

The Furniture Industry in Vietnam

英文 114 Pages
価格表記: EURを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1EUR=162.56円
出版日: 2023年04月04日
発行: CSIL Centre for Industrial Studies
ページ情報: 英文 114 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次






第1章 サマリー:ベトナムの家具部門についての重要な事実

第2章 ベトナムの家具市場の可能性

  • 家具市場の概略(2012年~2022年)
  • 経済環境と家具市場の予測(2023年~2024年)

第3章 事業環境の指標

第4章 需要決定要因

第5章 ベトナムの家具消費

  • ベトナムの家具市場と消費の動向:セグメント別

第6章 ベトナムの家具輸入

  • 家具輸入の成長、家具の消費、輸入/消費の比率:セグメント別
  • 家具の輸入元、輸入:セグメント別
  • 家具部品の輸出入

第7章 ベトナムの生産要素

第8章 ベトナムの家具製作

  • 家具生産(2012年~2022年)、生産:セグメント別

第9章 ベトナムの家具輸出

  • 家具輸出の成長、家具の生産、輸出/生産の比率:セグメント別
  • 家具の輸出先、輸出:セグメント別

第10章 ベトナムの家具競争システム

  • 上位50の家具メーカー(FDI、ベトナム所有企業):総売上別
  • ベトナムでビジネス活動を行う主な外資系家具企業

第11章 ベトナムの主な家具メーカー

第12章 ベトナムのの主なFDIと外国企業

第13章 ベトナムのその他の家具企業


Product Code: W05VN

CSIL's Research Report ‘The furniture industry in Vietnam’ offers an up-to-date and detailed analysis of the Vietnamese furniture sector and its prospects , through tables, graphs, illustrated maps, and further information processed from direct interviews with top furniture companies and sector experts.

The Furniture market outline part provides data for furniture production, consumption, imports, and exports for the time series 2012-2022 with furniture market forecasts for 2023 and 2024.

At a supply side, the Vietnam furniture productive system is analysed through selected productive factors (forest area and resources, the structure of land by land use, consumption of wood-based panels, imports of wood-based panels, employment) and a breakdown of furniture production by segment (upholstered furniture, kitchen furniture, office furniture, bedroom, dining and living room furniture, other furniture).

The competitive system includes a ranking of the top 50 manufacturers by furniture turnover, providing detailed profiles including the following information:

  • Company name
  • Address, website, email, year of establishment
  • Ownership and type of company (FDI, Joint Venture, Vietnamese capital)
  • Activity
  • Product Portfolio
  • Turnover and number of employees (last available year, typically 2022 or 2021)
  • Export share and key export markets
  • Manufacturing facilities (number and location)

The above information is available also in the detailed profiles of the top 128 Vietnamese and FDI furniture manufacturers.

Further 140 short profiles of Vietnamese furniture companies, are provided with turnover and number of employees range.

The report overall considers a total of around 270 furniture companies.

The analysis of the Vietnamese furniture market includes:

  • Selected demand determinants (population, main cities, housing floors by region and by types of house, dwelling area per capita, international tourism, expenditure per capita, income per capita and expenditure per capita by type of expenditure);
  • A breakdown of furniture consumption by segment (upholstered furniture, kitchen furniture, office furniture, bedroom, dining and living room furniture, and other furniture).
  • Furniture market forecasts up to 2024.

The international trade of furniture is analysed from and to Vietnam: countries of destination/origin, furniture trade by segment (upholstered furniture, non-upholstered seats, bedroom furniture, kitchen furniture, office furniture, parts of furniture, parts of seats) and furniture trade by country/area.

The study is further enriched by:

  • Prospects of the furniture industry in the country;
  • CSIL's assessment of market potential;
  • A cross-country comparison.

CSIL's Research Report 'The furniture industry in Vietnam' is part of the Country Furniture Outlook Series, that currently covers 100 markets.


Among the selected mentioned companies: An Cuong, Bassett Furniture, Henglin Chair, HHC Corpotarion, Motomotion Vietnam, ScanCom International, Timberland, Truong Thanh Furniture, UE Furniture, Wanek Ashley Furniture.


Vietnam. Furniture export/production ratio, 2012-2022, %

                                           Source: CSIL, 2022: preliminary estimate

In recent years, Vietnam has become the 6th largest furniture producer and the 2nd largest furniture exporter worldwide. Exports have been the country's furniture industry's major driver, increasing from USD 5 billion to nearly USD 20 billion during the last decade.

Vietnam has emerged not only as a hub for domestic production sourcing but also as an attractive option for offshore manufacturing for overseas companies. The number of direct foreign investment companies (FDI) is growing year after year and typically with a larger average size in terms of turnover and workforce.

Table of Contents

1. Summary: Key facts about the furniture sector in Vietnam

2. Vietnam furniture market potential

  • Furniture market outline, 2012-2022
  • Economic environment and furniture market forecasts, 2023-2024

3. Business climate indicators

4. Demand Determinants

5. Furniture Consumption in Vietnam

  • Trends in the Vietnamese furniture market and consumption by segment

6. Vietnam furniture Imports

  • Furniture imports growth, furniture consumption and imports/consumption ratio by segment
  • Origin of furniture imports and imports by segment
  • Imports and exports of furniture parts

7. Vietnam productive factors

8. Vietnam. Furniture Production

  • Furniture production, 2012-2022 and production by segment

9. Vietnam Furniture Exports

  • Furniture exports growth furniture production and exports/production ratio by segment
  • Destination of furniture exports and exports by segment

10. Furniture competitive system in Vietnam

  • Top 50 furniture manufacturers (FDI and Vietnamese owned companies) by total turnover.
  • Major foreign furniture companies with business activity in Vietnam

11. Vietnam. Major furniture manufacturers

12. Vietnam. Leading FDI and foreign companies

13. Vietnam. Other furniture companies

Annexes: Country Rankings, Furniture Data, Furniture Exports and Imports