5Gコアのサービスベースアーキテクチャ(SBA)市場:2024年から2029年までの予測5G Core Service-Based Architecture (SBA) Market - Forecasts from 2024 to 2029 |
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5Gコアのサービスベースアーキテクチャ(SBA)市場:2024年から2029年までの予測 |
出版日: 2024年10月08日
発行: Knowledge Sourcing Intelligence
ページ情報: 英文 147 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
一方、クラウドインフラストラクチャ内にある既製のハードウェアにデプロイされたNFと連携しなければなりませんが、このNFはMANO(Management and Orchestration)スタックの一部として管理されていないため、他の認可されたNFと通信するために追加のゲートウェイ/RGを必要とします。これらは、アプリケーションでAPI(アプリケーション・プログラミング・インターフェース)ベースのサービス・インターフェースを使用するのとよく似ています。サービスプロバイダは、クラウドネイティブフレームワークを使用して、マイクロサービスによるSBAを開発することができます。このクラウドネイティブ・モデルは、5Gにとって鍵となるきめ細かなキャパシティ・プロビジョニングを導入しており、ピーク需要ではなく平均需要に従ってリソースを割り当てられるため、より効率的です。
欧州地域の5G SBA市場は、先進技術に対する高い需要、規制を通じた政府の強力な支援、ネットワークの近代化努力により、大きな存在感を示しています。特に欧州諸国は5Gネットワークの展開をリードしており、SBA拡大のための強固な基盤となっています。欧州の規制当局はイノベーションを奨励する規制を発表しており、SBAはこの近代化を後押しするものと広く見なされていました。
The 5G Core Service-Based Architecture (SBA) market is projected to witness a CAGR of 35.52% during the forecast period to reach a total market size of US$20,804.554 million by 2029, up from US$4,551.763 million in 2024.
The modular 5G Core Service-Based Architecture (SBA) is utilized in deploying and scaling different network functions as needed. It also provides network slicing to build independent virtual networks tailored to individual requirements. SBA helps enhance network efficiency and reduce cost by allowing resource optimization, automation, and orchestration tools. It also benefits from virtualization and cloud technologies developments, including the flexibility of virtualized network functions (VNFs), which can be worked on standard servers or cloud platforms for immediate deployment and service scalability.
Furthermore, a number of the SBA pieces are purposely designed as cloud-native and can take advantage of more advanced native services in the cloud. They are utilized with cloud technologies for elastic, high-performance scalability with built-in redundancy, maintainability, and cost-effectiveness, contributing to market expansion.
The implementation of the core network, based on an open and modular service platform outlined in 3GPP as part of the fifth-generation (5G) mobile network standards, is termed Service-Based Architecture. SBA is a cloud-native service framework that supports executing essential mobile core network functions related to session and mobility management by standalone, including identity-proxy or idle-mode specific software applications called Network Functions.
Meanwhile, they have to work with NFs deployed on off-the-shelf hardware residing within cloud infrastructure that are not managed as part of the Management and Orchestration (MANO) stack and need additional gateways/RGs to communicate with other authorized NFs. These are very similar to using APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) based service interfaces in applications. Service providers can use a cloud-native framework to develop SBA with microservices. This cloud-native model introduces granular capacity provisioning, key for 5G, as it allows resources to be allocated following mean rather than peak demand, making it more efficient.
The 5G SBA Market in the European region has a major presence due to high demand for advanced technology, strong government support through regulations, and network modernization efforts. European countries, in particular, are leading in 5G network deployment and thus provide a solid base for SBA expansion. European regulators have issued regulations to encourage innovation, and SBA was widely viewed as an empowerment of this modernization.
For instance, in February 2024, Elisa, a major European service provider, launched Finland's first 5G standalone phone subscriptions for next-generation and a smoother experience. Over the next few months, those subscriptions were supplemented with user benefits and power savings. The 5G standalone network enhances energy efficiency, using less energy per unit of the data that is being transferred than older network technologies.
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