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自動車用TICの世界市場:2024-2031年Global Automotive TIC Market 2024-2031 |
自動車用TICの世界市場:2024-2031年 |
出版日: 2024年06月26日
発行: Orion Market Research
ページ情報: 英文 145 Pages
納期: 2~3営業日
自動車用TIC(試験・検査・認証)市場は、予測期間(2024-2031年)にCAGR 4.6%で成長すると予測されます。自動車用TICは、規制要件、安全プロトコル、品質基準に従って自動車を試験、検査、認証する3段階のプロセスで構成されます。市場成長の原動力は、自動車台数の増加と交通安全のための厳しい規制です。自動車試験技術の進歩、電気自動車(EV)やハイブリッド車(HEV)などの代替自動車の台頭、車両の再コールやアフターサービスに関するメーカーの関心の高まりが、世界市場の成長をさらに後押ししています。
ADAS(先進運転支援システム)や自律走行車などの自動車技術の進歩は、将来の交通安全規制要件に準拠するために試験技術をアップグレード、改訂、修正するOEMメーカーや自動車用TIC企業に新たな展望を生み出しています。このような先進技術の統合には、TICプロセスへの厳格な投資、研究開発、技術革新が必要となります。しかし、この進歩はまた、自動車用TIC企業にとって、未来の動向に従ってサービスポートフォリオを拡大し、事業を成長させる新たな機会ももたらします。例えば、Skoda Autoは2024年5月、Mlada Boleslavにエミッションセンターと真新しいシミュレーションセンターの新施設を開設しました。約2,360万米ドルを投資したこの研究所は、技術開発部門における自動車メーカーの社内開発能力を強化します。最先端技術により、さまざまな気候条件を正確かつ精密にシミュレーションすることが可能となり、現実世界のオペレーションを模倣した包括的な試験が可能となります。
自動車用試験は自動車整備において重要な意味を持っています。新車、部品、材料に対する標準的な試験要件や、耐久性試験、排出ガス試験、性能試験、騒音試験、振動試験などの多様な試験サービス要件が、試験需要の原動力となっています。例えば、TUV SUD America Inc.は、ミシガン州Auburn Hillsに最新鋭の環境試験所を開設し、EV用バッテリーとシステムソリューションの最高品質と性能基準を推進するという揺るぎないコミットメントを再確認しました。
北米は、厳格な車両試験プログラム、自動車用TICに関する厳格な規制、自動車用TICの研究開発への絶え間ない投資を通じて、交通安全の標準化に取り組んでおり、自動車用TIC市場を独占しています。同地域での乗用車需要の増加や、Intertek Group plc、Societe Generale de Surveillance SA、UL LLCといった主要な自動車用TICプロバイダーの存在も、同地域市場の高シェアに貢献しています。さらに、自動車の安全性を評価・認証するための地域別プログラムが実施されていることも、この地域における自動車用TICの普及と採用を広く促進しています。例えば、米国NHTSAの新車アセスメントプログラム(NCAP)は、消費者が購入の意思決定を行い、安全性向上を促進するために、新車の安全性能に関する比較データを提供しています。NCAPプログラムでは、衝突安全性と耐横転性能の星評価に加え、特定のADAS(先進運転支援システム)技術を推進し、NCAP性能試験基準を満たすこれらのシステムを搭載した市販車を特定しています。
Automotive TIC Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report by Service Type (Testing, Inspection, and Certification), by Vehicle Type (Passenger Vehicle, and Commercial Vehicle), and by Sourcing Type (In-house, and Outsourced), Forecast Period (2024-2031)
Automotive testing, inspection, and certification (TIC) market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 4.6% during the forecast period (2024-2031). Automotive TIC comprises a three-stage process of testing, inspecting, and certifying automobiles as per regulatory requirements, safety protocols, and quality standards. The growth of the market is driven by the increasing number of automobiles and stringent regulatory regulations for road safety. The advancements in automotive testing technology, the rise in alternative automotive such as electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid vehicles (HEVs), and growing concerns for manufacturers on vehicle re-call and aftermarket servicing are further aiding the global market growth.
Market Dynamics
Increasing Vehicle Production
The increase in automobile production has been a key contributor to automotive TIC market growth. In the past decade, the demand for automobiles, including EVs, has exponentially increased with growing urbanization, increasing income levels, and the shifting preference of consumers to upgrade their vehicles among others. The demand has pushed automobile manufacturers to produce and test vehicles as per the highest level of quality and safety standards to fulfill regulatory requirements as well as consumer expectations, which is projected to positively influence the automotive TIC demand. For instance, according to the European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACEA), in 2022, 85.4 million motor vehicles were produced around the globe, an increase of 5.7% compared to 2021. The production data comprises Greater China (32.0%) with an increase of 2.0% from 2017, Europe (19.0%) with a decrease of 4.0% from 2017, North America (17.0%) with a decrease of 1.0% from 2017, and South Asia (12.0%) with an increase of 3.0% from 2017.
Advancement in Automotive Technology
The advancement in automotive technology such as advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous vehicles has created new prospects for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and automotive TIC companies to upgrade, revise, and modify testing technology to comply with future road safety regulation requirements. The integration of such advanced technology will require rigorous investments, R&D, and innovation in TIC processes. However, the advancement also brings new opportunities for automotive TIC companies to expand their service portfolio as per futuristic trends and grow their businesses. For instance, in May 2024, Skoda Auto inaugurated new facilities for the Emissions Center and a brand-new Simulation Center in Mlada Boleslav. Following investments of nearly $23.6 million, the laboratory will bolster the car manufacturer's in-house development capabilities within the Technical Development department. State-of-the-art technologies allow for the precise and accurate simulation of several climatic conditions, enabling comprehensive tests that mimic real-world operations.
Testing is the Most Prominent Automotive TIC Service Type
Automotive testing holds considerable significance in automotive servicing. The standard testing requirements for new vehicles, components, and materials and diverse testing service requirements such as durability testing, emissions testing, performance testing, noise testing, and vibration testing, among others, drive the testing demand. For instance, TUV SUD America Inc. unveiled its new state-of-the-art environmental laboratory in Auburn Hills, MI, reaffirming its unwavering commitment to advancing the highest quality and performance standards in EV battery and system solutions.
Passenger Vehicle Holds Major Share Based on Vehicle Type
The increasing demand for passenger vehicles, novel launches of different passenger vehicle types, integration of advanced technology in passenger vehicles, and the requirement of strict adherence to regulatory requirements in the passenger vehicle segment contribute to the high share of this market segment. For instance, according to the European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACEA), 66.0 million passenger cars are sold around the globe every year, among which the European Union accounts for 14.1% of global registrations with more than 9.0 million new cars.
The global automotive TIC market is further segmented based on geography including North America (the US, and Canada), Europe (the UK, Italy, Spain, Germany, France, and the Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (India, China, Japan, South Korea, and Rest of Asia-Pacific), and the Rest of the World (the Middle East & Africa, and Latin America).
North America Dominates the Global Automotive TIC Market
North America dominates the automotive TIC market owing to regional efforts to standardize road safety through rigorous vehicle testing programs, stringent regulation for automotive TIC, constant investments in automotive TIC R&D. The increasing demand for passenger vehicles in the region, and the presence of major automotive TIC providers such as Intertek Group plc, Societe Generale de Surveillance SA., and UL LLC are other contributors to the high share of the regional market. Further, the implementation of regional programs for rating and certifying vehicle safety has widely promoted the implication and adoption of automotive TIC in the region. For instance, the NHTSA's New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) in the US provides comparative data on the safety performance of new vehicles to help consumers make purchasing decisions and drive safety improvements. In addition to star ratings for crash safety and rollover resistance, the NCAP program promotes specific advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) technologies and identifies vehicles on the market with those systems that meet NCAP performance test standards.
The major companies serving the global automotive TIC market include Intertek Group plc, Societe Generale de Surveillance SA., and UL LLC. among others. The market players are focusing on capitalizing on growth by adopting strategies such as collaboration, partnerships, and market expansion among others. For instance, in March 2024, Bureau Veritas announced definitive agreements to acquire three players to broaden its position in testing and certification services for the Electrical and Electronics consumer products category in South and North-East Asia, with a total revenue of approximately $21.4 million in 2023.