
ノンアルコールワイン・ビールの市場規模 - 製品、材料、タイプ、技術、販売店、地域別展望、成長可能性、競合市場シェア、世界予測、2023年~2032年

Non-Alcoholic Wine and Beer Market Size - By Product (Beer, Wine), Material, Type, Technology, Sales Stores, Regional Outlook, Growth Potential, Competitive Market Share & Global Forecast, 2023 - 2032

出版日: | 発行: Global Market Insights Inc. | ページ情報: 英文 908 Pages | 納期: 2~3営業日

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価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=143.76円
ノンアルコールワイン・ビールの市場規模 - 製品、材料、タイプ、技術、販売店、地域別展望、成長可能性、競合市場シェア、世界予測、2023年~2032年
出版日: 2023年12月01日
発行: Global Market Insights Inc.
ページ情報: 英文 908 Pages
納期: 2~3営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次









第1章 調査手法と調査範囲

第2章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第3章 ノンアルコールワイン・ビール産業洞察

  • 産業区分
  • 業界情勢、2018年~2032年
  • エコシステム分析
    • 原材料サプライヤー
    • 技術/機械プロバイダー
    • 製造業者
    • ディストリビューター&ディーラー
    • エンドユーザー
    • 利益率の動向
    • 流通チャネル分析
      • 酒販店
      • コンビニエンスストア
      • スーパーマーケット
      • オンラインストア
      • レストラン&バー
    • ベンダー・マトリックス
  • 技術展望
    • 制限発酵/無発酵
    • 脱アルコール
      • 逆浸透
      • 熱処理
      • 減圧蒸留
      • その他
  • 原料動向
    • ぶどう
    • ベリー/リンゴ
    • 麦芽
    • ホップ
    • 酵母
    • 酵素
    • その他
  • 消費者の購買行動
    • アンメットニーズ
    • 社会的・文化的影響要因
    • 情報探索
    • 選択肢の評価
    • 購入決定
    • 購入後の行動
  • ノンアルコール飲料普及率、2021年
    • 主要輸入国
    • 主要輸出国
  • 規制状況
    • 米国
      • ガイドライン
        • 法律と規制
        • ビールと麦芽飲料の違い
      • 連邦規則集第7編-麦芽飲料の表示と広告
    • 欧州
      • 英国
    • 中国
    • ラテンアメリカ
      • ブラジル
    • 中東・アフリカ
      • アラブ首長国連邦
  • 価格分析、2018年~2032年
    • 地域別価格
    • コスト構造分析、2022年
  • 業界への影響要因
    • 促進要因
      • より健康的な代替品への消費パターンの変化
      • 宗教上の懸念によるアルコール消費の制限
      • 消費者重視のマーケティング戦略による新製品開拓
    • 業界の潜在的リスク&課題
      • 脱アルコール時の風味と香りの損失
      • 製造コストと小売価格の上昇
  • 2022年の成長可能性分析
  • イノベーションと持続可能性
    • 低糖質・低カロリー
    • Lazy"酵母を使った低アルコール・ノンアルコールビールとワイン
    • 逆浸透
    • 新製品の発売
    • 主要特許
  • 競合情勢、2022年
    • 企業シェア分析、2022年
    • 主要企業の概要
      • 主要企業概要 - ノンアルコールワイン市場
      • 主要企業概要 - ノンアルコールビール市場
    • 投資分析
    • 主要利害関係者
    • 戦略ダッシュボード
  • ポーター分析
  • PESTEL分析

第4章 ノンアルコールワイン・ビール市場:製品別

  • ノンアルコールワイン・ビール市場:製品別シェア、2022年・2032年
  • ワイン
      • アルコールフリー(アルコール度数0.0)
      • 低アルコール(アルコール度数0.0%~8.0)
      • 低アルコール(アルコール度数 8.0%~12.0%)
      • ブドウ
      • ベリー類/リンゴ
      • 麦芽
      • ホップ
      • 酵母
      • 酵素
      • その他
      • 制限発酵
      • 脱アルコール
      • 逆浸透
      • 熱処理
      • 減圧蒸留
      • その他
      • 酒販店
      • コンビニエンスストア
      • スーパーマーケット
      • オンラインストア
      • レストラン&バー
  • ビール
      • アルコールフリー(アルコール度数0.0)
      • 低アルコール(アルコール度数0.0~1.5)
      • 低アルコール(アルコール度数1.5~3.5)
      • 麦芽
      • ホップ
      • 酵母
      • 酵素
      • その他
      • 制限発酵
      • 脱アルコール
      • 逆浸透
      • 熱処理
      • 減圧蒸留
      • その他
      • 酒販店
      • コンビニエンスストア
      • スーパーマーケットスーパーマーケットのノンアルコールビール市場推定・予測(2018年~2032年)

      • オンラインストア
      • レストラン&バー

第5章 ノンアルコールワイン・ビール市場:地域別

  • ノンアルコールワイン・ビール市場地域別シェア、2022年・2032年
  • 北米


    • 米国
    • カナダ
  • 欧州


    • ドイツ
    • 英国
    • フランス
    • イタリア
    • スペイン
    • ロシア
    • チェコ共和国
    • スウェーデン


  • アジア太平洋


    • 中国
    • インド
    • 日本
    • 韓国
    • インドネシア
    • マレーシア
    • オーストラリア
  • ラテンアメリカ


    • ブラジル
    • アルゼンチン
    • メキシコ
  • 中東・アフリカ


    • 南アフリカ
    • アラブ首長国連邦
    • サウジアラビア
    • イラン
    • エジプト

第6章 企業プロファイル

  • Anheuser-Busch InBev
  • Moscow Brewery Company
  • Arpanoosh
  • Bayerische Staatsbrauerei Weihenstephan
  • Carlsberg
  • Kirin Holdings Company
  • Iran Behnoush Co.
  • S. Martinelli & Company
  • Burke Distribution Corporation
  • Heineken N.V
  • Coors Brewing Company
  • J. Lohr Vineyards & Wines
  • Sutter Home Winery, Inc.
  • Halewood Wines & Spirits
  • Pierre Chavin
  • Suntory Brewery Co., Ltd.
  • Bernard Brewery
  • Big Drop Brewing Co, Ltd.
  • Krombacher Brauerei
  • Erdinger
Product Code: 2776

Non-Alcoholic Wine and Beer Market size is estimated to record a CAGR of over 7% between 2023 and 2032, owing to shifting consumer preferences and lifestyle choices. Health-conscious consumers, looking to reduce their alcohol intake, find non-alcoholic wine and beer appealing for their ability to provide a similar sensory experience without the alcohol content.

There are advancements in production technologies and the development of innovative flavors. With increased investments in R&D, companies are creating products that mimic the taste and aroma of traditional alcoholic beverages. In May 2022, Roberto Vanin, a wine-loving Italian and former Chief R&D Officer of Mars introduced Bolle, a new low or no sparking brewed drink created with a technology that employed special non-alcohol-producing yeast. The industry has witnessed significant improvements in the taste and quality of non-alcoholic wine and beer, making them more appealing to a broader audience.

The non-alcoholic wine and beer industry is segmented on the basis of product, type, sales store, wine, and region.

Liquor stores segment will record a notable growth through 2032, due to evolving consumer preferences and the need for convenient purchasing options. Liquor stores, traditionally associated with alcoholic beverages, are recognizing the growing demand for non-alcoholic alternatives. By incorporating a diverse selection of high-quality non-alcoholic wine and beer brands, these stores cater to consumers seeking both convenience and a familiar shopping environment.

Malted grains segment is slated to generate notable revenues during 2023-2032, favored by the unique contribution to flavor complexity and mouthfeel. Malted grains, such as barley, bring distinctive maltiness, depth, and body to non-alcoholic beverages, creating a more authentic beer and wine experience. The brewing process involving malted grains enhances the beverage profile by imparting rich flavors, resembling the characteristics of traditional alcoholic counterparts.

North America non-alcoholic wine and beer industry share will record a notable growth through 2032, attributed to an increasing health-conscious consumer base seeking sophisticated and enjoyable beverage alternatives. The region's innovative beverage manufacturers are responding to this demand with a focus on product diversification, flavor innovation, and premium quality. Furthermore, the influence of cultural shift, such as a growing preference for mindful drinking experiences, stimulates the regional market growth.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Methodology & Scope

  • 1.1 Research methodology
    • 1.1.1 Initial data exploration
    • 1.1.2 Statistical model and forecast
    • 1.1.3 Industry insights and validation
    • 1.1.4 Definitions
    • 1.1.5 Forecast parameters & considerations
  • 1.2 Data sources
    • 1.2.1 Secondary
    • 1.2.2 Primary

Chapter 2 Executive Summary

  • 2.1 Non-alcoholic wine and beer industry 360 degree synopsis, 2018 - 2032
    • 2.1.1 Business trends
    • 2.1.2 Product trends
    • 2.1.3 Type trends
    • 2.1.4 Material trends
    • 2.1.5 Technology trends
    • 2.1.6 Sales channel trends
    • 2.1.7 Regional trends

Chapter 3 Non-Alcoholic Wine & Beer Industry Insights

  • 3.1 Industry segmentation
  • 3.2 Industry landscape, 2018 - 2032
  • 3.3 Industry ecosystem analysis
    • 3.3.1 Raw material suppliers
    • 3.3.2 Technology/machinery providers
    • 3.3.3 Manufacturers
    • 3.3.4 Distributors & dealers
    • 3.3.5 End users
    • 3.3.6 Profit margin trends
    • 3.3.7 Distribution channel analysis
      • Liquor store
      • Convenience stores
      • Supermarkets
      • Online stores
      • Restaurants & bars
    • 3.3.8 Vendor matrix
  • 3.4 Technology landscape
    • 3.4.1 Restricted fermentation/fermentation-free
    • 3.4.2 Dealcoholisation
      • Reverse osmosis
      • Heat treatment
      • Vacuum distillation
      • Others
  • 3.5 Raw material trends
    • 3.5.1 Grapes
    • 3.5.2 Berries/apples
    • 3.5.3 Malted grains
    • 3.5.4 Hops
    • 3.5.5 Yeasts
    • 3.5.6 Enzymes
    • 3.5.7 Others
  • 3.6 Consumer buying behavior
    • 3.6.1 Unmet Needs
    • 3.6.2 Social & cultural impact forces
    • 3.6.3 Information search
    • 3.6.4 Evaluation of alternatives
    • 3.6.5 Purchase decision
    • 3.6.6 Post purchase behaviour
  • 3.7 Non-alcoholic beverage penetration, 2021
    • 3.7.1 Major importers
    • 3.7.2 Major exporters
  • 3.8 Regulatory landscape
    • 3.8.1 U.S.
      • Guidelines
        • Laws and regulations
        • Beer verses malted beverages
      • Code of Federal Regulations, Part 7 - Labelling and Advertising of Malt Beverages
    • 3.8.2 Europe
      • UK
    • 3.8.3 China
    • 3.8.4 LATAM
      • Brazil
    • 3.8.5 MEA
      • United Arab Emirates
  • 3.9 Pricing analysis, 2018 - 2032
    • 3.9.1 Regional pricing
      • North America
      • Europe
      • Asia Pacific
      • Latin America
      • MEA
    • 3.9.2 Cost structure analysis, 2022
  • 3.10 Industry impact forces
    • 3.10.1 Growth drivers
      • Changing consumption pattern towards healthier alternatives
      • Alcohol consumption restrictions due to religious concerns
      • New product development along with consumer-focused marketing strategies
    • 3.10.2 Industry pitfalls & challenges
      • Flavor and aroma loss during dealcoholization
      • Higher production cost and retail price
  • 3.11 Growth potential analysis, 2022
  • 3.12 Innovation & sustainability
    • 3.12.1 Low sugar and calorie count
    • 3.12.2 Low & non-alcoholic beer and wine using "Lazy" yeast
    • 3.12.3 Reverse osmosis
    • 3.12.4 New product launches
    • 3.12.5 Key patents
  • 3.13 Competitive landscape, 2022
    • 3.13.1 Company market share analysis, 2022
    • 3.13.2 Top players overview
      • Top players overview - Non-alcoholic wine market
      • Top players overview - Non-alcoholic beer market
    • 3.13.3 Investment analysis
    • 3.13.4 Key stakeholders
    • 3.13.5 Strategy dashboard
  • 3.14 Porter's analysis
  • 3.15 PESTEL analysis

Chapter 4 Non-Alcoholic Wine & Beer Market, By Product

  • 4.1 Non-alcoholic wine and beer market share by product, 2022 & 2032
  • 4.2 Wine
    • 4.2.1 Non-alcoholic wine market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 4.2.2 Non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 4.2.3 Non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast, by type, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Alcohol free (0.0% ABV)
        • Alcohol free (0.0% ABV) wine market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Alcohol free (0.0% ABV) wine market estimates & forecast, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Lower alcohol (0.0% - 8.0% ABV)
        • Lower alcohol (0.0% - 8.0% ABV) wine market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Lower alcohol (0.0% - 8.0% ABV) wine market estimates & forecast, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Lower alcohol (8.0% - 12.0% ABV)
        • Lower alcohol (8.0% - 12.0% ABV) wine market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Lower alcohol (8.0% - 12.0% ABV) wine market estimates & forecast, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 4.2.4 Non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast, by material, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Grapes
        • Non-alcoholic wine market estimates and forecast from grapes, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast from grapes, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Berries/apples
        • Non-alcoholic wine market estimates and forecast from berries/apples, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast from berries/apples, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Malted grains
        • Non-alcoholic wine market estimates and forecast from malted grains, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast from malted grains, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Hops
        • Non-alcoholic wine market estimates and forecast from hops, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast from hops, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Yeasts
        • Non-alcoholic wine market estimates and forecast from yeasts, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast from yeasts, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Enzymes
        • Non-alcoholic wine market estimates and forecast from enzymes, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast from enzymes, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Others
        • Non-alcoholic wine market estimates and forecast from others, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast from others, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 4.2.5 Non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast, by technology, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Restricted fermentation
        • Non-alcoholic wine market estimates and forecast from restricted fermentation, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast from restricted fermentation, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Dealcoholization
        • Non-alcoholic wine market estimates and forecast from dealcoholization, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast from dealcoholization, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Reverse osmosis
        • Non-alcoholic wine market estimates and forecast from reverse osmosis, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast from reverse osmosis, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Heat treatment
        • Non-alcoholic wine market estimates and forecast from heat treatment, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast from heat treatment, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Vacuum distillation
        • Non-alcoholic wine market estimates and forecast from vacuum distillation, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast from vacuum distillation, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Others
        • Non-alcoholic wine market estimates and forecast from others, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast from others, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 4.2.6 Non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast, by sales channel, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Liquor stores
        • Non-alcoholic wine market estimates and forecast from liquor stores, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast from liquor stores, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Convenience stores
        • Non-alcoholic wine market estimates and forecast from convenience stores, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast from convenience stores, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Supermarkets
        • Non-alcoholic wine market estimates and forecast from supermarkets, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast from supermarkets, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Online stores
        • Non-alcoholic wine market estimates and forecast from online stores, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast from online stores, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Restaurants & bars
        • Non-alcoholic wine market estimates and forecast from restaurants & bars, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast from restaurants & bars, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
  • 4.3 Beer
    • 4.3.1 Non-alcoholic beer market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 4.3.2 Non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 4.3.3 Non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast, by type, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Alcohol free (0.0% ABV)
        • Alcohol free (0.0% ABV) beer market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Alcohol free (0.0% ABV) beer market estimates & forecast, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Lower alcohol (0.0% - 1.5% ABV)
        • Lower alcohol (0.0% - 1.5% ABV) beer market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Lower alcohol (0.0% - 1.5% ABV) beer market estimates & forecast, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Lower alcohol (1.5% - 3.5% ABV)
        • Lower alcohol (1.5% - 3.5% ABV) beer market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Lower alcohol (1.5% - 3.5% ABV) beer market estimates & forecast, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 4.3.4 Non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast, by material, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Malted grains
        • Non-alcoholic beer market estimates and forecast from malted grains, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast from malted grains, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Hops
        • Non-alcoholic beer market estimates and forecast from hops, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast from hops, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Yeasts
        • Non-alcoholic beer market estimates and forecast from yeasts, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast from yeasts, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Enzymes
        • Non-alcoholic beer market estimates and forecast from enzymes, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast from enzymes, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Others
        • Non-alcoholic beer market estimates and forecast from others, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast from others, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 4.3.5 Non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast, by technology, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Restricted fermentation
        • Non-alcoholic beer market estimates and forecast from restricted fermentation, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast from restricted fermentation, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Dealcoholization
        • Non-alcoholic beer market estimates and forecast from dealcoholization, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast from dealcoholization, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Reverse osmosis
        • Non-alcoholic beer market estimates and forecast from reverse osmosis, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast from reverse osmosis, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Heat treatment
        • Non-alcoholic beer market estimates and forecast from heat treatment, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast from heat treatment, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Vacuum distillation
        • Non-alcoholic beer market estimates and forecast from vacuum distillation, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast from vacuum distillation, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Others
        • Non-alcoholic beer market estimates and forecast from others, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast from others, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 4.3.6 Non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast, by sales channel, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Liquor stores
        • Non-alcoholic beer market estimates and forecast from liquor stores, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast from liquor stores, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Convenience stores
        • Non-alcoholic beer market estimates and forecast from convenience stores, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast from convenience stores, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Supermarkets

4..6.3.1 Non-alcoholic beer market estimates and forecast from supermarkets, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)

        • Non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast from supermarkets, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Online stores
        • Non-alcoholic beer market estimates and forecast from online stores, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast from online stores, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)
      • Restaurants & bars
        • Non-alcoholic beer market estimates and forecast from restaurants & bars, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
        • Non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast from restaurants & bars, by region, 2018-2032 (Million Litres) (USD Million)

Chapter 5 Non-Alcoholic Wine & Beer Market, By Region

  • 5.1 Non-alcoholic wine and beer market share by region, 2022 & 2032
  • 5.2 North America
    • 5.2.1 North America non-alcoholic wine and beer market estimates & forecast, 2018 - 2032, (Million Liters) (USD Million)
    • 5.2.2 North America non-alcoholic wine and beer market estimates & forecast, by product, 2018-2032, (Million Liters) (USD Million)
    • 5.2.3 North America non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast, by type, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.2.4 North America non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast, by material, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.2.5 North America non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast, by technology, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.2.6 North America non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast, by sales channel, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.2.7 North America non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast, by type, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.2.8 North America non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast, by material, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.2.9 North America non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast, by technology, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.2.10 North America non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast, by sales channel, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)

Similar information is provided for

    • 5.2.11 U.S.
    • 5.2.12 Canada
  • 5.3 Europe
    • 5.3.1 Europe non-alcoholic wine and beer market estimates & forecast, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.3.2 Europe non-alcoholic wine and beer market estimates & forecast, by product, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.3.3 Europe non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast, by type, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.3.4 Europe non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast, by material, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.3.5 Europe non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast, by technology, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.3.6 Europe non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast, by sales channel, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.3.7 Europe non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast, by type, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.3.8 Europe non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast, by material, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.3.9 Europe non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast, by technology, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.3.10 Europe non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast, by sales channel, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)

Similar information is provided for

    • 5.3.11 Germany
    • 5.3.12 UK
    • 5.3.13 France
    • 5.3.14 Italy
    • 5.3.15 Spain
    • 5.3.16 Russia
    • 5.3.17 Czech Republic
    • 5.3.18 Sweden

Similar information is provided for

  • 5.4 Asia Pacific
    • 5.4.1 Asia Pacific non-alcoholic wine and beer market estimates & forecast, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.4.2 Asia Pacific non-alcoholic wine and beer market estimates & forecast, by product, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.4.3 Asia Pacific non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast, by type, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.4.4 Asia Pacific non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast, by material, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.4.5 Asia Pacific non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast, by technology, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.4.6 Asia Pacific non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast, by sales channel, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.4.7 Asia Pacific non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast, by type, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.4.8 Asia Pacific non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast, by material, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.4.9 Asia Pacific non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast, by technology, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.4.10 Asia Pacific non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast, by sales channel, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)

Similar information is provided for

    • 5.4.11 China
    • 5.4.12 India
    • 5.4.13 Japan
    • 5.4.14 South Korea
    • 5.4.15 Indonesia
    • 5.4.16 Malaysia
    • 5.4.17 Australia
  • 5.5 Latin America
    • 5.5.1 Latin America non-alcoholic wine and beer market estimates & forecast, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.5.2 Latin America non-alcoholic wine and beer market estimates & forecast, by product, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.5.3 Latin America non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast, by type, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.5.4 Latin America non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast, by material, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.5.5 Latin America non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast, by technology, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.5.6 Latin America non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast, by sales channel, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.5.7 Latin America non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast, by type, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.5.8 Latin America non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast, by material, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.5.9 Latin America non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast, by technology, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.5.10 Latin America non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast, by sales channel, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)

Similar information is provided for

    • 5.5.11 Brazil
    • 5.5.12 Argentina
    • 5.5.13 Mexico
  • 5.6 Middle East & Africa
    • 5.6.1 Middle East & Africa non-alcoholic wine and beer market estimates & forecast, 2018 - 2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.6.2 Middle East & Africa non-alcoholic wine and beer market estimates & forecast, by product, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.6.3 Middle East & Africa non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast, by type, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.6.4 Middle East & Africa non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast, by material, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.6.5 Middle East & Africa non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast, by technology, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.6.6 Middle East & Africa non-alcoholic wine market estimates & forecast, by sales channel, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.6.7 Middle East & Africa non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast, by type, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.6.8 Middle East & Africa non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast, by material, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.6.9 Middle East & Africa non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast, by technology, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)
    • 5.6.10 Middle East & Africa non-alcoholic beer market estimates & forecast, by sales channel, 2018-2032, (Million Litres) (USD Million)

Similar information is provided for

    • 5.6.11 South Africa
    • 5.6.12 UAE
    • 5.6.13 Saudi Arabia
    • 5.6.14 Iran
    • 5.6.15 Egypt

Chapter 6 Company Profile

  • 6.1 Anheuser-Busch InBev
    • 6.1.1 Business Overview
    • 6.1.2 Financial Data
    • 6.1.3 Product Landscape
    • 6.1.4 Strategic outlook
    • 6.1.5 SWOT analysis
  • 6.2 Moscow Brewery Company
    • 6.2.1 Business Overview
    • 6.2.2 Financial Data
    • 6.2.3 Product Landscape
    • 6.2.4 Strategic outlook
    • 6.2.5 SWOT analysis
  • 6.3 Arpanoosh
    • 6.3.1 Business Overview
    • 6.3.2 Financial Data
    • 6.3.3 Product Landscape
    • 6.3.4 SWOT analysis
  • 6.4 Bayerische Staatsbrauerei Weihenstephan
    • 6.4.1 Business Overview
    • 6.4.2 Financial Data
    • 6.4.3 Product Landscape
    • 6.4.4 Strategic outlook
    • 6.4.5 SWOT analysis
  • 6.5 Carlsberg
    • 6.5.1 Business Overview
    • 6.5.2 Financial Data
    • 6.5.3 Product Landscape
    • 6.5.4 Strategic outlook
    • 6.5.5 SWOT analysis
  • 6.6 Kirin Holdings Company
    • 6.6.1 Business Overview
    • 6.6.2 Financial Data
    • 6.6.3 Product Landscape
    • 6.6.4 Strategic outlook
    • 6.6.5 SWOT analysis
  • 6.7 Iran Behnoush Co.
    • 6.7.1 Business Overview
    • 6.7.2 Financial Data
    • 6.7.3 Product Landscape
    • 6.7.4 SWOT analysis
  • 6.8 S. Martinelli & Company
    • 6.8.1 Business Overview
    • 6.8.2 Financial Data
    • 6.8.3 Product Landscape
    • 6.8.4 SWOT analysis
  • 6.9 Burke Distribution Corporation
    • 6.9.1 Business Overview
    • 6.9.2 Financial Data
    • 6.9.3 Product Landscape
    • 6.9.4 SWOT analysis
  • 6.10 Heineken N.V
    • 6.10.1 Business Overview
    • 6.10.2 Financial Data
    • 6.10.3 Product Landscape
    • 6.10.4 Strategic outlook
    • 6.10.5 SWOT analysis
  • 6.11 Coors Brewing Company
    • 6.11.1 Business Overview
    • 6.11.2 Financial Data
    • 6.11.3 Product Landscape
    • 6.11.4 Strategic outlook
    • 6.11.5 SWOT analysis
  • 6.12 J. Lohr Vineyards & Wines
    • 6.12.1 Business Overview
    • 6.12.2 Financial Data
    • 6.12.3 Product Landscape
    • 6.12.4 SWOT analysis
  • 6.13 Sutter Home Winery, Inc.
    • 6.13.1 Business Overview
    • 6.13.2 Financial Data
    • 6.13.3 Product Landscape
    • 6.13.4 Strategic outlook
    • 6.13.5 SWOT analysis
  • 6.14 Halewood Wines & Spirits
    • 6.14.1 Business Overview
    • 6.14.2 Financial Data
    • 6.14.3 Product Landscape
    • 6.14.4 SWOT analysis
  • 6.15 Pierre Chavin
    • 6.15.1 Business Overview
    • 6.15.2 Financial Data
    • 6.15.3 Product Landscape
    • 6.15.4 Strategic Outlook
    • 6.15.5 SWOT analysis
  • 6.16 Suntory Brewery Co., Ltd.
    • 6.16.1 Business Overview
    • 6.16.2 Financial Data
    • 6.16.3 Product Landscape
    • 6.16.4 Strategic outlook
    • 6.16.5 SWOT analysis
  • 6.17 Bernard Brewery
    • 6.17.1 Business Overview
    • 6.17.2 Financial Data
    • 6.17.3 Product Landscape
    • 6.17.4 SWOT analysis
  • 6.18 Big Drop Brewing Co, Ltd.
    • 6.18.1 Business Overview
    • 6.18.2 Financial Data
    • 6.18.3 Product Landscape
    • 6.18.4 Strategic outlook
    • 6.18.5 SWOT analysis
  • 6.19 Krombacher Brauerei
    • 6.19.1 Business Overview
    • 6.19.2 Financial Data
    • 6.19.3 Product Landscape
    • 6.19.4 Strategic outlook
    • 6.19.5 SWOT analysis
  • 6.20 Erdinger
    • 6.20.1 Business Overview
    • 6.20.2 Financial Data
    • 6.20.3 Product Landscape
    • 6.20.4 Strategic outlook
    • 6.20.5 SWOT analysis