次世代シーケンス(NGS):市場シェア分析、業界動向と統計、成長予測(2024~2029年)Next-generation Sequencing (NGS) - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029) |
次世代シーケンス(NGS):市場シェア分析、業界動向と統計、成長予測(2024~2029年) |
出版日: 2024年02月15日
発行: Mordor Intelligence
ページ情報: 英文 203 Pages
納期: 2~3営業日
NGS診断技術はウイルスの遺伝子配列を突き止めることができ、科学者が変異がどのように起こるかを解明するのに役立ちました。COVID-19のパンデミック中、世界中の政府は民間部門と協力して、診断ツールの候補としてNGS技術を市場に投入しようとしました。たとえば、2022年 3月にFrontiersが発表した記事には、次世代シーケンス(NGS)は、COVID-19の研究に使用され、これにより、SARS-CoV-2がどこから来たのかを見つけることがはるかに容易になりました。また、NGSは、SARS-CoV-2の考えられる起源と働きを次の順序で調べるために重要であるとも述べています。COVID-19の蔓延を阻止し、治療計画をさらに改善するため。このため、パンデミック段階を通じてNGSテクノロジーの使用が増加しました。ただし、パンデミック後、NGS市場は調査の予測期間中に安定した成長が見込まれています。
臨床診断におけるNGSテクノロジーの使用の急増と、このシーケンス手法の速度、コスト、精度により、市場の成長が促進される可能性があります。たとえば、2021年 1月に公開されたPubMed Centralの記事によると、NGSには従来の配列決定技術に比べて多くの利点があります。これらの利点には、サンプル多重化による高いスループット、低頻度の変異を検出するためのより高い感度、より速いターンアラウンドタイムが含まれます。さらに、2021年 4月のPubMed Centralの記事では、NGSは大規模な並列シーケンスが可能であり、その前任者である従来のサンガーシーケンスを着実に置き換えているため、より手頃な価格で、より低コストのシーケンスの需要に大きな影響を与えていると主張しています。 NGSの利点は、今後数年間の市場の成長に役立つと期待されています。
さらに、いくつかの市場企業がこの技術を通じて医薬品の開発で重要な役割を果たしており、これも市場の成長を促進すると予想されています。たとえば、2022年 1月、イルミナ社とヴァンダービルト大学医療センター(VUMC)の完全子会社であるナッシュビルバイオサイエンス LLCは、大規模なゲノミクスとイルミナの次世代シーケンス(NGS)プラットフォームを使用した、主要な臨床ゲノムリソースの作成。
さらに、疾患の根本原因を特定するためにWGSテクノロジーを利用するために大学、学術調査機関、調査機関が取り組んでいる数多くの取り組みが、この分野の成長を促進すると考えられます。たとえば、Stanford Medicineは2021年 2月に、全ゲノム配列決定のための社内サービスを開始しました。 NGSベースのテストを使用すると、さまざまなウイルスの全ゲノム配列決定が大幅に簡素化されました。
同様に、the University College Londonは2022年11月、全ゲノム解読を個別化することで、診断できる希少疾患の数が2倍になる可能性があると報告しました。参加した患者全員が、ゲノミクス・イングランドの「10万ゲノムプロジェクト」を通じて全ゲノム解読を受けました。原発性ミトコンドリア病(PMD)が疑われる場合の遺伝的原因を特定するため、全ゲノム配列決定に対する需要の高まりにより、NGS技術の利用が促進されることが予想されます。さらに、全ゲノムの使用に関する臨床試験研究の数も増加しています。シーケンスでは全ゲノムシーケンスへの注目も高まっており、それによって市場の成長に貢献しています。
たとえば、カナダがん協会の2022年の統計によると、2021年に約6,700人のカナダ人が白血病と診断され、そのうち男性が4,000人、女性が2,700人でした。また、米国がん協会の2023年のデータによると、2023年には米国で約59,610人の新たな白血病症例と20,380人の新たな急性骨髄性白血病(AML)症例が診断されると予想されています。したがって、このような病気の発生率は高いです。 NGSテクノロジーベースのデバイスの使用量の増加につながり、この地域の市場を牽引しています。
市場の成長は、主要な市場企業がますます多くの変化を起こしているという事実によっても促進されると予想されます。たとえば、2022年9月、Predicine, Inc.は、米国FDAがPredicineCARETM cfDNAアッセイ(がん患者のリキッドバイオプシーサンプルから単離されたcfDNAの腫瘍変異プロファイリングのための次世代シーケンス(NGS)アッセイ)に画期的なデバイスの指定を与えたと発表しました。同様に、2022年 8月、サーモフィッシャーサイエンティフィックは、米国FDAが、腫瘍にHER2(ERBB2)を有する患者を特定するコンパニオン診断(CDx)として、「Oncomine Dx Target Test」として知られるNGSベースの検査の市販前承認を与えたと発表しました。コンパニオン診断(CDx)としてのENHERTU(fam-trastuzumab deruxtecan nxki)の候補となる可能性がある非小細胞肺がん(NSCLC)における変異(SNVおよびエクソン20挿入)を活性化します。
次世代シーケンス(NGS)市場は非常に細分化されており、世界的および国際的な企業が複数存在します。主要企業は、パートナーシップ、協定、コラボレーション、新製品の発売、地理的拡大、合併、買収など、市場での存在感を高めるためにさまざまな成長戦略を採用しています。市場の主要企業としては、F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.、Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.、Agilent Technologies、Illumina Inc.、PerkinElmer Inc.などが挙げられます。
The Next-generation Sequencing Market size is estimated at USD 10.47 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 19.66 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 13.43% during the forecast period (2024-2029).
The NGS diagnostic technology was able to find out a virus's genetic sequence and helped scientists figure out how mutations happen. During the COVID-19 pandemic, governments all over the world worked with the private sector to try to get NGS technology on the market as a possible diagnostic tool.For example, an article published by Frontiers in March 2022 says that next-generation sequencing (NGS) was used to study COVID-19, which made it much easier to find out where SARS-CoV-2 came from.It also said that NGS was important for looking into the possible origins and workings of SARS-CoV-2 in order to stop the spread of COVID-19 and make the treatment plan even better.Thus, the use of NGS technology increased throughout the pandemic phase. However, post-pandemic, the NGS market is expected to have stable growth during the forecast period of the study.
Factors such as the increasing applications in clinical diagnosis and speed, cost, and accuracy, and the increasing efficiency when compared to traditional technologies such as microarrays and the rising number of drug discovery applications are expected to boost market growth.
An upsurge in the use of NGS technology in clinical diagnosis and the speed, cost, and accuracy of this sequencing method are likely to boost the growth of the market. For instance, NGS has a lot of advantages over conventional sequencing techniques, according to an article from PubMed Central published in January 2021.These advantages include a higher throughput with sample multiplexing, a higher sensitivity for finding low-frequency variants, a faster turnaround time for high sample volumes, and a lower cost.Additionally, a PubMed Central article from April 2021 claimed that because NGS is capable of massively parallel sequencing and is steadily replacing its predecessor, conventional Sanger sequencing, it has significantly influenced the demand for more affordable and quick sequencing technologies.It is expected that NGS's advantages will help the market grow over the next few years.
The market is also expected to grow because replacing old technologies like microarrays will make them more efficient and because more drug discovery applications will need NGS technology.For example, an article published by Elsevier in August 2022 said that NGS was better than microarrays at detecting DNA and doing other genomic tasks.
Additionally, several market players are playing a key role in the development of drugs through this technology, which is also expected to boost market growth. For example, in January 2022, Illumina Inc. and Nashville Biosciences LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC), signed a multi-year agreement to speed up the development of new medicines through large-scale genomics and the creation of a leading clinical genomic resource using Illumina's next-generation sequencing (NGS) platforms.
Hence, the aforementioned factors, such as the rising developments by key market players, the efficiency in replacing the traditional technologies (such as microarrays), growing drug discovery applications demanding NGS technology, and an upsurge in the use of NGS technology in clinical diagnosis, are expected to boost the market's growth. However, factors such as legal and ethical issues, the interpretation of complex data, and the lack of skilled professionals are expected to impede market growth.
The whole-genome sequencing segment is expected to grow substantially over the coming years. Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) has been widely accepted for providing the highest possible resolution information about various diseases and other genetic analyses. For instance, according to the article published by NCBI, whole genome sequencing (WGS) can provide unprecedentedly relevant information regarding the malaria parasite genome used for malaria pathology. In addition to the same article, the advent of next-generation sequencing is making WGS a standard in the field of disease management and reduction.
Moreover, numerous initiatives undertaken by universities, academic and research institutions, and research establishments to utilize WGS technology in identifying the root cause of diseases are likely to propel the segment's growth. For instance, in February 2021, Stanford Medicine launched an in-house service for whole-genome sequencing. The whole-genome sequencing of various viruses was greatly simplified using the NGS-based test.
In the same way, the University College London reported in November 2022 that personalizing whole genome sequencing can double the number of rare diseases that can be diagnosed.All the patients who participated received whole genome sequencing via Genomics England's '100,000 Genomes Project" to try to find a genetic cause for their suspected primary mitochondrial disease (PMD). Thus, the increasing demand for whole genome sequencing is expected to boost the usage of NGS technology. Furthermore, the rising number of clinical trial studies pertaining to the use of whole-genome sequencing is also increasing the focus on whole-genome sequencing, thereby contributing to the market's growth.
Thus, due to the above-mentioned factors, such as numerous initiatives undertaken by universities, academic and research institutions, and research establishments for utilizing WGS technology in identifying the root cause of diseases and the rising advantages of whole genome sequencing, the segment is anticipated to witness healthy growth over the forecast period.
North America is expected to hold a significant share of the market and is expected to continue the trend over the coming years. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology is gaining popularity as a routine clinical diagnostic test. Factors such as the rising prevalence of chronic and infectious diseases, the increasing spending on genomics, and the rising developments by key market players are expected to boost market growth.
For instance, as per the Canada Cancer Society's statistics for 2022, around 6,700 Canadians were diagnosed with leukemia in 2021, out of which 4,000 were men and 2,700 were women. Also, as per the American Cancer Society's data for 2023, around 59,610 new cases of leukemia and 20,380 new cases of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) are expected to be diagnosed in the United States in 2023. Thus, the high incidence of such diseases is leading to an increase in the usage of NGS technology-based devices, thereby driving the market in the region.
Also, more money will be spent on genomics research, which is expected to increase the use of NGS-based devices and drive the growth of the market.For example, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) said in May 2022 that spending on cancer genomics in the United States would rise from USD 1,160 million in 2021 to USD 1,220 million in 2022.
The growth of the market is also expected to be helped by the fact that key market players are making more and more changes. For example, in September 2022, Predicine, Inc. said that the US FDA had given the PredicineCARETM cfDNA Assay, a Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) assay for tumor mutation profiling in cfDNA isolated from liquid biopsy samples from cancer patients, breakthrough device designation.Similarly, in August 2022, Thermo Fisher Scientific announced that the United States FDA granted premarket approval to an NGS-based test known as the "Oncomine Dx Target Test' as a companion diagnostic (CDx) to identify patients whose tumors have HER2 (ERBB2) activating mutations (SNVs and Exon 20 Insertion) in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) who may be candidates for ENHERTU (fam-trastuzumab deruxtecan nxki) as a companion diagnostic (CDx).
Thus, the aforementioned factors, such as the rising prevalence of chronic and infectious diseases, increasing spending on genomics, and the rising developments by key market players, are expected to boost market growth in the region.
The next-generation sequencing (NGS) market is highly fragmented, with the presence of several global and international players. The key players are adopting different growth strategies to enhance their market presence, such as partnerships, agreements, collaborations, new product launches, geographical expansions, mergers, and acquisitions. Some of the key players in the market are F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Agilent Technologies, Illumina Inc., and PerkinElmer Inc., among others.