表紙:プロバイダーの燃え尽き症候群とEHRエクスペリエンス- 影響評価レポート(2022年)

プロバイダーの燃え尽き症候群とEHRエクスペリエンス- 影響評価レポート(2022年)

Provider Burnout and the EHR Experience - Impact Report 2022

出版日: | 発行: KLAS Research | ページ情報: 英文 8 Pages | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

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プロバイダーの燃え尽き症候群とEHRエクスペリエンス- 影響評価レポート(2022年)
出版日: 2022年11月11日
発行: KLAS Research
ページ情報: 英文 8 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次




  • 燃え尽き症候群の割合は依然として非常に高いが、2021年以降は横ばいに
  • EHRに関する組織のリーダーシップ/ITに対する高い信頼は、プロバイダーの燃え尽き症候群の減少と相関する
  • 残業を減らすと燃え尽き症候群を大幅に減らすことができる
  • 組織

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare organizations have seen massive provider burnout, which ultimately leads to issues with staff shortages and quality of patient care. What can organizations do to alleviate and prevent provider burnout? Since 2018, the Arch Collaborative has conducted research on burnout, with particular focus on its intersection with the EHR. In the EHR experience survey, clinicians share their current level of burnout and which factors are contributing. Using this data and other measurements from the Arch Collaborative, this report details what organizations can do to combat provider burnout. Note that this report focuses on physicians, residents, fellows, and advanced practice providers-called "providers" throughout. Note: Data in this report comes from 181 unique provider organizations, some of which have measured provider burnout across multiple years.

Table of Contents

  • Rates of burnout are still very high but appear to have plateaued since 2021
  • High trust in organization leadership/IT around the EHR is correlated with lower provider burnout
  • Reducing the after-hours workload can decrease burnout significantly
  • Organization