

Global Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market Size, Share & Industry Trends Analysis Report By Price Point (Economy, Mid-Range, and Premium), By Application (Residential, and Commercial), By Distribution Channel, By Regional Outlook and Forecast, 2023 - 2030

出版日: | 発行: KBV Research | ページ情報: 英文 328 Pages | 納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=158.97円
出版日: 2023年10月31日
発行: KBV Research
ページ情報: 英文 328 Pages
納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次

ポータブルBluetoothスピーカー市場規模は、予測期間中にCAGR 11.1%で成長し、2030年には252億米ドルに達すると予測されます。2022年の市場規模は1億2,679万台、成長率は10.7%(2019年~2022年)。



価格帯によって、市場はエコノミー、ミッドレンジ、プレミアムに分類されます。2022年の市場では、ミッドレンジ・セグメントがかなりの収益シェアを獲得しました。ミッドレンジ・スピーカーは一般に、格安品と比べて音質が向上しています。よりバランスの取れた充実したサウンドを実現するために、 促進要因やオーディオ処理が強化されていることが多いです。ミッドレンジのスピーカーは、一般的に、より長いバッテリ寿命を提供します。多くのミッドレンジスピーカーには、Amazon AlexaやGoogleアシスタントのような音声アシスタントが内蔵されており、ユーザーは音声コマンドを使用してスマートデバイスを制御したり、情報にアクセスしたりすることができます。これらのスピーカーには、ステレオペアリング、カスタマイズ可能な照明効果、リモートコントロールとカスタマイズのためのモバイルアプリ互換性などの追加機能が含まれている場合があります。ミッドレンジ・スピーカーは、価格と機能のバランスが良いように設計されています。通常、プレミアム・モデルよりも手頃な価格となっています。


用途別では、市場は商業用と住宅用に区分されます。2022年の市場では、業務用セグメントがかなりの収益シェアを獲得しました。商業用セグメントは、小売店、レストラン、ヘルスクラブ、テーマパーク、教育施設、ホスピタリティ施設、音楽カフェ、レジャースペースなどでの使用の増加が牽引しています。屋外でのレクリエーション活動や冒険旅行の拡大が、耐久性に優れたポータブル・オーディオ・ソリューションの需要を押し上げています。市場には、Furrion LIT Speakerのようなこの傾向に対応したスピーカーもあり、スピーカーが屋外環境の過酷な動向に耐えられることを保証しています。






第1章 市場範囲と調査手法

  • 市場の定義
  • 目的
  • 市場範囲
  • セグメンテーション
  • 調査手法

第2章 市場の概要

  • 主なハイライト

第3章 市場概要

  • イントロダクション
    • 概要
      • 市場構成とシナリオ
  • 市場に影響を与える主な要因
    • 市場促進要因
    • 市場抑制要因

第4章 競合分析- 世界

  • 市場シェア分析2022年
  • ポータブルBluetoothスピーカー市場で展開されている戦略
  • ポーターのファイブフォース分析

第5章 世界のポータブルBluetoothスピーカー市場:価格帯別

  • 世界の低価格帯市場:地域別
  • 世界の中価格帯市場:地域別
  • 世界の高価格帯市場:地域別

第6章 世界の市場:用途別

  • 世界の住宅市場:地域別
  • 世界の商業市場:地域別

第7章 世界の市場:流通チャネル別

  • 世界のオフライン市場:地域別
  • 世界のオンライン市場:地域別

第8章 世界の市場:地域別

  • 北米の市場
    • 北米の市場:価格帯別
      • 北米の国別低価格帯市場
      • 北米の国別中価格帯市場
      • 北米の国別高価格帯市場
    • 北米の市場:用途別
      • 北米の国別住宅市場
      • 北米の国別商業市場
    • 北米の市場:流通チャネル別
      • 北米の国別オフライン市場
      • 北米の国別オンライン市場
    • 北米の市場:国別
      • 米国のポータブルBluetoothスピーカー市場
      • カナダのポータブルBluetoothスピーカー市場
      • メキシコのポータブルBluetoothスピーカー市場
      • その他の北米の市場
  • 欧州の市場
    • 欧州の市場:価格帯別
      • 欧州の国別低価格帯市場
      • 欧州の国別中価格帯市場
      • 欧州の国別高価格帯市場
    • 欧州の市場:用途別
      • 欧州の国別住宅市場
      • 欧州の国別商業市場
    • 欧州の市場:流通チャネル別
      • 欧州の国別オフライン市場
      • 欧州の国別のオンライン市場
    • 欧州の市場:国別
      • ドイツのポータブルBluetoothスピーカー市場
      • 英国のポータブルBluetoothスピーカー市場
      • フランスのポータブルBluetoothスピーカー市場
      • ロシアのポータブルBluetoothスピーカー市場
      • スペインのポータブルBluetoothスピーカー市場
      • イタリアのポータブルBluetoothスピーカー市場
      • その他の欧州の市場
  • アジア太平洋の市場
    • アジア太平洋の市場:価格帯別
      • アジア太平洋の国別低価格帯市場
      • アジア太平洋の国別中価格帯市場
      • アジア太平洋の国別高価格帯市場
    • アジア太平洋の市場:用途別
      • アジア太平洋の国別住宅市場
      • アジア太平洋の国別商業市場
    • アジア太平洋の市場:流通チャネル別
      • アジア太平洋の国別オフライン市場
      • アジア太平洋の国別オンライン市場
    • アジア太平洋の市場:国別
      • 中国のポータブルBluetoothスピーカー市場
      • 日本のポータブルBluetoothスピーカー市場
      • インドのポータブルBluetoothスピーカー市場
      • 韓国のポータブルBluetoothスピーカー市場
      • シンガポールのポータブルBluetoothスピーカー市場
      • マレーシアのポータブルBluetoothスピーカー市場
      • その他のアジア太平洋の市場
  • ラテンアメリカ・中東・アフリカの市場
    • ラテンアメリカ・中東・アフリカの市場:価格帯別
      • ラテンアメリカ・中東・アフリカの国別低価格帯市場
      • ラテンアメリカ・中東・アフリカの国別中価格帯市場
      • ラテンアメリカ・中東・アフリカの国別高価格帯市場
    • ラテンアメリカ・中東・アフリカの市場:用途別
      • ラテンアメリカ・中東・アフリカの国別住宅市場
      • ラテンアメリカ・中東・アフリカの国別商業市場
    • ラテンアメリカ・中東・アフリカの市場:流通チャネル別
      • ラテンアメリカ・中東・アフリカの国別オフラインマーケット
      • ラテンアメリカ・中東・アフリカの国別オンラインマーケット
    • ラテンアメリカ・中東・アフリカの市場:国別
      • ブラジルのポータブルBluetoothスピーカー市場
      • アルゼンチンのポータブルBluetoothスピーカー市場
      • UAEのポータブルBluetoothスピーカー市場
      • サウジアラビアのポータブルBluetoothスピーカー市場
      • 南アフリカのポータブルBluetoothスピーカー市場
      • ナイジェリアのポータブルBluetoothスピーカー市場
      • その他のラテンアメリカ・中東・アフリカの市場

第9章 企業プロファイル

  • HARMAN International Industries(Samsung Electronics Co, Ltd.)
  • Bose Corporation
  • Sony Corporation
  • Apple, Inc
  • Logitech International SA
  • Plantronics, Inc(Polycom, Inc.)
  • Marshall Group AB(Zound Industries International AB)
  • Bang & Olufsen A/S
  • VOXX International Corporation
  • Fugoo

第10章 ポータブルBluetoothスピーカー市場の勝利の必須条件



  • TABLE 1 Global Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 2 Global Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 3 Global Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 4 Global Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 5 Global Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 6 Global Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 7 Global Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 8 Global Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 9 Global Economy Market, By Region, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 10 Global Economy Market, By Region, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 11 Global Economy Market, By Region, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 12 Global Economy Market, By Region, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 13 Global Mid-Range Market, By Region, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 14 Global Mid-Range Market, By Region, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 15 Global Mid-Range Market, By Region, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 16 Global Mid-Range Market, By Region, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 17 Global Premium Market, By Region, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 18 Global Premium Market, By Region, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 19 Global Premium Market, By Region, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 20 Global Premium Market, By Region, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 21 Global Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 22 Global Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 23 Global Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 24 Global Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 25 Global Residential Market, By Region, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 26 Global Residential Market, By Region, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 27 Global Residential Market, By Region, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 28 Global Residential Market, By Region, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 29 Global Commercial Market, By Region, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 30 Global Commercial Market, By Region, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 31 Global Commercial Market, By Region, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 32 Global Commercial Market, By Region, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 33 Global Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 34 Global Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 35 Global Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 36 Global Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 37 Global Offline Market, By Region, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 38 Global Offline Market, By Region, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 39 Global Offline Market, By Region, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 40 Global Offline Market, By Region, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 41 Global Online Market, By Region, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 42 Global Online Market, By Region, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 43 Global Online Market, By Region, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 44 Global Online Market, By Region, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 45 Global Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Region, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 46 Global Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Region, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 47 Global Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Region, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 48 Global Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Region, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 49 North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 50 North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 51 North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 52 North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 53 North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 54 North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 55 North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 56 North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 57 North America Economy Market, By Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 58 North America Economy Market, By Country, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 59 North America Economy Market, By Country, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 60 North America Economy Market, By Country, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 61 North America Mid-Range Market, By Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 62 North America Mid-Range Market, By Country, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 63 North America Mid-Range Market, By Country, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 64 North America Mid-Range Market, By Country, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 65 North America Premium Market, By Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 66 North America Premium Market, By Country, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 67 North America Premium Market, By Country, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 68 North America Premium Market, By Country, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 69 North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 70 North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 71 North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 72 North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 73 North America Residential Market, By Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 74 North America Residential Market, By Country, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 75 North America Residential Market, By Country, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 76 North America Residential Market, By Country, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 77 North America Commercial Market, By Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 78 North America Commercial Market, By Country, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 79 North America Commercial Market, By Country, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 80 North America Commercial Market, By Country, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 81 North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 82 North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 83 North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 84 North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 85 North America Offline Market, By Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 86 North America Offline Market, By Country, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 87 North America Offline Market, By Country, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 88 North America Offline Market, By Country, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 89 North America Online Market, By Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 90 North America Online Market, By Country, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 91 North America Online Market, By Country, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 92 North America Online Market, By Country, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 93 North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 94 North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Country, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 95 North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Country, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 96 North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Country, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 97 US Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 98 US Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 99 US Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 100 US Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 101 US Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 102 US Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 103 US Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 104 US Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 105 US Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 106 US Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 107 US Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 108 US Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 109 US Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 110 US Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 111 US Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 112 US Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 113 Canada Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 114 Canada Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 115 Canada Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 116 Canada Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 117 Canada Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 118 Canada Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 119 Canada Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 120 Canada Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 121 Canada Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 122 Canada Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 123 Canada Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 124 Canada Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 125 Canada Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 126 Canada Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 127 Canada Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 128 Canada Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 129 Mexico Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 130 Mexico Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 131 Mexico Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 132 Mexico Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 133 Mexico Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 134 Mexico Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 135 Mexico Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 136 Mexico Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 137 Mexico Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 138 Mexico Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 139 Mexico Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 140 Mexico Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 141 Mexico Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 142 Mexico Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 143 Mexico Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 144 Mexico Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 145 Rest of North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 146 Rest of North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 147 Rest of North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 148 Rest of North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 149 Rest of North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 150 Rest of North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 151 Rest of North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 152 Rest of North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 153 Rest of North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 154 Rest of North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 155 Rest of North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 156 Rest of North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 157 Rest of North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 158 Rest of North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 159 Rest of North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 160 Rest of North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 161 Europe Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 162 Europe Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 163 Europe Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 164 Europe Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 165 Europe Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 166 Europe Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 167 Europe Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 168 Europe Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 169 Europe Economy Market, By Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 170 Europe Economy Market, By Country, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 171 Europe Economy Market, By Country, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 172 Europe Economy Market, By Country, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 173 Europe Mid-Range Market, By Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 174 Europe Mid-Range Market, By Country, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 175 Europe Mid-Range Market, By Country, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 176 Europe Mid-Range Market, By Country, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 177 Europe Premium Market, By Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 178 Europe Premium Market, By Country, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 179 Europe Premium Market, By Country, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 180 Europe Premium Market, By Country, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 181 Europe Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 182 Europe Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 183 Europe Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 184 Europe Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 185 Europe Residential Market, By Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 186 Europe Residential Market, By Country, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 187 Europe Residential Market, By Country, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 188 Europe Residential Market, By Country, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 189 Europe Commercial Market, By Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 190 Europe Commercial Market, By Country, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 191 Europe Commercial Market, By Country, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 192 Europe Commercial Market, By Country, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 193 Europe Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 194 Europe Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 195 Europe Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 196 Europe Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 197 Europe Offline Market, By Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 198 Europe Offline Market, By Country, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 199 Europe Offline Market, By Country, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 200 Europe Offline Market, By Country, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 201 Europe Online Market, By Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 202 Europe Online Market, By Country, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 203 Europe Online Market, By Country, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 204 Europe Online Market, By Country, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 205 Europe Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 206 Europe Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Country, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 207 Europe Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Country, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 208 Europe Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Country, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 209 Germany Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 210 Germany Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 211 Germany Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 212 Germany Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 213 Germany Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 214 Germany Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 215 Germany Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 216 Germany Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 217 Germany Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 218 Germany Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 219 Germany Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 220 Germany Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 221 Germany Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 222 Germany Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 223 Germany Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 224 Germany Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 225 UK Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 226 UK Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 227 UK Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 228 UK Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 229 UK Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 230 UK Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 231 UK Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 232 UK Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 233 UK Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 234 UK Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 235 UK Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 236 UK Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 237 UK Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 238 UK Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 239 UK Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 240 UK Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 241 France Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 242 France Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 243 France Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 244 France Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 245 France Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 246 France Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 247 France Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 248 France Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 249 France Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 250 France Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 251 France Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 252 France Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 253 France Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 254 France Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 255 France Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 256 France Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 257 Russia Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 258 Russia Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 259 Russia Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 260 Russia Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 261 Russia Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 262 Russia Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 263 Russia Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 264 Russia Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 265 Russia Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 266 Russia Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 267 Russia Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 268 Russia Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 269 Russia Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 270 Russia Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 271 Russia Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 272 Russia Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 273 Spain Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 274 Spain Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 275 Spain Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 276 Spain Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 277 Spain Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 278 Spain Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 279 Spain Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 280 Spain Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 281 Spain Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 282 Spain Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 283 Spain Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 284 Spain Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 285 Spain Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 286 Spain Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 287 Spain Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 288 Spain Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 289 Italy Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 290 Italy Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 291 Italy Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 292 Italy Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 293 Italy Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 294 Italy Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 295 Italy Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 296 Italy Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 297 Italy Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 298 Italy Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 299 Italy Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 300 Italy Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 301 Italy Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 302 Italy Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2023 - 2030, USD Million
  • TABLE 303 Italy Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2022, Thousand Units
  • TABLE 304 Italy Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel, 2023 - 2030, Thousand Units

The Global Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market size is expected to reach $25.2 billion by 2030, rising at a market growth of 11.1% CAGR during the forecast period. In the year 2022, the market attained a volume of 1,26,790 thousand Units, experiencing a growth of 10.7% (2019-2022).

The rising popularity of the consumption of audio podcasts is evaluated to have a significant contribution. The North America region would witness 1/4th of the total market share by 2030. Owing to the continued demand for wireless audio solutions, the increasing popularity of outdoor activities, and a growing consumer preference for smart features in their audio devices. Furthermore, the increasing number of people involved in outdoor outings has resulted in the consumption of the product owing to its portability. Some of the factors affecting the market are increasing demand for portable devices, rapid improvements in sound quality and signal disruptions and limited Bluetooth range.

Modern lifestyles are increasingly mobile, with people constantly on the move. Whether commuting, traveling, or simply moving from room to room, consumers want audio solutions that seamlessly adapt to their mobile lifestyles. Portable Bluetooth speakers are compact, lightweight, and easy to carry, making them perfect for users who want to enjoy music without the hassle of bulky audio equipment. They can be effortlessly transported in bags, backpacks, or even pockets. The demand for portability aligns with the desire for wireless audio solutions. Manufacturers continue to innovate in design, sound quality, durability, and features to meet the demands of users who prioritize portability. The rising demand for portability aligns with consumers' changing lifestyles and preferences, making portable Bluetooth speakers a popular choice for those seeking versatile and wireless audio solutions. This demand has played a pivotal role in driving the growth of the market. Additionally, when portable Bluetooth speakers deliver clear and high-fidelity audio, users are likelier to use them regularly and recommend them to others. Manufacturers that prioritize sound quality can differentiate their products in a competitive market. Audiophiles with a keen appreciation for high-quality audio are willing to invest in portable Bluetooth speakers offering superior sound performance. These consumers often seek products that reproduce music with precision and accuracy. Thus, sound quality improvements have been a key driver in the growth of the market.

However, Bluetooth signals can be susceptible to interference from other electronic devices or physical obstacles like walls. This can result in a limited Bluetooth range and signal disruptions, impacting the quality of the listening experience. Bluetooth connections can occasionally drop or become unstable, causing audio interruptions. These connectivity issues can frustrate users and diminish their satisfaction with portable Bluetooth speakers. Not all devices are compatible with all Bluetooth speaker models. Compatibility issues can arise if a user's smartphone, tablet, or laptop does not support the same Bluetooth standard or profile as the speaker, making it challenging for users to connect and use their devices.

Price Point Outlook

By price point, the market is classified into economy, mid-range, and premium. The mid-range segment acquired a substantial revenue share in the market in 2022. Mid-range speakers generally offer improved sound quality compared to budget options. They often feature enhanced drivers and audio processing for more balanced and fuller sound. Mid-range speakers typically provide longer battery life than. Many mid-range speakers include built-in voice assistants like Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant, allowing users to control smart devices and access information using voice commands. These speakers may include extra features like stereo pairing, customizable lighting effects, and mobile app compatibility for remote control and customization. Mid-range speakers are designed to offer a good balance between price and features. They are typically more affordable than premium models.

Application Outlook

On the basis of application, the market is segmented into commercial and residential. The commercial segment acquired a substantial revenue share in the market in 2022. The commercial segment is driven by its increased use in retail stores, restaurants, health clubs, theme parks, educational facilities, hospitality venues, music cafes, and leisure spaces. The expanded outdoor recreational activities and adventure tourism have driven the demand for durable and portable audio solutions. Some of the speakers in the market, such as Furrion LIT Speaker, cater to this trend, ensuring the speaker can withstand the rigors of outdoor environments.

Distribution Channel Outlook

Based on distribution channel, the market is fragmented into online and offline. The online segment garnered a significant revenue share in the portable revenue share in 2022. The availability of various portable Bluetooth speakers from different brands and easy brand comparison. Furthermore, online channels offer discounts on premium and mid-range products, making them accessible to a broad demographic. Consumers can choose from basic budget models to premium offerings with advanced features. The quick expansion of the global e-commerce industry has empowered consumers to compare products from different companies, thus boosting online sales.

Regional Outlook

Region-wise, the market is analysed across North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and LAMEA. In 2022, the Asia Pacific region registered the largest revenue share in the market. The increasing adoption of Bluetooth-enabled devices can be attributed to their versatile adaptability and convenient portability features. The demand is also fueled by tech-savvy consumers who prefer wireless speakers that allow them to listen to music on the go. China is one of the world's largest e-commerce sectors, accounting for nearly half of global transactions, which is expected to drive the e-commerce sales of portable Bluetooth speakers in the country.

The market research report covers the analysis of key stake holders of the market. Key companies profiled in the report include Harman International Industries, Inc., Bose Corporation, Sony Corporation, Marshall Group AB(Zound Industries International AB), Apple Inc., Bang & Olufsen A/S, Logitech International S.A, Plantronics, Inc., VOXX International Corporation and Fugoo.

Strategies Deployed in Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market

May-2023: Sony Electronics Inc. a Subsidiary of Sony Corporation introduced 2 new wireless speakers called as an SRS-XV800 and the SRS-XB100. SRS-XV800 comes with a built-in battery of up to 25 hours of listening time and a user get 3 hours of playing time from just 10 minutes of charging and on the other hand SRS-XB100 is a small wireless portable speaker that comes with a 16 hours of battery life, water resistant and IP67 rating8.

Sep-2022: Sony Electronics Inc. a subsidiary of Sony corporation unveiled a new X-series SRS-XV900 Speaker. The new SRS-XV900 comes with a up to 25 hours of battery life, USB connectivity and Bluetooth pairing with the help of party connect via Bluetooth which allow user to connect up to 100 compatible Sony Bluetooth Speakers.

Jan-2023: Apple Inc. Introduced 2nd generation Homepod, a next level acoustic with an iconic design. Homepod comes with an Apple innovations and AI support known as Siri. Homepod packed with a lot of technology such as room sensing technology which recognizes sound reflection from nearby surface, and integration with Apple ecosystem.

Sep-2023: Bang & Olufsen Joined hand with Ferrari S.P.A, an Italian luxury Sports car manufacturer based in Maranello, Italy. Under this collaboration Bang & Olufsen create a series of audio devices, called "The Ferrari Collection". This collection consist of 4 devices and all the 4 devices will be special version of Bang & Olufsen existing Speakers, headphones and earphones namely Beosound Explore, Beoplay EX, Beoplay H95 and Beosound2.

Sep-2023: Ultimate Ears, a brand of Logitech international S.A Unveiled a new product called EPICBOOM to its existing lineup of portable Bluetooth Speakers. This product made of 100% post-consumer recycled polyster fabric and a minimum of 59% post-consumer recycled plastic and come with up to 17 hours of playtime, a Bluetooth range of 55 meters, one-touch NFC features and IP67 rating.

Oct-2021: Bose Corporation unveiled a new product called Soundlink Flex wireless Bluetooth speaker that comes with a portable lightweight design and IP67 build quality and up to 12 hours of battery life.

Scope of the Study

Market Segments covered in the Report:

By Price Point (Volume, Units, USD Billion/Million, 2019-2030)

  • Economy
  • Mid-Range
  • Premium

By Application (Volume, Units, USD Billion/Million, 2019-2030)

  • Residential
  • Commercial

By Distribution Channel (Volume, Units, USD Billion/Million, 2019-2030)

  • Offline
  • Online

By Geography (Volume, Units, USD Billion/Million, 2019-2030)

  • North America
    • US
    • Canada
    • Mexico
    • Rest of North America
  • Europe
    • Germany
    • UK
    • France
    • Russia
    • Spain
    • Italy
    • Rest of Europe
  • Asia Pacific
    • China
    • Japan
    • India
    • South Korea
    • Singapore
    • Malaysia
    • Rest of Asia Pacific
    • Brazil
    • Argentina
    • UAE
    • Saudi Arabia
    • South Africa
    • Nigeria
    • Rest of LAMEA

Companies Profiled

  • Harman International Industries, Inc.
  • Bose Corporation
  • Sony Corporation
  • Marshall Group AB (Zound Industries International AB)
  • Apple Inc.
  • Bang & Olufsen A/S
  • Logitech International S.A
  • Plantronics, Inc.
  • VOXX International Corporation
  • Fugoo

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  • Exhaustive coverage
  • Highest number of market tables and figures
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Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Market Scope & Methodology

  • 1.1 Market Definition
  • 1.2 Objectives
  • 1.3 Market Scope
  • 1.4 Segmentation
    • 1.4.1 Global Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, by Price Point
    • 1.4.2 Global Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, by Application
    • 1.4.3 Global Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, by Distribution Channel
    • 1.4.4 Global Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, by Geography
  • 1.5 Methodology for the research

Chapter 2. Market at a Glance

  • 2.1 Key Highlights

Chapter 3. Market Overview

  • 3.1 Introduction
    • 3.1.1 Overview
      • Market Composition and Scenario
  • 3.2 Key Factors Impacting the Market
    • 3.2.1 Market Drivers
    • 3.2.2 Market Restraints

Chapter 4. Competition Analysis - Global

  • 4.1 Market Share Analysis, 2022
  • 4.2 Strategies Deployed in Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market
  • 4.3 Porter's Five Forces Analysis

Chapter 5. Global Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point

  • 5.1 Global Economy Market, By Region
  • 5.2 Global Mid-Range Market, By Region
  • 5.3 Global Premium Market, By Region

Chapter 6. Global Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application

  • 6.1 Global Residential Market, By Region
  • 6.2 Global Commercial Market, By Region

Chapter 7. Global Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel

  • 7.1 Global Offline Market, By Region
  • 7.2 Global Online Market, By Region

Chapter 8. Global Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Region

  • 8.1 North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market
    • 8.1.1 North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point
      • North America Economy Market, By Country
      • North America Mid-Range Market, By Country
      • North America Premium Market, By Country
    • 8.1.2 North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application
      • North America Residential Market, By Country
      • North America Commercial Market, By Country
    • 8.1.3 North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel
      • North America Offline Market, By Country
      • North America Online Market, By Country
    • 8.1.4 North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Country
      • US Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market
        • US Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point
        • US Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application
        • US Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel
      • Canada Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market
        • Canada Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point
        • Canada Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application
        • Canada Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel
      • Mexico Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market
        • Mexico Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point
        • Mexico Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application
        • Mexico Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel
      • Rest of North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market
        • Rest of North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point
        • Rest of North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application
        • Rest of North America Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel
  • 8.2 Europe Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market
    • 8.2.1 Europe Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point
      • Europe Economy Market, By Country
      • Europe Mid-Range Market, By Country
      • Europe Premium Market, By Country
    • 8.2.2 Europe Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application
      • Europe Residential Market, By Country
      • Europe Commercial Market, By Country
    • 8.2.3 Europe Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel
      • Europe Offline Market, By Country
      • Europe Online Market, By Country
    • 8.2.4 Europe Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Country
      • Germany Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market
        • Germany Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point
        • Germany Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application
        • Germany Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel
      • UK Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market
        • UK Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point
        • UK Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application
        • UK Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel
      • France Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market
        • France Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point
        • France Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application
        • France Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel
      • Russia Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market
        • Russia Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point
        • Russia Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application
        • Russia Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel
      • Spain Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market
        • Spain Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point
        • Spain Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application
        • Spain Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel
      • Italy Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market
        • Italy Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point
        • Italy Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application
        • Italy Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel
      • Rest of Europe Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market
        • Rest of Europe Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point
        • Rest of Europe Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application
        • Rest of Europe Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel
  • 8.3 Asia Pacific Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market
    • 8.3.1 Asia Pacific Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point
      • Asia Pacific Economy Market, By Country
      • Asia Pacific Mid-Range Market, By Country
      • Asia Pacific Premium Market, By Country
    • 8.3.2 Asia Pacific Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application
      • Asia Pacific Residential Market, By Country
      • Asia Pacific Commercial Market, By Country
    • 8.3.3 Asia Pacific Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel
      • Asia Pacific Offline Market, By Country
      • Asia Pacific Online Market, By Country
    • 8.3.4 Asia Pacific Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Country
      • China Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market
        • China Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point
        • China Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application
        • China Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel
      • Japan Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market
        • Japan Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point
        • Japan Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application
        • Japan Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel
      • India Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market
        • India Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point
        • India Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application
        • India Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel
      • South Korea Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market
        • South Korea Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point
        • South Korea Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application
        • South Korea Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel
      • Singapore Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market
        • Singapore Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point
        • Singapore Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application
        • Singapore Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel
      • Malaysia Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market
        • Malaysia Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point
        • Malaysia Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application
        • Malaysia Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel
      • Rest of Asia Pacific Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market
        • Rest of Asia Pacific Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point
        • Rest of Asia Pacific Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application
        • Rest of Asia Pacific Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel
  • 8.4 LAMEA Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market
    • 8.4.1 LAMEA Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point
      • LAMEA Economy Market, By Country
      • LAMEA Mid-Range Market, By Country
      • LAMEA Premium Market, By Country
    • 8.4.2 LAMEA Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application
      • LAMEA Residential Market, By Country
      • LAMEA Commercial Market, By Country
    • 8.4.3 LAMEA Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel
      • LAMEA Offline Market, By Country
      • LAMEA Online Market, By Country
    • 8.4.4 LAMEA Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Country
      • Brazil Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market
        • Brazil Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point
        • Brazil Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application
        • Brazil Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel
      • Argentina Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market
        • Argentina Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point
        • Argentina Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application
        • Argentina Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel
      • UAE Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market
        • UAE Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point
        • UAE Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application
        • UAE Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel
      • Saudi Arabia Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market
        • Saudi Arabia Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point
        • Saudi Arabia Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application
        • Saudi Arabia Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel
      • South Africa Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market
        • South Africa Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point
        • South Africa Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application
        • South Africa Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel
      • Nigeria Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market
        • Nigeria Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point
        • Nigeria Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application
        • Nigeria Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel
      • Rest of LAMEA Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market
        • Rest of LAMEA Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Price Point
        • Rest of LAMEA Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Application
        • Rest of LAMEA Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market, By Distribution Channel

Chapter 9. Company Profiles

  • 9.1 HARMAN International Industries (Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.)
    • 9.1.1 Company Overview
    • 9.1.2 Financial Analysis
    • 9.1.3 Segmental and Regional Analysis
    • 9.1.4 Research & Development Expenses
    • 9.1.5 SWOT Analysis
  • 9.2 Bose Corporation
    • 9.2.1 Company Overview
    • 9.2.2 Recent strategies and developments:
      • Product Launches and Product Expansions:
    • 9.2.3 SWOT Analysis
  • 9.3 Sony Corporation
    • 9.3.1 Company Overview
    • 9.3.2 Financial Analysis
    • 9.3.3 Segmental and Regional Analysis
    • 9.3.4 Research & Development Expenses
    • 9.3.5 Recent strategies and developments:
      • Product Launches and Product Expansions:
    • 9.3.6 SWOT Analysis
  • 9.4 Apple, Inc.
    • 9.4.1 Company Overview
    • 9.4.2 Financial Analysis
    • 9.4.3 Regional Analysis
    • 9.4.4 Research & Development Expense
    • 9.4.5 Recent strategies and developments:
      • Product Launches and Product Expansions:
    • 9.4.6 SWOT Analysis
  • 9.5 Logitech International S.A.
    • 9.5.1 Company Overview
    • 9.5.2 Financial Analysis
    • 9.5.3 Regional Analysis
    • 9.5.4 Research & Development Expenses
    • 9.5.5 Recent strategies and developments:
      • Product Launches and Product Expansions:
    • 9.5.6 SWOT Analysis
  • 9.6 Plantronics, Inc. (Polycom, Inc.)
    • 9.6.1 Company Overview
    • 9.6.2 SWOT Analysis
  • 9.7 Marshall Group AB (Zound Industries International AB)
    • 9.7.1 Company Overview
    • 9.7.2 Financial Analysis
    • 9.7.3 Segmental and Regional Analysis
    • 9.7.4 Research & Development Expenses
    • 9.7.5 SWOT Analysis
  • 9.8 Bang & Olufsen A/S
    • 9.8.1 Company Overview
    • 9.8.2 Financial Analysis
    • 9.8.3 Segmental Analysis
    • 9.8.4 Research & Development Expenses
    • 9.8.5 Recent strategies and developments:
      • Partnerships, Collaborations, and Agreements:
    • 9.8.6 SWOT Analysis
  • 9.9 VOXX International Corporation
    • 9.9.1 Company Overview
    • 9.9.2 Financial Analysis
    • 9.9.3 Segmental and Regional Analysis
    • 9.9.4 Research & Development Expenses
    • 9.9.5 SWOT Analysis
  • 9.10. Fugoo
    • 9.10.1 Company Overview
    • 9.10.2 SWOT Analysis

Chapter 10. Winning Imperatives of Portable Bluetooth Speaker Market