
米国の歩兵用C-UAS (対無人航空機システム) 市場:エンドユーザー・タイプ別の分析・予測 (2023-2033年)

U.S. Dismounted Counter-UAS Market: Focus on End User and Type - Analysis and Forecast, 2023-2033

出版日: | 発行: BIS Research | ページ情報: 英文 65 Pages | 納期: 1~5営業日

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価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
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米国の歩兵用C-UAS (対無人航空機システム) 市場:エンドユーザー・タイプ別の分析・予測 (2023-2033年)
出版日: 2024年05月17日
発行: BIS Research
ページ情報: 英文 65 Pages
納期: 1~5営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次

米国による歩兵用C-UAS (対無人航空機システム) の導入は、より機敏で柔軟な防衛システムを構築する重要な一歩であり、実質的な作戦上の柔軟性と展開能力を提供します。


予測期間 2023-2033年
2023年評価 6億5,070万米ドル
2033年予測 22億7,320万米ドル
CAGR 13.32%







  • 防衛
  • 国土安全保障


  • RFジャミング
  • レーダー
  • ネットランチャー
  • キネティックカウンターメジャー
  • その他

当レポートでは、米国の歩兵用C-UAS (対無人航空機システム) の市場を調査し、業界の動向、進行中および今後のプログラム、市場成長促進要因・抑制要因、市場規模の推移・予測、各種区分別の詳細分析、競合情勢、主要企業のプロファイルなどをまとめています。



第1章 市場

  • 動向:現在および将来の影響評価
    • AIと機械学習 (ML) の採用と統合の増加
    • 次世代射撃管制光学機器
    • 指向性エネルギー兵器 (DEW)
  • 進行中/今後のプログラム
  • サプライチェーンの概要
    • サプライチェーン分析
  • 新興スタートアップと投資情勢の概要
  • 米国DoDの主要な戦略的パートナーシップ
  • 米国DoDの予算分析
    • C-UASの調達分析
  • 市場力学の概要
    • 事業促進要因
    • 事業上の課題
    • 事業機会

第2章 用途

  • 用途の分類
  • 用途の概要
  • 米国の歩兵用C-UAS市場:エンドユーザー別
    • エンドユーザー

第3章 製品

  • 製品の分類
  • 製品概要
  • 米国の歩兵用C-UAS市場:タイプ別
    • RFジャミング
    • レーダー
    • ネットランチャー
    • キネティックカウンターメジャー

第4章 市場:競合ベンチマーキング・企業プロファイル

  • 次なるフロンティア
    • Black River Systems Company
    • BlueHalo
    • Leonardo DRS
    • CACI International Inc
    • Fortem Technologies
    • Flex Force Enterprises
    • WhiteFox Defense Technologies, Inc
    • Dedrone Holdings Inc.
    • Northrop Grumman
    • DroneShield Ltd
    • その他の主要企業

第5章 調査手法


List of Figures

  • Figure 1: U.S. Dismounted Counter-UAS Market (by End User), 2022, 2026, and 2033
  • Figure 2: U.S. Dismounted Counter-UAS Market (by Type), 2022, 2026, and 2033
  • Figure 3: U.S. Dismounted Counter-UAS, Recent Developments
  • Figure 4: Strategic Initiatives, 2020-2024
  • Figure 5: Share of Strategic Initiatives, 2020-2024
  • Figure 6: Data Triangulation
  • Figure 7: Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approach
  • Figure 8: Assumptions and Limitations

List of Tables

  • Table 1: Market Snapshot
  • Table 2: Impact Analysis of Market Navigating Factors, 2022-2033
  • Table 3: U.S. Dismounted Counter-UAS Market (by End User), $Million, 2022-2033
  • Table 4: U.S. Dismounted Counter-UAS Market (by Type), $Million, 2022-2033
Product Code: DS01941SA

Introduction of U.S. Dismounted Counter-UAS

Implementing the U.S. dismounted counter-unmanned aerial systems represents a significant step in creating more agile and flexible defensive systems, providing substantial operational flexibility and deployment capabilities. These systems are differentiated by their mobility and ease of use in various tactical settings, making them especially useful for ground soldiers traversing diverse terrains. Unlike fixed or larger-scale systems, U.S. dismounted counter-UAS technologies allow for faster responses to aerial threats, improving the security of mobile soldiers and important assets. This strategy to drone defense is becoming increasingly important as unmanned aircraft systems become more common in surveillance and combat, emphasizing the importance of adaptable and efficient U.S. dismounted counter-UAS countermeasures.

Market Introduction

Forecast Period2023 - 2033
2023 Evaluation$650.7 Million
2033 Forecast$2,273.2 Million

In the initial stages of the U.S. dismounted counter-UAS sector, defense and homeland security focused on mitigating risks from advancing drone technologies. The deployment of U.S. dismounted counter-UAS capabilities became pivotal in countering the threats posed by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), which were significant for surveillance and direct attacks on critical assets and personnel. Early efforts in the U.S. dismounted counter-UAS initiatives predominantly utilised modified electronic warfare technologies to neutralize or take over enemy drone communications. However, these initial U.S. dismounted counter-UAS systems often faced limitations in range, target differentiation, and accurately identifying enemy from friendly UAVs. Recognizing the need for enhanced U.S. dismounted counter-UAS solutions, significant R&D, led by agencies like the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), aimed to equip U.S. forces and homeland security with portable, advanced U.S. dismounted counter-UAS tools for diverse operational scenarios. This need spurred rapid market growth, fostering innovations across the defense sector, including advanced radar, directed-energy weapons, and cyber-based technologies for UAS interception, reflecting the critical evolution and expanding capability landscape of the U.S. dismounted counter-UAS domain.

The current landscape of the U.S. dismounted counter-UAS sector showcases a significant evolution, underscored by the integration of advanced technologies and strategic partnerships between defense entities and technology firms. Modern U.S. dismounted counter-UAS systems boast enhanced detection, identification, and neutralization features, leveraging algorithms, machine learning, and sophisticated sensors for superior accuracy and effectiveness. The infusion of AI into U.S. dismounted counter-UAS solutions has revolutionized the automatic detection and engagement of threats, improving response efficiency for U.S. operatives. Efforts to miniaturize U.S. dismounted counter-UAS technologies ensure portability and versatility in deployment across varying terrains. With the DoD's Counter-Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Strategy emphasizing the critical role of U.S. dismounted counter-UAS technologies, the focus remains on promoting innovation, enhancing collaboration, and ensuring swift deployment to safeguard national interests and protect U.S. personnel.

Industrial Impact

The U.S. dismounted counter-UAS market represents a significant milestone in modern military strategy, fundamentally altering the industrial and operational paradigms within the U.S. defense forces and homeland security apparatus. Specifically designed to neutralize the threats posed by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), the U.S. dismounted counter-UAS integrates advanced detection, identification, and neutralization technologies that boast portability and rapid deployability by ground forces across diverse operational scenarios. The industrial impact of the U.S. dismounted counter-UAS has been profound, catalyzing innovations in radar, electronic warfare, and kinetic interception technologies. Consequently, manufacturers and defense contractors are motivated to develop more sophisticated, reliable, and scalable counter-UAS solutions to meet the evolving demands of the U.S. armed forces and homeland security. This leads to a dynamic and rapidly expanding sector dedicated to UAS threat mitigation. The technological progression driven by the U.S. dismounted counter-UAS elevates the operational efficacy of U.S. military and homeland security entities and carves out a crucial domain of technological and industrial advancement and global defense cooperation.

Market Segmentation:

Segmentation 1: by End User

  • Defense
  • Homeland Security

Defense to Dominate the U.S. Dismounted Counter-UAS Market (by End User)

The defense segment leads the U.S. dismounted counter-UAS market, with a 78% share in 2022, due to its special operating requirements for mobility and adaptability and the necessity to mitigate the changing threats posed by unmanned aerial systems in a range of locations. These technologies provide soldiers with the capacity to identify, track, and eliminate drones, which may be utilized for surveillance or as direct threats to the battlefield.

Segmentation 2: by Type

  • RF Jamming
  • Radar
  • Net Launcher
  • Kinetic Countermeasure
  • Others

RF Jamming Segment to Witness the Highest Growth between 2023 and 2033

The RF jamming segment dominated the U.S. dismounted counter-UAS market (by type) in 2022, with a 37% share. It provides a quick and effective way to interrupt the control and navigation signals of enemy drones, rendering them inoperable without inflicting physical damage.

Recent Developments in the U.S. Dismounted Counter-UAS Market

  • In October 2023, WhiteFox Defense Technologies stated that AFWERX awarded them a $1.25 million small business innovation research (SBIR) Phase II contract for Scorpion 3, a lightweight, portable drone detection and mitigation system to solve the most pressing concerns in the U.S. Department of the Air Force (DAF).
  • In March 2024, DroneShield signed a contract with a U.S. Government client for a repeat order of $4.3 million for several of its portable counter-UAS systems. The delivery is scheduled to be completed within the next 15 days utilizing the available stock. DroneShield has been working with this customer for years, having previously completed many smaller purchases. This is the customer's initial material contract, with several larger purchases planned soon. The exact timing and quantity of future orders will be communicated to the market as further information becomes available.
  • In February 2022, Northrop Grumman was chosen to equip the U.S. Marine Corps with the next-generation handheld targeting system (NGHTS). This compact aiming gadget offers exceptional precision and can operate in GPS-denied conditions. Northrop Grumman's NGHTS can conduct quick target acquisition, laser terminal guiding, and laser spot imaging operations. Its high-definition infrared sensors provide precision and grid capability across long distances. Other features include a high-definition colour display and day/night celestial compasses.

Demand - Drivers and Limitations

Market Driver: Increased Military Drone Proliferation

The widespread use of military drones, particularly those capable of surveillance, reconnaissance, and direct engagement, demands improved countermeasures to safeguard troops and key assets. Drones' capacity to operate in a variety of tough locations highlights the need for portable, dismounted counter-UAS (C-UAS) systems that can be deployed quickly and used in various circumstances. This necessity increases the demand for systems that are not only effective at neutralizing threats but also adaptable and easily portable.

Market Restraint: Competition from Alternative Technologies

A growing market for integrated defense systems provides capabilities beyond dismounted counter-UAS. Systems integrating aircraft observation, ground-based radar, and missile defense provide a multifaceted approach to airspace security. The U.S. Army's integrated air and missile defense (IAMD) Battle Command System (IBCS) is an example of this since it provides a complete network capable of managing threats broader than single man-portable systems.

Market Opportunity: AI and ML Integration

Artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques dramatically increase dismounted counter-UAS systems' capacity to recognize and distinguish between friendly, neutral, and hostile UAVs in complicated situations. This accuracy lowers false positives and allows for more efficient countermeasures application. Companies may use this to provide solutions with greater operational effectiveness, attracting military and security-conscious commercial clients.

How can this report add value to an organization?

Product/Innovation Strategy: The type segment helps the reader understand the different types of solutions available for deployment and their potential in the U.S. dismounted counter-UAS market. Moreover, the study provides the reader with a detailed understanding of the U.S. dismounted counter-UAS market by application, based on the end user (defense and homeland security).

Growth/Marketing Strategy: The U.S. dismounted counter-UAS market has seen major development by key players operating in the U.S. dismounted counter-UAS market, such as business expansion, partnership, collaboration, and joint venture. The favored strategy for the companies has been partnerships and contracts to strengthen their position in the U.S. dismounted counter-UAS market. For instance, in May 2022, Fortem Technologies, Inc., alongside the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, announced a new, smaller, portable counter-UAS technology was developed to react directly to the Ukrainian situation. Working jointly with the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, Fortem provided Ukraine with several Fortem SkyDome dismounted/man-portable counter-UAS devices and on-site training and support. The solution comprises the Fortem DroneHunter, which automatically eliminates drones from the sky during the day and night.

Competitive Strategy: Key players in the U.S. dismounted counter-UAS market analyzed and profiled in the study involve major companies offering dismounted counter-UAS designed for various applications to be used by the defense industry or homeland security agencies. Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the U.S. dismounted counter-UAS market has been done to help the reader understand how players stack against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as partnerships, agreements, and collaborations will aid the reader in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the U.S. dismounted counter-UAS market.

Methodology: The research methodology design adopted for the U.S. dismounted counter-UAS study includes a mix of primary and secondary data sources. Both primary resources (key players, market leaders, and in-house experts) and secondary research (a host of paid and unpaid databases), along with analytical tools, are employed to build the predictive and forecast models.

Data and validation have been taken into consideration from both primary sources as well as secondary sources.

Key Considerations and Assumptions in Market Engineering and Validation

  • Detailed secondary research has been done to ensure maximum coverage of U.S. dismounted counter- UASmanufacturers/suppliers operational.
  • Exact revenue information, up to a certain extent, will be extracted for each company from secondary sources and databases. Revenues specific to product/service/technology will be estimated for each market player based on fact-based proxy indicators and primary inputs.
  • The average selling price (ASP) is calculated using the weighted average method based on the classification.
  • The currency conversion rate has been taken from the historical exchange rate of Oanda and/or other relevant websites.
  • Any future economic downturn has not been considered for the market estimation and forecast.
  • The base currency considered for the market analysis is US$. Considering the average conversion rate for that particular year, currencies other than the US$ have been converted to the US$ for all statistical calculations.
  • The term "manufacturers/suppliers" may refer to "systems providers" or "technology providers" as and where relevant.

Primary Research

The primary sources involve experts from various industries, including the defense industry, U.S. dismounted counter-UAS manufacturers and other technology providers. Respondents such as CEOs, vice presidents, marketing directors, and technology and innovation directors have been interviewed to obtain and verify both qualitative and quantitative aspects of the U.S. dismounted counter-UAS research study.

Secondary Research

This study involves extensive secondary research, company websites, directories, and annual reports. It also uses databases, such as Spacenews, Businessweek, and others, to collect effective and useful information for a market-oriented, technical, commercial, and extensive study of the U.S. dismounted counter-UAS market.

Secondary research was done to obtain critical information about the industry's value chain, monetary chain, revenue models, the total pool of key players, and the current and potential use cases and applications in the U.S. dismounted counter-UAS market.

Key Market Players and Competition Synopsis

The U.S. dismounted counter-UAS market landscape has been closely identified through extensive secondary research, which includes an in-depth analysis of company presence, product portfolios, market penetration, and insights gained from consultations with industry experts.

Critical to national defence and security, this field is characterized by experienced major players and ambitious start-ups, each vying for supremacy in the quickly growing U.S.-dismounted counter-UAS sector. As of 2022, the established companies controlled 62% of the U.S. dismounted counter-UAS industry, demonstrating their strong market knowledge and broad product offers. On the other hand, startups accounted for a significant 38% of the market share, owing to new techniques and technology. This dynamic reflects the vibrant and competitive nature of the U.S. dismounted counter-UAS industry, which continues to grow as UAV technologies are adopted in various defense and security domains, attracting an increasing number of competitors each year.

Some prominent names established in the U.S. Dismounted Counter-UAS market are:

  • Black River Systems Company
  • BlueHalo
  • Leonardo DRS
  • CACI International Inc.
  • Fortem Technologies
  • Flex Force Enterprises
  • WhiteFox Defense Technologies, Inc
  • Dedrone Holdings Inc.
  • Northrop Grumman
  • DroneShield Ltd

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Scope and Definition

1 Markets

  • 1.1 Trends: Current and Future Impact Assessment
    • 1.1.1 Growing Adoption and Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)
    • 1.1.2 Next-Generation Fire Control Optic
    • 1.1.3 Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs)
  • 1.2 Ongoing/Upcoming Programs
    • 1.2.1 Pentagon's Counter-UAS Program
    • 1.2.2 U.S. Army's Launched Effects Program
    • 1.2.3 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Mobile Force Protection Program
    • 1.2.4 Lockheed Martin Corporation's Terrestrial Layer System-Brigade Combat Team (TLS-BCT)
  • 1.3 Supply Chain Overview
    • 1.3.1 Supply Chain Analysis
  • 1.4 Emerging Start-ups and Investment Landscape Summary
  • 1.5 U.S. Department of Defense's Major Strategic Partnership
  • 1.6 U.S. DoD Budget Analysis
    • 1.6.1 Procurement Analysis for Counter-UAS
  • 1.7 Market Dynamics Overview
    • 1.7.1 Business Drivers
      • Increased Military Drone Proliferation
      • Evolving Military Doctrine and Asymmetric Warfare
      • Cost-Effectiveness and Scalability
    • 1.7.2 Business Challenges
      • Rapid Technological Advancement in the UAS Sector
      • Competition from Alternative Technologies
      • Cybersecurity Threats from Adversaries
    • 1.7.3 Business Opportunities
      • AI and ML Integration

2 Application

  • 2.1 Application Segmentation
  • 2.2 Application Summary
  • 2.3 U.S. Dismounted Counter-UAS Market (by End User)
    • 2.3.1 End User
      • Defense
      • Homeland Security

3 Product

  • 3.1 Product Segmentation
  • 3.2 Product Summary
  • 3.3 U.S. Dismounted Counter-UAS Market (by Type)
    • 3.3.1 RF Jamming
    • 3.3.2 Radar
    • 3.3.3 Net Launcher
    • 3.3.4 Kinetic Countermeasure

4 Markets - Competitive Benchmarking & Company Profiles

  • 4.1 Next Frontiers
    • 4.1.1 Black River Systems Company
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View
      • Market Share, 2022
    • 4.1.2 BlueHalo
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View
      • Market Share, 2022
    • 4.1.3 Leonardo DRS
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View
      • Market Share, 2022
    • 4.1.4 CACI International Inc
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View
      • Market Share, 2022
    • 4.1.5 Fortem Technologies
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View
      • Market Share, 2022
    • 4.1.6 Flex Force Enterprises
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View
      • Market Share, 2022
    • 4.1.7 WhiteFox Defense Technologies, Inc
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View
      • Market Share, 2022
    • 4.1.8 Dedrone Holdings Inc.
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View
      • Market Share, 2022
    • 4.1.9 Northrop Grumman
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View
      • Market Share, 2022
    • 4.1.10 DroneShield Ltd
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View
      • Market Share, 2022
    • 4.1.11 Other Key Players

5 Research Methodology

  • 5.1 Data Sources
    • 5.1.1 Primary Data Sources
    • 5.1.2 Secondary Data Sources
    • 5.1.3 Data Triangulation
  • 5.2 Market Estimation and Forecast