表紙:高圧直流 (HVDC)市場の地域別分析:欧州

高圧直流 (HVDC)市場の地域別分析:欧州

High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Regional Market Analysis - Europe

出版日: | 発行: PTR Inc. | ページ情報: 英文 32 Slides | 納期: 2~3営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=153.16円
高圧直流 (HVDC)市場の地域別分析:欧州
出版日: 2024年02月22日
発行: PTR Inc.
ページ情報: 英文 32 Slides
納期: 2~3営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次


当レポートは、欧州における送電網産業向けHVDC (高圧直流) 技術 - LCCとVSCを含む - の市場について分析しております。


  • 欧州のHVDC市場の分析:LCCとVSCの両方を含む、設備容量ベースの市場規模 (MW)、主要動向など。
  • 欧州の主要国の市場分析 (英国、ドイツ、イタリア、オランダ、フランスなど):LCCとVSCの両方を含む、設備容量ベースの市場規模 (MW)、主要動向など。
  • 欧州のHVDCの市場規模の分析:LCCとVSCの両方を含む、設備容量ベース (単位:MW) (2023~2030年)
  • 企業プロファイル:上位サプライヤーの企業プロファイル、提供製品、最新動向、企業の全体像の把握。
  • 競合分析:欧州市場におけるOEMの市場シェア (過去5年間分 (2019~2023年))、HVDCの下位技術別の内訳 (LCC・VSC)。
  • 市場の主な動向:主な技術動向と市場成長の促進要因。





  • 英国
  • ドイツ
  • イタリア
  • オランダ
  • フランス
  • その他欧州


  • 1. 他励式変換機 (LCC)
  • 2. 自励式変換機 (VSC)


  • GE Vernova
  • Hitachi Energy
  • Siemens Energy


当レポートは、欧州のHVDC市場 (LCCとVSCの両方) を包括的に分析しています。また、HVDC変換機の需要予測を含み、市場動向に関する重要な洞察を提供します。さらに、市場競争を把握するために、同地域のHVDC変換機の主要OEMの市場シェアも掲載しています。当レポートは、HVDC変換機OEMの経営幹部や意思決定者が、欧州のHVDC市場に戦略的投資を行う際の一助となることを目的としています。


第1章 エグゼクティブサマリー

  • 定性分析
  • 定量分析

第2章 概要

  • 分析対象となる技術 (技術の定義)
  • 分析範囲

第3章 欧州のHVDC-LCC市場の見通し

  • 欧州のLCCの市場規模 (基準年:2023年、シナリオベース予測:2024~2030年)
  • 欧州のLCC市場の分析と重要な洞察
  • 主な促進要因、規制、政策

第4章 欧州のHVDC-VSC市場の見通し

  • 欧州のVSCの市場規模 (基準年:2023年、シナリオベース予測2024~2030年)
  • 欧州のVSC市場の分析と主要な洞察
  • 主な促進要因、規制、政策

第5章 サプライヤーの企業プロファイル

  • イントロダクション
  • 最新動向
  • 製品ポートフォリオ

第6章 競合分析

  • 市場シェア (2019~2023年)
    • 欧州におけるLCCの市場シェア
    • 欧州におけるVSCの市場シェア


This report covers the European market analysis of both HVDC technologies including Line Commutated Converter (LCC) and Voltage Source Converter (VSC) used in the power grid industry.

The report comprises of following components:

  • Market analysis of Europe's HVDC market for both HVDC LCC and VSC, including market size in terms of capacity additions (MW) and key trends.
  • Market analysis of key markets in Europe including the UK, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and France for HVDC LCC and VSC, including capacity additions (MW) and market trends.
  • Market Sizing of Europe's HVDC market for both LCC and VSC from 2023 to 2030 in terms of capacity additions (MW).
  • Company Profiles: Information on company profiles of top suppliers, their offered products, and recent developments are included in the report to get a holistic view of the companies.
  • Competitive Analysis: Split of OEM's market share for the last 5 years (2019 to 2023) in the European market has been reported in this section. These market shares are further segmented into sub-technologies of HVDC (LCC & VSC).
  • Key Market Trends: Key technology trends and drivers for market growth are included in this report.

Executive Summary:

The HVDC technology landscape is experiencing rapid evolution in Europe. HVDC-VSC is projected to maintain its dominance in the European market, driven by the growing demand for offshore wind development and cross-border electricity interconnection. HVDC-LCC will continue to address specific requirements in select regions.

Key markets for HVDC-VSC technology include the United Kingdom, France, and Germany, positioning these countries as leaders in Europe. The year 2025 is anticipated to witness peak demand for HVDC-VSC technology, with a significant focus on offshore wind expansion in the German and Dutch North Sea regions. This growth underscores the pivotal role of HVDC technology in facilitating efficient electricity trade and supporting renewable energy initiatives in the evolving energy landscape. The Government initiatives promoting clean energy and advancements in HVDC technology further contribute to the market expansion.

Countries Covered:

  • UK
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Netherlands
  • France
  • Rest of Europe

Technologies Mentioned:

  • 1. Line Commutated Converter (LCC)
  • 2. Voltage Source Converter (VSC)

Companies Mentioned:

  • GE Vernova
  • Hitachi Energy
  • Siemens Energy

Reasons to Purchase:

The report offers a comprehensive overview of the HVDC (both LCC and VSC) market in Europe. It includes a demand forecast for HVDC converters and provides key insights into the market trends. Plus, the market shares of the key HVDC converter OEMs in the region are included to capture market competition. This report aims to help executives and decision-makers of HVDC converter OEMs make strategic investments in the European HVDC market.

Who Should Buy the Report:

  • 1. Marketing Manager
  • 2. Director of Marketing
  • 3. Head of Marketing
  • 4. VP of Marketing
  • 5. Strategic Marketing Director
  • 6. Head of Strategic Marketing
  • 7. Head of Market Intelligence
  • 8. Manager Business Intelligence
  • 9. Strategy Development
  • 10. Director, Strategy Development
  • 11. Commercial Analyst
  • 12. Market Analyst
  • 13. Marketing Analyst
  • 14. Head of Sales
  • 15. Director of Sales
  • 16. Sales Manager

Research Methodology:

The information contained in the report has been gathered through authentic online sources used for secondary research and PTR's HVDC market forecast model. It has been verified through interviews with industry professionals conducted as part of primary research.

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

  • I. Qualitative Analysis
  • II. Quantitative Analysis

2. Overview

  • I. Technology Covered (Definitions of the Technology)
  • II. Scope of the Report

3. Europe HVDC-LCC Market Outlook

  • I. Market Size of the LCC in Europe (The base year 2023, Scenario-based forecast 2024 to 2030)
  • II. LCC Market Analysis & Key Insights in Europe
  • III. Key Drivers, Regulations, and Policies

4. Europe HVDC-VSC Market Outlook

  • I. Market Size of the VSC in Europe (The base year 2023, Scenario-based forecast 2024 to 2030)
  • II. VSC Market Analysis & Key Insights in Europe
  • III. Key Drivers, Regulations, and Policies

5. Company Profiles of Suppliers

  • I. Introduction
  • II. Recent Developments
  • III. Product Portfolio

6. Competitive Analysis

  • I. Market Shares (2019-2023)
    • a. Market Shares of LCC in Europe
    • b. Market Shares of VSC in Europe

List of tables and figures

  • Europe LCC Annual Market Size - Capacity Additions
  • Europe VSC Annual Market Size - Capacity Additions
  • LCC Market Shares - Europe (2019-2023)
  • VSC Market Shares - Europe (2019-2023)