ラボから食卓へ:ラボ用分析機器の食品産業向け応用機会レポート:2023年From Lab to Table: SDi Food Applications Opportunity Report 2023 |
ラボから食卓へ:ラボ用分析機器の食品産業向け応用機会レポート:2023年 |
出版日: 2023年06月16日
発行: Strategic Directions International, Inc.
ページ情報: 英文
納期: 即日から翌営業日
新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)のパンデミック中、企業が閉鎖されリモートワークが標準となったため、多くの消費者はパントリーローディングに目を向けた。しかし、この需要の急増はサプライチェーンの混乱をもたらし、企業は国境閉鎖、人員配置の課題、社会的距離の確保に直面して供給を維持するのに苦労しました。しかし、この需要の急増はサプライチェーンの混乱をもたらし、企業は国境閉鎖、人員配置の課題、社会的距離の確保に直面して供給を維持するのに苦労しました。 2022年初めに始まったウクライナ内戦はサプライチェーンをさらに悪化させ、同国は穀物と食用油の主要生産国であるため、食品関連企業と消費者に同様の影響を与えています。その結果、需要と供給の不均衡がインフレを引き起こし、食品価格は2021年から2022年にかけて9.9%急騰しました。幸いなことに、2023年の食品価格の伸び率は2022年に比べて鈍化すると予想されていますが、依然として2022年を上回ると予想されています。過去の平均金利は、不況と景気減速の懸念の中で消費者の買い物習慣に影響を与える可能性があります。
食品用途に関するSDiの当レポートでは、業界に影響を与えるダイナミクスと多数の市場動向を観察し、消費を目的とした材料の検査に使用される機器の売上増加への影響を分析しています。 SDi は、分析機器に関する市場調査の大手プロバイダーとして、この重要な市場を現在推進している要因を評価および説明するために当レポートを作成しました。このレポートの分析機器市場には、飲食品のテストに使用される実験室用ベンチトップ機器、ポータブル機器、およびプロセス規模の機器が含まれます。これらの機器は、市場全体を構築する 13 の異なるテクノロジーに分類されます。
市場需要を技術、地域、機能別に分類し、2027 年までの年間市場予測を示します。市場予測は 2022 年を基準年として新たに更新され、飲食品業界で採用されている以下の技術についての予測が提供されています。
飲食品業界で採用されている各テクノロジー カテゴリにおける参加ベンダーのベンダー シェア。市場全体におけるトップベンダーの一部をアルファベット順に以下に示します。
Analytical instrumentation plays a critical role in food testing, enabling companies in the food industry to comply with modern-day food safety guidelines, standards, and laws while also ensuring consistency in food product quality. Therefore, it is imperative for food companies to have a well-established testing structure in place and adhere to increasingly stringent regulatory requirements that govern the entire food supply chain.
For most manufacturing facilities in the food industry, laboratories must first test the raw materials that are purchased from an external supplier or farm. This must occur before they are allowed to be processed by the manufacturer. As the raw materials are processed, they are usually tested or monitored in some way. Samples tested during this phase must either be taken directly from the production line and brought to a laboratory or assessed with in-line process analytical tools. When the final food product is ready, its physical, chemical, and microbiological characteristics are assessed in various ways.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many consumers turned to pantry-loading as businesses shut down and remote work became the norm. However, this surge in demand resulted in supply chain disruptions as businesses struggled to keep up with maintaining supplies in the face of border closures, staffing challenges and social distancing measures. However, this surge in demand resulted in supply chain disruptions as businesses struggled to keep up with maintaining supplies in the face of border closures, staffing challenges, and social distancing measures. The war in Ukraine beginning in early 2022 has further aggravated supply chains, impacting food-related businesses and consumers alike as the country is a major producer of grain and cooking oil. The resulting imbalance between supply and demand has led to inflation, with food prices soaring by 9.9% from 2021 to 2022. Fortunately, food prices are expected to grow at a slower rate in 2023 compared to 2022, though it is still projected to remain above historical average rates, potentially affecting consumers' shopping habits amid concerns of a recession and a slowing economy.
Despite ongoing shortages and changing spending habits, the demand for food testing remains strong. The scarcity of ingredients and packaging materials has compelled many companies to innovate and reformulate existing products to meet the increased demand. This has resulted in a robust demand for analytical instrumentation to facilitate testing and ensure compliance with safety guidelines and standards.
SDi's “ 2023 Lab to Table Analytical Instrumentation Market” report for food applications observes the dynamics and numerous market trends influencing the industry and analyzes their effect on sales growth for instruments used to test materials intended for consumption. As the leading provider of market research on analytical instrumentation, SDi has crafted this report to evaluate and explain what is currently driving this important market. The analytical instrument market in this report includes laboratory benchtop, portable, and process-scale instruments utilized in food & beverage testing. These instruments are categorized into thirteen different technologies which build the overall market.
Market demand segmented by technique, region, and function, along with yearly market forecasts through 2027. The market estimates have been newly updated with 2022 as the base year and estimates are provided for the following techniques employed by the food & beverage industry:
Market opportunities and threats for food & beverage industry and regional trends for the United States & Canada, Europe, China, Japan, India & Other Asia-Pacific, Latin America & the Rest of the World.
Vendor share of participating suppliers in each technology category employed by the food & beverage industry. Some of the top vendors in the overall market are presented below, in alphabetical order: