

Wine Packaging Boxes Market, By Type (Paper, Wooden, Polypropylene, Kraft Paper, Others), By Distribution Channel (Online Retail, Offline Retail), By Region (North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa)

出版日: | 発行: Coherent Market Insights | ページ情報: 英文 150 Pages | 納期: 2~3営業日

● お客様のご希望に応じて、既存データの加工や未掲載情報(例:国別セグメント)の追加などの対応が可能です。  詳細はお問い合わせください。

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
出版日: 2023年08月31日
発行: Coherent Market Insights
ページ情報: 英文 150 Pages
納期: 2~3営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次


レポート対象範囲 レポート詳細
基準年 2022年 2023年の市場規模 17億4,000万米ドル
実績データ 2018年~2021年 予測期間 2023-2030
予測期間のCAGR 7.40% 2030年の市場規模予測 28億6,000万米ドル
Wine Packaging Boxes Market-IMG1

パンデミックの流行により国中のレストランやバーが閉店を余儀なくされ、消費者がホテルやレストランで食事をすることが制限されたため、消費者が自宅で食事をするようになった昨年は、これまで以上に多くのワインがオンラインで注文されました。自宅待機が義務づけられたことで、多くの消費者がオンラインでワインを購入せざるを得なくなり、地元の小売店の棚に並ぶ限られたワインセレクションに縛られることなく、産地を問わず幅広い品揃えのワインを手にすることができるようになっています。より多くのワイナリーがデジタル・マーケティング戦略に投資しているため、eコマース部門はプラス成長を記録すると思われます。Sovos Ship CompliantとWines Vines Analyticsが共同で2023年に発表したレポート「The Direct-to-Consumer Wine Shipping Report」によると、卸売業者や小売業者と利幅を分け合う必要がないため、消費者への直接販売(DtC)が最も活用されている販売チャネルです。同レポートは、米国の1,100以上のワイナリーから消費者への各月の出荷データを分析し、2020年までの出荷数を約4,000万とマークしました。



  • 本レポートでは、世界のワイン包装箱市場を詳細に分析し、2022年を基準年とした予測期間(2023-2030年)の市場規模および複合年間成長率(CAGR %)を掲載しています。
  • さまざまなセグメントにわたる潜在的な収益機会を解明し、この市場の魅力的な投資提案マトリクスを説明しています。
  • また、市場促進要因、抑制要因、機会、新製品の上市や承認、地域別の展望、主要企業が採用する競合戦略などに関する重要な考察も提供しています。
  • 企業概要、業績、製品ポートフォリオ、地理的プレゼンス、流通戦略、主要な発展や戦略、将来計画などのパラメータに基づいて、世界のワイン包装箱市場の主要企業をプロファイルしています。
  • このレポートからの洞察により、企業のマーケティング担当者や管理当局は、将来の製品発売、技術アップグレード、市場拡大、マーケティング戦術に関する情報に基づいた意思決定を行うことができます。
  • 世界のワイン包装箱市場レポートは、投資家、サプライヤー、メーカー、流通業者、新規参入者、財務アナリストなど、この業界の様々な利害関係者に対応しています。
  • 世界のワイン包装箱市場の分析に使用される様々な戦略マトリックスを通じて、利害関係者は意思決定が容易になります。


第1章 調査の目的と前提

  • 調査の目的
  • 仮定
  • 略語

第2章 市場展望

  • レポートの説明
    • 市場の定義と範囲
  • エグゼクティブサマリー
  • Coherent Opportunity Map(COM)

第3章 市場力学、規制、動向分析

  • 市場力学
    • 促進要因
  • 供給側の推進力
  • 需要側の推進力
  • 経済的推進力
    • 抑制要因
    • 市場機会
    • 規制シナリオ
    • 業界動向
    • PEST分析
    • ポーターの分析
    • 新製品の承認/発売
    • プロモーションおよびマーケティングの取り組み

第4章 世界のワイン包装箱市場、コロナウイルス(COVID-19)パンデミックの影響

  • 世界のスマートウォッチ市場に影響を与える要因- 新型コロナウイルス(COVID-19)
  • 影響分析

第5章 世界のワイン包装箱市場、タイプ別、2023年から2030年

  • 木製
  • ポリプロピレン
  • クラフトペーパー
  • その他

第6章 世界のワイン包装箱市場、流通チャネル別、2023年から2030年

  • オンライン小売
  • オフライン小売

第7章 世界のワイン包装箱市場、地域別、2023~2030年

  • 北米
  • 米国
  • カナダ
  • ラテンアメリカ
  • ブラジル
  • アルゼンチン
  • メキシコ
  • その他ラテンアメリカ
  • 欧州
  • 英国
  • ドイツ
  • イタリア
  • フランス
  • スペイン
  • ロシア
  • その他欧州
  • アジア太平洋地域
  • 中国
  • インド
  • 日本
  • オーストラリア
  • 韓国
  • その他アジア太平洋地域
  • 中東とアフリカ
  • 中東
  • アフリカ

第8章 競合情勢

  • 市場シェア分析
  • 企業プロファイル
    • Super Wood Touch
    • DIGRAF
    • Acorn Paper Products
    • DS Smith
    • International Paper
    • Smurfit Kappa
    • Mos Packaging
    • Golden State Box Factory
    • Riverside paper Co
    • Cross Country Box Co. Inc
    • Evergreen
    • Sealed Air
    • Taylor Box
    • ALPPM
    • Spirited Shipper

第9章 セクション

  • 参考文献
  • 調査手法
Product Code: CMI5122

The global wine packaging boxes market is estimated to surpass US$ 2.86 Billion by the end of 2030 in terms of revenue, exhibiting a CAGR of 7.4% during the forecast period (2023 to 2030).

Report Coverage Report Details
Base Year: 2022 Market Size in 2023: US$ 1.74 Bn
Historical Data for: 2018 to 2021 Forecast Period: 2023 - 2030
Forecast Period 2023 to 2030 CAGR: 7.40% 2030 Value Projection: US$ 2.86 Bn
Global Wine Packaging Boxes Market By Product Type in 2023
Wine Packaging Boxes Market - IMG1

As the pandemic forced restaurants and bars to close all over the country and restricted consumers from dining in hotels and restaurants, more wine than ever before was ordered online last year as consumers were left to dine in their own homes. The mandatory stay-at-home orders forced many consumers to buy wines online, thus having a wide selection of wines across regions without being bound by the limited wine selection on the shelves of their local retail shops. The e-commerce sector will register positive growth as more wineries invest in digital marketing strategies. According to a report published by 'The Direct-to-Consumer Wine Shipping Report' in 2023 in collaboration with Sovos Ship Compliant and Wines Vines Analytics, direct-to-consumer (DtC) was the most utilized sales channel as they don't have wholesalers and retailers to share their profit margins with. The report analyzed shipment data from more than 1,100 U.S. wineries to consumers for each month and marked a shipment number of around 40 million over the course of the year 2020.

The Direct-to-Consumer channel did face difficulties and irregularities due to the pandemic like any other sector, but it also benefited from home isolation orders. Most of the wine bottles are made of glass and need to be handled with care before, during, and after the shipment, and here's when packaging boxes come into play. The increasing shipment activities have bolstered the production of packaging boxes. According to the same report, around 8.39 million cases of wine were shipped to consumers for the year 2020 in the US which was 27% more than the previous year, which led 'DtC' to be the most dominant sales channel. The average price of the bottled wine shipped in 2020 also decreased by 9.5%, which is around $37.72 per bottle, which further led to the increased demand for wines and its shipment activities and also caused a reduced visitation to wineries and restaurants favoring stay-at home orders.

Key features of the study:

  • This report provides in-depth analysis of the global wine packaging boxes market, and provides market size (US$ Billion and Tons) and compound annual growth rate (CAGR %) for the forecast period (2023-2030), considering 2022 as the base year
  • It elucidates potential revenue opportunity across different segments and explains attractive investment proposition matrix for this market.
  • This study also provides key insights about market drivers, restraints, opportunities, new product launches or approvals, regional outlook, and competitive strategies adopted by key players.
  • It profiles key players in the global wine packaging boxes market based on the following parameters - company overview, financial performance, product portfolio, geographical presence, distribution strategies, key developments and strategies, and future plans.
  • Key companies covered as a part of this study include Super Wood Touch, Acorn Paper Products, DS Smith, International Paper, DIGRAF, Smurfit Kappa, MosPackaging, Golden State Box Factory, Riverside paper Co., Cross Country Box Co. Inc., Sealed Air, Taylor Box, ALPPM, Evergreen, Spirited Shipper.
  • Insights from this report would allow marketers and management authorities of companies to make informed decision regarding future product launches, technology up gradation, market expansion, and marketing tactics.
  • The global wine packaging boxes market report caters to various stakeholders in this industry including investors, suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, new entrants, and financial analysts.
  • Stakeholders would have ease in decision-making through various strategy matrices used in analyzing the global wine packaging boxes market.

Detailed Segmentation:

  • Global Wine Packaging Boxes Market, By Type:
    • Paper
    • Wooden
    • Polypropylene
    • Kraft Paper
    • Others
  • Global Wine Packaging Boxes Market, By Distribution Channel:
    • Online Retail
    • Offline Retail
  • Global Wine Packaging Boxes Market, By Region:
    • North America
    • U.S.
    • Canada
    • Latin America
    • Brazil
    • Argentina
    • Mexico
    • Rest of Latin America
    • Europe
    • U.K.
    • Germany
    • France
    • Italy
    • Spain
    • Russia
    • Rest of Europe
    • Asia Pacific
    • China
    • India
    • Japan
    • ASEAN
    • South Korea
    • Australia
    • Rest of Asia Pacific
    • Middle East & Africa
    • Middle East
    • Africa
  • Company Profiles
    • Super Wood Touch
    • Acorn Paper Products
    • DS Smith
    • International Paper
    • DIGRAF
    • Smurfit Kappa
    • MosPackaging
    • Golden State Box Factory
    • Riverside paper Co.
    • Cross Country Box Co. Inc.
    • Sealed Air
    • Taylor Box
    • ALPPM
    • Evergreen
    • Spirited Shipper

Table of Contents

1. Research Objectives and Assumptions

  • Research Objectives
  • Assumptions
  • Abbreviations

2. Market Purview

  • Report Description
    • Market Definition and Scope
  • Executive Summary
    • Market Snippet, By Product Type
    • Market Snippet, By Distribution Channel
    • Market Snippet, By Region
  • Coherent Opportunity Map (COM)

3. Market Dynamics, Regulations, and Trends Analysis

  • Market Dynamics
    • Drivers
  • Supply Side Drivers
  • Demand Side Drivers
  • Economic Drivers
    • Restraints
    • Market Opportunities
    • Regulatory Scenario
    • Industry Trend
    • PEST Analysis
    • PORTER's Analysis
    • New Product Approvals/Launches
    • Promotion and Marketing Initiatives

4. Global Wine Packaging Boxes Market-- Impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic

  • Overview
  • Factors Affecting Global Smart watches Market - COVID-19
  • Impact Analysis

5. Global Wine Packaging Boxes Market, By Product, 2023-2030 (US$ Billion)

  • Introduction
    • Market Share Analysis, 2023 and 2030 (%)
    • Y-o-Y Growth Analysis, 2023 - 2030
    • Segment Trends
  • Paper
    • Introduction
    • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2023 - 2030, (US$ Billion)
  • Wooden
    • Introduction
    • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2023 - 2030, (US$ Billion)
  • Polypropylene
    • Introduction
    • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2023 - 2030, (US$ Billion)
  • Kraft Paper
    • Introduction
    • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2023 - 2030, (US$ Billion)
  • Others
    • Introduction
    • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2023 - 2030, (US$ Billion)

6. Global Wine Packaging Boxes Market, By Distribution Channel, 2023 - 2030 (US$ Billion)

  • Introduction
    • Market Share Analysis, 2023 and 2030 (%)
    • Y-o-Y Growth Analysis, 2023 - 2030
    • Segment Trends
  • Online Retail
    • Introduction
    • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2023 - 2030, (US$ Billion)
  • Offline Retail
    • Introduction
    • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2023 - 2030, (US$ Billion)

7. Global Wine Packaging Boxes Market, By Region, 2023 - 2030 (US$ Billion)

  • Introduction
    • Market Share Analysis, 2023 and 2030 (%)
    • Y-o-Y Growth Analysis, 2023 - 2030
  • North America
    • Market Share Analysis, By Country, 2023 and 2030 (%)
    • Y-o-Y Growth Analysis, By Country, 2023 - 2030
    • Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2023- 2030, (US$ Bn )
    • Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel, 2023- 2030, (US$ Bn )
    • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, By Country, 2023- 2030 (US$ Bn)
    • Countries
  • U.S.
  • Canada
  • Latin America
    • Market Share Analysis, By Country, 2023 and 2030 (%)
    • Y-o-Y Growth Analysis, By Country, 2023 - 2030
    • Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2023- 2030, (US$ Bn )
    • Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel, 2023- 2030, (US$ Bn )
    • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, By Country, 2023- 2030 (US$ Bn)
    • Countries
  • Brazil
  • Argentina
  • Mexico
  • Rest of Latin America
  • Europe
    • Market Share Analysis, By Country, 2023 and 2030 (%)
    • Y-o-Y Growth Analysis, By Country, 2023 - 2030
    • Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2023- 2030, (US$ Bn )
    • Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel, 2023- 2030, (US$ Bn )
    • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, By Country, 2023- 2030 (US$ Bn)
    • Countries
  • U.K.
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • France
  • Spain
  • Russia
  • Rest of Europe
  • Asia Pacific
    • Market Share Analysis, By Country, 2023 and 2030 (%)
    • Y-o-Y Growth Analysis, By Country, 2023 - 2030
    • Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2023- 2030, (US$ Bn )
    • Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel, 2023- 2030, (US$ Bn )
    • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, By Country, 2023- 2030 (US$ Bn)
    • Countries
  • China
  • India
  • Japan
  • Australia
  • South Korea
  • Rest of Asia Pacific
  • Middle East aad Africa
    • Market Share Analysis, By Country, 2023 and 2030 (%)
    • Y-o-Y Growth Analysis, By Country, 2023 - 2030
    • Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type, 2023- 2030, (US$ Bn )
    • Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel, 2023- 2030, (US$ Bn )
    • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, By Region, 2023- 2030 (US$ Bn)
    • Countries
  • Middle East
  • Africa

8. Competitive Landscape

  • Market Share Analysis
  • Company Profiles
    • Super Wood Touch
  • Company Overview
  • Product Portfolio
  • Financial Performance
  • Key Strategies
  • Recent Developments
  • Future Plans
    • DIGRAF
  • Company Overview
  • Product Portfolio
  • Financial Performance
  • Key Strategies
  • Recent Developments
  • Future Plans
    • Acorn Paper Products
  • Company Overview
  • Product Portfolio
  • Financial Performance
  • Key Strategies
  • Recent Developments
  • Future Plans
    • DS Smith
  • Company Overview
  • Product Portfolio
  • Financial Performance
  • Key Strategies
  • Recent Developments
  • Future Plans
    • International Paper
  • Company Overview
  • Product Portfolio
  • Financial Performance
  • Key Strategies
  • Recent Developments
  • Future Plans
    • Smurfit Kappa
  • Company Overview
  • Product Portfolio
  • Financial Performance
  • Key Strategies
  • Recent Developments
  • Future Plans
    • Mos Packaging
  • Company Overview
  • Product Portfolio
  • Financial Performance
  • Key Strategies
  • Recent Developments
  • Future Plans
    • Golden State Box Factory
  • Company Overview
  • Product Portfolio
  • Financial Performance
  • Key Strategies
  • Recent Developments
  • Future Plans
    • Riverside paper Co
  • Company Overview
  • Product Portfolio
  • Financial Performance
  • Key Strategies
  • Recent Developments
  • Future Plans
    • Cross Country Box Co. Inc
  • Company Overview
  • Product Portfolio
  • Financial Performance
  • Key Strategies
  • Recent Developments
  • Future Plans
    • Evergreen
  • Company Overview
  • Product Portfolio
  • Financial Performance
  • Key Strategies
  • Recent Developments
  • Future Plans
    • Sealed Air
  • Company Overview
  • Product Portfolio
  • Financial Performance
  • Key Strategies
  • Recent Developments
  • Future Plans
    • Taylor Box
  • Company Overview
  • Product Portfolio
  • Financial Performance
  • Key Strategies
  • Recent Developments
  • Future Plans
    • ALPPM
  • Company Overview
  • Product Portfolio
  • Financial Performance
  • Key Strategies
  • Recent Developments
  • Future Plans
    • Spirited Shipper
  • Company Overview
  • Product Portfolio
  • Financial Performance
  • Key Strategies
  • Recent Developments
  • Future Plans

9. Section

  • References
  • Research Methodology
  • About us and Sales Contact