

Medical Kiosk Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Type (Check-In-Kiosk, Payment Kiosk, Way Finding Kiosk, Telemedicine Kiosk, Self-service Kiosk), By Location, By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2022 - 2030

出版日: | 発行: Grand View Research | ページ情報: 英文 83 Pages | 納期: 2~10営業日

● お客様のご希望に応じて、既存データの加工や未掲載情報(例:国別セグメント)の追加などの対応が可能です。  詳細はお問い合わせください。

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
出版日: 2022年08月16日
発行: Grand View Research
ページ情報: 英文 83 Pages
納期: 2~10営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次


Grand View Research, Inc.の新しいレポートによると、世界の医療用キオスク市場規模は2030年までに38億米ドルに達し、予測期間中に14.8%のCAGRを示すと予測されています。この成長の背景には、顧客体験の向上や、病院や診療所でのセルフサービスに対する需要の増加といった要因があります。さらに、タッチスクリーンディスプレイの技術革新や、請求書の支払いや患者の登録など、病院のさまざまなプロセスの合理化が、業界の成長を促進しています。









メーカー、病院、薬局の連携強化が市場の成長を支える見通し2018年7月、Rite Aid Pharmaciesは、カリフォルニア州に本拠を置く遠隔医療プロバイダーInTouch Healthとの提携を発表しました。この契約に基づき、同社はライトエイドの薬局全体のキオスクに同社のバーチャルケアプラットフォームを提供する予定です


第1章 調査範囲と目的

  • 市場セグメンテーション
  • 地域範囲
  • 調査目的

第2章 調査手法

  • 調査手法
  • 情報調達
    • 購入したデータベース
    • GVRの内部データベース
    • 二次情報
    • 1次調査
    • 1次調査内容
  • 情報またはデータ分析
    • データ分析モデル
  • 市場の策定と検証
  • モデルの詳細
    • ボリューム価格分析
  • 二次情報一覧
  • 略語一覧

第3章 エグゼクティブサマリー

  • 市場の見通し
  • セグメントの見通し
    • タイプ
    • 位置
  • 地域の見通し
  • 競合考察

第4章 市場変数、動向、範囲

  • 市場系列の見通し
    • 親会社の市場見通し
  • 市場力学
    • 市場促進要因分析
    • 市場抑制分析
  • 浸透と成長の見通しのマッピング
  • ビジネス環境分析ツール
    • ポーターのファイブフォース分析
      • 競争企業間の敵対関係
      • 新規参入業者の脅威
      • 買い手の交渉力
      • 供給企業の交渉力
      • 代替品の脅威
    • PESTEL分析
      • 政治情勢
      • 経済社会情勢
      • 技術情勢
  • 定性分析:医療用キオスク市場に対するCOVID-19の影響

第5章 医療用キオスク市場:タイプ分析

  • 医療用キオスク市場タイプの市場シェア分析、2021年および2030年
  • 医療用キオスクの市場タイプ市場:セグメントダッシュボード
  • タイプセグメントの市場規模と予測、トレンド分析、2017年から2030年
    • チェックインキオスク
    • 支払いキオスク
    • 道案内キオスク
    • 遠隔医療用キオスク
    • セルフサービスキオスク

第6章 医療用キオスク市場:位置分析

  • 医療用キオスク市場の場所、市場シェア分析、2021年および2030年
  • 医療用キオスク市場の場所市場:セグメントダッシュボード
  • ロケーションセグメントの市場規模と予測、およびトレンド分析、2017年から2030年
    • 専門クリニック
    • 病院
    • 薬局
    • その他

第7章 医療用キオスク市場:地域分析

  • 医療用キオスク市場の地域市場シェア分析、2020年および2030年
  • 地域市場のスナップショット
  • 市場規模、予測、トレンド分析、2017年から2030年
    • 北米
      • 米国
      • カナダ
    • 欧州
      • 英国
      • ドイツ
      • フランス
      • イタリア
      • スペイン
    • アジア太平洋地域
      • 日本
      • 中国
      • インド
      • オーストラリア
    • ラテンアメリカ
      • ブラジル
      • メキシコ
    • 中東とアフリカ
      • 南アフリカ

第8章 競合分析

  • 主要な市場参加者別最近の動向と影響分析
  • 競合の分類(主要なイノベーター、マーケットリーダー、新興プレーヤー
  • 会社の市況分析
  • 企業プロファイル
    • Olea Kiosks Inc.
      • 会社概要
      • 財務実績
      • 製品のベンチマーク
      • 戦略的イニシアチブ
    • Fabcon, Inc.
      • 会社概要
      • 財務実績
      • 製品のベンチマーク
      • 戦略的イニシアチブ
    • Meridian Kiosks
      • 会社概要
      • 財務実績
      • 製品のベンチマーク
      • 戦略的イニシアチブ
    • XIPHIAS Software Technologies
      • 会社概要
      • 財務実績
      • 製品のベンチマーク
      • 戦略的イニシアチブ
    • RedyRef Interactive Kiosks
      • 会社概要
      • 財務実績
      • 製品のベンチマーク
      • 戦略的イニシアチブ
    • imageHOLDERS
      • 会社概要
      • 財務実績
      • 製品のベンチマーク
      • 戦略的イニシアチブ
    • KIOSK Information Systems
      • 会社概要
      • 財務実績
      • 製品のベンチマーク
      • 戦略的イニシアチブ
    • Frank Mayer and Associates, Inc.
      • 会社概要
      • 財務実績
      • 製品のベンチマーク
      • 戦略的イニシアチブ
    • Kiosks4business Ltd.
      • 会社概要
      • 財務実績
      • 製品のベンチマーク
      • 戦略的イニシアチブ
    • DynaTouch Corporation
      • 会社概要
      • 財務実績
      • 製品のベンチマーク
      • 戦略的イニシアチブ

List of Tables

  • TABLE 1 List of secondary sources
  • TABLE 2 List of abbreviations
  • TABLE 3 Global check-in-kiosk market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 4 Global payment kiosk market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 5 Global way finding kiosk market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 6 Global telemedicine kiosk market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 7 Global self-service kiosk market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 8 Global specialty clinics kiosk market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 9 Global hospitals kiosk market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 10 Global pharmacies kiosk market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 11 Global others market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 12 North America medical kiosk market estimates and forecast, by country, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 13 North America medical kiosk market estimates and forecast, by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 14 North America medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by location, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 15 U.S. medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 16 U.S. medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by location, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 17 Canada medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 18 Canada medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by location, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 19 Europe medical kiosk market estimates and forecast, by country, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 20 Europe medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 21 Europe medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by location, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 22 U.K. medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 23 U.K. medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by location, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 24 Germany medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 25 Germany medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by location, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 26 France medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 27 France medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by location, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 28 Italy medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 29 Italy medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by location, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 30 Spain medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 31 Spain medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by location, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 32 Asia Pacific medical kiosk market estimates and forecast, by country, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 33 Asia Pacific medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 34 Asia Pacific medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by location, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 35 China medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 36 China medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by location, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 37 Japan medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 38 Japan medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by location, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 39 India medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 40 India medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by location, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 41 Australia medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 42 Australia medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by location, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 43 Latin America medical kiosk market estimates and forecast, by country, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 44 Latin America medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 45 Latin America medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by location, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 46 Brazil medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 47 Brazil medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by location, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 48 Mexico medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 49 Mexico medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by location, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 50 Middle East & Africa (MEA) medical kiosk market estimates and forecast, by country, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 51 Middle East & Africa (MEA) medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 52 Middle East & Africa (MEA) medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by location, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 53 South Africa medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 54 South Africa medical kiosk market revenue estimates and forecast by location, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)

List of Figures

  • FIG. 1 Medical Kiosk Market segmentation
  • FIG. 2 Market research process
  • FIG. 3 Information procurement
  • FIG. 4 Primary research pattern
  • FIG. 5 Market research approaches
  • FIG. 6 Value-chain-based sizing & forecasting
  • FIG. 7 QFD modeling for market share assessment
  • FIG. 8 Market formulation & validation
  • FIG. 9 Market outlook, 2021 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 10 Market trends & outlook
  • FIG. 11 Market driver relevance analysis (Current & future impact)
  • FIG. 12 Market restraint relevance analysis (Current & future impact)
  • FIG. 13 Penetration & growth prospect mapping
  • FIG. 14 Medical kiosk market: Type movement analysis (USD millions)
  • FIG. 15 Medical kiosk market: Location movement analysis (USD millions)
  • FIG. 16 Medical kiosk market type outlook: Segment dashboard
  • FIG. 17 Check-in-kiosk market 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 18 Payment kiosk market 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 19 Way finding kiosk market 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 20 Telemedicine kiosk market 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 21 Self-service kiosk market 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 22 Medical Kiosk Market location outlook: Segment dashboard
  • FIG. 23 Speciality Clinics market 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 24 Hospitals market 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 25 Pharmacies market 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 26 Others market 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 27 Regional marketplace: Key takeaways
  • FIG. 28 Regional movement analysis, 2021 & 2030 (USD million)
  • FIG. 29 North America Medical Kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 30 U.S. Medical Kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 31 Canada Medical Kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 32 Europe Medical Kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 33 U.K. Medical Kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 34 Germany Medical Kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 35 France Medical Kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 36 Italy Medical Kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 37 Spain Medical Kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 38 Asia Pacific Medical Kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 39 China Medical Kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 40 Japan Medical Kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 41 India Medical Kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 42 Australia Medical Kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 43 Latin America Medical Kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 44 Brazil Medical Kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 45 Mexico Medical Kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 46 Middle East & Africa Medical Kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 47 South Africa Medical Kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 48 Impact analysis by key market participants
  • FIG. 49 Strategy framework/Competition categorization
  • FIG. 50 Company market position analysis
Product Code: GVR-4-68039-967-3

Medical Kiosk Market Growth & Trends:

The global medical kiosk market size is expected to reach USD 3.8 billion by 2030, exhibiting a CAGR of 14.8% during the forecast period according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The growth is driven by factors such as improved customer experience and increased demand for self-service in hospitals and clinics. Furthermore, innovations in touchscreen displays and streamlining of various hospital processes such as bill payments, and patient registration are propelling the industry's growth.

Digital health ATMs are associated with increased productivity and reduced wait time. It provides patients with highly secure and individualized access. It offers smooth integration between a back-end office and a patient's access to electronic health care records, which is boosting the market growth. Apart from this, increasing focus on startup funding, mergers, and acquisitions are anticipated to bode well with the market. For example, in January 2022, Babylon Health acquired Higi Health, an emerging player in the health kiosk industry, to support a fundamental healthcare delivery transformation.

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered the manner of interaction, as end-users are now more concerned with safety and virus prevention. Consequently, consumers have gravitated toward the adoption of health ATMs owing to their role in infection prevention, particularly in healthcare facilities. In several nations, self-service kiosks are used to make the medical environment safe and secure.

As a result of COVID-19, funding for telehealth kiosks has increased. Under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, the U.S. federal government has allocated USD 200 million to help health care providers expand telehealth services by offsetting the cost of providing these services. According to the Federal Communications Commission, the government has approved 539 applications for funding in 47 states and Washington, D.C. in 2020. As a result, numerous organizations are developing a new strategy that incorporates digitization, which is anticipated to stimulate the expansion of the market.

Medical Kiosk Market Report Highlights:

  • Based on type, the self-service kiosk segment accounted for the largest revenue share in 2021. Increasing installation in healthcare facilities and strong government support are factors attributable to the growth of the segment
  • In terms of location, the hospitals segment accounted for the largest revenue share in 2021. The segment is expected to maintain its dominance throughout the forecast period owing to advantages such as cost savings, decreased ER visits, and reduced work burden of healthcare staff
  • North America dominated the market in terms of revenue share in 2021 due to the high acceptance of advanced technology, rapid adoption of virtual visits, and the increasing number of manufacturers in the region
  • The Asia Pacific region is expected to witness remarkable growth during the forecast period. High patient population, increasing installations in and out of hospitals, and rising awareness about the benefits of health ATMs are poised to surge the market in the Asia Pacific
  • Increasing collaboration between manufacturers, hospitals, and pharmacies is expected to support the growth of the market. In July 2018, Rite Aid Pharmacies announced a partnership with California-based telemedicine provider InTouch Health. Under the terms of the agreement, the company will provide its virtual care platform for kiosks across Rite Aid's pharmacies

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Report Scope and Objectives

  • 1.1 Market Segmentation
  • 1.2 Regional Scope
  • 1.3 Estimates and Forecast Timeline
  • 1.4 Research Objectives
    • 1.4.1 Objective - 1
    • 1.4.2 Objective - 2
    • 1.4.3 Objective - 3

Chapter 2 Methodology

  • 2.1 Research Methodology
  • 2.2 Information Procurement
    • 2.2.1 Purchased Database
    • 2.2.2 GVR's Internal Database
    • 2.2.3 Secondary Sources
    • 2.2.4 Primary Research
    • 2.2.5 Details of Primary Research
  • 2.3 Information or Data Analysis
    • 2.3.1 Data Analysis Models
  • 2.4 Market Formulation & Validation
  • 2.5 Model Details
    • 2.5.1 Volume Price Analysis
  • 2.6 List of Secondary Sources
  • 2.7 List of Abbreviations

Chapter 3 Executive Summary

  • 3.1 Market Outlook
  • 3.2 Segment Outlook
    • 3.2.1 Type
    • 3.2.1 Location
  • 3.3 Regional Outlook
  • 3.4 Competitive Insights

Chapter 4 Market Variables, Trends & Scope

  • 4.1 Market Lineage outlook
    • 4.1.1 Parent market outlook
  • 4.2 Market Dynamics
    • 4.2.1 Market driver analysis
    • 4.2.2 Market restraint analysis
  • 4.3 Penetration & Growth Prospect Mapping
  • 4.4 Business Environment Analysis Tools
    • 4.4.1 Porter's five forces analysis
      • Competitive rivalry
      • Threat of new entrants
      • Bargaining power of buyers
      • Bargaining power of suppliers
      • Threat of substitutes
    • 4.4.2 PESTEL Analysis
      • Political landscape
      • Economic and social landscape
      • Technological landscape
  • 4.5 Qualitative Analysis: Impact of COVID-19 on Medical Kiosk Market

Chapter 5 Medical Kiosk Market: Type Analysis

  • 5.1 Medical Kiosk Market Type Market Share Analysis, 2021 & 2030
  • 5.2 Medical Kiosk Market Type Market: Segment Dashboard
  • 5.3 Market Size & Forecasts and Trend Analyses, 2017 to 2030 for the Type Segment
    • 5.3.1 Check-in-kiosk
      • Check-in-kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 5.3.2 Payment kiosk
      • Payment kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 5.3.3 Way finding kiosk
      • Way finding kiosk care Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 5.3.4 Telemedicine kiosk
      • Telemedicine kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 5.3.5 Self-service kiosk
      • Self-service kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)

Chapter 6 Medical Kiosk Market: Location Analysis

  • 6.1 Medical Kiosk Market Location Market Share Analysis, 2021 & 2030
  • 6.2 Medical Kiosk Market Location Market: Segment Dashboard
  • 6.3 Market Size & Forecasts and Trend Analyses, 2017 to 2030 for the Location Segment
    • 6.3.1 Speciality Clinics
      • Speciality Clinics Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 6.3.2 Hospitals
      • Hospitals Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 6.3.3 Pharmacies
      • Pharmacies Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 6.3.4 Others
      • Others Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)

Chapter 7 Medical Kiosk Market: Regional Analysis

  • 7.1 Medical Kiosk Market Regional Market Share Analysis, 2020 & 2030
  • 7.2 Regional Market Snapshot
  • 7.3 Market Size, & Forecasts, and Trend Analysis, 2017 to 2030
    • 7.3.1 North America
      • North America Medical Kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
      • U.S.
      • U.S. Medical Kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
      • Canada
      • Canada Medical Kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 7.3.2 Europe
      • Europe Medical Kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
      • U.K.
      • UK Medical Kiosk Market, 2017- 2030 (USD Million)
      • Germany
      • Germany Medical Kiosk Market, 2017- 2030 (USD Million)
      • France
      • France Medical Kiosk Market, 2017- 2030 (USD Million)
      • Italy
      • Italy Medical Kiosk Market, 2017- 2030 (USD Million)
      • Spain
      • Spain Medical Kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 7.3.3 Asia Pacific
      • Asia Pacific Medical Kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
      • Japan
      • Japan Medical Kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
      • China
      • China Medical Kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
      • India
      • India Medical Kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
      • Australia
      • Australia Medical Kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 7.3.4 Latin America
      • Latin America Medical Kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
      • Brazil
      • Brazil Medical Kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
      • Mexico
      • Mexico Medical Kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 7.3.5 Middle East and Africa
      • MEA Medical Kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
      • South Africa
      • South Africa Medical Kiosk Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)

Chapter 8 Competitive Analysis

  • 8.1 Recent developments & impact analysis, by key market participants
  • 8.2 Competition Categorization (Key innovators, Market leaders, emerging players
  • 8.3 Company Market Position Analysis
  • 8.4 Company Profiles
    • 8.4.1 Olea Kiosks Inc.
      • Company overview
      • Financial performance
      • Product benchmarking
      • Strategic initiatives
    • 8.4.2 Fabcon, Inc.
      • Company overview
      • Financial performance
      • Product benchmarking
      • Strategic initiatives
    • 8.4.3 Meridian Kiosks
      • Company overview
      • Financial performance
      • Product benchmarking
      • Strategic initiatives
    • 8.4.4 XIPHIAS Software Technologies
      • Company overview
      • Financial performance
      • Product benchmarking
      • Strategic initiatives
    • 8.4.5 RedyRef Interactive Kiosks
      • Company overview
      • Financial performance
      • Product benchmarking
      • Strategic initiatives
    • 8.4.6 imageHOLDERS
      • Company overview
      • Financial performance
      • Product benchmarking
      • Strategic initiatives
    • 8.4.7 KIOSK Information Systems
      • Company overview
      • Financial performance
      • Product benchmarking
      • Strategic initiatives
    • 8.4.8 Frank Mayer and Associates, Inc.
      • Company overview
      • Financial performance
      • Product benchmarking
      • Strategic initiatives
    • 8.4.9 Kiosks4business Ltd.
      • Company overview
      • Financial performance
      • Product benchmarking
      • Strategic initiatives
    • 8.4.10 DynaTouch Corporation
      • Company overview
      • Financial performance
      • Product benchmarking
      • Strategic initiatives