
マシンビジョン (2024年):マシンビジョン市場の産業別・用途別・国別の詳細分析

Machine Vision - 2024: The Most Detailed Analysis of the Machine Vision Market by Industry, Application & Country

出版日: | 発行: Interact Analysis | ページ情報: 英文 | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=156.76円
マシンビジョン (2024年):マシンビジョン市場の産業別・用途別・国別の詳細分析
出版日: 2024年01月31日
発行: Interact Analysis
ページ情報: 英文
納期: 即日から翌営業日
Interact Analysis社は、産業オートメーションを専門分野とする調査会社。当レポートでは、マシンビジョンの対象製品を起点とし、対象製品別x産業別、対象製品別x用途別、対象製品別x国別のレベルまで市場を掘り下げ分析。また対象製品別メーカーシェアも掲載しています。調査は、二次調査だけでなく、業界参入企業への一次調査(Extensive Primary Research)に注力し、情報を収集。その情報をベースに市場の考察と分析を行っています。
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次



当レポートは、広範囲の一次調査とサプライヤー分析を通じて作成され、マシンビジョンの予測に役立つ信頼性の高い国別の産業予測で定評のある、Interact Analysisの「Manufacturing Industry Output Tracker (MIO) 」のデータを利用しています。



  • マシンビジョン市場の詳細な市場規模および予測データ:産業別・用途別・国別 - 100万件以上の生データより抽出
  • マシンビジョンのサプライヤーの市場シェア:製品種類別、アジア太平洋、日本、欧州・中東・アフリカ (EMEA)、南北アメリカ
  • 収益額・出荷台数 (2028年まで):Interact AnalysisのManufacturing Industry Output Tracker (MIO) と連動して算出
  • 世界のマシンビジョン市場に影響を与える主要動向の分析:成長機会や関連技術に関する考察


  • Smart Cameras / Smart Sensors
  • Configurable Vision Systems
  • Line-scan Cameras
  • Area-scan Cameras
  • 3D Cameras
  • Frame Grabbers
  • Vision Lighting
  • Vision Lenses
  • Vision Software*
  • Vision Services*
  • Vision Accessories*

* 三次レベル分析除外製品。




  • 最高の洞察と分析は、真の一次調査から得られると考えられます。そのため、全調査サイクルにおいて一次インタビューを実施し、主要な業界関係者から詳細なサプライヤー分析を求めています。当社の産業オートメーションアナリストは、平均で15年以上の経験を持つ業界屈指のベテランです。

15年以上の歴史を持つMIO Trackerデータと連動した成長予測

  • 予測は「三次レベル」の詳細なMIOデータから導き出されます。


  • 通常、市場調査企業は為替市場が成長率に与える影響を考慮していません。当社のアプローチでは、固定成長率モデルを用いてこうした影響を排除し、予測精度を高めています。変動レートへの変換も可能です。


  • 機械とエンドユーザーのセグメントを、ベンダーの報告データの小さなサンプルから推定するのではなく、実際の地域・部門データからモデル化しています。

Why this report?

This brochure outlines the scope and content of a new Interact Analysis market report providing insight and analysis into the machine vision market. The report provides an understanding of market and economic trends driving and restricting growth of machine vision products by industry, application and country.

The report is built through extensive primary research and supplier reporting and utilizes data from Interact Analysis "Manufacturing Industry Output Tracker(MIO)" - well respected for its credible industry forecasts by country, which inform the forecast for machine vision.


The goal for this report is to provide the most detailed, applicable and actionable market segmentation and analysis of machine vision, based on the needs of companies active in the machine vision market today and in the future. This report delivers:

  • Highly-detailed market size and forecast data for machine vision by industry, application and country, resulting in >1 million rows of data. This data is compiled through an extensive primary research investigation, led by one of the industry's leading industrial automation market analysts.
  • Supplier market shares for machine vision by product type for Asia Pacific, Japan, EMEA and the Americas.
  • Revenue and unit shipment forecasts out to 2028, derived in conjunction with Interact Analysis' Manufacturing Industry Output Tracker (MIO) , which is the most comprehensive analysis of global manufacturing industries and machinery production.
  • Insight into key trends impacting machine vision globally, as well as trend discussion on growth opportunities and related technologies.

Primary Product Segmentations

  • Smart Cameras / Smart Sensors
  • Configurable Vision Systems
  • Line-scan Cameras
  • Area-scan Cameras
  • 3D Cameras
  • Frame Grabbers
  • Vision Lighting
  • Vision Lenses
  • Vision Software *
  • Vision Services *
  • Vision Accessories *

* These are excluded from our 'layered' tertiary-level analysis.


What makes this research different?

Extensive Primary Research and Supplier Reporting

  • We believe that the best insight and analysis comes from real primary research - that is why we conduct primary interviews during our full research cycle; and seek detailed supplier reporting from key industry stakeholders. Our industrial automation analysts are some of the most experienced in the industry bringing an average 15+ years' experience to the table.

Growth Forecast Tied to MIO Tracker Data Using 15 - years of History

  • Forecasts are derived from detailed MIO data at the 'tertiary-level'.

Addressing Currency Impact on Growth Rates

  • Market research houses typically do not account for the impact forex markets have on growth rates. Our approach is to eliminate these impacts using a fixed growth rate model, which improves forecast accuracy. Conversion back to float rates is also possible.

Meaningful Industry and Machinery Estimates and Forecasts

  • Machinery and end-user segmentations modelled from actual regional sector data, rather than estimated from a small sample of vendor reported data

Report Analysts

TIM DAWSON, Senior Research Director for Industrial Automation.

Tim is the Senior Research Director and Principal Analyst for IA's Industrial Automation team. He uses his 20+ year experience to develop best-in-class research for the manufacturing sector and is a frequent speaker on all things research at conferences and industry trade shows across the country.

JONATHAN SPARKES, Research Analyst for Industrial Automation.

A thoroughly professional, analytical, and highly educated researcher, Jonathan gained his analysis and modelling skills from a Bsc in Mathematics. He works in our industrial automation sector with a focus on Machine Vision and is particularly interested in how technology can be used to improve systems.