表紙:レポートパッケージ:Claudin 18.2標的免疫治療薬

レポートパッケージ:Claudin 18.2標的免疫治療薬

Report Package: Claudin 18.2-Targeted Immunotherapeutics

出版日: | 発行: La Merie Publishing | ページ情報: 英文 314 Pages | 納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは

価格表記: EURを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1EUR=164.03円
レポートパッケージ:Claudin 18.2標的免疫治療薬
出版日: 2024年04月30日
発行: La Merie Publishing
ページ情報: 英文 314 Pages
納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次


当レポートパッケージには、Claudin18.2を標的とする免疫療法の業界情勢、利害関係者、薬剤モダリティ、パイプライン、ビジネスチャンスなどを業界の視点から詳細に分析しております (2023年8月時点)。また、2024年4月現在の競合分析では、Claudin18.2標的免疫療法候補の最新の競合分野を調査しております。


  • Claudin18.2(CLDN18.2)標的裸モノクローナル抗体
  • CLDN18.2標的抗体薬物複合体
  • CLDN18.2標的CAR-T細胞・NK細胞
  • CLDN18.2標的T細胞リクルート二重特異性抗体
  • CLDN18.2・PD-L1標的二重特異性抗体
  • CLDN18.2・4-1BB(CD137)標的二重特異性抗体
  • CLDN18.2・CD47/SIRP-αまたはCD8を標的とした二重特異性抗体
Product Code: LMFR0040

Claudin18.2 is a highly specific cell surface molecule that is often abnormally expressed in primary gastric cancer as well as in other solid tumors such as pancreatic and esophageal cancers. Claudin 18.2 has gained considerable interest as a cancer target for development of claudin 18.2-targeted immunotherapy candidates. Apart from providing promise as an effective therapy, it also allows the application of a wide variety of drug modalities to generate development candidates. After approval in Japan of the first immunotherapy against claudin 18.2, the pipeline is packed with at least 44 candidates in the clinical stage and ten in the non-clinical or IND/CTA development stage.

This report package includes a full report of August 2023 analyzing in depth the landscape of claudin 18.2-targeted immunotherapy regarding stakeholders, drug modalities, pipeline and business opportunities from an industry perspective. The competitor analysis of April 2024 updates the competitive field of CLDN18.2-targeted immunotherapy candidates.

Table of Contents

  • Claudin 18.2 (CLDN18.2) Targeted Naked Monoclonal Antibodies
  • CLDN18.2 Targeted Antibody-Drug Conjugates
  • CLDN18.2 Targeted CAR T Cells & NK Cells
  • CLDN18.2 Targeted T-Cell Recruiting Bispecific Antibodies
  • CLDN18.2 & PD-L1 Targeted Bispecific Antibodies
  • CLDN18.2 & 4-1BB (CD137) Targeted Bispecific Antibodies
  • CLDN18.2 & CD47/SIRP-alpha or CD8 Targeted Bispecific Antibodies