージーランド
    • 韓国
    • その他アジア太平洋地域
  • 南米
    • アルゼンチン
    • ブラジル
    • チリ
    • その他南米
  • 中東とアフリカ
    • サウジアラビア
    • アラブ首長国連邦
    • カタール
    • 南アフリカ
    • その他中東とアフリカ

第15章 主な発展

  • 契約、パートナーシップ、コラボレーション、合弁事業
  • 買収と合併
  • 新製品の発売
  • 事業拡大
  • その他の主要戦略

第16章 会社概要

  • Continental AG
  • Toyota Motor Corporation
  • Valeo
  • DENSO Corporation
  • Harman International Industries, Inc.
  • Robert Bosch GmbH
  • Tesla
  • Panasonic Holdings Corporation
  • TomTom International
  • Kia Motors Corporation
  • Maruti Suzuki India Limited
  • Hyundai Motor Company
  • Nissan Motor Company
  • Qualcomm Technologies

List of Tables

  • Table 1 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Region (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 2 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Connectivity Solution (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 3 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Tethered (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 4 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Integrated (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 5 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Embedded (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 6 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Other Connectivity Solutions (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 7 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Technology (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 8 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By 5G (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 9 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By 3G (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 10 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By 4G/LTE (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 11 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Other Technologies (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 12 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Service (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 13 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Mobility Management (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 14 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Driver Assistance (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 15 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Vehicle Management (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 16 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Safety & Security (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 17 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Entertainment (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 18 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Other Services (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 19 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Network (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 20 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Cellular (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 21 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 22 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Other Networks (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 23 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Vehicle Type (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 24 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Commercial Vehicle (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 25 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Passenger Cars (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 26 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Other Vehicle Types (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 27 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Hardware (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 28 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Telematic Control Unit (TCU) (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 29 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Central Gateway (CGW) (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 30 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Sensors (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 31 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Electronic Control Unit (ECU) (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 32 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Head Unit (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 33 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Intelligent Antenna (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 34 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Other Hardwares (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 35 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Connectivity Type (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 36 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By V2Pedestrain (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 37 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By V2Vehicle (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 38 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By V2Infrastructure (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 39 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Other Connectivity Types (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 40 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Application (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 41 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Infotainment (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 42 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Telematics (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 43 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Navigation (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 44 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Other Applications (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 45 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By End User (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 46 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) (2020-2028) ($MN)
  • Table 47 Global Connected Cars Market Outlook, By Aftermarket (2020-2028) ($MN)

Note: Tables for North America, Europe, APAC, South America, and Middle East & Africa Regions are also represented in the same manner as above.

Product Code: SMRC22913

According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Connected Cars Market is accounted for $28.55 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach $89.62 billion by 2028 growing at a CAGR of 21% during the forecast period. The term "connected cars" describes vehicles that have internet connectivity and cutting-edge communication systems to enable the exchange of information across multiple communication channels. They are made to provide better vehicle performance, increased user convenience, and effective interaction between the transportation system and its surroundings in order to reduce traffic accidents and provide reminders on parking spot availability.

According to the 5G Automotive Associations, a seamless 5G network can help prevent more than 60% of traffic accidents.

Market Dynamics:


Intelligent Transportation System

The data interchange between the vehicle and the driver is one of the many innovative aftermarket technologies that connected automobiles offer as part of their safety features. To increase vehicle economy, save fuel and maintenance costs, strengthen security and safety measures, and improve the entire driving experience for the driver, safety blends telecommunications and automobile technology. Another element of connected cars that assists the driver in choosing the best route to their destination is the driver assistance system. Additionally, it delivers notifications on parking availability and traffic congestion. With the help of these connected automobile features, intelligent transportation systems may improve the driving experience.



Despite notable improvements in connected automotive technology, cybersecurity remains a major worry. Bluetooth, hardware software, and mobile applications are all vulnerable parts of linked autos. This can make it difficult for the market to expand. Numerous circumstances have been made uncomfortable by cybersecurity. The Tesla S and Nissan Leaf are two instances of how susceptible linked cars are to hacking.


Emergence of new technologies like 5G and AI

For all connected automobiles to provide a better user experience, wireless connectivity is required. Many companies in the telecommunications industry are working on 5G in order to increase the efficiency and security of connected automobiles. The worldwide 5G automotive associations claim that 68% of accidents may be avoided by the use of future 5G technology. An example is the agreement between the EU and South Korea to work together on 5G development for regional 5G projects. With the increased usage of sensors and other data technologies, Al will be crucial to making sense of everything. Al is now used in certain cars for Level 3 autonomous driving, although for the industry to achieve Level 5, both the infrastructure and the automobiles need to undergo considerable upgrades.


Lack of infrastructure for the proper functioning of connected cars

Due of the inadequate network coverage on roads, vehicles do not belong to the cloud or to one another. In emerging countries like Mexico, Brazil, and India, as opposed to developed countries, the expansion of IT infrastructure on roads is slower. Currently, only urban and suburban regions have access to 3G and 4G LTE communication networks. In semi-urban and rural areas, there are many third-party logistics companies operating, but connection is a challenge. As a result, the lack of IT and communication infrastructure in developing regions and the gradual implementation of government rules may hinder the growth of the connected automotive industry in these countries.

COVID-19 Impact:

The future of new sales is uncertain in the short term as long as lockdowns continue to happen at random, which will prevent consumers from driving their cars. Sales will drop dramatically as a result of the lack of semiconductors, which has already forced many production halts for major producers. The need for private transportation does, however, continue to grow despite the restricted cash supply, which has significantly increased the number of transactions made of previously owned goods. This will help counterbalance some of the reduced sales that were seen. Companies have the chance to focus on improving the connectivity between their varied services and products at all points in the automotive supply chain.

The 5G segment is expected to be the largest during the forecast period

The 5G segment is estimated to have a lucrative growth. Cars can connect to infrastructure & one another more quickly and reliably using 5G networks since they have lower latency and faster throughput than 4G networks. This will allow for more capabilities, such improved collision avoidance and real-time traffic updates. Due to 5G networks' higher capacity than 4G networks, more cars may connect at once, improving traffic flow and reducing congestion. New services like Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) connection, which enables automobiles to communicate with other cars, pedestrians, and other infrastructure like traffic lights and weather sensors, are also made feasible by 5G. As a result, vehicles are able to be more cognizant of their surroundings and make safer and more efficient driving decisions.

The Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) segment is expected to have the highest CAGR during the forecast period

The Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) segment is anticipated to witness the fastest CAGR growth during the forecast period. Rising technological developments such as unrestricted connection, cybersecurity, and the development of autonomous cars connected with highly secure software are predicted to boost OEMs' dominance during the projection period. The establishment of alliances with significant companies to provide high-quality and reasonably priced components is another element driving the rise of the OEM market.

Region with highest share:

Asia Pacific is projected to hold the largest market share during the forecast period. A large number of automakers with operations in the Asia-Pacific area have created linked services, which will ultimately aid in the growth of the connected car industry in the region. Due to the cooperation of well-known connected vehicle companies and the rollout of 5G networks for connected cars, the market for linked cars is expected to grow tremendously. The development of advanced wireless platforms by wireless service providers for connected vehicles is another initiative that is expected to aid in the growth of the Asia-Pacific connected car industry.

Region with highest CAGR:

North America is projected to have the highest CAGR over the forecast period, owing to growth of the connected vehicle network. Important telecommunications firms are also investing in the development of linked car capabilities. The expansion of connected car services in the region has been made possible by an uptick in North American auto production and sales. The regional market has grown as a result of new technologies produced by connected service providers to provide better and more efficient service.

Key players in the market:

Some of the key players profiled in the Connected Cars Market include: Continental AG, Toyota Motor Corporation, Valeo, DENSO Corporation, Harman International Industries, Inc., Robert Bosch GmbH, Tesla, Panasonic Holdings Corporation, TomTom International, Kia Motors Corporation, Maruti Suzuki India Limited, Hyundai Motor Company, Nissan Motor Company and Qualcomm Technologies.

Key Developments:

In February 2022, HARMAN Savari MECWAVE is an Ultra-Low-Latency Edge-Based Computing Platform for Turn-Key Connectivity that was released. MECWAVE enables faster deployment of vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications like hazard alerts and high-throughput networking experiences like interactive infotainment and video streaming. MECWAVE also gives mobile and wearable devices, as well as non-V2X compliant vehicles and equipment like motorbikes and scooters, the ability to communicate with one another over the internet.

In November 2021, Continental developed a technology solution for highly autonomous driving. It is made up of smart software that can independently perform complicated driving manoeuvres. Starting at Level 3, highly autonomous driving is feasible thanks to a ground-breaking software programme called the Next Generation Driving Planner. This suggests that a vehicle can operate in various driving situations without a driver. An important development in automotive intelligence may be seen in the software that Continental developed.

Connectivity Solutions Covered:

  • Tethered
  • Integrated
  • Embedded
  • Other Connectivity Solutions

Technologies Covered:

  • 5G
  • 3G
  • 4G/LTE
  • Other Technologies

Services Covered:

  • Mobility Management
  • Driver Assistance
  • Vehicle Management
  • Safety & Security
  • Entertainment
  • Other Services

Networks Covered:

  • Cellular
  • Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC)
  • Other Networks

Vehicle Types Covered:

  • Commercial Vehicle
  • Passenger Cars
  • Other Vehicle Types

Hardware Covered:

  • Telematic Control Unit (TCU)
  • Central Gateway (CGW)
  • Sensors
  • Electronic Control Unit (ECU)
  • Head Unit
  • Intelligent Antenna
  • Other Hardwares

Connectivity Types Covered:

  • V2Pedestrain
  • V2Vehicle
  • V2Infrastructure
  • Other Connectivity Types

Applications Covered:

  • Infotainment
  • Telematics
  • Navigation
  • Other Applications

End Users Covered:

  • Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)
  • Aftermarket

Regions Covered:

  • North America
    • US
    • Canada
    • Mexico
  • Europe
    • Germany
    • UK
    • Italy
    • France
    • Spain
    • Rest of Europe
  • Asia Pacific
    • Japan
    • China
    • India
    • Australia
    • New Zealand
    • South Korea
    • Rest of Asia Pacific
  • South America
    • Argentina
    • Brazil
    • Chile
    • Rest of South America
  • Middle East & Africa
    • Saudi Arabia
    • UAE
    • Qatar
    • South Africa
    • Rest of Middle East & Africa

What our report offers:

  • Market share assessments for the regional and country-level segments
  • Strategic recommendations for the new entrants
  • Covers Market data for the years 2020, 2021, 2022, 2025, and 2028
  • Market Trends (Drivers, Constraints, Opportunities, Threats, Challenges, Investment Opportunities, and recommendations)
  • Strategic recommendations in key business segments based on the market estimations
  • Competitive landscaping mapping the key common trends
  • Company profiling with detailed strategies, financials, and recent developments
  • Supply chain trends mapping the latest technological advancements

Free Customization Offerings:

All the customers of this report will be entitled to receive one of the following free customization options:

  • Company Profiling
    • Comprehensive profiling of additional market players (up to 3)
    • SWOT Analysis of key players (up to 3)
  • Regional Segmentation
    • Market estimations, Forecasts and CAGR of any prominent country as per the client's interest (Note: Depends on feasibility check)
  • Competitive Benchmarking
    • Benchmarking of key players based on product portfolio, geographical presence, and strategic alliances

Table of Contents

1 Executive Summary

2 Preface

  • 2.1 Abstract
  • 2.2 Stake Holders
  • 2.3 Research Scope
  • 2.4 Research Methodology
    • 2.4.1 Data Mining
    • 2.4.2 Data Analysis
    • 2.4.3 Data Validation
    • 2.4.4 Research Approach
  • 2.5 Research Sources
    • 2.5.1 Primary Research Sources
    • 2.5.2 Secondary Research Sources
    • 2.5.3 Assumptions

3 Market Trend Analysis

  • 3.1 Introduction
  • 3.2 Drivers
  • 3.3 Restraints
  • 3.4 Opportunities
  • 3.5 Threats
  • 3.6 Technology Analysis
  • 3.7 Application Analysis
  • 3.8 End User Analysis
  • 3.9 Emerging Markets
  • 3.10 Impact of Covid-19

4 Porters Five Force Analysis

  • 4.1 Bargaining power of suppliers
  • 4.2 Bargaining power of buyers
  • 4.3 Threat of substitutes
  • 4.4 Threat of new entrants
  • 4.5 Competitive rivalry

5 Global Connected Cars Market, By Connectivity Solution

  • 5.1 Introduction
  • 5.2 Tethered
  • 5.3 Integrated
  • 5.4 Embedded
  • 5.5 Other Connectivity Solutions

6 Global Connected Cars Market, By Technology

  • 6.1 Introduction
  • 6.2 5G
  • 6.3 3G
  • 6.4 4G/LTE
  • 6.5 Other Technologies

7 Global Connected Cars Market, By Service

  • 7.1 Introduction
  • 7.2 Mobility Management
  • 7.3 Driver Assistance
  • 7.4 Vehicle Management
  • 7.5 Safety & Security
  • 7.6 Entertainment
  • 7.7 Other Services

8 Global Connected Cars Market, By Network

  • 8.1 Introduction
  • 8.2 Cellular
  • 8.3 Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC)
  • 8.4 Other Networks

9 Global Connected Cars Market, By Vehicle Type

  • 9.1 Introduction
  • 9.2 Commercial Vehicle
  • 9.3 Passenger Cars
  • 9.4 Other Vehicle Types

10 Global Connected Cars Market, By Hardware

  • 10.1 Introduction
  • 10.2 Telematic Control Unit (TCU)
  • 10.3 Central Gateway (CGW)
  • 10.4 Sensors
  • 10.5 Electronic Control Unit (ECU)
  • 10.6 Head Unit
  • 10.7 Intelligent Antenna
  • 10.8 Other Hardwares

11 Global Connected Cars Market, By Connectivity Type

  • 11.1 Introduction
  • 11.2 V2Pedestrain
  • 11.3 V2Vehicle
  • 11.4 V2Infrastructure
  • 11.5 Other Connectivity Types

12 Global Connected Cars Market, By Application

  • 12.1 Introduction
  • 12.2 Infotainment
  • 12.3 Telematics
  • 12.4 Navigation
  • 12.5 Other Applications

13 Global Connected Cars Market, By End User

  • 13.1 Introduction
  • 13.2 Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)
  • 13.3 Aftermarket

14 Global Connected Cars Market, By Geography

  • 14.1 Introduction
  • 14.2 North America
    • 14.2.1 US
    • 14.2.2 Canada
    • 14.2.3 Mexico
  • 14.3 Europe
    • 14.3.1 Germany
    • 14.3.2 UK
    • 14.3.3 Italy
    • 14.3.4 France
    • 14.3.5 Spain
    • 14.3.6 Rest of Europe
  • 14.4 Asia Pacific
    • 14.4.1 Japan
    • 14.4.2 China
    • 14.4.3 India
    • 14.4.4 Australia
    • 14.4.5 New Zealand
    • 14.4.6 South Korea
    • 14.4.7 Rest of Asia Pacific
  • 14.5 South America
    • 14.5.1 Argentina
    • 14.5.2 Brazil
    • 14.5.3 Chile
    • 14.5.4 Rest of South America
  • 14.6 Middle East & Africa
    • 14.6.1 Saudi Arabia
    • 14.6.2 UAE
    • 14.6.3 Qatar
    • 14.6.4 South Africa
    • 14.6.5 Rest of Middle East & Africa

15 Key Developments

  • 15.1 Agreements, Partnerships, Collaborations and Joint Ventures
  • 15.2 Acquisitions & Mergers
  • 15.3 New Product Launch
  • 15.4 Expansions
  • 15.5 Other Key Strategies

16 Company Profiling

  • 16.1 Continental AG
  • 16.2 Toyota Motor Corporation
  • 16.3 Valeo
  • 16.4 DENSO Corporation
  • 16.5 Harman International Industries, Inc.
  • 16.6 Robert Bosch GmbH
  • 16.7 Tesla
  • 16.8 Panasonic Holdings Corporation
  • 16.9 TomTom International
  • 16.10 Kia Motors Corporation
  • 16.11 Maruti Suzuki India Limited
  • 16.12 Hyundai Motor Company
  • 16.13 Nissan Motor Company
  • 16.14 Qualcomm Technologies