
コンパニオン診断の世界市場 - 診断の未来:用途別、技術別、資金源別 - エグゼクティブコンサルタントガイド付き(2024年~2028年)

Companion Diagnostic Markets, The Future of Diagnostics By Application, Technology and Funding. With Executive and Consultant Guides 2024-2028

出版日: | 発行: Howe Sound Research | ページ情報: 英文 546 Pages | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=153.16円
コンパニオン診断の世界市場 - 診断の未来:用途別、技術別、資金源別 - エグゼクティブコンサルタントガイド付き(2024年~2028年)
出版日: 2024年06月26日
発行: Howe Sound Research
ページ情報: 英文 546 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次



第1章 市場ガイド

第2章 イントロダクションと市場の定義

  • コンパニオン診断とは何か
  • パーソナライズ医療革命
  • 市場の定義
  • 調査手法
  • 視点:ヘルスケアとIVD業界

第3章 市場概要

  • 市場参入組織
    • 学術研究機関
    • 診断試験開発者
    • 計装サプライヤー
    • 薬品・試薬メーカー
    • 病理サプライヤー
    • 独立系臨床検査室
    • 公共の国立/地域研究所
    • 病院検査室
    • 臨床検査室
    • 監査機関
    • 認証機関
  • 個別化医療とコンパニオン診断
  • 染色体、遺伝子、エピジェネティクス
  • がん遺伝子
  • 産業構造の影響

第4章 市場動向

  • 成長促進要因
  • 成長制限要因
  • 計測、自動化、診断の動向

第5章 コンパニオン診断の最近の動向

第6章 主要企業のプロファイル

  • 10x Genomics, Inc.
  • Abbott Laboratories
  • AccuraGen Inc.
  • Acuamark Diagnostics
  • Adaptive Biotechnologies
  • Admera Health, LLC
  • Aethlon Medical
  • Agilent
  • Amoy Diagnostics Co., Ltd.
  • Anchor Dx
  • ANGLE plc
  • Applied DNA Sciences
  • ARUP Laboratories
  • AVIVA Systems Biology
  • Baylor Miraca Genetics Laboratories
  • Beckman Coulter Diagnostics(Danaher)
  • Becton, Dickinson and Company
  • Berkley Lights
  • BGI Genomics Co. Ltd
  • BillionToOne
  • Bioarray Genetics
  • Biocartis
  • Biocept, Inc.
  • Biodesix Inc.
  • BioFluidica
  • BioGenex
  • BioIVT
  • Biolidics Ltd
  • bioMerieux Diagnostics
  • Bioneer Corporation
  • Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc
  • Bio-Reference Laboratories
  • Bio-Techne
  • Bioview
  • Bristol-Myers Squibb
  • Burning Rock
  • C2i Genomics
  • Cardiff Oncology
  • Caris Molecular Diagnostics
  • Castle Biosciences, Inc.
  • CellCarta
  • CellMax Life
  • Cepheid(Danaher)
  • Charles River Laboratories
  • Circulogene
  • Cizzle Biotech
  • Clearbridge Biomedics
  • Clinical Genomics
  • Cytolumina Technologies Corp.
  • Datar Cancer Genetics Limited
  • Diagnologix LLC
  • Diasorin S.p.A.
  • Dxcover
  • Element Biosciences
  • Enzo Biochem
  • Epic Sciences
  • Epigenomics AG
  • Eurofins Scientific
  • Fabric Genomics
  • Fluxion Biosciences(Cell Microsystems)
  • Freenome
  • FUJIFILM Wako Diagnostics
  • Fujirebio
  • Fyr Diagnostics
  • GeneDx Holdings
  • GeneFirst Ltd.
  • Genetron Holdings
  • GenomOncology
  • GILUPI Nanomedizin
  • Guardant Health
  • HansaBiomed
  • HTG Molecular Diagnostics
  • iCellate
  • Illumina
  • Incell Dx
  • Inivata
  • Invitae Corporation
  • Invivogen
  • Invivoscribe
  • J&J Innovative Medicine
  • KEW
  • Lucence Health
  • Lunglife AI Inc
  • MDNA Life SCIENCES, Inc.
  • MDx Health
  • Menarini Silicon Biosystems
  • Mesa Laboratories, Inc.
  • Millipore Sigma
  • Miltenyi Biotec
  • miR Scientific
  • Myriad Genetics
  • Nanostring
  • NantHealth, Inc.
  • Natera
  • NeoGenomics
  • NGeneBio
  • Novogene
  • Oncimmune
  • Oncocyte
  • OncoDNA
  • Oncohost
  • Oxford Nanopore Technologies
  • PamGene
  • Panagene
  • Personalis
  • Perthera
  • PGDx(Labcorp)
  • Precipio
  • PrecisionMed
  • Predicine
  • Predictive Oncology
  • Prenetics
  • Promega
  • Qiagen
  • QuidelOrtho
  • Rarecells SAS
  • RareCyte
  • Revvity
  • Roche Diagnostics
  • Screencell
  • Sherlock Biosciences
  • Siemens Healthineers
  • Singlera Genomics Inc.
  • Singular Genomics
  • Singulomics
  • SkylineDx
  • Standard BioTools
  • Stilla Technologies
  • Sysmex Inostics
  • Tempus Labs, Inc.
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific
  • Todos Medical
  • Ultima Genomics
  • Veracyte
  • Vir
  • VolitionRX
  • Vortex Biosciences

第7章 世界のコンパニオン診断市場

  • 国別世界市場概要
  • 用途別世界市場概要
  • 資金源別世界市場- 概要
  • 世界市場技術概要

第8章 世界のコンパニオン診断市場- 用途別

  • 乳がん
  • 肺がん
  • 大腸がん
  • その他のがん
  • 神経科
  • 心臓病科
  • その他

第9章 世界のコンパニオン診断市場- 資金源別

  • 医薬品
  • ベンチャー
  • 臨床
  • その他

第10章 世界のコンパニオン診断市場- 技術別

  • 次世代シーケンシング
  • PCR
  • その他

第11章 付録


Table of Tables

  • Table 1 FDA Approved Companion Dx
  • Table 2 Market Players by Type
  • Table 3 The Base Pairs
  • Table 4 Factors Driving Growth
  • Table 5 Factors Limiting Growth
  • Table 6 Seven Key Diagnostic Laboratory Technology Trends
  • Table 7 Global Companion Diagnostic Market by Region
  • Table 8 Global Market by Application
  • Table 9 Global Market by Funding Source
  • Table 10 Global Market by Technology
  • Table 11 Oncology Breast by Country
  • Table 12 Oncology Lung by Country
  • Table 13 Oncology Colorectal by Country
  • Table 14 Oncology Other by Country
  • Table 15 Neurology by Country
  • Table 16 Cardiology by Country
  • Table 17 Other Application by Country
  • Table 18 Pharmaceutical by Country
  • Table 19 Venture by Country
  • Table 20 Clinical by Country
  • Table 21 Other Funding by Country
  • Table 22 Next Generation Sequencing by Country
  • Table 23 PCR by Country
  • Table 24 IHC/ISH by Country
  • Table 25 Other Technology by Country
  • Table 26 Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule
  • Table 27 The Most Common Assays
  • Table 28 Largest Revenue Assays

Table of Figures

  • Figure 1 Global Healthcare Spending
  • Figure 2 The Road to Diagnostics
  • Figure 3 DNA Strands and Chromosomes
  • Figure 4 Karyogram of Human Chromosomes
  • Figure 5 Size of Various Genomes
  • Figure 6 Germline vs Somatic Mutations
  • Figure 7 Comparing Genomic Diagnostic and Traditional Testing
  • Figure 8 The Changing Age of The World's Population
  • Figure 9 Health Care Consumption by Age
  • Figure 10 Cancer Incidence by Age
  • Figure 11 Centralized vs. Decentralized Laboratory Service
  • Figure 12 A Highly Multiplexed Syndromic Testing Unit
  • Figure 13 The Real Cost to Sequence the Human Genome
  • Figure 14 The Codevelopment Process
  • Figure 15 Comparing MDx Diagnostic and Traditional Testing
  • Figure 16 Base Year Country Market Share Chart
  • Figure 17 CDx Market by Application-Base vs. Final Year
  • Figure 18 CDx Market by Application Base Year
  • Figure 19 CDx Market by Application Final Year
  • Figure 20 Application Type Share by Year
  • Figure 21 Application Type Segment Growth Rates
  • Figure 22 Funding Source - Base vs. Final Year
  • Figure 23 Funding Source Market Base Year
  • Figure 24 Funding Source Market Final Year
  • Figure 25 Funding Source Share by Year
  • Figure 26 Technology - Base vs. Final Year
  • Figure 27 Technology Market Base Year
  • Figure 28 Technology Market Final Year
  • Figure 29 Technology Share by Year
  • Figure 30 Oncology Breast Growth
  • Figure 31 Oncology Lung Growth
  • Figure 32 Oncology Colorectal Growth
  • Figure 33 Oncology Other Growth
  • Figure 34 Neurology Growth
  • Figure 35 Cardiology Growth
  • Figure 36 Other Application Growth
  • Figure 37 Pharmaceutical Growth
  • Figure 38 Venture Growth
  • Figure 39 Clinical Growth
  • Figure 40 Other Funding Growth
  • Figure 41 Next Generation Sequencing Growth
  • Figure 42 PCR Growth
  • Figure 43 IHC/ISH Growth
  • Figure 44 Other Technology Growth


Companion Diagnostics are changing the diagnostics industry. Whole new markets are emerging. Diagnostic and Therapeutic partnerships. Find out the latest outlook for this important market.

Will Companion Diagnostics become the norm?

Learn all about how diagnostic players are jockeying for position with their pharmaceutical counterparts and creating new and significant business opportunities. And some players are already taking the lead. It is a dynamic market situation with enormous opportunity. Diagnostic companies are trying to back the right horse. The science is racing forward. And the cost picture is changing.

The report includes detailed breakouts for 18 Countries and 4 Regions. A detailed breakout for any country or specific area in the world is available to purchasers of the report.


Mr. Greg Powell, B.SC., M.B.A is the President of Howe Sound Research. He is an experienced business and clinical professional. He is co-author of the paper "The Radioimmunoassay of Angiotensinogen by Antibody Trapping." He has worked in laboratory testing and management for over 20 years. Mr. Powell's education includes:

  • B.Sc. (Chemistry) University of BC
  • M.B.A. (Finance and Policy) University of BC
  • Market Research Seminar - Burke Institute
  • Finance for Senior Executives - Harvard Business School

Table of Contents

1 Market Guides

  • 1.1 Strategic Situation Analysis
  • 1.2 Guide for Executives, Marketing, Sales and Business Development Staff
  • 1.3 Guide for Management Consultants and Investment Advisors

2 Introduction and Market Definition

  • 2.1 What are Companion Diagnostics?
  • 2.2 The Personalized Medicine Revolution
  • 2.3 Market Definition
    • 2.3.1 Revenue Market Size.
  • 2.4 Methodology
    • 2.4.1 Methodology
    • 2.4.2 Sources
    • 2.4.3 Authors
  • 2.5 Perspective: Healthcare and the IVD Industry
    • 2.5.1 Global Healthcare Spending
    • 2.5.2 Spending on Diagnostics
    • 2.5.3 Important Role of Insurance for Diagnostics

3 Market Overview

  • 3.1 Players in a Dynamic Market
    • 3.1.1 Academic Research Lab
    • 3.1.2 Diagnostic Test Developer
    • 3.1.3 Instrumentation Supplier
    • 3.1.4 Chemical/Reagent Supplier
    • 3.1.5 Pathology Supplier
    • 3.1.6 Independent Clinical Laboratory
    • 3.1.7 Public National/regional Laboratory
    • 3.1.8 Hospital Laboratory
    • 3.1.9 Physicians Office Lab (POLS)
    • 3.1.10 Audit Body
    • 3.1.11 Certification Body
  • 3.2 Personalized Medicine and Companion Diagnostics
    • 3.2.1 Basics
    • 3.2.2 Method
    • 3.2.3 Disease risk assessment
    • 3.2.4 Applications
    • 3.2.5 Diagnosis and intervention
      • Companion Diagnostics
    • 3.2.6 Drug development and usage
    • 3.2.7 Respiratory proteomics
    • 3.2.8 Cancer genomics
    • 3.2.9 Population screening
    • 3.2.10 Challenges
    • 3.2.11 Regulatory oversight
    • 3.2.12 Intellectual property rights
    • 3.2.13 Reimbursement policies
    • 3.2.14 Patient privacy and confidentiality
  • 3.3 Chromosomes, Genes and Epigenetics
    • 3.3.1 Chromosomes
    • 3.3.2 Genes
    • 3.3.3 Epigenetics
  • 3.4 Cancer Genes
    • 3.4.1 Germline vs Somatic
    • 3.4.2 Changing Clinical Role
  • 3.5 Structure of Industry Plays a Part
    • 3.5.1 New Pharmaceutical Funding Market
    • 3.5.2 Economies of Scale
      • Hospital vs. Central Lab
    • 3.5.3 Physician Office Labs
    • 3.5.4 Physicians and POCT

4 Market Trends

  • 4.1 Factors Driving Growth
    • 4.1.1 Level of Care.
    • 4.1.2 Immuno-oncology.
    • 4.1.3 Liability.
    • 4.1.4 The Aging World
  • 4.2 Factors Limiting Growth
    • 4.2.1 State of knowledge.
    • 4.2.2 Genetic Blizzard.
    • 4.2.3 Protocol Resistance.
    • 4.2.4 Regulation and coverage.
  • 4.3 Instrumentation, Automation and Diagnostic Trends
    • 4.3.1 Traditional Automation and Centralization
    • 4.3.2 The New Automation, Decentralization and Point Of Care
    • 4.3.3 Instruments Key to Market Share
    • 4.3.4 Bioinformatics Plays a Role
    • 4.3.5 PCR Takes Command
    • 4.3.6 Next Generation Sequencing Fuels a Revolution
    • 4.3.7 NGS Impact on Pricing
    • 4.3.8 Whole Genome Sequencing, A Brave New World
    • 4.3.9 Companion Diagnostics Blurs Diagnosis and Treatment
    • 4.3.10 Shifting Role of Diagnostics

5 Companion Diagnostics Recent Developments

  • 5.1 Recent Developments - Importance and How to Use This Section
    • 5.1.1 Importance of These Developments
    • 5.1.2 How to Use This Section
  • 5.2 Foundation Medicine, Repare to Partner on CDx for Lunresertib
  • 5.3 Burning Rock, Bayer to Develop NGS Companion Diagnostic
  • 5.4 PathAI, Roche to Develop AI-Enabled Companion Diagnostics
  • 5.5 ARUP and Medicover Expand Companion Diagnostic in EU
  • 5.6 Thermo Fisher Signs Companion Diagnostic Agreement
  • 5.7 Agilent CDx Assay IVDR Certified
  • 5.8 ARUP Laboratories Gets Approval for Gene Therapy CDx
  • 5.9 Guardant Health Gets Medicare Coverage for Liquid Biopsy Test
  • 5.10 Amoy Dx PLC Panel Gets Approval in Japan as CDx
  • 5.11 UnitedHealthcare Expands Precision Oncology Dx Coverage
  • 5.12 JaxBio to Create Array-Based Cancer Tests
  • 5.13 Agilent, Qiagen Win FDA Approvals Companion Diagnostics
  • 5.14 Navignostics Using Single-Cell Spatial Proteomics
  • 5.15 HMNC Brain Health to Develop Companion Diagnostics
  • 5.16 Propath UK, Nucleai Partner on Spatial Proteomics
  • 5.17 Becton Dickinson, Labcorp Develop Flow Cytometry Companion Diagnostics
  • 5.18 Almac, AstraZeneca Strike CDx Development Pact
  • 5.19 Avalon GloboCare to Develop Cell Therapy CDx
  • 5.20 Burning Rock Secures Lung Cancer NGS Test Approval in China
  • 5.21 TenSixteen Bio Developing Drugs, Companion NGS Tests
  • 5.22 Guardant Health Plans New Comprehensive Assay
  • 5.23 Thermo Fisher, Oncocyte Ink Comarketing Deal for Cancer IVDs
  • 5.24 Qiagen, Denovo Biopharma to Develop Liquid Biopsy CDx Test
  • 5.25 Japanese Approves Thermo Fisher Scientific Oncomine Assay as CDx
  • 5.26 Promega, Henlius to Develop Microsatellite Instability CDx for Cancer Drug
  • 5.27 Natera Aims to Lead Market in Solid Tumor Adjuvant CDx
  • 5.28 Oncocyte Details Expansions Plans
  • 5.29 Agilent Acquires Resolution Biosciences
  • 5.30 Qiagen, Inovio Expand CDx Partnership
  • 5.31 AmoyDx, AstraZeneca Strike Ovarian Cancer CDx Alliance
  • 5.32 NeoGenomics to Grow Through CDx Agreements, Acquisitions
  • 5.33 Personalis Neoantigen Platform Driving Improved Immunotherapy Prediction
  • 5.34 Biocartis Collaborating with Endpoint Health on CDx Tests for Idylla Platform
  • 5.35 FDA Approves Foundation Medicine Test as CDx for Three Targeted Therapies
  • 5.36 Promega to Develop MSI Assay as CDx
  • 5.37 Guardant Health to Develop CDx for Janssen
  • 5.38 Burning Rock Bio, CStone Pharmaceuticals to Codevelop CDx
  • 5.39 FDA Approval for FoundationOne-RCDx
  • 5.40 FDA finalizes CDx Guidance
  • 5.41 QIAGEN Launches CDx Therascreen BRAF Test

6 Profiles of Key Players

  • 6.1 10x Genomics, Inc.
  • 6.2 Abbott Laboratories
  • 6.3 AccuraGen Inc.
  • 6.4 Acuamark Diagnostics
  • 6.5 Adaptive Biotechnologies
  • 6.6 Admera Health, LLC
  • 6.7 Aethlon Medical
  • 6.8 Agilent
  • 6.9 Amoy Diagnostics Co., Ltd.
  • 6.10 Anchor Dx
  • 6.11 ANGLE plc
  • 6.12 Applied DNA Sciences
  • 6.13 ARUP Laboratories
  • 6.14 AVIVA Systems Biology
  • 6.15 Baylor Miraca Genetics Laboratories
  • 6.16 Beckman Coulter Diagnostics (Danaher)
  • 6.17 Becton, Dickinson and Company
  • 6.18 Berkley Lights
  • 6.19 BGI Genomics Co. Ltd
  • 6.20 BillionToOne
  • 6.21 Bioarray Genetics
  • 6.22 Biocartis
  • 6.23 Biocept, Inc.
  • 6.24 Biodesix Inc.
  • 6.25 BioFluidica
  • 6.26 BioGenex
  • 6.27 BioIVT
  • 6.28 Biolidics Ltd
  • 6.29 bioMerieux Diagnostics
  • 6.30 Bioneer Corporation
  • 6.31 Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc
  • 6.32 Bio-Reference Laboratories
  • 6.33 Bio-Techne
  • 6.34 Bioview
  • 6.35 Bristol-Myers Squibb
  • 6.36 Burning Rock
  • 6.37 C2i Genomics
  • 6.38 Cardiff Oncology
  • 6.39 Caris Molecular Diagnostics
  • 6.40 Castle Biosciences, Inc.
  • 6.41 CellCarta
  • 6.42 CellMax Life
  • 6.43 Cepheid (Danaher)
  • 6.44 Charles River Laboratories
  • 6.45 Circulogene
  • 6.46 Cizzle Biotech
  • 6.47 Clearbridge Biomedics
  • 6.48 Clinical Genomics
  • 6.49 Cytolumina Technologies Corp.
  • 6.50 Datar Cancer Genetics Limited
  • 6.51 Diagnologix LLC
  • 6.52 Diasorin S.p.A.
  • 6.53 Dxcover
  • 6.54 Element Biosciences
  • 6.55 Enzo Biochem
  • 6.56 Epic Sciences
  • 6.57 Epigenomics AG
  • 6.58 Eurofins Scientific
  • 6.59 Fabric Genomics
  • 6.60 Fluxion Biosciences (Cell Microsystems)
  • 6.61 Freenome
  • 6.62 FUJIFILM Wako Diagnostics
  • 6.63 Fujirebio
  • 6.64 Fyr Diagnostics
  • 6.65 GeneDx Holdings
  • 6.66 GeneFirst Ltd.
  • 6.67 Genetron Holdings
  • 6.68 GenomOncology
  • 6.69 GILUPI Nanomedizin
  • 6.70 Guardant Health
  • 6.71 HansaBiomed
  • 6.72 HTG Molecular Diagnostics
  • 6.73 iCellate
  • 6.74 ICON PLC
  • 6.75 Illumina
  • 6.76 Incell Dx
  • 6.77 Inivata
  • 6.78 INOVIQ
  • 6.79 Invitae Corporation
  • 6.80 Invivogen
  • 6.81 Invivoscribe
  • 6.82 J&J Innovative Medicine
  • 6.83 KEW
  • 6.84 Lucence Health
  • 6.85 Lunglife AI Inc
  • 6.86 MDNA Life SCIENCES, Inc.
  • 6.87 MDx Health
  • 6.88 Menarini Silicon Biosystems
  • 6.89 Mesa Laboratories, Inc.
  • 6.90 Millipore Sigma
  • 6.91 Miltenyi Biotec
  • 6.92 miR Scientific
  • 6.93 Myriad Genetics
  • 6.94 Nanostring
  • 6.95 NantHealth, Inc.
  • 6.96 Natera
  • 6.97 NeoGenomics
  • 6.98 NGeneBio
  • 6.99 Novogene
  • 6.100 Oncimmune
  • 6.101 Oncocyte
  • 6.102 OncoDNA
  • 6.103 Oncohost
  • 6.104 Oxford Nanopore Technologies
  • 6.105 PamGene
  • 6.106 Panagene
  • 6.107 Personalis
  • 6.108 Perthera
  • 6.109 PGDx (Labcorp)
  • 6.110 Precipio
  • 6.111 PrecisionMed
  • 6.112 Predicine
  • 6.113 Predictive Oncology
  • 6.114 Prenetics
  • 6.115 Promega
  • 6.116 Qiagen
  • 6.117 QuidelOrtho
  • 6.118 Rarecells SAS
  • 6.119 RareCyte
  • 6.120 Revvity
  • 6.121 Roche Diagnostics
  • 6.122 Screencell
  • 6.123 Sherlock Biosciences
  • 6.124 Siemens Healthineers
  • 6.125 Singlera Genomics Inc.
  • 6.126 Singular Genomics
  • 6.127 Singulomics
  • 6.128 SkylineDx
  • 6.129 Standard BioTools
  • 6.130 Stilla Technologies
  • 6.131 Sysmex Inostics
  • 6.132 Tempus Labs, Inc.
  • 6.133 Thermo Fisher Scientific
  • 6.134 Todos Medical
  • 6.135 Ultima Genomics
  • 6.136 Veracyte
  • 6.137 Vir
  • 6.138 VolitionRX
  • 6.139 Vortex Biosciences

7 The Global Market for Companion Diagnostics

  • 7.1 Global Market Overview by Country
    • 7.1.1 Table - Global Market by Country
    • 7.1.2 Chart-Global Market by Country
  • 7.2 Global Market by Application-Overview
    • 7.2.1 Table - Global Market by Application
    • 7.2.2 Chart - Global Market by Application - Base/Final Year Comparison
    • 7.2.3 Chart - Global Market by Application - Base Year
    • 7.2.4 Chart - Global Market by Application - Final Year
    • 7.2.5 Chart - Global Market by Application - Share by Year
    • 7.2.6 Chart - Global Market by Application - Segment Growth Rates
  • 7.3 Global Market Funding Source-Overview
    • 7.3.1 Table - Global Market by Funding Source
    • 7.3.2 Chart - Global Market Funding Source - Base/Final Year Comparison
    • 7.3.3 Chart - Global Market Funding Source - Base Year
    • 7.3.4 Chart - Global Market Funding Source - Final Year
    • 7.3.5 Chart - Global Market Funding Source - Share by Year
  • 7.4 Global Market Technology-Overview
    • 7.4.1 Table - Global Market by Technology
    • 7.4.2 Chart - Global Market Technology - Base/Final Year Comparison
    • 7.4.3 Chart - Global Market Technology - Base Year
    • 7.4.4 Chart - Global Market Technology - Final Year
    • 7.4.5 Chart - Global Market Technology - Share by Year

8 Global Companion Diagnostic Markets - By Application

  • 8.1 Oncology Breast
    • 8.1.1 Table Oncology Breast - by Country
    • 8.1.2 Chart - Oncology Breast Growth
  • 8.2 Oncology Lung
    • 8.2.1 Table Oncology Lung - by Country
    • 8.2.2 Chart - Oncology Lung Growth
  • 8.3 Oncology Colorectal
    • 8.3.1 Table Oncology Colorectal - by Country
    • 8.3.2 Chart - Oncology Colorectal Growth
  • 8.4 Oncology Other
    • 8.4.1 Table Oncology Other - by Country
    • 8.4.2 Chart - Oncology Other Growth
  • 8.5 Neurology
    • 8.5.1 Table Neurology - by Country
    • 8.5.2 Chart-Neurology Growth
  • 8.6 Cardiology
    • 8.6.1 Table Cardiology - by Country
    • 8.6.2 Chart-Cardiology Growth
  • 8.7 Other Application
    • 8.7.1 Table Other Application - by Country
    • 8.7.2 Chart-Other Application Growth

9 Global Companion Diagnostic Markets - Funding Source

  • 9.1 Global Market Pharmaceutical
    • 9.1.1 Table Pharmaceutical - by Country
    • 9.1.2 Chart-Pharmaceutical Growth
  • 9.2 Global Market Venture
    • 9.2.1 Table Venture - by Country
    • 9.2.2 Chart-Venture Growth
  • 9.3 Global Market Clinical
    • 9.3.1 Table Clinical - by Country
    • 9.3.2 Chart-Clinical Growth
  • 9.4 Global Market Other Funding
    • 9.4.1 Table Other Funding - by Country
    • 9.4.2 Chart-Other Funding Growth

10 Global Companion Diagnostic Markets - Technology

  • 10.1 Global Market Next Generation Sequencing
    • 10.1.1 Table Next Generation Sequencing - by Country
    • 10.1.2 Chart-Next Generation Sequencing Growth
  • 10.2 Global Market PCR
    • 10.2.1 Table PCR - by Country
    • 10.2.2 Chart-PCR Growth
  • 10.3 Global Market IHC/ISH
    • 10.3.1 Table IHC/ISH - by Country
    • 10.3.2 Chart-IHC/ISH Growth
  • 10.4 Global Market Other Technology
    • 10.4.1 Table Other Technology - by Country
    • 10.4.2 Chart-Other Technology Growth

11 Appendices

  • 11.1 United States Medicare System: Clinical Laboratory Fees Schedule
  • 11.2 The Most Used IVD Assays
  • 11.3 The Highest Grossing Assays