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SDiの空間生物学市場の分析 (2023年):市場機会の分析SDi Spatial Biology 2023 Market Opportunity Report |
SDiの空間生物学市場の分析 (2023年):市場機会の分析 |
出版日: 2023年11月22日
発行: Strategic Directions International, Inc.
ページ情報: 英文 201 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
空間生物学 (Spatial Biology) という用語は、科学者が3D環境の中で細胞情報を収集する一連の技術を指します。伝統的に、研究は単離された細胞や組織に焦点を当て、その分子組成を調べてきました。しかしこのアプローチでは往々にして、対象となる細胞や組織の空間的なコンテキストが欠落しています。例えば、バルクRNAシーケンスでは細胞の不均一性が失われ、単一細胞RNAシーケンスでは組織の周囲に関する最小限の情報しか得られないため、細胞環境の全体像を把握することは困難でした。しかし、先進的な空間生物学の発展により、科学者たちは、対象組織内の異なる細胞集団を同定し、場所を突き止めることで、パズルの欠けている部分を埋めることに近づいています。空間的コンテクストが手に入れば、様々な生理学的・病理学的プロセスに関して、より詳細な結論を導き出すことができます。
空間オミクス用装置は、配列決定が行われる前に転写産物に位置情報をエンコードする次世代配列決定ベースと、in situ配列決定 (ISS) または蛍光in situハイブリダイゼーション (FISH) のいずれかを採用するイメージングベースに大別できます。しかし、技術が進化するにつれて、どの技術も一概には言えず、空間オミクス装置には両方のカテゴリーの要素が組み込まれていることが多くなっています。
イメーイングに基づく方法では、一般的に顕微鏡が使われています。NanostringのGeoMXや10x Genomics Visiumのような新しい装置は、組織中のタンパク質やmRNAの高プレックス (10s-10,000s) デジタル定量を可能にする空間プロファイラーです。
The term Spatial Biology is used to describe a series of techniques with which scientists collect cellular information in the context of their 3D environment. Traditionally, studies have focused on isolated cells or tissues and looking at their molecular composition. However, these approaches often lacked the spatial context of the cells or tissues of interest. For instance, in bulk RNA sequencing, cellular heterogeneity is lost, while single-cell RNA sequencing generates minimal information regarding the tissues' surroundings; therefore developing a whole picture of a cell's environment proved difficult. However, with developments in advanced spatial biology, scientists are closer to filling the missing piece of the puzzle by identifying and localizing different cell populations within a tissue of interest. With the spatial context in hand, more in-depth conclusions can be drawn regarding various physiological and pathological processes.
For spatial information to be preserved in tissue, the RNA needs to be isolated while protecting its environment. Often, barcodes such as oligonucleotides are used to individually label the RNA in the tissue and hence preserve the surrounding environment. Researchers can then look at the cell-to-cell interactions, tissue composition and intracellular heterogeneity. However, limitations to resolution and specificity are still an issue, with various methods constantly being improved or developed to expand current resolution limits and applicability. In terms of workflow, vendors are looking to improve current methods and automate certain parts.
Spatial omics instruments can be broadly classified as next generation sequencing-based, which encode positional information onto transcripts before sequencing takes place, or imaging- based, which employ either in situ sequencing (ISS) or fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). However, as technology evolves, no one technique is clear-cut, and often spatial omics instruments incorporate elements of both categories.
Imaging-based methods are typically carried out using a microscope. Newer instrumentation such as Nanostring's GeoMX and 10x Genomics Visium are spatial profilers enabling high plex (10s-10,000s) digital quantitation of proteins and mRNA in tissues
An alternative technology in spatial studies is MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry. Utilizing mass spectrometry allows researchers to understand the metabolic functions of proteins, such as the formation of metabolites like ATP and lipids. Unlike IHC or FISH, spatial MS is label-free. Emerging methods using metal-isotope tagged tissue are also entering the market that, when coupled with MALDI or DESI, enable the direct and simultaneous imaging of hundreds to thousands of molecules. Lastly, sequencing-based methods are performed using NGS and RNA with spatial information captured and subsequently sequenced.
Regardless of the technique, innovation in spatial biology instrumentation is accelerating and companies are looking to meet the demand for breakthrough technologies to enable scientists to enhance research and develop novel therapies.
This report includes End User Perspectives derived from a survey of spatial biology experts from North America and Europe in the pharma/biotech/CRO, clinical, and public sectors. They offer insights into the current and future use of spatial biology techniques, instruments and consumables used in workflows, as well as improvements that can be made. End users share their applications utilizing spatial biology, how often they use various techniques and instruments, how often they use a particular technique or instrument, which vendors they currently purchase from, future purchase plans, and budget projections.
SDi's “2023 Spatial Biology Market” report observes the dynamics and numerous market trends influencing the industry and analyzes their effect on sales growth for spatial-omics imaging instrumentation. As the leading provider of market research on analytical instrumentation, SDi has crafted this report to evaluate and explain what is currently driving this important market. The analytical instrument market in this report includes staining equipment, consumables, spatial-omics imaging instruments, microscopes, NMR, and IR instruments utilized in spatial biology techniques. These instruments are categorized into five different technologies which build the overall market.