表紙:Frost Radar:南北アメリカの自動車リース・レンタル市場におけるテレマティクス

Frost Radar:南北アメリカの自動車リース・レンタル市場におけるテレマティクス

Frost Radar: Telematics in Vehicle Leasing & Rental Markets in the Americas

英文 36 Pages
価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=152.30円
Frost Radar:南北アメリカの自動車リース・レンタル市場におけるテレマティクス
出版日: 2023年04月28日
発行: Frost & Sullivan
ページ情報: 英文 36 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次






  • 戦略的必須事項
  • 成長環境

Frost Radar(TM)

  • Frost Radar(TM):南北アメリカの車両リースおよびレンタル市場におけるテレマティクス
  • Frost Radar(TM):競合環境


  • CalAmp
  • Ituran
  • Powerfleet
  • Guidepoint Systems
  • Geotab
  • Verizon Connect
  • Danlaw
  • IMS
  • Zubie
  • Golfleet


次のステップ:Frost Radar(TM)を活用して主要な利害関係者を支援

  • Frost Radar(TM)に映ることの重要性
  • Frost Radar(TM)がCEOの成長チームを支援
  • Frost Radar(TM)は投資家を支援
  • Frost Radar(TM)は顧客を支援
  • Frost Radar(TM)が取締役会を支援

Frost Radar(TM)分析

  • Frost Radar(TM):将来の成長可能性のベンチマーク
  • 免責事項
Product Code: K886-43

A Benchmarking System to Spark Companies to Action-Innovation that Fuels New Deal Flow and Growth Pipelines

Despite the slump and slow recovery in automotive sales following the pandemic and ongoing semiconductor shortages, the vehicle leasing and rental industry in the Americas is on a robust growth trajectory. The Americas denotes Canada, the United States, Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico. Leasing and rental companies in North America and Latin America favor implementing telematics and fleet management solutions in their fleets. Growing concerns among fleet companies, primarily in Latin America, about vehicle theft, negligent driving, and increased road fatalities demand feature-rich connected technologies that prioritize safety, security, and fleet management functions. With telecom and technology companies expanding their portfolio into the internet of things (IoT) solutions, it is imperative that these industry stakeholders extend partnerships with telematics companies and offer fleet management solutions that benefit fleet companies, corporates, and other stakeholders in the vehicle leasing and rental ecosystem.

Connected features enabled by advanced IoT, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning technologies in automotive telematics will help vehicle leasing and rental companies to incorporate new functionalities, such as ADAS, video safety, and keyless access to their fleets.

The emergence of connected car solutions and safety standards within the shared mobility sector will also boost the growth of insurance telematics across leasing and rental fleets to help companies determine insurance claims and premium calculations based on telematics data.

This Frost Radar™ focuses on fleet telematics in the passenger and light commercial vehicle leasing and rental markets. Frost & Sullivan independently plotted the top 10 companies in this analysis: CalAmp, Danlaw, Powerfleet, Guidepoint Systems, Geotab, Verizon Connect, Ituran, Zubie, IMS, and Golfleet. The 10 companies plotted on the Frost Radar™ are benchmarked on 2 primary factors: (1) Innovation, which enables them to offer cutting-edge solutions, and (2) Growth, which allows these companies to hold a strong market position and influence growth trends in the market.

Table of Contents

Strategic Imperative and Growth Environment

  • Strategic Imperative
  • Growth Environment

Frost Radar™

  • Frost Radar™: Telematics in Vehicle Leasing & Rental Markets in the Americas
  • Frost Radar™: Competitive Environment

Companies to Action

  • CalAmp
  • Ituran
  • Powerfleet
  • Guidepoint Systems
  • Geotab
  • Verizon Connect
  • Danlaw
  • IMS
  • Zubie
  • Golfleet

Strategic Insights

  • Strategic Insights

Next Steps: Leveraging the Frost Radar™ to Empower Key Stakeholders

  • Significance of Being on the Frost Radar™
  • Frost Radar™ Empowers the CEO's Growth Team
  • Frost Radar™ Empowers Investors
  • Frost Radar™ Empowers Customers
  • Frost Radar™ Empowers the Board of Directors

Frost Radar™Analytics

  • Frost Radar™: Benchmarking Future Growth Potential
  • Frost Radar™: Benchmarking Future Growth Potential
  • Legal Disclaimer