

Lunar Economy Growth Opportunities

出版日: | 発行: Frost & Sullivan | ページ情報: 英文 32 Pages | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
出版日: 2023年11月02日
発行: Frost & Sullivan
ページ情報: 英文 32 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次







  • なぜ成長が難しくなっているのか?
  • The Strategic Imperative 8(TM)
  • 月面経済への戦略的重要課題トップ3の影響
  • Growth Pipeline Engine(TM)を支える成長機会


  • 概要
  • 成長促進要因
  • 成長阻害要因
  • 月面経済のバリューチェーン
  • 月のエコシステム
  • 投資情勢
  • ルナーエコノミー:国別分析
  • ルナーエコノミー-持続可能性への影響


  • 成長機会1:ISRU能力
  • 成長機会2:月のインフラストラクチャー
  • 成長機会3:ロジスティクスの実現
  • 図表一覧
  • 免責事項
Product Code: PF64-66

Increased Interest in the Moon Supports a New Market for Enabling Technologies, Infrastructure, and Services on the Lunar Surface

Globally, interest in space is shifting. Once again, the world is experiencing a race to the moon. Key countries, such as the United States and China, are spending billions to return to the moon and develop bases for long-term, sustainable human habitation on the lunar surface. Key programs such as Artemis by NASA support this goal.

Increased interest in the moon supports a new market for enabling technology, infrastructure, and services on the lunar surface, which significantly drives business opportunities.

This study discusses the emerging lunar economy, covering the value chain, ecosystem, efforts, and initiatives by spacefaring nations as well as the current investment landscape. Other study highlights include the lunar economy's impact on sustainability as well as market drivers and restraints. Finally, the study points out three top growth opportunities for the near and long term. Frost & Sullivan has not determined a market size and growth rate in these very early stages of development.

Table of Contents

Strategic Imperatives

  • Why is it Increasingly Difficult to Grow?
  • The Strategic Imperative 8™
  • The Impact of the Top 3 Strategic Imperatives on the Lunar Economy
  • Growth Opportunities Fuel the Growth Pipeline Engine™

Growth Opportunity Analysis

  • Overview
  • Growth Drivers
  • Growth Restraints
  • Lunar Economy Value Chain
  • Lunar Ecosystem
  • Investment Landscape
  • Lunar Economy-Country-level Analysis
  • Lunar Economy-Sustainability Impact

Growth Opportunity Universe

  • Growth Opportunity 1: ISRU Capabilities
  • Growth Opportunity 2: Lunar Infrastructure
  • Growth Opportunity 3: Enabling Logistics
  • List of Exhibits
  • Legal Disclaimer